sw chris // User Search
sw chris // User Search
Jul 22, 2001, 12:05am
Syntax, are you sure this isn't the same harry potter tourist that used to
hang around us?
SW chris
[View Quote]"harry potter" <felipedrummond at globo.com> wrote in message
news:3b5a29c4 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Don't you think that Alpha World must have more objects?
> Let's ask AW to do it !
Jul 23, 2001, 12:45am
"Put up or shut up."
I believe that is what Facter is trying to do by laying the groundwork and
collecting the objects first... putting up I mean. :)
SW Chris
Jul 22, 2001, 2:44pm
Most servers do support resuming downloads. I would think that those same
servers would support resuming uploads.
SW Chris
[View Quote]"john viper" <jviper at jtsoft.net> wrote in message
news:Xns90E6595994E5Cjviperjtsoftnet at
> Don't know much about FTP, but I think that both the software and the
> have to support it.
> -John
> "imagine" <imagines at seatac.net> wrote in
> news:3b5a6f03 at server1.Activeworlds.com:
> --
> _____________________________________________
> Jeff Tickle (John Viper, #296714)
> jviper at jtsoft.net
> http://www.jtsoft.net
Jul 23, 2001, 3:03pm
Hehe. If there's one thing about The Goober, it's that if he wants you to
know his opinion about something, you got it. ;)
SW Chris
[View Quote]"perseus" <theperseus at optushome.com.au> wrote in message
news:3b5c1299$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> One major thing i have noticed of late, is the involvement of goober
> king in the community. He has always been a major name in the universe of
> aw, but significantly more so recently. The reason that everyone is so up
> and firery in the NGs (no matter which side of the argument they are on),
> due to the lackof involvment on AW Corp in the aw universe. With Lucrezia
> ever fading into the background, Facter who is limited in his opinions on
> anything due to his position at the company and Rick Noll's absolute
> uncaringness for aw, the entire community seem to be looking for somebody
> lead us all. I think the man to fit those giant shoes is right now, is
> Goober King. I don't always agree with every word he says, nor do i
> his view on aw as a company to be completely acurate. But when he writes a
> post in the newsgroups, or gives an opinion on awnews.com, every single
> person seems to be cheering him on (wether they agree or not). Why? purely
> because he is filling the gap and looking out for the entire of aw the way
> AW Corp should have..
> I didnt write this to make goob look like a god, and usually i dont
> much in the newsgroups. But this im sure of, Goob, ur a legend, and on
> behalf of almost everyone in the newsgroup, (once again, should they agree
> with u or not), i felt i needed to congratulate you for standing up,
> what u believe, and pretty much leading us all. :o)
> Perseus
> Just saying what I believe for a change
Jul 24, 2001, 3:55pm
Ahhhh back off! You already got a free cit from that easter egg hunt. :)
SW Chris
[View Quote]"syntax" <sfris at swcity.net> wrote in message
news:3b5cc50e at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> 7
> There ya go, Gamer! $99.00! Hercules 3D Prophet II MX 400. No dif
> GeForce 2 MX 400. Just the brandname. Enjoy! :-)
> --
> - Syntax -
> www.swcity.net
> gamer <Robbie at AWlife.net> wrote in message
> news:3b5ca315 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> page
Jul 24, 2001, 3:55pm
Ah ah... that's a 32 MB card. Gamer, did you want a 32 or 64 MB card?
SW Chris
[View Quote]"gamer" <Robbie at AWlife.net> wrote in message
news:3b5d9fae$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> And Casay takes the lead with $57.99!
> "casay" <casay2 at home.com> wrote in message
> news:3b5d93bd at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> can
> on
> little
Jul 24, 2001, 3:56pm
Oh yah... tha'ts an MX 200, not an MX 400 Casay. :\
SW Chris
[View Quote]"gamer" <Robbie at AWlife.net> wrote in message
news:3b5d9fae$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> And Casay takes the lead with $57.99!
> "casay" <casay2 at home.com> wrote in message
> news:3b5d93bd at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> can
> on
> little
Jul 24, 2001, 4:17pm
Does ebay count? :D Currently $60!
SW Chris
[View Quote]"gamer" <Robbie at AWlife.net> wrote in message
news:3b5ca315 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Ok Guys! I've got a Bonus Challenge Here...
> The Prize for winning this Challenge is a Brand New Citizenship!!
