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moria // User SearchFiltering out crEepSApr 2, 2001, 7:35pm
Greetings Wing,
Its a shame a non-american has to re-educate an american about what their constitution states.. I assume were talking the first amendment here, ratified 15th December 1791 which is usually, incorrectly, quoted as allowing free speech for all. The first amendment actually states... The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution gives everyone in this country the right to free speech, unrestricted by government interference. Its actual words are :- Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Now, I don't see here where the government (Congress) would get involved, they don't own AW or this newsgroup and cannot dictate whether anyone person can be banned or not, in accordance with the constitution. In fact it would be as wrong for them to say that all must be allowed as to say anyone should be banned, but were not dealing with the government here, this is a privately owned newsgroup not subject to government control. Theres nothing in the US amendments that impose this required level of free speech on individuals or organisations, in fact in further discussions it has been stated that :- "But, generally, the government can't set rules about the content of communications --what is being said. Certain exceptions to that rules exist, including one for obscenity. This is called "unprotected speech." If something is obscene, the government can regulate it, and criminalize its use. Although the government is not permitted to censor protected speech, that doesn't mean that people aren't liable for what they say and do, especially when they say things about others that can damage their reputation, or are inflammatory or objectionable." Again the government cannot regulate either for or against, that is the total extent of the first ammendment, not the so widley held view that the First ammendment allows for free speech by all. Next you'll be saying that the amendments also allow any citizen of the USA the right to bear arms without quoting the rest of that amendment as well. Please, before you jump on the bandwagon of free speech on the internet as quoted by the populists, do your research and learn your own constitution and ammendments. Moria [View Quote] Filtering out crEepSApr 2, 2001, 7:57pm
apologies, a line was missed out of my post.. my bad:)
its quite an important one as well:) The commonly held belief is that > The first amendment actually states... > > The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution gives everyone in this country > the right to free speech, unrestricted by government interference. > > Its actual words are :- > > Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or > prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, > or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to > petition the Government for a redress of grievances. > Moria Filtering out crEepSApr 2, 2001, 10:25pm
Wing, greetings. :)
>Impressive. However, I wasn't going the free speech route, AW is an >international community. When did I make a reference to the Constitution >anyway? By censorship statements, if you agree with the constitution of the USA, then everyone has the right to censor, both individuals and organisations, only the government has no right to censor, as has been proved in court. Censorship is actually a by-product of people like eep making it a necessity rather than a choice, as for some people they have so little control, their freedom of expression is taken way beyond the bounds of common decency to the point where it intimidates or threatens others right to freedom. Mostly those claims are based upon a supposed first ammendment to the right of free speech, which as I have shown doesn't actually exist. (and where I perhaps mistakenly picked up your inference) If it wasn't for people such as Creep there would be no need to censor, unfortunately the people that defend him or are like him are what make it necessary for all. If you really don't want any form of censorship (including that by intimidation and threat), then spend your efforts adjusting the incompetant kids that make it necessary, not the rest of the world who can play by the rules and use rational arguments without degenerating into abuse and mindless spouting of four letter words to try and intimidate. Anti censorship is a tool used by those too weak to address the real problem, and by allowing the problem to continue make it more needed than it should ever be and is often only used in cases of banning or moderation (which is obvious), rather than across the board on all forms (which are much less obvious). I agree that in a perfect world, censorship is not needed and should be fought against, however while there are intimidating idiots around who prefer to hide behind anonymity and use threatening and insulting behavior of the type we see here on a regular basis to provide their own form of censorship, then it becomes a requirement. Generally the type of person who is so insecure that they can only attempt to communicate by insult and harrasment rely on someone other than themselves standing up and shouting.. no censorship, first amendment etc. Very rarely will they do that themselves, they just sit back and smirk as someone takes over to defend them and fight for them, often realising as much as anyone that the person doing the fighting has been suckered into it and being laughed at by the person they think they are defending. In most cases, they rely on their own form of censorship to take over the situation. Censorship can take many forms, its not just banning from posting or whatever, it also takes the form of intimidation not to post, and intimidation by threat. To cry censorship as an overriding catch-all actually diminishes the arguments about censorship, and ultimately makes it more needed than it should be. Only by action, and proof that action will and can be taken will result in your utopia, which I agree with, that censorship should not be needed, although it is allowed for in the US constitution. Moria Filtering out crEepSApr 3, 2001, 6:25am
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If you wish:) it certainly won't make me insult you or threaten you, unlike
