sw chris // User Search
sw chris // User Search
Jun 6, 2001, 12:40am
Tolerate... now _there's_ an overused term... and misdefined by most
people, I think...
SW Chris
[View Quote]"bitmaster" <bitmeister at i2k.com> wrote in message
news:3b1d6f01 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> m a r c u s,
> I understand your concern, but on the same token, I really think you
> are reaching beyond reality here. You obviously did not read or
> understand the disclaimer that Facter posted here. It simply states
> that they (AWcom) are not liable for anything you might see or read that
> you cannot tolerate. You as a user have agreed to this when you decided
> to use the software, you are responsible for yourself and so is every
> user that uses the medium. I also saw that there was nothing in that
> disclaimer stating that they would respond to your email or that they
> would act on your content.
> Basically, if you don't like it, report it. You have done that. If
> they decide they don't like it either, then so be it.
> Quote in part:
> "You hereby release AWCOM from any and all liability for all
> claims related to Content as well as claims related to the security or
> level
> of privacy provided."
> If this sounds like I am saying to you, "IMO, your just blowing a
> lot of air to get attention and using this subject as a means to get
> it.", I am. ;) As I said before, be responsible for yourself and allow
> the rest of us to be responsible for ourselves.
> Pssst: If AWcom willingly displays porn to you via the company, go get
> em Tiger! ;)
> I addressed this to you m a r c u s but I also wanted to share my
> insight on this with the rest of the group. Some may agree, some may not
> care and others are probably getting tired of this topic. I apologize
> about the IMO line above if I am false with that thought. I still hold
> strong to the rest of the content of this post.
> Sincerely
> Bits
> "m a r c u s" <justdontemail at here.com> wrote in message
> news:3b1d5b14$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> : Sent on - Date: 6/5/01 6:17:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time
> :
> : First 2 attempts provided no response from Inactiveworlds.
> :
> :
Jun 6, 2001, 12:44am
SAW was a fiasco? More like a puff of smoke...
SW Chris
[View Quote]"goober king" <rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu> wrote in message
news:3B1D95A2.A5259199 at acsu.buffalo.edu...
> See, that's the thing. I think I've figured out what Marcus is trying to
do here.
> He's not concerned about porn at all. The only thing he seems to care
about is
> proving that AWLD will not do what he thinks they should be doing. He
seems to think
> that AWCom should be the ones cleaning up trash in AW. The only problem is
he fails
> to realize that it's not AWCom's responsibility to clean up porn. Granted,
if they
> were told of porn being spotted in AW, they'd want to do something about
it. But the
> act of removing said porn is NOT in their job description. That's what GET
is for.
> And even though he's been bombarded with messages telling him how to do
things the
> correct way, he refuses to take the advice and simply repeats what he's
said all
> along: "It's AW's fault, not mine!"
> As I mentioned in a previous post, I'd swear Chuck was training him. The
> between this mess and the whole SAW fiasco are just disturbing...
> moff piett wrote:
> --
> Goober King
> Lord knows we need *another* one of those things...
> rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu
Jun 6, 2001, 12:44am
He's only trying to shoot you because you haven't tried any other ways to
get rid of it. Sending e-mails to AWCom is not the only way. :)
SW Chris
[View Quote]"m a r c u s" <justdontemail at here.com> wrote in message
news:3b1d95c7$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> "Granted, if they were told of porn being spotted in AW, they'd want to do
> something about it."
> Wanting to do something is wonderful, I want to rid aids, cancer,
> etc.. all the bad things. However, removing porn is something we can do.
> Let's ALL work together on this instead of trying to shoot the peron who
> trying to help remove it.
> "goober king" <rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu> wrote in message
> news:3B1D95A2.A5259199 at acsu.buffalo.edu...
> do here.
> about is
> seems to think
> he fails
> if they
> it. But the
> is for.
> things the
> said all
> parallels
> issue,
> in
> porn
> brutal
> tits.
> porn
> you
> continue
> community,
> If
> spread
> and
Jun 6, 2001, 1:32am
I'm sorry, I did read every post, but yours are so long that I must have
missed something. Anyways, if you've already taken care of the problem,
what in the hell are you doing still e-mailing AWcom and bothering this NG
for? huh!? >:(
SW Chris
[View Quote]"m a r c u s" <justdontemail at here.com> wrote in message
news:3b1da092 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Not til now, LOL. He just snuck into this without reading the posts.
> Probably too busy working on SW City, great place.
> "syntax" <syntax at swcity.net> wrote in message
> news:3b1d9fb8 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> emailed
> in
> to
> I
> the
> have
Jun 6, 2001, 12:49am
If the models are appearing wierd in 2.2, we'll need screenshots please...
:) And shouldn't this go under the worldbuilders newsgroup?
SW Chris
[View Quote]"crazy canuck" <crazycanuck at steller3d.com> wrote in message
news:3b1d9112 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I'm having problems with avatars I create working in version 2.2, they
> fine in 3.1. Some seem to work fine others don't What am I doing wrong. I
> test them in rwxmod and they are fine. ..... Help !!!!!!!!!
Jun 6, 2001, 1:35am
Thank god, a post that actually is worth reading. :)
SW Chris
[View Quote]"goober king" <rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu> wrote in message
news:3B1D9DBC.FAE4169C at acsu.buffalo.edu...
> Hey all, just wanted to take a break from all the flaming and bickering to
do a
> little advertising :)
> The ActiveWorlds University is going to be offering a new series of
courses soon
> entitled "Community Building". These courses are meant to teach people
what goes in
> to creating a successful community and how they can "get in on the
action", so to
> speak. But before we can offer these courses, we need people to teach
them! So if you
> think you know all there is to know about the following topics, please
email me at
> gooberking at utn.cjb.net and we can talk more about it in person! Remember,
we need
> *experienced* people who know a *lot* about these topics, so only serious
> will be regarded.