> Heres the Challenge:
> You have 3 days (till 10pm VRT Thusday!) to find me the CHEAPEST place on
> the Internet where I can purchase a GeForce 2 MMX 400 Video Card! Search
> every Online Shop you can find to find the cheapest possible price in US
> Dollars! The Website MUST Accept Credit Cards and cant just be some little
> fake webiste you put up to for a free cit...
> The reason for this Challenge? I NEED A NEW VIDEO CARD! lololol
> So I will be purchasing the Card from the cheapest site, and giving the
> winner his/her account...
> Please post the Cheap Price you have found and the URL directly to the
> with the Product Information, or with instructions on how to get to the
> page...
> Good Luck!
> -Gamer
Jul 25, 2001, 1:32am
blah. My ebay bid still stands. :)
SW Chris
[View Quote]"syntax" <sfris at swcity.net> wrote in message
news:3b5e3d05 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> *takes up Andras' offer* *does better*
> http://ocie.safeshopper.com/39/404.htm?895
> $66.00! 400 MX!
> --
> - Syntax -
> www.swcity.net
Jul 24, 2001, 11:12pm
Facter's world is named Pollen.
SW Chris
[View Quote]"swe" <m_swehli at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3b5e14e7 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> what r u talking bout? in the world AW?if so wasnt there always free
> building?
> if ur talking bout something else and im the only one who doesnt
> can someone please expliain it to me?
> "facter" <"Facter at AWsupport"> wrote in message
> news:3b5de40c at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jul 27, 2001, 4:17am
I'm inclined to think your toughness is a shroud to hide the real you
becuase you are the one that's weak. Without humor, one becomes a very
dismal person.
SW Chris
[View Quote]"eep" <eep at tnlc.com> wrote in message news:3B5FD7A7.783BF30 at tnlc.com...
> <shrug> Not my fault some people are weak. :) Ever heard the expression
"laughter is the best medicine"? Think about it: if you need to make jokes
about things a lot you might be sick in the head a bit (humor has been known
to alleviate pain)...
> wing wrote:
humor even under the most serious circumstances.
get out of the little box you live in.
Jul 27, 2001, 4:20am
two milk jugs? Full and empty are how he looks at the world.
SW Chris
[View Quote]"syli" <rflorez at mindspring.com> wrote in message
news:3b60cc53$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> omg with a name like mine I can't possibly ignore this post. Eep, I have
> enjoyed my visits to Hole and Cubed and very much admire the work you have
> done there. But you are definitely on the wrong track on this one.
> Weakness is more an attribute of someone who can't tolerate the
> imperfections, and idiosyncracies of other people; of someone who can't
> well with others. Humor, along with a few other things, is a nice little
> perk that makes the world go round and helps us get through times of
> suckage. An exhibitor of humor during times of difficulty shows great
> strength. You don't have to participate, however please don't call those
> that do weak. and oh...btw....drive back home and take a look....you have
> (two) milk jugs on your table...one labeled full and one labeled empty :
> --
> ~Syli~
> "eep" <eep at tnlc.com> wrote in message news:3B5FD7A7.783BF30 at tnlc.com...
> "laughter is the best medicine"? Think about it: if you need to make jokes
> about things a lot you might be sick in the head a bit (humor has been
> to alleviate pain)...
> humor even under the most serious circumstances.
news:3B5F6657.27C0790A at tnlc.com...
> get out of the little box you live in.
> model
Jul 27, 2001, 4:31am
That seems more like sarcasm. When exactly "is" the appropriate time? Oh,
and I can give Facter the excuse he needs to kick you right out of here.
Too bad it's likely he probably won't take it because of the implementation
of his new policy. So, let's play a little game of Turn Table. Just to be
safe, don't you cross me or too many others around here, or you may be the
one that'll be banned. >:) That means... i.e. accept our differences, and
we will accept yours, and nobody will be bothered. Have a nice day.
SW Chris
[View Quote]"eep" <eep at tnlc.com> wrote in message news:3B6106AA.A996D12E at tnlc.com...
> Oh I can take and make jokes fine--just at the appropriate time. Facter
was simply using the "joking around" as an excuse because he no longer had
(and has) a viable argument (rebuttal). <chuckle> See? I made a funny...