some:) > The problem is that Eep actually makes rational arguments (usually). If you can show me any argument hes rationally carried out without resorting to insult or threat, I would be happier. It might not make me change my mind, but I would certainly be happier. But I feel that you miss the point here, were not talking content were talking common decency and respect for others. >There are a few cases (maybe even a lot) where I've seen him overreact quite a bit, but that is no reason to ban him from posting to these newsgroups. Actually it is, were not talking content of the posts here, were talking intimidation and in a lot of cases total lack of respect and bigotry (such as telling someone whos native language is not english to go learn it. And this from a person whos native language IS english and cant always use it correctly themselves, and has stated many time their own belief that someone who doesn't know a language should not have to learn it to be considered an acceptable authority on it such as C or C++ or even VB) > If you were debating something with a person in real life and they started to yell at you and hurl >profanity, would you have their mouth sealed shut by the government? No I would either call the police (censorship I expect you would say, and have them arrested, as swearing and profanity in a public place is an arrestable offence), or if no police officer were present probably smack them (and put myself at risk of arrest), and it's because you can't actually smack them or have them arrested for unacceptable behaviour due to the 'nets lack of accountability that people get away with sub-human behavior and start yelling and hurling profanity. Basically it is rank cowardice of the lowest level due to the belief that you are anonymous and immune. than it > > Anti-censorship is a wonderful policy and I fail to see how it is only used by the weak. Agreed to the first part, the wonderful policy bit, but all to often its only used in those cases that people see as direct censorship and not against indirect censorship (hence the weak, those unable to see censorship in all its forms). You didn't actually respond to the sections of the post that referred to indirect censorship.. does this concern you, or are you only against censorship in its most obvious forms? > By allowing a topic to be discussed, how are you failing to address a real problem? The problem is NOT discussion, its prevention of intimidation. eep never discusses, he states his god like opinion, whether right or wrong then attacks anyone who disagrees. That is not discussion, that is intimidation. >I do recall several people posting things with far less content than Eep, yet no one has tried so >hard to get those people banned... Why? Again its not content thats under discussion here. I have never suggested banning eep for content, even though I think that sometimes his content is misleading and in error, I have only said I support censorship/ withdrawal of privaledge/ what ever you want to call it against those who have an inability to control themselves in an acceptable manner in a public place open to all, ie without resorting to insult or intimidation. > behavior > > Though I don't agree with filtering everyone who annoys me, if you dislike Eep so much, then use the filter feature on your newsreader. Why should I be forced to filter threats, profanity and racism and bigotism and allow them to exist for all to see except me? Theres no reason for me to add the same cowardice to my life by hiding the problem and letting it go away for me but leaving it for others to be affected by it. By inaction, those who ignore the above problems are inherrantly as guilty as the perpetrator of the same. By filtering eep I would become his accomplice in his hate campaign and thats wrong. > Don't take away our ability to converse with a knowledgable citizen just because you dislike >the way he behaves sometimes. Apparently knowledgeable, but unable to back up his statements because he doesn't have the background knowledge to even understand what hes written sometimes. Because someone can spout things per rote, doesn't mean they understand them. In a small set of cases those that do are actually very intelligent, and prove it with appropriate intelligent discourse to back up their point, unfortunately most are just idiots with a desperate need to think they are intelligent and can only back up their arguments with bluster and insult. > > To put a new spin on this... Since I don't like what you're saying, and think you are acting in a stupid way, I should get AWCI to ban you from posting... Then I won't have to deal with your opinions. Sure if you want, but again youve totally missed the point, its not content, its style. If you can prove I have sworn at you or intimidated you or threatened you or used racist comments against you, I would expect it.. but then possibly I believe in others points of view as well, not just my own, so its wouldn't be an option:) > > I agree Eep could change some things about his "technique" when it comes to posting, but other than that, I will fight for him and any other intelligent citizen who wishes to post here. > The crucial word there was I believe intelligent citizen:) That is your right and I respect you for it, and you will have no problem if I think your doing the rest of intelligent humanity a disservice by doing so.:) In fact I think personally your doing eep a disservice. :) By defending his right to act in his way, you are giving him the green light to assume his attitude is acceptable. The more he believes it the more likely he is to use it face to face with someone in real life, at which point he will get a smack in the mouth or arrested. Now if hes intelligent enough to know its not acceptable in real life, then hes also intelligent enough to know its only because of the anonimity of the 'net he can use it to intimidate and he really is a low life relying on others to let him get away with it. If hes not intelligent enough to know its the nets annonimity and does use it in real life, then all those that stuck up for his right to say what he wants, no matter how unacceptable will be guilty of letting him down when he does get that smack. Remember we can be as guilty by commision as by ommision in all cases. Moria Filtering out crEepSApr 4, 2001, 8:57pm
Filtering out crEepSApr 5, 2001, 5:06am
LOL too right, in fact that castle I built out there is still there..