> Starting a Town - This course will teach students everything there is to
know in
> creating and managing a town. Subjects will include GZ/Entrance Design,
Lot Layout,
> Theme Design, and Residential Planning
> Owning & Managing a World - This course will cover all aspects of setting
up a world,
> including Configuring the World Server, Setting up an Object Path,
Creating a
> registry, and finding Hosting for your world
> Building a GZ - This course demonstrates many of the tips and tricks for
creating an
> efficient and informative "Ground Zero" for your town or world, while also
> demonstrating some of the more aesthetic aspects of GZ design.
> Starting an Organization - This course will go through what is necessary
for the
> creation of an organization in AW, as well as demonstrating methods for
keeping the
> org an active player in the AW community.
> Advertising - This course will go through all the advertising resources
> available in the AW community, as well as teaching methods for effective
> Event Coordination - This course goes through all the steps involved in
setting up a
> successful event, including Setting and Theme issues, and the resources
that are
> available to help make your event succeed.
> If you think you'd like to teach a course that's not listed here, but
would still be
> related to the topic of "Building an Successful Community", email me at
the address
> above and we'll see if we can't add it to the list! With your help, we can
make the
> community a better place by helping others help themselves! :)
> --
> Goober King
> AWUniversity Community Building Coordinator
> rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu
Jun 6, 2001, 4:44pm
You're causing more problems than you're correcting, eep.
SW Chris
[View Quote]"eep" <eep at tnlc.com> wrote in message news:3B1E3A22.5B0F211F at tnlc.com...
> Nor does it revolve around off-topic posters like yourself. Go to another
forum if you want to act like an immature idiot. Persist in posting
off-topic here and acting lame and I'll simply persist in bashing you more
and more. It's that simple; do the math. There are PLENTY of other non-AW
newsgroups to post about anything you want. Don't do it in AW's newsgroups.
> Most ISPs and email providers have TOSes (that's terms of service in case
you're too clueless to ever read them) that explicitly state that you are
NOT to post off-topic in newsgroups and that you are to abide by the
newsgroup's charter (if any). Failure to do so could be grounds for your
account being removed.
> news://news.activeworlds.com/3a8570b7%241%40server1.Activeworlds.com for
the charter.
> Newsgroups: community
> Subject: Off Topic stuff
> Lines: 11
> X-Priority: 3
> X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
> X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2314.1300
> X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2314.1300
> NNTP-Posting-Host:
> Message-ID: <3b1e21fb at server1.Activeworlds.com>
> From: "avenger" <snipa2k at hotmail.com>
> Date: 6 Jun 2001 08:28:43 -0400
> X-Trace: server1.Activeworlds.com 991830523 (6 Jun 2001
08:28:43 -0400)
> X-Authenticated-User: avenger
> Path: server1.Activeworlds.com
> Xref: news community:10190
> Good God you are some strange people, i put a little post for a little bit
> of humor, and it seems that the first 8 people who read it, actually got
> it...then you got eep, who completly flips...eep, if you dont like the
> thread...GO READ ANOTHER ONE!!!! for people who actually have a sence of
> humor, let them read the thread...I hate people who alwase try to go by
> rules for everything...just try to have alittle bit of fun..now i all of a
> sudden realise for the 2 years ive had aw, ive only posted on this board
> like 3 times...oh oops, this thread is "off topic"...here comes
> eep......................
> Newsgroups: community
> References: <3b1e21fb at server1.Activeworlds.com>
> Subject: Re: Off Topic stuff
> Lines: 6
> X-Priority: 3
> X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
> X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2314.1300
> X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2314.1300
> NNTP-Posting-Host:
> Message-ID: <3b1e282a at server1.Activeworlds.com>
> From: "avenger" <snipa2k at hotmail.com>
> Date: 6 Jun 2001 08:55:06 -0400
> X-Trace: server1.Activeworlds.com 991832106 (6 Jun 2001
08:55:06 -0400)
> X-Authenticated-User: avenger
> Path: server1.Activeworlds.com
> Xref: news community:10191
> Oh, also eep, as i read through all of your old posts, it seems that YOU
> the one who is more off topic that all of us, since all you do is post
> messages of how dumb people are...OPEN YOUR EYES DUMBASS this board does
> revolve around you
Jun 6, 2001, 4:52pm
I've been around the Internet for awhile, and on almost every forum I see a
"general" category that allows people to post whatever the heck they want
(except for spam and other junk), be it off-topic or not. In fact, one of
the greatest "General" forums is at xwlegacy.net. Go there if you would
like an example, and be sure to look at the "Questions" thread. :)
I can't say the same for newsgroups, becuase I'm relatively new to that
scene. But the simplest solution for this eep vs. almost everyone else war
is to create a "general" newsgroup that folks like Avenger can post their
milk threads in. That way the "Community" newsgroup can stay on topic.
I think the reason forums have a general category is to keep flame wars like
this to a minimum. In the case of this Active Worlds newsgroup, I'm 100%
positive this is a solution acceptable for both parties. Your thoughts? :)
SW Chris
Jun 7, 2001, 10:29pm
right back at you, kid. Fletch just e-mailed me and said they approved
something like this in one of their meetings. ;) Although they thought of
it at the same time as I did, so I really can't take credit for the idea.
SW Chris
[View Quote]"eep" <eep at tnlc.com> wrote in message news:3B1E93FE.B539FDAE at tnlc.com...
> Um, if you want a general forum, GO to one outside of the AW newsgroups.
Duh. Think, please...I know it hurts, but just give it a try, kids. GO
> sw chris wrote:
see a
thoughts? :)
Jun 8, 2001, 12:46am
Judging me before you know me eh? You seem to have a real misunderstanding
about how a community is supposed to thrive. Usually it is that mindless
drivel that makes us a closer group.