> wing wrote:
examination on the planet. I can live with that. It must seriously
expression "laughter is the best medicine"? Think about it: if you
bit (humor has been known to alleviate pain)...
of humor even under the most serious circumstances.
news:3B5F6657.27C0790A at tnlc.com...
and get out of the little box you live in.
I model
Jul 27, 2001, 5:34pm
Actually it's not new at all. You become a celebrity in these newsgroups
when eep filters you. :) It's that bad.
SW Chris
Jul 27, 2001, 5:40pm
Ah, and now we are getting to the heart of the matter. You're changing one
of your definitions yet again. I believe your original point was this?:
The whole REASON for humor is to alleviate an imbalance (usually one of
uncomfortableness or pain); it's a defense mechanism. It sure as hell
doesn't make the world go around--gravity does that. Wee, I made another
And now your point is this:
ANYTHING can be humorous. However, if one feels the need to make something
funny out of EVERYTHING, that person either needs attention and/or is using
humor as a defense mechanism for pain (emotional, physical, etc).
See, you changed your point that the only reason for humor is to cure and
imbalance and therefore is a sign of weakness. But now you're saying it's
okay to be humorous and the only time it is a weakness is when the person
attempting to be funny is using it as a defense mechanism.
SW Chris
Jul 30, 2001, 6:44am
Well there you have it. Finally we get some balance to this rather
one-sided debate.
I would say the apparent illusion that customer's concerns aren't being
listened to is because there isn't enough being developed in a speedy amount
of time. And I'd also say that's because there's relatively few cash
reserves compared to the large video game developement houses. The
company's only had since 1999 to make money, and in the eyes of you who want
AW to be more game-like (myself included), AWC would be considered an
independant game developer, lacking the millions of dollars that's required
to bring AW up to current game-like specifications.
On the more personal side of things, I think the facts that they've in a
sense created a limited massively-multiplayer online world (with an economy,
system of government, and population) and that they need to address
citizens' concerns publicly like the President of the US must make speeches
have finally started to sink in. Whew... that's a mouthful. :)
SW Chris
[View Quote]"goober king" <rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu> wrote in message
news:3B620151.8BF4CCBB at acsu.buffalo.edu...
> It took them a week to do, but AWC has finally responded to our "To Whom
It May
> Concern" letter. One response is from Flagg, and the other is from Mr.
Rick Noll
> himself. Here they are, in their entirety. Feel free to respond as you
wish. I still
> need to ponder this a bit longer...
> P.S. To those who missed all this, the original letter is in the post
titled "To Whom
> It May Concern... [long!]"
> ------------------------------------------
> Flagg's response:
> Hi Goober King,
> Thank you for taking the time to voice your concerns regarding our
> product. We value all our customers opinions and appreciate the time and
effort many
> of our users put in to help make Activeworlds the wonderful 3D environment
it is
> today.
> I apologize that you feel yourself and other users have not been listened
to, but I
> have to disagree as I feel we our listening to our community and
addressing what we
> believe are there most important needs. At Activeworlds we get tons of
> suggestions/recommendations every day and usually respond to all of them
> information regarding there ideas and what we can or can not do about
them. I did a
> small search trying to find unanswered suggestions you may have sent in,
> unfortunately I was unable to find to any. If you would like to take the
time and
> outline for me your ideas I will be more than happy to respond to each and
every one
> of them. We also have a suggestion box at
> http://www.activeworlds.com/products/suggest.html and though we do not
respond to
> suggestions placed through this form most of the staff does read all the
> every week.
> As for the rumors that we only cater to corporate clients well that is
just untrue.
> We cater to both the community and corporate clients and I would say it is
about a
> 50/50 split, neither really get's more attention. We have added many user
> features and improvements over the years like whispers, telegrams, light
> Direct 3D and many more. In addition 3.2 has some user requested features
> skyboxes and software mode. (25% of Activeworlds users still use 2.2
because they do
> not have a 3D graphics card). Of course our number one goal is always
improving the
> Activeworlds product and that is what we focus on. Sometimes a release
may be more
> corporate focused and other times it may be more community it is just the
way it is.
> Our users suggestions come in much faster than our new versions go out and
it is
> completely impossible for us implement every suggestion especially sense
some of our
> users suggestions generally conflict with each other.
