sw chris // User Search
sw chris // User Search
Jun 29, 2001, 1:38am
oops... I suppose I should have sized down the photo. Sorry 'bout that. :\
Hopefully it's not too big of a download for you.
SW Chris
[View Quote]"sw chris" <chrisw10 at nckcn.com> wrote in message
news:3b3bf737 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> This is photographic proof that Nornny is plotting with Darth Sidious to
> take over the galaxy server. Nornny is shown bowing before Sidious.
> Strangely enough he is wearing Gamer's wok. From this angle it looks like
> an old dirt bucket, but it's really a wok. =P
> This comic was modified from the original by me. You can find the
> comic's website at http://jediknight.net/3do/diary.htm
> SW Chris
Jun 30, 2001, 2:48pm
um... yeah. =P Hey Syntax, wanna know how it feels to become a US
SW Chris
[View Quote]"wing" <bathgate at prodigy.net> wrote in message
news:3b3dea9f at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Grrrr, DDoS attacks are the work of idiots wannabe hackers (Hacker being
defined as one who has thorough knowledge of the inner
> workings of computers and the software that inhabit them, to the point
where it is POSSIBLE that they would use that knowledge to
> infiltrate a system, but won't unless it's never been done before or it is
for the good of the wold at large) that have nothing
> better to do with their lives than say "I don't like you! I'm going to do
a really dressed up ping attack on you!" It's nothing that
> anyone ever needs to worry about, 99.999% of these things blow over within
SECONDS or never even manifest and those that don't
> oftentimes are against major corperations and are legal suicide runs. I
hate wannabes and "Security experts", all they ever do is
> give hackers a bad name (Between them and the media it's a wonder that we
don't get arrested just for knowing how to read the
> Windows registry for passwords) THAT is absolute paranoia, and as soon as
those security experts get what they want, the US will
> lose most of it's citizens that don't just mindlessly follow trends and
buy everything that everyone else does and pretend they're
> cool because they're like all the other cool people that are pretending to
be cool when there really is no definition of cool except
> that which the mindless, unbrained society has given it. We'll take over
Canada or some other country nobody will ever miss.
> Enough ranting.
> "builderz" <sawran at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:3B3DE3A4.F1825C88 at yahoo.com...
Jul 1, 2001, 5:33pm
So, in a nutshell, you're trying to say Rick and JP are playing PT Barnum.
There's always another sucker...
SW Chris
[View Quote]"goober king" <rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu> wrote in message
news:3B3F4C2D.7D89C678 at acsu.buffalo.edu...
> Umm, Nornny, are you even paying attention? Where in my rant did I discuss
> Nowhere! If anything, I'm ranting *for* the newbies. My complaint is with
Rick & JP's
> lack of concern for ANY citizen, both newbies and veterans alike.
> Rick & JP may be trying to look for the "more stupid" customer, as Roland
> but do you think they care what happens to that stupid customer once they
get his
> $20? I think not.
> nornny wrote:
> --
> Goober King
> Please, people, WAKE UP!
> rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu
Jul 2, 2001, 3:42pm
The name SW Tribe comes to mind... =) Seriously, though, I'm partial to
Mango Tribe myself.
SW Chris
[View Quote]"nornny" <Nornny1 at home.com> wrote in message
news:3b409358$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Well, Factor, should you have won this last challenge, you would've gone
> a merger with a larger headcount. Unfortunately, after tonight, it will be
> tie game. However, no one here has yet been able to prove that either of
> tribes have Tribal lines yet. That can only be determined at the next
> council. Should you have NO tribal pride, the game can twist any way you
> want. But first, we must take out another member of Factor tonight. Let's
> tally the votes...
> Oh, remember for whoever that leaves the game
> 1 vote BirdMike...
> 2 votes, Birdmike...
> 1 vote Leaf...
> 3 votes BirdMike, one more, and you'll be forced to leave the game.
> 1 vote...Nornny
> 1 vote BirdMike...that's all the votes that's there, and BirdMike, the
> have spoken. *extinguishes flame* *Survivor climax* Please procceed off
> cliff right there. Factor, you will soon be joining forces with Typo as
> tribe, name yet to be determined by yourselves. 6 have gone, and now, it
> become an everyone for themselves race. I'll see you at the finish line,
> either as a contestant or as a host. ;) Await a further post later today
> tommorow.