SW Chris
[View Quote]"eep" <eep at tnlc.com> wrote in message news:3B2022B4.2A094A7C at tnlc.com...
> <yawn> At least it'll keep you idiots from infesting the REAL AW
newsgroups with your mindless drivel since you're too fucking incompetent to
go to an appropriate forum outside of AW's newsgroups.
> sw chris wrote:
Jun 21, 2001, 2:32am
I don't think we're in Kansas anymore, Toto...
Well.... _I_ am, but still. :D
SW Chris
[View Quote]"budweiser" <charest at balista.com> wrote in message
news:3b316515 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> What happened?
Jun 23, 2001, 1:23am
Do you want the newsgroups down for another two weeks? If everyone did, I'm
sure they'd be more than happy to change it.
SW Chris
[View Quote]"eep" <eep at tnlc.com> wrote in message news:3B33F2C5.1BD69EAC at tnlc.com...
> So you might want to change the network status page then...
> And why call it general.discussion when it's OBVIOUS discussion happens in
newsgroups? "general" is sufficient.
> calpantera wrote:
Jun 22, 2001, 10:06pm
Heyo buddy, what's wrong with the PKs? They are certainly a LOT of help
when it comes to some of the more... malevolent and script-kiddie type
customers that AWCI has. Certainly the PKs as individuals have different
ways of handling things. Some of them don't handle things very well at all.
What I would do is reserve judgement until every single one of them has
handled the same type of case. If the majority of them fail miserably in my
eyes, by all means I would tell them that they should restructure the group!
m0e and MIKsam are trying their hardest to keep their PKs (and future PKs)
respectable. Just like cops, sometimes good ones can go bad. And just like
police also, should you pass judgement on anything, don't judge the police
force on the actions of a few individuals within the force. Most of the
Peacekeepers do try to make life easier for the common user, and for that I
respect them immensely.
SW Chris
[View Quote]"shred" <shred at 1starnet.com> wrote in message
news:3b33aaea at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Facter wrote:
> No, YOU come on.
> You aren't a whole company, either.
> See above.
> AWCI must be incredibly human.
> Magic? Bad luck? A curse?
> Once more, see my first point.
> Oh, yeah, look at that huge crowd in sp at mart!
> It must have been hellkeepers back then.
> Changing peoples names, just to piss them off? How's that for an example?
> Get a decent job with a decent company?
> What kind of answer is that?
> I was talking about AWCI, not the software. Try re-reading my post.
Jun 22, 2001, 10:08pm
I wouldn't go as far to saying it's a monopoly. As you say, Blaxxun has
holdings in the 3-D universe setting too. They are comparable in size and
user base to AWCI. Therefore, it is not a monopoly. Now Microsoft.. now
_there's_ a monopoly.
SW Chris
[View Quote]"chucks party" <Chucks_Party at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3b33ac47 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Can't disagree with you there Sred, they got a nice little monopoly on
> things, even with Blaxxun Contact you buy the Universe software as a 1
> purchase. None of this keep shoveling money into pockets every year. VRML
> good and could be better but atleast the company that owns that product
> doesn't keep you locked into payments every year to use it. So I do
> what AW.com has here is a monopoly. No one can use the software without
> having to be affiliated in some way to AW.com forever being that they host
> all the universes out there. I can't buy the software and go my own way,
> nope doesn't work like that with AW.com's software so it's not like I have
> choice because I do happen to like this software over another. But I nor
> anyone else but AW.com actually owns this software. It's all owned by
> AW.com. You cannot buy the software anywhere that I am aware of. So as
> as they have a monopoly on everything it will be their way or the highway
> "shred" <shred at 1starnet.com> wrote in message
> news:3b3398b1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> my
> for
> you,
> filter
> a
> the
> a
> a
Jun 22, 2001, 10:24pm
Good things that AW has done... hmm... let's see...
1) Creating a group of AW users, like ourselves, that can help us with any
problems we may have, but who are also accountable to a higher authority.
Peacekeepers. :)
2) Bots are nice, and very useful. They can't stay running 24/7 for most
users though. :(
3) The free citizenships when you buy a world server (would eliminating
the cit accounts bring down the cost of the server? If so, may be good as
an optional plan)
4) You are making an effort to break down the barrier of "They never listen
to us." If this is working remains yet to be seen.
5) X objects. :)
6) Tech Talks (though their usefulness still remains to be seen, it lets us
know that we shouldn't be taking our frustrations with the browser out on
7) Moving and rotating objects (just needs a little more improvement to let
avatars ride on them)
8) Vevo. Is this AWCI-sponsored?
9) The ability to fly. While taken for granted, it lets us cross terrain
much faster than by walking.
10) Tech support maybe? I've never had to go to you for help. Yet. ;)
So I don't really know. Perhaps some others could clarify this?
Also, Moria made an interesting point about having a group, like the
Peacekeepers, be the common user's voice in all things AW. This could be
like a House of Representatives or something? Maybe it could go as far as
to hold "elections" for the covetted 10-20 positions on that panel. Of
course this would only work if AWCI did sponsor it, like it sponsors the
Peacekeepers and various other groups. I can drop this into the suggestions
box if ya want. ;)
SW Chris
Jun 23, 2001, 5:06pm
[View Quote]"facter" <facter at activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3b34957f at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Well be having cheap bot hosting very soon =)
Cheers. :)
> I'm not sure. Its kind of moot anyways - you guys dont think that we know
> that we dont in order to grow, even having a high world price is
> to gettting alrger populations? I wont say much more, but I will throw a
> hint at you all to make you think - imagine if everyone when signing up
> the web, got their own small website.
Just what ARE you hinting at, hmm?? You planning on giving out free 10X10
worlds? : ) Me'sa like in any case.