> Activeworlds has been around a long time now and it is enjoyed by a great
> people. Activeworlds is what it is and we will keep improving it over
time. For
> $19.95 a year, that's $1.66 a month I think we provide a very good product
and I do
> believe the majority of our paying customers would agree.
> Attached to this e-mail is Enzo's response to some of your comments
regarding the
> early days of Activeworlds.
> I look forward to hearing your suggestions and discussing them with you.
> Sincerely
> Tom Fournier
> Customer Service / Sales Manager
> Activeworlds.com Inc.
> 95 Parker St.
> Newburyport, MA 01950
> www.activeworlds.com
> ------------------------------------
> ENZO's response:
> Dear Goober King and all the others who have signed his letter,
> I thank you for your letter and for your obvious concern about both AW and
> community of users. I think that I am at least one of many who share the
privilege of
> being "Whom It May Concern". Allow me to first introduce two sites that
hold much of
> the information relevant to why.
> http://tnlc.com/mauz/awhistory.html
> http://www.multimania.com/nmf/cof/events/meeting.html
> This meeting of course is the one where I say, "* E N Z O: if we can get
> citizens by Sept 97we will NEVER have to charge"
> Please let me address this issue and some of the others you raise in your
> I am sorry to say but that did not happen. We were not able to get a
critical mass
> necessary to sustain ad revenue like many other sites did in 1997-2000. In
the past
> year you have seen the implosion of so many "free" services and dotcom's.
It was a
> reasonable and logical step to charge for citizenship while at the same
time offering
> a free tourist mode to any who wanted it.
> As we moved forward from that day, it became clear that the idealized
views we
> shared were not the only things needed to keep AW up and running. First
there was the
> purchase of the assets from Worlds. Then there were licenses and legal
bills. Then
> the bandwidth and servers. Then came the salaries for employees.
> Since beginning my work as consultant to Worlds Inc. COF was funded on
credit cards
> and overdrafts. COF made just enough money to allow us to operate out of
my parent's
> garage and keep our server up. Shamus worked for extremely minimal pay and
his fianc
> sold off savings bonds to finance his groceries. Ellen and I were never
paid a dime.
> I had several side jobs to support the little shop we had going and we
worked around
> the clock to make sure it stayed alive. Worlds was never able to pay us
and instead
> we rolled the money they owed into an initial purchase bid when they went
under. With
> the small amount we had in savings and credit cards we struggled to keep
our end
> alive. When the owner of the world Atlantis, JP, came on board, he also
put in his
> own money and never received payment. Several times we were running to the
bank to
> make another transfer from savings or checking into the company account so
that the
> checks we had sent out wouldn't bounce.
> We didn't do this with the knowledge that the coming years would bring
about the
> dotcom revolution or that we would ever get any investment at all. We
didn't do it to
> be rich.
> We did it because we loved AW and wanted to keep it alive.
> And that brings us to the Transcend and the now infamous meeting where we
> promises and then supposedly broke them. Here they are as I recall:
> · We do have a newsletter.
> · We have worked to get rid of vandals
> · We have opened new worlds with new models
> · We have added models to the worlds already open
> · We have partnered with the users for content, SDK coding, events
> · We offer servers for a lot less than $495.00 some option at almost
> · There is a T-shirt
> And that brings us to the issue of charging. We were not able to bring
the number of
> people to AW we needed by the time our cash reserves ran out. The choice
at that
> point was close up shop, let the programmers go and let AW die. A paid
> made a lot of sense then and still does. I am sure if you do the math or
compare AW
> to anything else, you will realize that it is well worth $19.95. I don't
know about
> you personally but most people spend that on a movie and popcorn, which
only lasts 2
> hours.
> Now I would like to address your concerns about the way we do business.
AWCI does
> need to run as a business. There is no way around this fact. In order to
stay alive
> and keep AW up, people need to work here.
> Somebody needs to answer support email, somebody runs the servers,
somebody repairs
> and upgrades them, somebody needs to do artwork, somebody needs to code,
> needs to make bots, somebody needs to make sure the lights stay on and the
rent is
> paid.
> I will also tell you that although we began paying salaries to all the
> starting soon after that meeting, neither JP, Ellen or myself ever got a
cent until
> January of 1999 when we got our first round of investment. Added together
that is a
> period of 10 years fulltime (if 60 hour weeks and no weekends count as
fulltime). No
> other employee, even the ones that love it just as much as we do was ever
able to
> work for no pay except for Shamus and Lucrezia for which we were and will
> grateful.