> <production note> Coincidentally Factor, BirdMike left on Saturday to
> a beautiful week long vacation in Hawaii, so he won't be back until this
> Saturday, so he'll have no final words yet. I guess getting voted off will
> just be a small hitch in his beautiful week long vacation, eh? Just wanted
> to let you guys know.
> ALSO! The Survivor site is getting redesigned, so excuse the mess. It will
> hold all the current content, plus new one as the game progresses, as
> just with some more pizzazz. Keep an eye out for that. I'll upload
> BirdMike's voting stats soon. Everyone start thinking of a new name for
> combined tribe. :)</production note>
> Nornny
Jul 2, 2001, 11:58pm
LOL. Yeah right. I like People Tribe _much_ better. ^ ^
SW Chris
[View Quote]"alphabit phalpha" <cy-awards at home.com> wrote in message
news:3b40cefb at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Vogue Tribe:)
> "kellee" <kellee at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
> news:3b40bfa2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I'm
Jul 3, 2001, 12:00am
*rolls eyes*
There are some things you just simply do not post. It's a well-known fact
that no matter what anybody does, you can be sure to find at least one
person out there to complain about it. That's human nature.
SW Chris
[View Quote]"mike zimmer" <zimmer at pitnet.net> wrote in message
news:3b411b15$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> One question for you all. Why do you suppose AWCom doesn't listen to you
> be like they are? Well maybe you should take a look at yourselves rather
> than putting your face up in AWcoms! All you people do is whine and moan
> about it! If I were Facter or a AWCom member I would DEFINITLY get sick
> tired of you guys. You yell, complain and argue with them! Your lucky that
> someone of them even respond to you. Untill you learn to maybe shut up and
> wait and see what comes instead of yelling and wanting everything done
> way, AWCom might actually do something for you. Well thats all for today
> Weakest link is on and that is definitly a lot more interesting than
> listening to your whiners moan and groan about AWCom.
Jul 5, 2001, 2:58am
Crykie that would be swell! =D
SW Chris
Now theres a stereotype for ya.
[View Quote]"nornny" <Nornny1 at home.com> wrote in message
news:3b4262b3$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> lol Alphabit, always the fashion-minded of the tribe. But hey, save us at
> least some of the meat, we're starving here. :))
> kellee's Australian, she's prolly been around the Croc hunter, maybe she
> cook us a meal! :))
> Nornny
> "alphabit phalpha" <cy-awards at home.com> wrote in message
> news:3b42555d at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jul 7, 2001, 1:03am
It's really a coin toss, isnt' it? Who plays dirtier? lol. I'll make the
mud pies if you guys'll eat em.
How close to cheating does that come if any of us use you as a crutch to get
to the top anyways?
SW Chris
[View Quote]"nornny" <Nornny1 at home.com> wrote in message
news:3b4661d0$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> You play dirty, I play dirtier. ;) I hope you keep a good eye on your
> followers as you do Tony. You know Survivor strategy too well, if Typo
> what's right, and the important fact that I CAN'T win (I can still be in
> jury however), they'll see I'm more of an asset than you, who will quickly
> vote ALL their butts to the ground after you finish off Factor. Their
> not mine, am I right? ;)
> Nornny
> "wing" <bathgate at prodigy.net> wrote in message
> news:3b46604c at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> that you think is in cahoots with me? And you go after
> alliance with Wing? I want to wreck Wing, because otherwise,
> There's no tribal lines in here, and play it right, you'll
> you go to
> kellee? :))
> Facters. Tell me, what threat does kellee pose to you? You
> news:3b464853$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> longshot,
> better
> overly
> this
> you
> will
> the
> newsgroup.
> you in
> one
> people
> right
> from
> make
> might
> it
nornny1 at home.com
> or
Jul 7, 2001, 3:22pm
I couldn't have put it better myself. :)
SW Chris
[View Quote]"j b e l l" <jbell1983 at home.com> wrote in message
news:3b46af40$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I haven't read the NGs for ages.. and after visiting reunion I decided
i'de take a look at them once again, and what I see is the
> same ranting and raving by it's citizens. I see people running around
amongst themselves telling eachother what the company SHOULD
> be doing. We are talking about a company who is financially satisfied,
and who's goal was to create a medium in which others can
> expand upon, using AW we can do an amazing sort of things. Virtually
anything is possible with the use of their objects and bots.