surprised the heck outta me when I went back:)) So is the maze underneath it, and ya know??? perhaps I never stopped trying to build Meridian.. am now playing with a set of bots for RPG style gaming, who knows.. maybe one millenium:)) Moria [View Quote] Re: newbiness (was Re: AW name history)Mar 31, 2001, 3:54pm
actually hes laughing at you eep, as are most of the rest of us:)
most of us who actually WERE around in the early days know that the only doc we had was that provided by Dataman, including the one you quote as his, and the one you incorrectly assume was his, well before you even found AW. Most of us at that time also bought the book by Ferraro and spent hours talking to people from Worlds Inc to find out how it worked.. of course they were happy to talk to us then because there wasn't someone constantly slagging them off in the newsgroups or online. So lets sum up here.. the doc existed before you arrived, and yet he copied your work.. ermmmm I don't think so, BUT the pages are very similar after the point you state, and yet yours followed his.. let me see who was copying who? The fact that, like with so many other things, you saying something doesnt make it fact. Suck filter crEEP and go play on the other games newsgroups where your held in even less esteem than here, which is zero. Moria [View Quote] ApologyApr 1, 2001, 3:16pm
> If I were you, I wouldn't jump to conclusions. Things do happen for a > reason. Not that it matters.. Half of this newsgroup has you filtered. > :D > > SW Chris > Thank you for the apology, oftimes things like that do happen when theres a server error in transit or similar. As you say, don't worry about crEEP's comments, most newsgroups he posts to consider him a newsgroup newbie and a troll:) Moria Re: newbiness (was Re: AW name history)Apr 1, 2001, 6:57am
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Try to cut out the previous posts that are not relevant to your reply
newbie. As you have said yourself, Datamans page was created first and bears a very similar look to yours which was created AFTER, so the copying was obviously done by you who produced your page later. The later sections were available well before you arrived in AW and formed the basis of most experimentation regarding animation in the early days. It also mentiones how to do something in C which with your accepted denial of being a programmer you would have no idea how to do. It also goes into some detail about the proporties of Truespace and COBTORWX, of versions before your time, its also referred to in The New World Times, before your time. Of course, all this thread has arrisen as an attempt by you to disguise the fact that in your origional post you were WRONG about the name derrivation of AlphaWorld and Active Worlds. Two wrongs in one thread.. as I said, you screaming about something and resorting to childish name calling doesn't make it right, it usually only compounds the errors and proves that you have no rational argument to back up your claims. Do you want to call Mommy (your killfile) yet and say mommy the big bad man is annoying me take him away I cant cope and killfile me yet? or try further to defend your stance that your documentation wasnt copied from people who actually knew what they were doing before you arrived and sink further? Moria Re: newbiness (was Re: AW name history)Apr 1, 2001, 3:00pm
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First in which you added the introduction and... means you took my page and added the introduction and everything upto..... If you cant explain yourself in english then go back to school and learn it properly. Stop trying to bluster your way through with insults that have no relevance except to try and make yourself seem big to anyone under 3 years old. > Ah but they were, twitfuck. Try not to quote blank lines, idiot newbie fuck. Drive through. Nope, you left in the bit from 2 posts earlier, to reply to me, they should have been snipped, and try to find a new insult, I'm starting to think you can only come up with one or two based on this post, and they are so boring and un-origional, all they do is rearrange three very short words you obviously heard somewhere. > very obviously formed > > Can you BE any more dense, Moria? I'm sure you can. Let's see. What part of "added the introduction and basically everything up to "Creating Your First > RWX model"" don't you understand, twit? Dataman's original page did NOT have those sections and were only added until AFTER my page went up (which was most certainly not ripped off Dataman's page. If anything I MAY have borrowed stuff from Grover's pages, but I link to his anyway. <shrug> Exactly, your saying that the stuff after that which bears a remarkable similarity to yours was taken from yours and only the intro was added after, which is blatantly untrue, in fact youve even admitted it now, which means if there is a major similarity then you copied. > > Consider this my last response to you. Buh-bye now! > Then why did you respond further below? denial of > > <yawn> Sorry to keep you awake, it must be hard for you