> To make sure all these things happen we need to grow interest in AW from
the outside
> world. This means working with partners and projects that you probably
don't care
> about. You may feel that things here are done solely on the basis of
marketing or PR.
> That is your right, it is mine to disagree. Look at all the features AW
has gotten
> since 1997. Some are:
> · whispering,
> · file transfer,
> · unique tourist names
> · avatar "fade out" effect
> · avatars in the main scene
> · mousewheel support
> · help files online only
> · speak and bot rights
> · built-in administration utilities
> · encrypted protocol, an SDK, lighting
> · fog
> · move and rotate
> · acceleration
> · higher cell data limits
> .and I name only a few of the most obvious. I have heard that 3.2 is ALL
> corporate users because it includes firewall support. Don't any of you
think some
> non-corporate users are behind firewalls? Don't some of us use NT and
would like
> hardware acceleration that Microsoft doesn't support? Won't a software
> help more than a few? And what about skyboxes and 200 meter vis? What
corporate and
> educational users benefit from that? But do not get me wrong, our
corporate users are
> just as important to us, and just as much part of the community as anyone
else who
> uses AW. We will continue to add features both the corporate users and the
> community at large benefit from.
> I am also unaware of the "world server prices skyrocketing". In fact as
far as I can
> tell if you buy the smallest world server we offer you renew it at $10.00
a year! And
> that includes a FREE citizenship. How can you say the pricing is
unreasonable? Ten
> dollars doesn't send even any kids I know "scrambling".
> All of us here want AW to be a better place. AW is not just about
software, it is
> about people. The reason we work here is to make it happen. We enjoy it
and we enjoy
> the community you all have created. We want you to enjoy AW as much as we
do. We
> would be happy to work with you in any reasonable way.
> Sincerely,
> Rick
> Rick Noll
> CEO Activeworlds Inc.
> enzo at activeworlds.com
> ------------------------------------------
> --
> Goober King
> This is not to be taken lightly....
> rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu
Aug 3, 2001, 12:54am
Whoa, slow down. You're logic is missing something. Any CEO in his right
mind would want his company to get as many customers as possible. In Active
Worlds' situation, to get those customers, one of the things they would do
to gain a larger customer base would be to implement the suggestions of
existing customers. Now anyone knows they can't implement every feature the
customers suggest, but if you've already taken that into account and think
they aren't doing enough, think about this: There's something that's
stopping them from implementing more features that has obviously been
miscontrued as not carring about the community a.k.a. customer base. My
guess is that it's capital. Money. Moolah. Cash.
One another note, they're not going to come right out and say they don't
have enough money, because, well, AWCom would lose customers. :) So that's
why you get a letter "that doesn't really answer any of your questions and
has that calm, I don't want to offend you look to it." While this might
assauge the feelings of the customer base for a short while, think about
this: Offending someone would make you lose customers. Losing customers
makes you lose money. Losing money means you have even less capital to use
to make the Software better. That in turn makes the community think the CEO
doesn't care about the community. The cycle begins again. So you see,
writing a straight-out letter does nothing to solve things in the long run,
even if the events above are not as extreme as perceived by me.
I'm simply trying to see things from all angles.
SW Chris
[View Quote]"darkdude" <darkdude at myrealbox.com> wrote in message
news:Xns90F0F32E05259darkdudemyrealboxcom at
> Why do all the companys I e-mail reply with a message like this? One that
> doesn't really answer any of your questions and has that calm, I don't
> to offend you look to it. I say that everything goober has written is
> Most of the worlds that used to be full and exciting are now empty and
> lonely. Last time I checked most of the building in the world abc is from
> 1998. And while AWCom DOES listen to our suggestions about the software,
> they ignore what the community of AW wants and needs to prosper. Lower
> prices, more interesting, interactive, and up-to-date worlds, and more
> organizations to bind the community together. The AW community is falling
> apart and it's time to see if AWCom gives a damn about the people that use
> their software.
> Alex Rawlings
> DarkDude
> Cit. # 315386
> "goober king" <rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu> wrote in
> news:3B620151.8BF4CCBB at acsu.buffalo.edu:
Jul 30, 2001, 2:43am
You're lucky Nornny and his flamethrower are on vacation. >:)
SW Chris
[View Quote]"mike zimmer" <zimmer at pitnet.net> wrote in message
news:3b64df07 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> O and before you flame me, there was a reason I did that
> mike zimmer <zimmer at pitnet.net> wrote in message
> news:3b64de99 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> go
> tangent.imatowns.com.