> As far as I can see their goal has been met. As a citizens, yes, I would
like to see what I want happen, but from a business
> persons perspective, it's just not practical. As a company, AWCI
recieves all sorts of compliments, and complaints. We all want
> different things from the company, and to create an equalibrium in which
everyone is happy is just not possible. AWCI has thousands
> of customers in their original Universe which uses software designed to
sell, as a medium, to other corporations which can do with
> it what they like. From what I understand of the goals of AWCI, they have
been met. Processing the requests of each individual
> user is, I'm sure, a tireless effort. To simply include every command
every user could want into the software would weight it down
> and make it more difficult to use. It would also transform it from a
medium, to a more specific sort of program. It's flexibility,
> would, I feel, be degraded. It seems to me that the citizens are closed
minded to the demands AWCI faces as a company. The task of
> perfecting the program, and selling the software to larger corporations,
satisfying them, and their customers, as well as AWCI's
> own. As far as their community involvement is concerned, I believe they
lack the time to devote themselves to the AW community. If
> AW as a company haden't stepped in to help the community in the past, I
think that they're lack of involvement would have gone
> un-noticed. The aw users have been spoiled, and AWCom is paying for it by
the complaints they get for their little involvement.
> However, they ARE still involved. Less involved, yes, but still involved.
The corporation is answering requests for new objects.
> At the community town hall meeting with rick knoll, jp, et all, we
discused the community. AWCom is creating us new functionality
> for the browser, and even many things in which even the most basic user
can create worlds with ease. I do not know how much I can
> say about their new tools, but I believe AWCom has not only their
corporate partners, but their citizens in mind. The new browser
> addresses firewall concerns, rendering, even visibility, something of
which we have discussed frequently in the past. We talked
> about the new object set for AW, and how to incorporate them. We even
spoke of the future of these very newsgroups, the website,
> and how to satisfy the needs of the citizens. Yes, direct contact with
the community has gone down, but involvement has not. If
> you would like to see something new, respectfully submit it to the staff.
Complaining does nothing but flare tempers and will get
> people nowhere. Yell if you like, but believe it or not, the AWCom staff
is listening to you, and I believe that the community will
> be happy with what they see in the not-so-distant AW Future.
Jul 8, 2001, 9:53pm
Oh, and now I'm screwed! I voted for Nornny, against some others' better
judgement... Wing, you told me it would work! You told me you were on top
of things! And now Casay goes and pulls this... Wait'll I get my hands on
the both of youz. :D
SW Chris
[View Quote]"syntax" <syntax at earthcorp.com> wrote in message
news:3b48e5b6 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Bwhahaha, Casay made a fatal mistake by putting the Typo tribe behind by
> member. Better watch out, your own tribe may be after you next week. :-O
> Oh, and kellee, bad mistake voting me previously. Sorry to see you go,
> though.;-)
> It'll be interesting to see what unveils next week. Good luck to the
> remaining contestants.
> --
> Syntax
> syntax at swcity.net
> www.swcity.net
Jul 9, 2001, 8:04pm
let em burn then. They need to learn.
SW Chris
[View Quote]"facter" <"Facter at AWsupport"> wrote in message
news:3b49d8cc at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> "nornny" <Nornny1 at home.com> wrote in message
> news:3b49b338$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> vibe,
> Then please, give me another solution to the problem - if you can think of
> something more effective, I am all ears - but you will be hard pressed to
> think of anything effective to counter someone not using common sense...
> F.
> information.
> many
Jul 9, 2001, 8:10pm
May I suggest better password and privelage password encryption? Sure, this
will only keep them out for a little while, but you never know.. it might
work. I've heard stories from a reformed hacker friend who says it's
relatively easy to steal a privelage password. Not sure about account pws.
SW Chris
[View Quote]"facter" <"Facter at AWsupport"> wrote in message
news:3b49d881$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> "wing" <bathgate at prodigy.net> wrote in message
> news:3b4924ba at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> fucking MORONS use AW anyway?