trying to rearrange three words into an insult that looks different each time you type it, and you've obviously given up here 'cause you've used all of the arrangements previously. > before time. > > <yawn> Irrelevant to my point, twit. > Nope see above, and by the way, you missed two of your three words off the insult, try again. the derrivation > > Sorry, I wasn't. I was simply pointing out the truth to the unsure Peacfrog. Nope, you started it and posted it wrong, when challenged you blamed Mauz's history, suddenly trying to absolve yourself of yet another cock-up by you. only back > > <chuckle> You must have an odd definition of rationality, sport; I've been CONSTANTLY backing up my claims but you're too fucking cluelessly inept to see that. nope, youve constantly been trying to slam people down who disagree by swearing at them, you have NEVER rationally backed up a claim, I don't even think you would know how to, and not just on this newsgroup but on all the others you try and infest as well. Saying you back them up is completely different from actually backing them up, a point you seem to have forgotten from Discussion and Debate 101, assuming you ever went to class. man sink > > <yawn> "Bye-BYE!" Obviously yes, you did call mommy cause you cant back up anything you say when challenged. Run away little boy and go play with your dolls, they wont answer back when you swear at them, and they will believe everything you say without question, which in the real world doesn't happen. PS glad to see you didn't top-post on that reply.. a bit more practice and you may not be considered a newsgroup newbie or a troll. Moria. Re: newbiness (was Re: AW name history)Apr 1, 2001, 3:01pm
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Yeah, sorry it was late, I must have missed some figures and a minus symbol
from the front.. sorry my bad typo :)) Moria Re: newbiness (was Re: AW name history)Apr 4, 2001, 8:55pm
but at the end of the day I remember someone else coming along and saying, it don't matter as long as we keep AW as the initials:)))) You grouched about Active Worlds for ages, but what choice was there?? :)) Moria [View Quote] Re: You can't even spellApr 5, 2001, 5:02am
another countApr 30, 2001, 6:31am
to eepMay 15, 2001, 4:20am
actually, it is, as is coloured. Both are English. Not American English
Just English:) Moria [View Quote] to eepMay 15, 2001, 7:25pm
youre heading desperately quickly towards idiot again.
Moria [View Quote] > I opened a dictionary, typed the word, nothing showed it being a word, I did > what I was told to do, who is the ignorant one now? I was told to open a > dictionary and it would be there. to eepMay 16, 2001, 4:01am
lol am going to give you one last piece of info, which you may or may not
take to heart:) check just one word of your post and see whether I have reason to believe your still an idiot.. that word is.. [View Quote] > bitch PS a dictionary may help you here, and as a clue its the same error whether your using English or American English. Moria to eepMay 16, 2001, 8:24pm
Final solution to everything.May 12, 2001, 4:54am
to moffMay 13, 2001, 1:58am
[View Quote]
> That is what I referred to "sit down with a dictionary and learn some new
> descriptive words" I took that as "big words", we use what language is > needed When you understand the difference between descriptive words and big words, you may just progress from idiot to troll. Good luck, you are the weakest link, goodbye Moria to moffMay 13, 2001, 2:48pm
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> What have I done to make myself an idiot? read the rest of your post > I said some > things that were towards the real idiots (Chucks Party, JFK2) I am starting > to think you are the weakest link? Agreeing with a few people doesn't make > you a big help. I used "descriptive" words as well as "big" words, the term > "big words" doesn't mean anything different than "descriptive words" bzzzzzzzztt wrong! Until you realise thats not the case, you will remain an idiot. Theres some very big words (big means long) that are not very descriptive, and some very short words (not swear words) that are very descriptive like "red" ,> it > doesn't mean they are actually longer or anything like that, just means they > aren't commonly used words, because there are other words that mean the same > that are more common. > bzzzzttttt wrong. > > > Off topic but I don't want to repost. > > In past post you agreed that wing was a "foul-mouthed kid". Prove it. One > or two swear words does not make you foul-mouthed. I am sure you have used > one here and there. sure, but not here in public, and not in real life in public, I have a vocabulary that allows me to express myself without having to resort to using swear words. Many people I know will resort to swearing in private, but most people have the common decency to not inflict their immaturity on others in public. Moria > to moffMay 13, 2001, 6:59pm
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Why? are your opinions so much more accurate or important than mine? Are