Aug 3, 2001, 3:01am
Everyone has their perceptions... Rick and JP are trying their hardest,
I'm sure. Like me though, everyone may have missed the point about the
community in Goober's letter and concentrated more on the features or what
AWCom didn't do instead. Ultimately I think what AWCom didn't do is the hot
button topic in this forum, instead of the greater good of the community or
what AWCom is doing to help the community in the future.
Also I'd like to know if Rick and JP will address their alleged lack of
personal involvement in the community and what they plan to do about it if
anything. Perhaps a press release or something on the website, where
everyone can see, not just the newsgroup community. :)
SW Chris
[View Quote]"facter" <facter at activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3b6794fb at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> greedy initially, he and his butt buddy JP sure as fuck are now!
> They arte not greedy even now, you jsut dont get it do you.
> And the proof? Rick wrote that letter, and I think he did a good job of
> addressing Goobers concerns.
> Oh hang on, I'm filters arnt I Eep? or was that just you just talking
> through your....guess we'll see if you reply to this huh ? =)
> Anyways, Rick and Tom did a good job I believe of addressing Goobs'
> they discussed it quite a bit, and I talked to Tom about it alot. I hope
> guys can see a little more maybe of where things are coming from.
> Its like I said - before I started working for the company, alot of my
> of it were distorted, and, having worked there for a year now, I have to
> say, things are really not what a dissedent few think them to be...there
> alot of love for this product in the company, and alot of love for the
> community, I think the only reason that many people dont see it, is
> they are too busy bagging the things that the company *doesnt* do - which
> fair enough, there IS alot we dont do, but we try our hardest every
> day....and we are only human.
> So, lets see if I really AM filtered huh ? =)
> F.
> for
> his
> able
> purchase
> struggled
> or
> all.
Aug 3, 2001, 3:04am
Immature? Hah. You should know.
SW Chris
[View Quote]"kah" <kah at kahbot.com> wrote in message
news:3b67e051$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> ok, you're stupid, it really wasn't necessary, the interested ppl would
> read it from the original thread anyway. And you behave very immaturely,
> with your "SMILE ENZO LOVES YOU" replies...
> "aw explorer" <exploringaw at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3b676414$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Aug 3, 2001, 3:06am
I see it as an attempt at customer relations. Successful or not, that's all
it was. The corporations of America don't busy themselves with guilt
tricks. For one thing it's not professional, and for the second thing, it's
very childish.
SW Chris
[View Quote]"captain mad mike" <cmadmike at crosswinds.net> wrote in message
news:3b68306b at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Bleh, we all know that this is just a guilt trick to make us feel sad for
> bashing enzo and the rest of the AW management because they ignore their
> home customers in favor of the corporate customers who have more money,
> so I guess since I'm only paying for E N Z O to sleep in his chair all day
> I'm no much better than an ant to them or something...
Aug 10, 2001, 6:28pm
Hear hear. 'Nuff said.
SW Chris
[View Quote]"e n z o" <enzo at activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3b742d62$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> It is you prerogative to see things any way you wish. There was nothing in
> that post slanted to gain your respect or pity. I am merely explaining in
> personal reply to Goober King the reason why his insinuation was false. He
> had addressed it to "To Whom it may concern". He chose to post it not I.
> The fact he snipped the text I included tells me that perhaps he is being
> incendiary
> If you read my words you will see the history of AW. Those are some of the
> facts of its inception. We had practically no money and we worked really
> hard. The people who were employed here at the time were very talented and
> worked very hard. They were not able to make the utopian dreams of not
> getting a paycheck but having a great job and still be able to pay the
> work for them. Not one line of code was ever written for AW without having
> check being attached to it.
> I assume that you have a job and if so are probably paid. Those are
> realities none of us escape. Some of us are able to go out on a limb for a
> time with the risk that it could crash and burn. No pity is needed, it
> worked out.
