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Why is there so much hate here?

Jun 5, 2001, 2:55am
Thats the garbage can at GZ which leads directly to the site when you click
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Time for you newbies to do some homework

Jun 4, 2001, 6:38pm
Ahh Marcus. If you didn't know about GET, that is your fault...
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Time for you newbies to do some homework

Jun 4, 2001, 6:45pm
This idea sounds good, Marcus. Since you are so up for this idea, do you
think you could scan the perimeter of SW City for us on, oh I don't know, a
monthly basis. 800x500 coords, should only take you about 3 hours. Thanks!
If you would like the job, just reply.
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Time for you newbies to do some homework

Jun 4, 2001, 7:41pm
Have you ever seen the little GET Garbage Can at AWGZ? There it is, right
in your face telling you about GET. Take some responsibility. Research
before rant. etc. :-P
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Time for you newbies to do some homework

Jun 4, 2001, 7:45pm
Now you are just being stubborn and hard-headed. Facter is TRYING his
hardest to make you happy on this porno deal. If your not happy, stop
complaining and don't log into AW if there is so much porno. If you can't
take the heat, get out of the kitchen. Or in this case, if you cant take
the porn, get out of the AW. :-P
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Time for you newbies to do some homework

Jun 4, 2001, 7:52pm
LOL you are being hilarious. You remind me of my mother. "Are you cleaning
your room while pluggin away at that computer???" Some people don't care
about porno or "issues" like that (I happen to like porno :-P, I dunno about
the rest of you guys/gals). They look at it and say "whatever" and move on.
But you on the other hand are dragging this topic right through the dirt
(the NG, hehe) and ripping it to shreds. It has become a joke and so have
you. The porno has been removed and that's that.

His job is not to remove porn either. That is the GET's job for the 100th
freakin' time. He COULD remove it but he has other jobs to do such as
answering people's questions about hardware/software problems etc.
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Time for you newbies to do some homework

Jun 4, 2001, 7:58pm
Ah I see. Marcus does a lot of talking about "passing the buck" but he
seems to be the biggest buck-passer here. You should apply for the GET,
Marcus. They could use someone as enthusiastic as you. ;-)
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Time for you newbies to do some homework

Jun 4, 2001, 8:40pm
[View Quote] Well then, doesn't like you are getting dick-all this time, partner. So
change your ways or shut up.

No reply to this wanted/needed.
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Time for you newbies to do some homework

Jun 4, 2001, 8:45pm
No reply to this wanted/needed.


"Are you coming on to me?"

Yes, Marcus...that is exactly what I am doing.

Now if you would excuse me, I have to go look at porn.

Time for you newbies to do some homework

Jun 4, 2001, 10:33pm
lol Chuck...funny. Too bad no intellegent people want to make contact with
you. Oh wait, you have jfk2 to talk to.
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Time for you newbies to do some homework

Jun 4, 2001, 10:34pm
What did I say? I told him he should go join the GET because he would be a
good member to the team. Only then could he have the power. ;-P
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Pornography and public worlds

Jun 6, 2001, 1:25am
Haha! You hit the bulls-eye on this one, Goober!

My two cents.
Marcus is trying to argue something that could MAYBE turn into a good topic
to reply to/read but it seems whenever Chuck steps in, it turns rotton. If
I were Marcus, I would tell Chuck to keep his nose out of it because,
frankly, Chuck just keeps making him look bad.
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[NG Survivor] The third to go?

Jun 4, 2001, 11:51pm
Seems the community poll is a bit batty right now. 2 dead picture links and
two ways to vote for kellee. hehe, I think someone wants kellee to go! ;-P
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Pornographic Material In Active Worlds (email #3)

Jun 6, 2001, 1:12am
Chris isn't an idiot..... :-\

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Pornographic Material In Active Worlds (email #3)

Jun 6, 2001, 1:17am
Thanks, we work hard on it. :-)
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AWUniversity to Offer New Courses!

Jun 6, 2001, 1:16am
Sounds cool, GK. I will talk to the SW group about maybe offering some tips
on town building.
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[Fwd: Re: Off Topic stuff]

Jun 6, 2001, 9:07pm
I don't think it will be necessary anymore. The moderators and the new
"general" newsgroup should take care of any problems that the community NG
has been faced with.
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Newsgroup Charter...

Jun 6, 2001, 8:53pm
Thank you very much Tom! I think this will resolve most and/or all of the
problems that this newsgroup is facing right now.
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Newsgroup Charter...