> listen
> I dont know, I think it might be...
> Cheers.
> us
> Yep, it is good that Roland does those.
> I think I'm pretty good at it, I get 98% of peoples problems solved =)
> suggestions
> Its a good idea, and me and Flagg have been talking about this kind of
> for a while...we'll see what we can come up with...
Sign me up for it. ;) Who knows? Maybe even having someone like eep on it
would help. But if there _are_ elections, good luck to him. =P
> F.
Jun 23, 2001, 5:08pm
SW Chris
[View Quote]"eep" <eep at tnlc.com> wrote in message news:3B3459BF.D87D64C9 at tnlc.com...
> mike zimmer wrote:
> Um, PKs didn't ALWAYS exist, newbie. In fact, AW was QUITE peaceful BEFORE
they were created. It was only until the PKs, GKs, and Lucrustia's dictator
bots (Citizen Aide) did things become MUCH more hostile and user-UNfriendly.
> Yea, from many problems caused by themselves (AWCI)...
> Until they stop being greedy they'll NEVER get it. Money is NOT the
end-all be-all of everything, you know. If Rick and JP TRULY believed in AW
and its future they wouldn't try so hard to milk/bleed it dry. If they don't
want to deal with AW anymore they should just sell it to someone who will
and actually DO something with it instead of letting it flounder in VERY
shallow water...
Jun 23, 2001, 7:12pm
Yay! It's about time. :)
SW Chris
[View Quote]"nornny" <Nornny1 at home.com> wrote in message
news:3b35035f$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Well, thanks to Facter and all his hard work (or lack thereof for the
> paranoid who think AWCOM just sits around all day idly staring at the
> ceiling), the Community Newsgroup Survivor is finally back up and running.
> Now, where did we left off. Oh yes, the cows!
> Well, let's recap on this event and we'll see who won immunity. Be careful
> guys, we're nearing a merger. :)
> Facter, as usual, brought in the scores early in the game, while
> Typo took their time. But, Typo gets kudos for uploading most of their
> pics
> while Facter saw it fit to fill up my inbox with large cow photos.
> Party,
> first to be voted off of the troubling Typo tribe went against his team
> and
> sent in a score to help Alphabit and enemy Facter tribe.</p>
> But maybe it wasn't totally in deceit and contempt of Typo, as
> the score was only a mere 410. Either way, Alphabit would rebound, and
> send
> in her score of 450, beating all the other members and beating herself
> while
> flinging all those mad cows. BirdMike and Nornny would try their best,
> come
> up short of the high scores their fellow tribemates would deliver. The
> same
> would happen for Spark and SW Chris. And maybe even worse, Gamer and
> scores
> would never be recieved (either that or it was lost, hey, it's been a
> while)
> to add to the Facter average.
> Typo, it seems, even with the boot of two members already, would
> seem to be pulling together in an attempt to come in the merger
> dominating.
> Let's hope that their members continue the unity, even with the many
> apart.
> Anyways, let's average these scores.
> Facter Tribe - Scores divided by 6 to average to 420
> Typo Tribe - Scores divided by 6 to average to 421.666667
> There you have it, Typo manages to squeeze by Facter and take
> immunity by just 1 and two thirds point. Facter must face their second
> tribal
> council, and now the game becomes even.
> For the full scores, head on over to the Survivor site and on the council
> page at http://www.active-worlds.co.uk/survivor/ngcouncil.html
> Nornny
Jun 24, 2001, 3:45pm
> If scandisk doesn't seem to work, you may want to try Steve Gibson's
> SpinRite utility. Anything you ever wanted to know about it (and more)
> can be found at http://grc.com/spinrite.htm.
> If you are going to get a new hard drive (or more than one drive), and
> need to backup and restore the entire contents of partitions or drives,
> I recommend looking into Symantec's Norton Ghost program, which can be
> found at http://www.symantec.com/sabu/ghost/ghost_personal/.
> If you are unhappy with your current system and choose to buy a new one,
> some relatively inexpensive "bare bones" computer systems can be found
> at http://www.accessmicro.com/hotdeal/computer.php3. If you are looking
> to just buy computer components separately, I recommend checking out
> http://www.pricewatch.com/.
If you would like to hear these options again, please press 5.
I didn't know about SpinRite... I'll have to check that out..
SW Chris
Jun 28, 2001, 1:29am
I was smiling. I was smiling! Leaf! Tell her I was smiling! -=D
SW Chris
[View Quote]"alphabit phalpha" <cy-awards at home.com> wrote in message
news:3b3a6af1$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Dear Diary,
> Gosh...I'm sick.
> Last night kellee and Casay invited me over to thier camp for a cup of
> tea.
> Casay being the wonderful hostess she is...asked what flavor I would
> like. I told her lemon herb....but she insisted I try a new flavor called
> "Silly Siben". I recon because I smile alot she felt it would be more
> fitting.
> Well...the conversation was going pretty well until Casay remarked
> the bird I was donning in my hat.
> I exclaimed....."What??????"
> And low and behold...there was this illustrious yet mysterious new
> addition to my Sunday bonnet.
> The bird seemed to reflect peace and death in it's array of colorful
> feathers and melodious tune.
> Suddenly it's head grew a plume in which spewed purple and gold
> sparkles, kinda like a volcano.
> As it turned out that bird had been Birdmike spying on not only me,
> kellee and Casay also. The spewing sprks was Spark in one of his angry
> moods.
> The 3 of us lit incense and attempted to thwart off this evil demon.
> Only when we had lit its tail on fire....did it flee.
> We set back down. The sun was near setting and I somehow wasn't
> about making the trek back to my camp in the darkness......maybe it was
> full moon smiling down and winking at me that gave me comfort.
> We each had a second cup of that darn Silly Siben tea....and things
> even more weird!