> Our success does not mean that we now have to do what every Goober King
> tells us, nor does it give us free reign to ignore him. Many of his ideas
> are valid and good. I have suggested that he work along with JBELL. The
> suggestion to create a world in which we can talk together was discussed
> the Reunion. Everyone seemed to think it was a good idea. Why not work
> together instead of fractioning off into splinter groups? GK has a lot to
> add. Can he work with AWDebate? Does he want to? Does he need to be the
> in charge? Does HE represent a majority? He does not address these issues
> with me.
> It has been brought up several times as to, "why don't Rick and JP
> participate in the community?" It is simply that no matter what we say we
> get flamed by some very vocal posters who claim to speak for the majority.
> You refuse to listen because you hold on with desperation to your petty
> conspiracy theories. You plot to bring down stock prices or stage a revolt
> so people won't register. When a feature is added it isn't the right one
> you. When we explain why we do something we are "greedy" or lying. It is
> very disheartening to work hard and then be sworn at, called an idiot or
> told that you are lying. Many of the topics betray the ignorance of a
> but very vocal group of zealots. It is quite frankly a waste of time to
> debate with flamers. If this is how you like to spend your time, that is
> your right. I do not think it reflects the majority. I know it does
> to improve your community or the software we write.
> The software, the community and the company are here to stay. Why not lose
> the attitude and make it better?
> E N Z O
> sw chris <chrisw10 at nckcn.com> wrote in message
> news:3b6a3158$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> all
> it's
> for
> day
Aug 12, 2001, 2:50am
Thanks. Thanks a lot! >:(
SW Chris
[View Quote]"kah" <kah at kahbot.com> wrote in message
news:3b758ed0$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> and... WHAT IF YOU LIED??? it really wouldn't surprise me if you did...
> PS. it's your fault nobody (except those that play nice so they get free
> worlds...) REALLY trusts you...
> "e n z o" <enzo at activeworlds.com> wrote in message
> news:3b742d62$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> a
> bills
> a
> at
> man
> for
> be
> small
> nothing
> their
> money,
Aug 12, 2001, 2:52am
Some people were tryin to be diplomatic and some idiot 12 year old comes in
and destroys the whole process... Congratulations Kah! You now have the
downfall of the entire community squarely on your shoulders, should E N Z O
not post here again. I hope you're happy with yourself.
Geez, show some thought before you open that hole in your mouth.
SW Chris
[View Quote]"sw chris" <chrisw10 at nckcn.com> wrote in message
news:3b760b01 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Thanks. Thanks a lot! >:(
> SW Chris
Aug 30, 2001, 9:49pm
Um... this happened like a month ago...
SW Chris
[View Quote]"aw explorer" <exploringaw at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3b8ec021 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> When people have a problem with who might become a leader, they speak
> it in public, in the correct forum - not sending little private messages
> the person or by taking a trip to Outer Worlds (or similar) to protest.
> it was a personal problem I had with you, I would send a private message.
> Smirking, in my opinion, is a sign of aloofness. When you are
> the Active Worlds Community, humble yourself, Bub - that's the Real Deal.
> AW Explorer
> goober king <rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu> wrote in message
> news:3B8E5948.1020801 at acsu.buffalo.edu...
> ahead
> and
> somebody's
> where
> ideas
> to
> issues
Aug 31, 2001, 6:05pm
How about just role model? :)
Eagle Scout, Philosopher, Peacemaker, and... Kung Fu Master?
[View Quote]"kah" <kah at kahbot.com> wrote in message
news:3b8fde84$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> if the community needs a leader I find you most suiting (but off course,
> may not work out for you, not saying anything else)...
> "goober king" <rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu> wrote in message
> news:3B8FD33C.90602 at acsu.buffalo.edu...
> for
> anyway,
> wants
> ahead
> discussed
Aug 3, 2001, 2:47am
I'm just happy they responded. ENZO cheering? Really... :)
I would have signed your letter if I would have known it was about community
interaction and not all the frosting and features of the program in addition
to the well-being of the community. AWCom has now addressed the issue of
concerns about frosting and features. The next step is to become involved
with the community, something of which takes some time to actually notice,
right? Time will tell if they've waken up to that fact yet.
SW Chris
[View Quote]"goober king" <rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu> wrote in message
news:3B680532.20E6B264 at acsu.buffalo.edu...
> I must say, I'm disappointed.