Jun 8, 2001, 2:56am
Ahhh baby Eepy... Why are you calling the SW City staff "twits?" We never
post off-topic. We never stir up crap in here. We DO post things related
to Active Worlds and not related to Milk or whatever. You don't know any of
us that well to go and call us twits so "get your facts straight" before you
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(NG) Survivor Diary

Jun 7, 2001, 6:50pm
450, you mean?
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Screen Shots of new awcom build world

Jun 25, 2001, 2:42am
What is the name of this world? Is it public yet?
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Screen Shots of new awcom build world

Jun 25, 2001, 2:46am
Err, sorry. I know it isn't public yet. My real questions are is there a
planned name for it yet? Is there a date for it to be released? :-)
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Cy Votes Close this weekend

Jun 26, 2001, 2:33am
Ahhh ABP that's going against our plot to get rid of Wi......errrr.. :-P
Just jokes :-) We have to worry about possible voting one or two more
people off of our tribe. :-(
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[NG Survivor] Immunity Challenge #...what number is it? Ah yes, 5.

Jun 28, 2001, 5:04pm
Syntax's Diary - 28/6/01 I am. Doing the immunity challenge. I guess I should start
with the rants about the opposing tribe members. I think I'll start with
the person that has caused me the most trouble so far...kellee!

Well..I think kellee has a thing against the SW guys. I mean, when she was
chosen to vote for one of the Factor tribe members in week 2, she voted for
me! O_O And then a week later, she goes and votes for Chris!!! Something is
going on here. You Typo's better watch out for her.

And then there is the little "Wing/Tony M" thing going on. What' up with
these guys anyway? I was making my usual trip to the Typo camp and I see
Wing sitting there hugging his computer heatsink! Then he started to polish
it! This guy loves his cooling system way too much! Then I see Tony
standing behind Wing sprinkling flower petals on Wing as if he was god. I
came back another day and Tony was feeding Wing grapes!!! O_O!!
These two could be a dangerous duo in weeks to come.

Then there is my buddy Spark. Hmm, I'm not sure what to think about this
little dude. I know he is just getting into the swing of the game
but...come on! You should have voted him out when you had the chance!
Like, why the heck would you vote AGENT1 out when you had the chance to vote
Spark!? I don't get it!!!

Now Casay....hmm...what about her?

SW partner in crime. Well, not crime but city building. This
guy hasn't been spotted in the AW universe for about a month now, what's
going on? He seems to be just hanging around the NG's posting stuff that
has no relevance to the topic.

Hopefully Factor does not lose immunity in the next two challenges but we
will see what happens. I will probably have to go for Gamer since his last
blunder on the immunity challenge. Poor KAH took the fall for Gamer last
week but there is no KAH anymore. Better watch out, Gamer. The only reason
I voted KAH and not Gamer is because of some plans I have up my sleeve.

Well, you guys just have to hear this. Nornny and I were talking about some
events that happened in the game. He kept talking about how he was gonna
win the game and crap like that. I mean, come on! Your the host! Your not
gonna win the game! You might as well just jump off the cliff right now
because you are going to be the prime target if you make the merger!

That's it, that's all. I hope I never missed anything.
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[NGS] I hearby resign.

Jun 29, 2001, 6:00pm
*rroooolllssss eyes* Your so busy that you can't even check the NG's? That
takes about 10-15 minutes of your time, maybe less. Whatever, buh-bye.
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Happy Birthday, ActiveWorlds!!!

Jul 3, 2001, 12:20am
Yep, GK hit the nail right on the nose. I was with Cybernome for a while
and we were talking about all these great things that could really boost
Meta's popularity.. Better lighting, new and improved avatars, more objects
etc. He told me he was so close to getting all these things but it never
happend. It's a shame, really. The guy worked so hard on developing that
world and making it a wayyyy better place but AWCI/ENZO/Boogeria just didn't
see it.. :-\ I don't blame the guy for letting the world fall into the
depths of crappiness.
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Low vs High cit numbers

Jul 2, 2001, 3:51pm
308403 here...that is one and a half years old. Right now the cit numbers
are in the 337000 range. Grr, too bad I never got a 29#### because they
just look better. Less noobish. ;-)
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[NG Survivor] The 6th to go...

Jul 2, 2001, 4:00pm
Mango Tribe! Why? Because Chris is Mr. Mango Man. :-P

Actually, we should dig up some name from AW's past and try that out. I'm
browsing Mauz's pages right now. :-)
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[NG Survivor] Let's Merge/ First Immunity Challenge

Jul 3, 2001, 9:53pm
> Nornny: This Nornonton resident and AWTeen worker has everything. He's
> hosting the darn game. Always fair, he's not been able to keep a low
> in this game because of his hosting duties. He accepts that and plays his
> visibility for himself, rather than against.

>Although cocky, he has a right
> to be, he's yet to have any votes on him.

I thought you had the community vote from when BirdMike got voted off?
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[NG Survivor] Let's Merge/ First Immunity Challenge

Jul 3, 2001, 11:01pm
I thought it was the person who received the most community votes, got the
one vote.
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