> We heard an animal singing a silly call....it sounded
> like...Nornny,norrny,noooornny! Emphasis on the last word.
> Just then out from the woods popped a shiny flat eyed hairless
> Casay assured me that it was a harmless mammal of the swchristaceas
> That they are all bark and no bite. And they are vergetarians, only
> consuming forest growth.
> I stared into this creatures eyes and stood it off with just a mean
> glare. It seemed to swell up as its fear grew.
> I kinda started feeling bad so I reached down and pet its
> lil...well...swollen but still lil head. It looked up at me and seemed to
> smile.....probably wasnt smiling...but seemed that way.
> I reached over my head and pulled a glimmering leaf from a branch and
> fed it to him.
> Just as the leaf touched the creatures lips....it
> screamed!
> Then turned into that scheming honery Leaf fellow from the Typo tribe.
> had no idea Leaf was capable of transforming into his name.....so thats
> he calls himself leaf!...Duh me!
> Things were getting just TOO weird for me and the nite was passing all
> too fast...so I gave my thanks to my two hostesses and made my way thru
> charcoal black woods to the warmth of our campfire and my purple down
> sleeping bag.
> "tony m" <fldmshl2013 at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3b398ad2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jun 28, 2001, 1:31am
Lies! All lies! I did not ask to be eliminated. ;)
SW Chris
[View Quote]"nornny" <Nornny1 at home.com> wrote in message
news:3b39ff24$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Alphabit's Diary. Posting it for her, since she didn't post it here. :)
> Dear Diary,
> This week has been a weary one....*sigh*
> As much as I don't enjoy saying bad things about people....It has been
> issued as an assignment.
> I have spoken with each of the Typo tribe members and find that their
> demeanor regarding this whole game is that only of negative comments about
> each other...and the whole concept of the game.
> Spark has volunteered to tell me whom he plans on voting off
> ext....Casay:( He mentioned that she feels she knows everything and that
> is always right.
> Wing shared with me some interesting facts regarding his team. I promised
> not to disclose them as they were told to me in confidence. For now
> anyways:)
> kellee plans on also taking Casay out on the next vote.
> TonyM says he has a crush on kellee so his choice would be Casay as he
> doesn't like older women.
> SW Chris has asked that I vote him off as a community person because he
> detests competitiveness amongst friends. I couldn't promise him that I
> do that, cause he's soooo feeling for others:)
> Casay has told me she has a great plan that will ensure her being the
> winner. She wouldn't disclose it....but I know that Gal and know she is
> capable of anything.
> Should we lose this round I plan on taking out our leader Nornny. He
> me way too much and will never see it coming:)
> I have to confess Diary...that in the cow flinging contest...I attempted
> take a pic of the game and rework the totals in Adobe
> Illustrator...LOL...All's fair in love and war eh?:)
> I am truly having a ball with this game! I'm actually hoping to do it
> soon:)
> I have to confess that BirdMike and I were getting up an alliance with
> and Syntax. I'm not sure I can trust Leaf and BirdMike to stick to their
> pledge tho....hmmmmmm
> Well time to rest this weary brain.
> Nite Diary...I loves ya!
> Hugggggs:)
Jun 28, 2001, 1:35am
Next Installment: Leaf Wars: Qui-Gamer Jinn Strikes Back
Nice and refreshing to hear things from the perspective of a fellow Star
Wars fan. :)
SW Chris
May your Force be with you (but odorless)
[View Quote]"leaf" <Leaf at awcw.co.uk> wrote in message
news:3b3a0b42 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Dear Diary,
> Today has been hectic - I almost died. I can`t explain it so I wrote it
> Enjoy. . . .
> *Leaf bursts through the secret Active-worlds.co.uk labs door*
> "Its over Doctor Gamer" I said
> Then the large cone-shaped metal chair swivled around.
> "So we meet again Agent Leaf. Muhahahahahaha" said the one-eyed villian.
> "I`m here to put you out of your misery you freak-show" threatened the
> handsome and good-looking agent of the MI7 team.
> Leaf walked forward and casually put his super-ray-gun into his pocket.
> "Your attempt to assinate President Nornny won`t work you fool" shoouted
> Leaf.
> "Oh, but whoever said I was trying to kill hm. . . Muhahahahahahha" said
> Gamer, with a Evil Grin.
> Leaf steps back in horror!
> "Less of the chat Dr Gamer, lets do this thing like Movie Action Stars are
> supposed to"
> "Let it be so" said Dr Gamer.
> Instantly the two grabbed for their familiar glowing light-stick thingys
> of Star-Wars, they were called Light-Swords. The two charged at each
> then the battle began. Inside the deep lair of this Mater Genius the two
> brave warriors fought.
> "Arrr, so you are a Ledi Knight now Leaf" said the Dr Gamer. "Master Skoda
> has taught you well, but still not enough" added the crook.
> "You can`t win Gamer, if you strike me down I will become more powerful
> you ever imagined" said the young Ledi Knight.
> "Muhahahahahahha, you fool! No one can defeat the great Dr Gamer!
> Muhahahahahahha"! Exclaimed the Doctor.
> The two then exchanged shocking blows and cuts. Then finally Leaf knocked
> Gamer's Light-Sword out of his hand.
> "Its Over you B***h (Sorry this diary is G Rated!)" cursed Leaf.
> "Why are you going to kill me foolish boy!" said the tyrant.
> "You killed my Cat and my best friend Fred! and. . . my. . . father!
> why!" screamed Leaf.
> "No" said the one-eyed bandit.
> "Leaf, I am your. . . . father!"Gamer said!
> "Noooooooooooooooooo, that can`t be true!
> Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" shouted Leaf in
> horror.
> "Will you not kill me now?" said Dr Gamer.