> And, DISPITE all of these warnings, dispite putting it up everywhere and
> trying to make it so, we STILL get many, many stolen passwords each week.
> dont know what else to do but plaster that warning all over the place -
> the old story, how do you stop someone being malicious if they are really
> intent on being so?
> We catch people all the time, they form little groups of shared accounts -
> what most of them fail to realise, is that they also all share IP
> addresses - so what I do, is cross reference hacked account with every
> IP address on that, and trace them back. Usually, this way I find other
> accounts that have been takent hat we wernt aware of.
> Its policed alot, but its hard - I wish I could think of a better solution
> than the one I have now, but its the best I can think of - its pretty hard
> when people dont read and follow common sense though.
> F.
Jul 10, 2001, 2:44am
Well... if it's encrypted, the hacker friend can't very well use it can
they? Especially if that password encryption is based in part on some
dynamic variable... like the person's name or something.
SW Chris
[View Quote]"agent1" <Agent1 at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3b4a3303 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Encryption won't help anything. The encrypted password goes in the INI
file with the username, so that's all you need.
> -Agent1
> "sw chris" <chrisw10 at nckcn.com> wrote in message
news:3b4a2bea at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jul 10, 2001, 4:52pm
Facter has to do something. Otherwise he'll get flooded with even more lost
account problems. :\ I say loose the ini file and figure something else
out. Bury it deep in the registry.
What do other services do for password protection? Look at what they do,
the problems they're having with their methods, and go from there.
SW Chris
[View Quote]"moff piett" <piett at home.com> wrote in message
news:3b4a5c8b at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Basicly have a warning once when they first immigrate and pick their
> password. If you make them rely on warnings instead of common sense they
> will only become more reliant on that. Soon you will have to have a huge
> meg welcome msg telling them not to put their hands in blenders, not to
> jump in front of traffic and so on. There is a fine line between an
> important warnings and holding hands with idiocy. awcom has done more
> they should for these fools. If someone is stupid enough to give our
> password, a warning isn't going to help. Actualy the warning is scaring
> some tourists, not wanting to pay for citizenship because obviously there
> is some huge passworld security problem. Let them lose their citizenship
> for a while, I'm sure after that they will be a little more suspicious
> time someone asks for their password. And if not.. well it's hardly
> burden to raise the collective global inteligence... but please no more
> welcome msg, that only serves to lower it.
Jul 9, 2001, 7:08pm
yeah... look at Justaposter's e-mail address. :)
SW Chris
[View Quote]"nornny" <Nornny1 at home.com> wrote in message
news:3b4a1c00$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> you don't look like an idiot. lol. Wing's just being defensive. ;)
> Nornny
> "birdmike" <birdmike at home.com> wrote in message
> news:3b4a1ab4$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> idiot.
> :(
> does
> n00bs
> have
> Right
> newsgroup
> a
> win
> who
Jul 11, 2001, 1:57am
Eenie meenie minie m0e.... catch a tiger by his toe. If he hollers let
him go, my mother told me to pick the very best one... That one is YOU!
*Tosses ball to Tony M* You've been quiet lately... too quiet.
SW Chris
[View Quote]"casay" <casay2 at home.com> wrote in message
news:3b4bc37d$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Tosses that hot ball to SW Chris! ;-) Your turn!
> Casay
> "alphabit phalpha" <cy-awards at home.com> wrote in message
> news:3b4bb645$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> the
> is
> url
> give
> of
> the
> to
> to
> a
> reply
> Koochie.
Jul 11, 2001, 2:00am
Wise Man once said: Reserve judgement until you have a chance to sample the
deliciousness that is the skybox, my son. ;)
SW Chris
[View Quote]"anduin lothario" <anduin at anduin-lothario.com> wrote in message
news:3b4bbb30 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> "moff piett" <piett at home.com> wrote in message
> news:3b4bb44d at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> No matter, I think they look great, and I'd still rather use backdrops
> those sky boxes....
Jul 11, 2001, 2:17pm
Yup... Tribes2 has em I think.
SW Chris
[View Quote]"moff piett" <piett at home.com> wrote in message
news:3b4bf340$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> basicly a skybox is a background that doesn't look like #$$%#. ie not
> a strange band of background that rotates dif than you and sometimes
> even verticaly cover the screen.
