[NG Survivor] News/ Time to vote (Community)

[NG Survivor] News/ Time to vote // Community

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Jul 12, 2001, 11:37pm
Well, it'll Friday when you guys see this hopefully. And Friday means you're
here at Tribal Council once again. Syntax, congratulations on your immunity,
you cannot be voted off, but of course, you still have to vote off someone.
But, you'll all notice that you are missing one person. Leaf.

Leaf has chosen to leave and resign from the game voluntarily. He is gone on
vacation until the month of August, which would be leaving him for over 3
weeks of gameplay and tribal council. Unfortunately, he left on immediate
notice and did not submit a vote for this week either. HOWEVER, Leaf will be
joining you when he gets back here in tribal council and will be joining 6
of you in casting the Final Vote for a winner. Now, only 8 of you remain,
Syntax, Wing, Casay, Gamer, SW Chris, Nornny, Tony M, and Alphabit Phalpha.
It's time to submit your vote once again.

However, PLEASE reply to me by email if possible at nornny1 at home.com with
your vote. Leaf, and all future members of the jury will be forwarded every
vote with your confessional included. I also ask that from now on, whoever
goes into the jury stay isolated in Activeworlds from the remaining members
of the tribe, unless it is for other business. A lot of you are very social
together, but to simulate REAL gameplay (as many of you would like), I ask
that the jury only reads posts in the newsgroup and go about daily AW
business, rather than scheme or voluntarily chat with the remaining
contestants. However, jury members WILL be able to chat with other jury
members as soon as that member is voted off. You can deliberate until days
end on who to vote for and such. DO NOT leave the newsgroup or stop reading
NG Survivor posts jury members, as near the end, you will be given tasks and
info to help you decide your winner. :)

ALSO IMPORTANT!! This Sunday at 4pm vrt in Alphaworld at 3816n 27581.5e .4a
250, I will be announcing the results of this tribal council live in AW as
part of Festival celebrations. I hope that all 7 of you can come, I'll be in
attendence. Should you show up, you'll be the first to know will be leaving
before I even make up the tribal council results post. Plus, it'd be a great
photo op to have all of you there, but I know many of you are all over the

With only 8 people left, I think it's only fitting we start up with the
Things to consider list:

Nornny was the target of Typo members last tribal council.

Casay had not followed Typo voting and was the biggest blame in losing

Wing had publically shown his intent on throwing out Nornny.

Someone in the community keeping up with the game really hates Tony M.

Alphabit was the target of Casay, which definately can cause friction.

Syntax and SW Chris are both under-the-radar followers in a point in the
game where following might lead to death.

Just to recap: Leaf has resigned from winning the game, he is the first in
the jury of 7. You're halfway through the game. 8 of your peers have been
voted off or have left. 6 more will follow before we crown the Ultimate
Survivor of the AW Newsgroup. It's time to vote off one more, please email
me your vote and attend on Sunday at 4pm vrt to hear the results first. Good
luck again.


<production note: WE NEED DIARIES! :)) I'll also update the webpage with
challenge results and so forth. Remember, it's on awlife.net now. :) Also,
the community vote poll will be put up tommorow morning at
http://awlife.net/survivor/ngcouncil.html as usual. As the game is going,
we're expected to have this game finished by the last week in August at the
latest. I'm shooting for August 24th. Hang in there, it's been a rough two
or three months, but you're almost done and the million dollar prize is
awaiting on the other end. not an easy game, is it? :) >

alphabit phalpha

Jul 13, 2001, 12:24am
Oh man:(
I work IRL from 8am CST to 4:30 pm CST Wednesday thru Sunday:(
Cant we like make it later in the day?
Pleeeeease?:)...*batting eyelashes* but not offering to disclose Cy Winners
as a bribe:)


Jul 13, 2001, 1:30am
Wow, a live tribal council! Sounds fun! I'll be there :-)
Just remind me to come when it starts.
syntax at swcity.net

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Jul 13, 2001, 11:04am
well, it prolly won't happen until 4:50 or so, but it wouldn't make much
sense putting it in another time slot since the 4 o clock one is Adventure
County Survivor. ;(( wish you could be there, but I'll see if I can fit it
in another event. Maybe SW City Casino night? *glares at Syn*


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Jul 13, 2001, 11:07am
whoops, scratch casino night, I was talking about peril mountain night. lol.


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