> "No you piece of scum, you still killed my CAT! ! ! !"
> Then Leaf's Light-Sword swooshed through the air and cut of the evil guy's
> head. Leaf dropped his Light-Sword and slowly walked away, but Suddenly he
> heard a small noise. He (like all movie stars do. . .) turned his head and
> saw Dr Gamer.
> "Muhahahahahahaha, if I can`t kill you physically then I guess this bomb
> will!" whispered the crime lord.
> Then a small ticking noise started. Leaf turned his head back and started
> advance to the door. *Mission Impossible music plays* The doors were
> closing! He just got there in time to slid under but when on the other
> he realised his hat was gone, The door just a few inches above the floor
> closing rapidly. He quickly put his hand through and got the hat. Then he
> walked to the entrance and then a large rock boulder was rolling behind
> *Great Escape music plays* He runs as fast as he cans to the door, but
> Master Skoda's ghostly image appears and says "Leaf, use the force!". Leaf
> puzzled said "Eh?". "Use your FORCE!" shouted the little green alien.
> "Oh right" said Leaf.
> Leaf stopped and then breathed in and farted!!! The boulder went backwards
> and this was Leaf's chance to escape. He ran through the entrance and saw
> sunlight once again. He sighed and headed to home sweet home. It had
> finished. . . . or had it???
> -----------------------------------------------------
> Well there you have it, its pretty crazy eh? Well guess I better get
> training, I need to become a stronger Ledi Knight.
> Signing Out. . . .
> [NOTE] Nothing in this passage has any link to the Star Wars Series or
> Bond or Mission Impossible or The Great Escape.
> nornny <Nornny1 at home.com> wrote in message
> news:3b3941c3$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> might
> I
> diary
Jun 28, 2001, 2:16am
SW Chris's Droid Spy Log: VIDEO FILE
Alone in a dark cavern, a lone figure kneels before a pedestal. Ominous
Sith music begins to play over the room's speaker system and a huge hologram
materializes over the pedestal. It is none other than the Sith Lord, Darth
Sidious. His cowl of his robe is raised to hide his face.
The hologram spoke. "Rise."
The figure, cloaked in survival garb, stood up, still hunched over in a
servile state of submission.
"You have done well, Nornny. The plan is proceeding as I have forseen. Soon
you will be the lone Survivor, and I will rise to usurp the power of the
Active Worlds and give this galaxy server the leadership it truly deserves."
"Yes, Lord Sidious. But what about Gamer? He could ruin everything."
"My apprentice, Darth Leaf, will take care of him in due time. That is if
he doesn't blunder it like that sniveling tattooed freak Darth Maul. 'Oh my
horns hurt. Oh I need to do my makeup. Oh my contact lenses came out
again. How can I look menacing without my contact lenses?' Heh. Gamer is
no threat."
"And of the others? Syntax is spending too much time with the Typo tribe
"I have Syntax tied down in endless debate over the outcome of the game. He
will bow to my wishes until it is time to be rid of him. And the others are
no threat whatsoever.
Birdmike has been tarred and feathered. Alphabit, Casay, and kellee are
drunk off of the booze I slipped into their little Kool-Aide like
concoction. The side effects alone will keep them in bed for at least three
to four months.
The secret droid army of Eeps that I financed for you will chase Tony M
around the cosmos for all time. Or at least until we run out of oil and
lubricant. SW Chris will be busy chasing the secret droid army around, so
he is of little bother. And you are playing Wing like a master pianist
plays his piano. Like I said, everything is fine."
"No BUTTS. Especially in the General.Discussion newsgroup. Do not bother
me with trivial questions again! Normally I would zap you right now, but
since you're so new at this servant thing, I'll cut you a break. This time.
Next time, I'll make sure you WILL be the weakest link. Goodbye."
"Yes, Lord Sidious."
The hologram faded out. Nornny abandoned his servile posture and stood to
full height, and began to laugh maniacally, over and over again. *The
camera pans back to reveal the whole chamber. Nornny is just a spec on the
floor, his laughing reverberating off of the chamber walls.* And with a
mighty ZAP, Nornny is shocked. The laughing stops, and a voice can be
"Remember that I am watching you. Do not fail me."
*Nornny is nursing his bruised bum as the camera fades out*
A glint catches his eye. An Imperial probe droid! Nornny grabbed for his
blaster. The probe droid fired off a round before a scintellating scarlet
bolt from Nornny's blaster merged with the camera lens...
Hmm... I wonder what this could mean? I must keep an eye on Nornny. He is
the creator this game of course. Rigging the game *has* to be out of the
question, right Mr. Burnett? :) But this video implies that he is the
mastermind behind this whole scheme too, I think. Very interesting
SW Chris
Jun 28, 2001, 10:53am
You're leaving anyway. If anything you should be MY puppet from here on
out. =P
SW Chris
[View Quote]"wing" <bathgate at prodigy.net> wrote in message
news:3b3ab16f at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Are you sure you didn't say it under the influence of the overmind Wing?
> "sw chris" <chrisw10 at nckcn.com> wrote in message
news:3b3aa509$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jun 28, 2001, 10:54am
lol. I didn't mean that you rigged the game. I was referencing to Mr.
Burnett only. =P
SW Chris
[View Quote]"nornny" <Nornny1 at home.com> wrote in message
news:3b3b280f$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> What's with all the "Kill Nornny" and "Nornny's up to know good" and
> We should zap Nornny!"?? Oh well, two can no doubt play at this game. ;)
> NO, I'm NOT rigging the game, or else the game wouldn't be tied. I prolly
> saved your Typo butt with those "Bonus points" in challenge 2 anyways. You
> were put together randomly, and since then, I've played dirty, yet fair.