Jul 11, 2001, 7:44pm
Hmm... I didn't notice it was in HTML... no extravagant download times for
me. :)
SW Chris
[View Quote]"builderz" <sawran at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:3B4C9694.9B7BA0C6 at yahoo.com...
> If it doesn't work out, go ask Andras and see if he may be able to setup
> a Townbuilders NG on his NG server. Also, please do not post in HTML. As
> others have stated before, it wastes bandwidth and has its security
> exploits.
> Builderz
> Stuff-X - Bot & World Hosting Services
> http://aw.stuff-x.com/
> PGP Key ID: 0xAC0E7073 (for non-commercial use)
> P.S. Shouldn't your signature read "I came, I saw, I built!" instead of
> "I came, I saw, I build!"?
> news://news.activeworlds.com/3b4c942f%40server1.Activeworlds.com
Jul 12, 2001, 2:38am
Hmm.... this HTML vs. Plain text war is overrated anyways. What's 3 extra
kilobytes? And please don't tell me it takes up too much space with the
amount of posts this server gets... They're making 80 gig hard drives now
for prices that a company can probably absorb relatively easily.
SW Chris
[View Quote]"builderz" <sawran at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:3B4CF6F1.C6B9A170 at yahoo.com...
> Legion's "Content-Type" header showed he posted the message in
> "multipart/alternative" and the recommended way of posting is in
> "text/plain." See my reply to Syntax.
> Builderz
> Stuff-X - Bot & World Hosting Services
> http://aw.stuff-x.com/
> PGP Key ID: 0xAC0E7073 (for non-commercial use)
> sw chris wrote:
Jul 13, 2001, 1:26am
Ah. good point. :) Didn't know that, me.
SW Chris
[View Quote]"goober king" <rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu> wrote in message
news:3B4DA55F.A3493B15 at acsu.buffalo.edu...
> The problem isn't hard drive space, it's bandwidth. A lot of people,
especially in
> some European countries, get charged by the amount of bandwidth used, so
the less
> stuff they download the better. If they can download text instead of HTML
then that's
> one less pound/dracma/whatever they have to pay.
> sw chris wrote:
> --
> Goober King
> God bless America and flat rates...
> rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu
Jul 13, 2001, 1:29am
Aw come on... I can't read every post on this server...
SW Chris
[View Quote]"wing" <bathgate at prodigy.net> wrote in message
news:3b4e0501 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Chris, Chris, Chris. Please see my response to the post in
general.discussion entitled "Posting Rules" or some crap like that. I
> believe I made myself QUITE clear.
> "sw chris" <chrisw10 at nckcn.com> wrote in message
news:3b4d29b9 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jul 21, 2001, 1:46am
Not everyone wants to put up with it. That is the big deal.
SW Chris
[View Quote]"kah" <kah at kahbot.com> wrote in message
news:3b57541f at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> geez, what's the big deal? Eep ALLWAYS swears, there's no point in asking
> him to stop, and you KNOW it... and I strongly suggest you add some kinda
> HTML-ban clause to your NG charter (just DO it, don't tell the management,
> they don't seem to care much about the NGs anyway...). Heck, do it for
> OWN sake, cuzz if everyone starts posting HTML, YOU'll be facing a space
> problem after a while anyway. If you use some decent piece of
> server-software, there should be some way of blocking HTML posts too...
> "facter" <"Facter at AWsupport"> wrote in message
> news:3b5738a3$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> doing
> Keep
> dictators
> you
> charter
> time
> do
> these
> not
> when
> news:3B56D6EC.2B3E6BFF at tnlc.com...
> may
> decency
> have
> courtesy
> well
> like
Jul 21, 2001, 1:50am
The timing was wrong. The method was wrong. A full ban might have been
wrong, I don't know. However if a person after multiple temporary bannings
continues his/her behavior, a full ban should be considered. Why? Well if
they've been temporarily banned several times and they continue to behave
that way, then it's probably pretty well established that the offending
person is not going to learn anything from the situation.
[View Quote]"facter" <facter at activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3b57b615 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> barely
> A full ban was wrong, I admit that completely, and I admit that wasnt the
> way to go about it.
> But *temporary* suspensions are now in effect, everyones posts from now on
> will be treated in the same way - derogatory remarks will not be
> by anyone.
