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syntax // User Search
syntax // User Searcha solution to encroachment?Jan 30, 2001, 9:55pm
Something from the lighter sideJan 31, 2001, 11:17pm
I am pretty sure that someone already posted this website in the newsgroup.
:) Oh well, if you never checked it out the first time, do it now. :D -- Syntax syntax at [View Quote] Random Thought of the Week #1Feb 6, 2001, 4:38am
Made of stone you, the bothers the hell out of me. -- Syntax syntax at [View Quote] User dismissal voteFeb 9, 2001, 8:15pm
Now if this isn't dedication, I don't know what the hell is... -- Syntax syntax at [View Quote] AW's newest competitorFeb 19, 2001, 1:05am
ig0r said he was working on one also. He said it is going to be released by
2002 or 2003 or something. Don't hold your breath though. -- Syntax syntax at [View Quote] AW's newest competitorFeb 19, 2001, 10:16pm
2 headed Aliens invade Clevland!!Feb 18, 2001, 5:26pm
Ugh! Lose the picture!
-- Syntax syntax at 2 headed Aliens invade Clevland!!Feb 19, 2001, 12:59am
Who: Welllllll, seeing as how Facter just released a bunch of Z objects to
everyone in AW, I'm guessing that Facter would be the guy to talk to. Also, Cybernome would be a handy person to talk to, since he practically runs COFmeta. When: Whenever they decide to. How: Do what they did for AW (rename all the Z's to X's) or give you Z rights. Now, lose the picture. :-) -- Syntax syntax at [View Quote] new NG for KAH Town!Feb 19, 2001, 10:20pm
Good to see someone putting some honest effort into a community. You don't
see too much of that these days. Keep it up KAH. :-) -- Syntax syntax at [View Quote] Facter, your mission if you choose to accept itFeb 21, 2001, 4:27am
Eep is right. Just make them all accept light by default... This would
make the most sense and not mess up the AW object library with all these duplicate objects that are the same but do one tiny thing different. -- Syntax syntax at [View Quote] Good News.. to some..Feb 23, 2001, 9:31pm
Ahhhhhhhhhhh Builderz, Comit was just being sarcastic...yeesh
-- Syntax syntax at er, not quote, Roland...Feb 25, 2001, 10:36pm
LOL Eep, ever been to AWGZ and looked at the PCDJ advertisement description
box? It says "Don't just play. Mix! Click here to dowmload PCDJ" "dowmload" Now if that isn't unprofessional, I don't know what is. ;-) Also, the scary this is that this small error has not been seen since the ad was posted on November 4th, 1999! -- Syntax syntax at [View Quote] er, not quote, Roland...Feb 25, 2001, 11:58pm
NewYork's 2nd AnniversaryMar 12, 2001, 8:51pm
-- Syntax syntax at Major bug report - confirmation neededMar 13, 2001, 9:40pm
another countApr 28, 2001, 3:59pm
[NG Survivor] Meet The Survivors -Involuntarily Chosen by me. :)May 9, 2001, 1:07am
Hey Nornny, I'll give it a shot! Since I will never make it onto the real
show, I'll try it out here. :-D -- Syntax syntax at wing has offered absolutely no redeeming value in this NGMay 13, 2001, 12:24am
Well that does it, your filtered buddy.
-- Syntax syntax at --- snip Chucks Party nonsense--- [NG Survivor] Let The Game BeginMay 14, 2001, 1:49am
*peers over into her magazine*
Your luxury item is much more interesting than this picture of SW Comit. *snarl* Anyways Bit, you better go get some firewood, it's getting awfuly cold out here. :-P -- Syntax syntax at [View Quote] [NG Survivor] Let The Game BeginMay 14, 2001, 6:49pm
*notes down a possible alliance between Bit and Gamer*
Verrryyy intersting.. -- Syntax syntax at [View Quote] Streaming Media Display Question.May 14, 2001, 6:57pm
No, streaming video can not be viewed in AW. The closest thing to a video
in AW is an animated JPG or a rapid-update webcam. If you want video, make it pop up in the AW browser. Im sure that is what you did with your video arcade. That is what I did with mine. -- Syntax syntax at [View Quote] I need this bot BAD!May 14, 2001, 7:56pm
The name of Faber's Trivia bot is "Nestor"
As Moff stated, it can be found on The exact URL of the download is -- Syntax syntax at [View Quote] I need this bot BAD!May 14, 2001, 8:42pm
Er that is what I was thinking, Mak. He wants a bot that asks questions to
one person then moves onto the next person when they are finished. I have never heard of anything like this, Nestor seems to be the closest thing to it though... -- Syntax syntax at [View Quote] wrong LOL :-)May 15, 2001, 7:04pm
wtf? Why would you post something like this? O_O
-- Syntax syntax at [View Quote] [NG Survivor] Diary 1 - The Start of StupidityMay 17, 2001, 12:44am
--Syntax's Entry-- 5/16/01
I have just had the weirdest encounter! I was gathering twigs and I seen this small child in the brush. I walked over and there was S p a r K! I asked him what he was doing but his reply was only a series of mumbles. I shook him a few times and he regained his senses. It seems he has been hiding in those shrubs since all the SPAM started flowing through the NGs. I helped him off the ground and informed him that the Survivor challenge has started. Poor guy, already getting his arse whooped by the elements. I hate to see what happens to him as the days pass. Anyways, I helped him up and sent him on his way to the Typo camp. I am sure they will be glad to see him...if he even makes it back. A hungry eepy could easily spot that bright red and blue outfit wandering through the land and charbroil him. Anyways, I hope he makes it back for Tribal Council on Friday night so he can get to know his tribe-mates and maybe develop some sort of game plan before it is too late since Factor will win immunity. ;-P Speaking of the Factor tribe, I have already seen a few people in my tribe talking behind my back. Should I be scared? Of course, you never know what could happen here. But, hopefully immunity comes our way so I don't need to trek to Tribal Council atop the community NG and vote one of my tribe-mates out. Well, I better get some rest. Since I am sleeping near BirdMike's shelter, it should be simple to fall asleep. hehe See ya! --End-- *Sigh* Tourists...May 17, 2001, 3:27pm
PLAY NAME THAT TUNE TONITEMay 17, 2001, 9:23pm
Please see replies to the thread "NEW WORLD OPEN!"
-- Syntax syntax at This just pisses me off a little!!!!....(Might be large)May 17, 2001, 11:12pm
Get real Mike. Use your common sense.
1. If you don't want people to build near your stuff, cover you land. (Ctrl-Insert) 2. If you don't want people to know about your stuff, don't talk about it. 3. If you want ejection in a large world such as AWTeen, dream on. There are so many cheats and liars out there trying to use sob stories to gain power then abuse it. What sets you apart? :-P I totally agree with the core though. They are not "ignorant little people" as you stated, they are people who understand that trusting someone with a privelage such as eject could be a huge mistake. -- Syntax syntax at |