> It's not my fault you're in jeaopardy of getting voted off. I'll shed a
> when that day soon comes. ;)
> Nornny
> "sw chris" <chrisw10 at nckcn.com> wrote in message
> news:3b3aaf87 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> <I ate the spy log in frustration and hunger, sorry, it gets barren out
> here>
Jun 29, 2001, 2:09am
LOL. Gorean is a kill word!? Hey Syntax... Gorean. =P There. That
should stop you.
SW Chris
[View Quote]"leaf" <Leaf at awcw.co.uk> wrote in message
news:3b3b5f26 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> "A long time ago in a terrian far far away. . ."
> Return of the Ledi
> The Z-Wing fighter flew into the giangantic hangar of the deadly Seath
> The massive round space station flew around the lonesome world of
> The fighter landed with a thud, hundreds and thousands of Eep's loaded
> Flame guns surrounded the ship. Leaf casually walked out of the vessel.
> "Freeze, you intruding"said one of the Eep's.
> "I surrender" said Leaf with ease.
> "Lord Gamer is waiting for you Intruder" said the Eep.
> "Come this way. . " said another Eep as Leaf was taken to the main throne
> room.
> -----------------------------
> "Hello Father" said Leaf.
> "I see you are accepting the truth young Ledi" said the deep voice of
> "Father, you must give up your mad frenzy and stop the attacks against the
> AW Alliance. If you can`t then it is my mission you kill you. Your act to
> kill Nornny deeply sadened me Father!" said Leaf as hung his head in shame
> of being this monster's son.
> "Power is everything son! Once I defeat all the Ledi I will have Special
> Object rights, then PS and finally Eject. Then my ultimate goal is to
> the supreme ruler of the ActiveWorlds Universe Muhahahahahaha. But Alas! I
> cannot do this myself. My son you must join me the battle. We can rule the
> universe father and son - we will be sooo powerful that AWCOM will glance
> (Yes - GLANCE!) at our reign" sad the mad Gamer.
> "Father - I can`t. Everything you have done. It can`t be this way! You
> killed my dear Master Skoda!" said Leaf - nearly crying.
> "Then it shall be that way! I challenge you to a duel!" said the tyrant.
> *The light sabers swoosh and slide through the air*
> "Don`t let me kill you father. Give in" said Leaf.
> "Never!" shouted Gamer.
> Finally Leaf did some pretty cool stunts flying around and such ;) and
> then lifted the Light Saber above his head and knocked Gamers out of his
> hand. Then Leaf lifted the lightsaber again above him ready for the final
> blow to his head.
> "Please father! Don`t let it happen!" weeped Leaf.
> "I will never be good again! I am. . . a . . . webmaster!" expalined
> "Good Bye father!" said Leaf
> The Saber goes for the head but then Gamer's leg swerves and knocks Leaf
> over onto his back and the LightSaber falls into Gamers Hand!
> "You will not accept the almighty power Leaf - then you are wasting my
> Au Revoir" sighed Gamer.
> Then an image of Master Skoda appeared and said:-
> "Leaf, it is time to you the most ultimate power of the NewsGroup. You
> use it, it is the last option". Then Master Skoda faded.
> "Do you have any last requests my child?" said the father.
> "Yes, just the one. I want to say something" said Leaf. His head bowed
> and a small grin struck his face.
> "Go ahead" said Gamer.
> Leaf recites the Newsgroup Charter.
> "Noooooooooooooo. Noooooooooooooooooooooooo it can`t be! Why?! Noooo stop
> it! It can`t end like this! I can`t take it any more" screamed Gamer.
> Gamer's started to go red and looked liek he was about to explode when
> had finished.
> "Just one word could destroy me, please stop Leaf!" begged Gamer.
> "Gorean. . ." whispered Leaf.
> Gamer exploded into thousands of pieces. It was over. Leaf emerged the
> victorious hero and made his way home back to - ActiveWorlds. The story
> ended. . . .or has it? *Der der duh!*
> Ledi Knight Leaf
> of the Ledi Council.
> Abassador of Ledi World.
> Son to a murdered a father. Owner of a murdered cat. Friend of a murdered
> Fred. He will have his revenge. . . . .
> nornny <Nornny1 at home.com> wrote in message
> news:3b3941c3$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> might
> I
> diary
Jul 1, 2001, 5:25pm
Uh... I didn't spike your punch. Lord Sidious did. ;)
SW Chris
[View Quote]"casay" <casay2 at home.com> wrote in message
news:3b3cd479 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Dear Diary,
> Alas, it's been a long time since I've written. Things have been so busy
> around here. Alpha keeps asking to borrow clothes but isn't returning
> I gave her some of my 'special' tea and while she was busy hallucinating I
> snuck into her camp and got my things back. I also took her only copy of
> Vogue magazine but made sure it looked like Nornny took it. A subscription
> card fell out of the magazine when I picked it up so I left it
> on Nornny's bunk.
> Nornny thinks he's invisible. Thankfully Chris spied on him and we know
> real powers behind all this. Chris and I have plans to go sabotage the
> hologram machine. Little do either of them know the real powers helping
> There's a supposed Eep machine that's creating duplicate Eep's. Rumor has
> that Nornny is in contact with the 'real' Eep. The only person in either
> these tribes that Eep would give the time of day to is me! They 'think'
> know him but they are soooo wrong. I do know him, as much or better than
> most around here. If they have cloned Eep's they've made a huge mistake.
> They wouldn't begin to know how to handle them and those clones will be
> their downfall. The clones would end up wandering the woods saying "Twit!"
> or "Drive though!" over and over after they destroyed the camps. I might
> have to gather a few of the clones up if they exist and put them to my own
> use. I'm sure the real Eep wouldn't mind and would probably aid in helping
> me to control them. They don't know that Eep just re-stocked my frig while
> no one was looking.