> I'm pretty busy lately with the new website, so I cant give anything in
> my 100% complete attention, but I will do the best that I can to make sure
> things start going a little moother, and a little more civil in here.
> Facter.
> and
> wing
> in
Jul 21, 2001, 1:50am
That's like saying evil is needed for there to be good people.
SW Chris
[View Quote]"kah" <kah at kahbot.com> wrote in message
news:3b581d33 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> and why don't we point out that almost... EVERYBODY (including you) have
> used some sort of offensive language here, why not take the whole NG down
> for 2 weeks again? This is like saying that you have to kill all
> (spelling??) snakes cuzz they kill, but that's stupid, cuzz they're needed
> for the ecosystem to work properly... look at Eep as a poisoneous snake,
> don't kill him, cuzz he's needed to make this NG's ecosystem work... look
> all the lame newbies he chased...
> PS. hey, this isn't a church or anything...
> "chucks party" <Chucks_Party at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3b575fac at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> ever
> offensive
> and
> don't
> everyone
> order
> across.
> times
> have
> in
> treat
> and
> to
> keep
> for a
> in
> degrade
> being
Jul 22, 2001, 3:38pm
You still have to make the distinction. Good and evil are not black and
white terms.
SW Chris
[View Quote]"kah" <kah at kahbot.com> wrote in message
news:3b595fe1$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> well, heh, if you hadn't evil ppl there would be no difference, would
> "sw chris" <chrisw10 at nckcn.com> wrote in message
> news:3b58fc14 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> down
> needed
> look
> you
> against
> is
> and
> have
> to
> this
> only
> corner
Jul 20, 2001, 10:13pm
I say don't make the general discussion group a dumping ground for flame
wars and useless posts. That seems to be what you think it should be. It's
general discussion after all, not Offtopic.Flames. Right now it's
functioning just as well as the community group.
The community and general discussion newsgroups should have the same
charter, the only differences in each being what is considered on and off
And in the interest of compromise, HTML posting should also be allowed in
general discussion, but _only_ if it's in taste. No colorful/clashy
backgrounds or text, or anything over 10 kb. And images should be linked,
not posted.
[View Quote]"nornny" <Nornny1 at home.com> wrote in message
news:3b58266a$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Apparently, you guys want a rewrite of this community charter and Facter
> said start a thread and he'll give it the time of day, so, if you guys are
> too slow or lazy to start one, I will.
> Here's the BIGGEST oppurtunity we might ever get from AWC, so you might as
> well take advantage of it before you begin your sulky
> "AWC-never-listens-to-us" and "yes-they-do" battles. :)
> Topics we'll prolly need to discuss for adding/deleting/editing the
> 1) HTML posting - personally, I think the best compromise we'll EVER reach
> here is to use HTML in general.discussion and use plain text in community.
> Keep one old school and keep the other new school. Punishment? I don't
> it's really worth a punishment, though, whoever does will prolly get
> extremely abused and that's enough of a spanking. If worse comes to worse,
> submit an abuse report for breaking newsgroup rules.
> 2) What we REALLY talk about - The charter has been somewhat outdated on
> topics we discuss in some aspects. Basically, I think off-topic is spam,
> plugs and swears, not flame wars. You guys are just too sensitive to harsh
> criticism in my opinion. I'd like to personally have a clause saying test
> posts should be dumped in the general.discussion newsgroup also. I know
> kinda difficult at this moment for a newbie to even FIND the
> general.discussion, but by the time this charter is in the final stages,
> Facter will have a new website anywho (yes, that long. j/k)
> As for Eep style language...I dunno, that's a brain twister. He's harsh,
> brutally harsh. It's obvious we shouldn't give him any mercy for his
> language like we give the HTMLers. I say, don't accept the "yo
> twit<expletive>" here in the community, but accept it in the
> general.discussion. Seems clear enough. A newsgroup without Eep would be a
> mess, as we so thoroughly see time and time again. The guy has a bunch of
> references, who wants to lose that part of the gene pool. lol. And if you
> think about it, some people REALLY need to evolve and stop starting
> conflicts and start solving them.