> I'm disappointed in Flagg, who seemed to think that our letter was all
about *my*
> concerns and *my* ideas and that *I* was somehow personally wronged by the
> which is not the case. I'm disappointed in Rick Noll, who seemed to think
that all we
> wanted was for citships to be free, worlds to be near-free, and AWCom to
go out of
> business, which is farthest from the truth.
> But most of all, I'm disappointed in this community. When I first posted
my letter
> here and at AWNews, I got all sorts of responses from people, but most of
them boiled
> down to "Well said!" or "Amen!" or "Go Goob!" or what have you. I took
that to mean
> that everyone who signed that letter was fully behind me and agreed with
me. I
> thought that, for once, the community (at least, the newsgroup community)
was united
> in a singular cause, with a few nay-sayers on the side.
> Apparently, I was wrong.
> I posted the response from AWC here in these newsgroups last Friday,
expecting that I
> would at least get some people either agreeing or disagreeing with the
> Instead, what did I get? Silence. Out of the almost 40 people who signed
that letter,
> 2 of them actually responded to the response. The rest were from people
who never
> agreed with the letter in the first place, and essentially became an ENZO
> section.
> What happened to all the support? Where are all of the people who were
nodding their
> heads and signing that letter? Now that we finally have our answer, are we
just going
> to go back into our little holes and say "Well, there you have it." ? I
just don't
> know anymore...
> And to all of the unseen readers of this newsgroup that are in the upper
echelons of
> AWC, I will only say this: This was never about features. This was never
about world
> prices, or telegram privacy, or replacing textures or any of that. It was
a simple
> request; a request that you demonstrate more interest in this community
> supposedly care for so much.
> In case you didn't notice, this community is dying. Worlds like COFMeta,
> Atlantis, and many others stand empty where once they were full.
Organizations like
> AWHS and AWEC are all but dead, while others like ComReg and Info Squares
are not
> long for this world. Reports of PK abuse and neglect are on the rise, and
nothing is
> being done. And all those AWC employees who want to help the community
can't because
> they get ignored just like the citizens.
> You want to know what *my* concerns are? My concerns have always been for
the health
> and well-being of this community, something that was completely avoided in
> response. But now it seems that the community doesn't care about itself
either. So I
> am left to wonder why I even bother. And that is the biggest
disappointment of all.
> I'm disappointed in myself...
> --
> Goober King
> rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu
Aug 4, 2001, 2:45am
And if it's a flame, DON'T POST AT ALL!!!!!
SW Chris
[View Quote]"tony m" <tony at triton-dynamics.iwarp.com> wrote in message
news:3b69a35f.3679357 at news.activeworlds.com...
> in the future, please make sure you post things OFF-TOPIC to
> general.discussion, as this has nothing to do with bots...
> On 2 Aug 2001 14:33:27 -0400, "trekkerx" <troop2 at empirenet.com> wrote:
> - Tony M.
Aug 29, 2001, 1:54am
Close enough. :) Freedom of speech means Freedom of intellectual speech.
That means if you know what you're going to say and you have a reason for
saying it, it's alright to say it. That's the general gist of it. There
are other things... slander cuts into this a bit and so does libel.
SW Chris
[View Quote]"john viper" <jviper at jtsoft.net> wrote in message
news:3B8B713B.7050304 at jtsoft.net...
> hmmm, well I dont have any specific web site, but our freedom of speech
> is more limited than you might think. Little kids try to get away with
> cursing because they know of their constitutional right to "freedom of
> speech" but just the words "freedom of speech" are far too broad:
> We have a freedom to speak out against out government, its members, and
> its actions. We can also boycott, petition, stuff like that... but
> just saying "SOANDSO SUCKS A BIG ONE!!" is bad. Its slander, and its
> wrong. Also, if you have reasons to dislike a company, it is ok to make
> CHEESE!!" is bad.
> Am I right here or just completely random?
> -JV
> trekkerx wrote:
> --
> John Viper (#296714)
> jviper at jtsoft.net
> http://www.jtsoft.net
> "Life on Earth may be expensive, but it does include a free trip around
> the sun..." -anonymous
Aug 29, 2001, 2:02am
He's trying to take the blame off of trekkerx and lanezeri.
SW Chris
[View Quote]"kah" <kah at kahbot.com> wrote in message
news:3b8c15e2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> ? I didn't critisize you...
> "themask" <Rat09 at aol.com> wrote in message
> news:3b8c12d9 at server1.Activeworlds.com...