> Kellee seems to think I'm gaining weight. Looks can be deceiving and so
> clothes. The extra 'weight' is some of my favorite clothes I'm preventing
> Alpha from taking.. again! If Kellee only knew, underneath this all is a
> 5'10" woman that's a tan and tone 130 lbs. I'm a woman in my prime! I'm
> not sure if I should approach Kellee and band together or not. Not sure
> she's trustworthy since she talks of putting me in quicksand. *Note, stay
> away from quicksand* Might be time for her to go. I love the new baby but
> the endless crying at night is getting on my nerves and I need my beauty
> sleep. This is no place for a baby anyway.
> Spark, well, think it's possibly time for him to go. So young. I have 3
> teenagers at home and don't need to keep dealing with his petty
> I get enough of this at home. This 'vacation' should at least be some what
> relaxing. The other night he complained that SWChris was 'looking' at him.
> Jeese, kids!
> SWChris looks like he's been doing a great job of spying on the other
> I think we need to keep him around for a bit longer. At least until he's
> longer useful. He thinks he gets me drunk and makes me pass out by spiking
> my Kool-Aid. Little does he know that I'm spying on him the whole time.
> just to young to know that a person develops a tolerance to such things
> age and the wisdom to not drink it all.
> I took Tony's last copy of the NG Charter. Of course I made it look like
> Spark did it. I think Tony is going to be lost for now. Without the
> he'll wander around aimlessly. It was good he reported on the Eep clones
> though. Might be useful to keep around for a few of more rounds.
> Wing, alas he's going to be gone before this is over. Might just have to
> vote him off first but could keep him around for a couple of weeks until
> he's banished from the NG's forever. This was the greatest possible
> alliance, Wing and me. We need to hurry and get Alpha removed. At least
> I won't have to keep such a close eye on my wardrobe. I might be better
> making an alliance with Alpha though. The two of us could easily take out
> everyone else. She seems to think that she knows that my tribe is going be
> voting me off. Little does she know that her tribe is doing the same to
> I think I need to talk to her, and soon.
> Poor Birdmike! Looks like his tribe is wanting to get rid of him. I was
> shocked to find him dressed like a clown although I laughed so hard I
> peed my pants! I left to go swimming and when I came back my fellow tribe
> members had done even more terrible things to him. His tribe didn't even
> come to his rescue.
> Looks like Gamer played around to much with the porn hologram. Doesn't he
> know he'll go blind if he keeps doing that?? Not certain whether he
> the crash or not. Terrible, terrible things were done, at least from what
> the log states. I think Leaf and him faked this whole thing and are
> a new strategy. I found recent scraps of porn magazines around their camp
> I don't think they've gone to far.
> Casay
> P.S. Just recieved a package from Wayne. The note with it said : Instead
> using fancy store bought apparel for AW Survivor, you need the Sheena,
> of the Jungle, outfit. Here is is. At night the D'rak'na (sp??) look is
> very good for stalking and disemboweling members of the other tribe. ;)
> Hope this helps,
> Wayne
Jun 27, 2001, 1:37am
This is exactly the sort of thing that does belong in General.discussion.
Post it there. Thanks. :)
SW Chris
[View Quote]"eep" <eep at tnlc.com> wrote in message news:3B38BDA7.A40A867B at tnlc.com...
> This does NOT belong in this newsgroup (take it to general.discussion).
Viruses come out every day! Tyrell knows this but he's just being a putz as
> tyrell wrote:
enough to
AntiVirus uses a
vulnerability so it's not
alleged bug.
'liveupdate'. I now have v2001. The URL lists a 'Reg fix' if it becomes a
be' an issue that affects AW Citizens... As a Citizen and a member of the AW
community 'I' believe it's worth posting... Don't like it, filter me... I'l
lay awake nites worrying about it... NOT... :-)
Jun 27, 2001, 1:39am
Hate to be a party-pooper here, but self-policing does have it's advantages,
as long as it's done in a supportive and non-degenerative way.
SW Chris
[View Quote]"m a r c u s" <justdontemail at here.com> wrote in message
news:3b391889$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> KAH, get that wand out of your hand. You are taking it to heart be some
> means you can dictate what goes where. Not even Tom who posted a charter
> earlier could layout what is acceptable and not in either NG. Either way
> is another step towards segregating the group, and yours is of
> Neither addresses equality of the people.
> Why not allow us to moderate our own area and develop sovereignty within
> group?
> There would not be people like yourself and EEP pissing and moaning about
> "this is off topic" wah wah wah "that doesn't belong there, and this
> belong here and I am king/emperor, bring me more whine"
> "kah" <kah at kahbot.com> wrote in message
> news:3b391299$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> saying...
> set
Jun 28, 2001, 2:18am
Gimme your votes pwease! :) Or does it work like that? Probably not. :(
Anyways sorry to see you go. Guess the rest of us will have to move in with
Kellee's group for NG survivor. You were our ringleader. You sheltered us,
fed us, um... that's about it. Cya 'round. :\
SW Chris
[View Quote]"nornny" <Nornny1 at home.com> wrote in message
news:3b3a8caf at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Now HOW are you going to play NG Survivor without a cit? maybe you can go
> out like Michael Skumpkin (sp) and fall into your fire. :) Don't leave all
> of a sudden, Wing! Play your fate!! Sorry, just had to beg you to at least
> play until the end.
> You'll be missed, and not for Survivor. lol. I do appreciate you getting
> newbies wiled up most of the time. :)
> Nornny
> "wing" <bathgate at prodigy.net> wrote in message
> news:3b3a55d5 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> extend your citizenship for another year, press the Renew
> Why? Cuz I don't feel like paying for it. Most of you
> see me go. I intend to make an exit to touristhood and
> these groups any longer, and may god be with those of you who
> secretly in love with me or some crap like that, contact me
> pluck it off of any of my posts.