> Punishment? Facter's one week suspension is good. Hopefully, it doesn't
> a newbie (or oldie) really mad and just tear up this newsgroup. It's
> we can do it ourselves. ;)
> 3) Anything else?? I think there should be something that stops those sly
> and chicken people who cause a ruckus subtly and within the rules, that's
> tough though. We should really highlight more that we're no different than
> regular non-binary usenet newsgroup and that we follow usenet rules. We
> should really take out the censorship part and replace it with something
> more realistic, as Facter rarely censors any posts, besides one or two of
> Eeps in a blue moon. We can make it legal for Facter to delete or censor
> posts about whatever you guys feel is neccessary, but really just say that
> the newsgroup will deal with you in itself.
> That's all, really. :) Opinions, comments, I have my helmet ready for any
> flames, so bring it on. It's time to work together gang. :))
> Nornny
Jul 20, 2001, 10:15pm
I think you're beginning to flame marcus just for the heck of it. :) I
agree, self-policing is usually a good way to work through things here.
[View Quote]"goober king" <rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu> wrote in message
news:3B583D93.464CA838 at acsu.buffalo.edu...
> I don't see how you could require someone to post something intelligent.
In your
> view, that's about as lame as requiring newbies to know enough to not post
in HTML.
> Some people just aren't smart enough to be able to do anything besides
flaming. Those
> people are subsequently beaten to death here in the NG until they either
shape up, or
> leave. It's been a pretty effective tool, for the most part...
> m a r c u s wrote:
might as
be a
> --
> Goober King
> Besides, intelligence is relative...
> rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu
Jul 20, 2001, 10:19pm
I am afraid, Gamer, that nomatter what someone tries to do, there will
always be at least one person who doesn't like it or will whine
I think Rick and JP should read the NGs at least once a day, and perhaps
post here from time to time. That will definitely show most of us around
here that the company is listening, but it would not be an eye opener to
SW Chris
Every party has a pooper that's why we invited you, Party Pooper. :)
[View Quote]"gamer" <Robbie at AWlife.net> wrote in message
news:3b586673 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Not so much a rule more, more a request...
> Why don't you ask the other members of AWCOM to read the NGs?
> If Rick, JP, Roland and the rest read the NGs more often, even
> for 10 minutes...they could keep up to date on community issues...
> It would also show some of the people round here that doubt it, that AWCOM
> does care, and that they do list to cits...I'm say I belive that...but I
> might if you guys showed up a lil' around and about :)
> -Gamer
Jul 21, 2001, 11:58pm
Um, no it's not cockiness. I was on vacation all week.
SW Chris
[View Quote]"nornny" <Nornny1 at home.com> wrote in message
news:3b5a190e at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Sorry this is kinda late. Went to the beach today. lol. Well, you guys
> a pretty good job at Level 3, some of you seemed to have made it past the
> first 3 rounds, which was amazing. Those newbies, I tell ya, they're
> Anyways, we'll make this quick and show the results.
> Nornny -1020
> Syntax - 2380
> Tony M - 1200
> Alphabit Phalpha -460
> Casay -1290
> Gamer -24020
> SW Chris - 0
> Which means, beating out ALL the rest, Gamer wins immunity for this week.
> Congratulations. Well, it's time for tribal council yet again. You've
> survived half the game, it'd be a shame for any of you to leave now, but
> all but one must. All we know now is that Gamer is playing for one more
> week. So, let's go, cast your votes, the Community VoteCaster is up and
> running at http://pub50.bravenet.com/vote/vote.php?usernum=4253335963 or
> can click on the link on http://awlife.net/survivor/ngcouncil.html in a
> hours. Here's some things to consider:
> We never recieved SW Chris's vote. At this point in the game, is this
> cockiness?
> Alphabit is getting extremely sick and tired apparently through this
> challenge, she barely had enough energy to try the game as in challenge's
> past.
> Syntax is now free from immunity.
> Casay's vote is still swinging back and forth. She's yet to follow anyone.
> Tony M, a declared Wing follower, is now alone without the leader and
> vulnerable.
> Nornny has been the target of a handful of votes. One day, he'll get shot.
> That's all, good luck everyone, remember that your votes will all be
> forwarded to Wing and Leaf. It's their choice now to follow the game, so
> confess what you want them to know, but be careful what you say also. I
> votes in by tommorow night if possible. :))
> Nornny