you the police here? Do you want to be? Cause if you do, you need to read the charter and determine whether you and others swearing is in breach of it or not. No one else who is > mature seems to care about it besides Ananas, and as you can see in a past > post, she/he DID state a reason that was logical. Yep:) oh and its a he, and actually was a very similar reason to the one I stated, which is why I agreed with his post. You insult most humans on > Earth by saying they are immature for swearing. and you assume to much, just cause you think something doesnt make that into a majority, have you ever heard of the silent majority and know what it mans? I doubt it:) You MAY be right, but to assume is to be an idiot. Most people on Earth > including yourself has sweared once in their life. That must make you > immature too huh? > Never said I wasn't, but then I don't have a problem with that:) So, I still say your an idiot, but you are slowly progressing towrds troll. keep trying. Moria to moffMay 14, 2001, 5:24am
don't flatter yourself, your not worth replying to generally, and if you
do get your account back, you (and jfk2) are on the permanent ban list from any and all worlds I have caretaker in so that your idiocy and sadness doesnt infect other parts of the AW universe. Can't be bothered to filter you here cause you still make me laugh at you. I notice that for the most part you and jfk have resorted to answering your own posts in order to try and get some sort of recognition.. maybe that says something. M a k however still has hope, hes progressing up the evolutionary tree, where as youve already sunk to the lowest level of hypocrite and sad idiot. Hey, so I insult him, and he kinda insults me back.. its a two way thing and hes getting much better at it. His last post had a real good dig caused by a misplacement of words in my own post.. I thought that was good:) Moria [View Quote] Rumors are they real or not???????????????May 17, 2001, 5:48pm
firstly, no-ones got a problem, as far as I am aware, about dreamland park, except for the constant spamming of this newsgroup by someone which leads to everyone else saying.. stuff it, if thats the type of person they have there, I'm not going. Secondly, if you have a problem with someone in dreamland park, I suggest you deal with it in their community newsgroups, we sure as heck don't want another blood fued going on in here. Honestly, most of us don't give a damn about trivia like the tirades recently in here, let alone in another universe. Lets see... we have one user spamming the newsgroup with adverts and another telling us theres a situation where people are slinging mud at each other.. is this a place I want to go and check out... nahhhhhhhhhhhh not worth it. Great advertising for dreamland.. keep it up:) Moria [View Quote] <snipped for brevity> Newbie Guide to the Newsgroups: Take 2 (VERY long!)May 18, 2001, 5:21am
yep should deffinately be on a fixed link to the newsgroups and updated regularly with new characters as and when they arrive:) Moria [View Quote] <snipped for brevity> Posting in HTMLMay 18, 2001, 1:55pm
since this came up in a number of threads I am posting some of the reasons
why HTML posting is not a good idea, although to the best of my knowledge people only ask for non-html because of common courtesy not because its a rule. Why you shouldn't:- 1) generally HTML posts are advertising.. although you may have HTML posters and readers not everyone has, so some of your audience won't get to see them. 2) in these days of virii, its now possible to embed a virus in HTML or in a JPG and so, those who are concerned about such things wont get to see the posts, cause if you read a newsgroup post in html with a virii in it you have got it before your anti-virus can kick in. Those who know will have deleted it before it downloads so theres no risk. 3) if you post in HTML you can recieve in HTML making it much more likely that you will get a virii from a newsgroup. 4) its an inflated message size.. a 1k post with a link to a 48k image is much more likely to be read than those that see a 48k post and just delete it cause its obviously HTML. 5) some people kill over a certain message size or kill anything in HTML so its just not downloaded. 6) some people still have to pay to download headers and messages by the minute so anything over a 1 or 2k post will be auto filtered out. 7) because of the virus risk, some ISP's filter out HTML before it even gets to the possibility of downloading it. If you want your posts to actually be read, then posting in HTML is a bad way forward cause a lot of your potential audience won't actually ever see its there:) Why you might:- 1) you don't give a damn about virii and are happy to get one or transmit one. 2) you don't give a damn about anyone else possibly getiing one. 3) you don't give damn about people having to pay more to read your posts. 4) you're doing it to get a rise out of people. 5) youre a newbie and don't realise any of the above. Personally I don't care cause my ISP filters HTML from newsgroups before we see them, so I see none of them:) Hope this helps. Moria |