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sw comit // User SearchMax Visibility Setting...Mar 31, 2001, 6:12pm
From what I heard, it was take another...what? another rewrite? Too bad
they didn't do it better the first time, oh well... -- SW Comit swcomit at Mayor of SW City President of Community Linkage Commission Max Visibility Setting...Mar 31, 2001, 9:59pm
Technically, the visibility is a circle, and when you move very fast you
leave the center of that circle, so you were just seeing what was behind you. But only until the browser catches up with you ... Great for taking screen shots, if I say so myself O_O -- SW Comit swcomit at Mayor of SW City President of Community Linkage Commission a way to hold more then 100 contacts :-)Apr 8, 2001, 2:29am
Crimany, Wing, no need for the childess insults. Let's act a little more
mature shall we? -- SW Comit swcomit at Mayor of SW City President of Community Linkage Commission Name changingApr 11, 2001, 4:55pm
The obvious cure to prevent getting your name stolen is to not change it,
but that'll never happen, so maybe AW should do something about it (lol yea right, but this is a wishlist..). Perhaps your old name could be stored in a temporary backup or something for 5 minutes. -- SW Comit swcomit at Mayor of SW City President of Community Linkage Commission Music muteApr 12, 2001, 7:53pm
Here's a very simple suggestion...just like they added the button in the
toolbar to view the web browser, they outa add a music mute (which would uncheck midi and wave & mp3s in your option settings). -- SW Comit swcomit at Mayor of SW City President of Community Linkage Commission VOTE: ALL PEOPLE WHO WORK FOR AW READApr 25, 2001, 11:36pm
Don't get me wrong but isn't Tribes 2 pretty new? Seems like there would be
an excess of newbies now =0 I have Tribes 1, but I never really got into it. Bleh newbies are annoying though, I hear ya (vehicle stealing as you said, for example). -- SW Comit swcomit at Mayor of SW City President of Community Linkage Commission "Fixed" stairsMay 18, 2001, 6:40pm
You could always use four small stairs and move them away from the walls so
the stairs overlap each other a bit (which you can't see unless it's textured), and if you have the cell space to waste. -- SW Comit swcomit at Mayor of SW City President of Community Linkage Commission To drop Clertion (spelling?)Jun 6, 2001, 4:08am
Sorry if I sound like a newbie here, but can .rwx objects work without
renderware? -- SW Comit swcomit at Mayor of SW City President of Community Linkage Commission [View Quote] To drop Clertion (spelling?)Jun 6, 2001, 4:03pm
I was thinking more along the lines of the "architecture" of the object's
file itself. I mean another kinda' rendering engine would need to understand the script, right? -- SW Comit swcomit at Mayor of SW City President of Community Linkage Commission [View Quote] New features for 3.3Jun 6, 2001, 4:04am
I like a lot of Eeps ideas about avatar realism. Sound effects to sync with
an avatar's movement be nice. The gravity and velocity physic engine needs some major tweaking too. You can't go from 0 to (about) 42 mph instantly. I'd love to see shadowing and reflection, but it'd probably kill performance; however they could just make it an option in the settings. Lastly they should introduce a photography mode, which would render items at extreme distances and not allow you to move (moving with so many objects on screen would cause some extreme lag I would image), so you could take nice screenshots. Away from the 3d element I'd like to see a revamped telegram system (also, someone mention an active telegram idea, sounds kinda nice). 3.3 though? What I said sounds more like 6.0 =P -- SW Comit swcomit at Mayor of SW City President of Community Linkage Commission [View Quote] WaterJun 6, 2001, 4:05am
What is she, Amish? hehe
-- SW Comit swcomit at Mayor of SW City President of Community Linkage Commission [View Quote] ReminderJun 7, 2001, 4:33pm
AW doesn't listen to any of these posts but they do claim to listen to your
suggestions sent through this: -- SW Comit swcomit at Mayor of SW City President of Community Linkage Commission begin 666 SW Comit.vcf M0D5'24XZ5D-!4D0-"E9%4E-)3TXZ,BXQ#0I..CM386T-"D9..E-7($-O;6ET M#0I.24-+3D%-13I35R!#;VUI= T*3U)'.D-O;6UU;FET>2!,:6YK86=E($-O M;6UI<W-I;VX[4V]U=& at at 5V5S= T*5$E43$4Z4')E<VED96YT#0I!1%([5T]2 M2SH[.SM35R!#:71Y.T%L<&AA=V]R;&0[.T%C=&EV92!7;W)L9',-"DQ!0D5, M.U=/4DL[14Y#3T1)3D<]455/5$5$+5!224Y404),13I35R!#:71Y+"!!;'!H M87=O<FQD/3!$/3!!06-T:79E(%=O<FQD<PT*0412.TA/344Z.SL[.T-A;&EF M;W)N:6$[.U5300T*3$%"14P[2$]-13M%3D-/1$E.1SU154]4140M4%))3E1! M0DQ%.D-A;&EF;W)N:6$],$0],$%54T$-"E at M5T%"+4=%3D1%4CHR#0I54DP[ M2$]-13IH='1P.B\O=W=W+G-W8VET>2YN970-"E523#M73U)+.FAT=' Z+R]C M;VUL:6YK86=E+G1R:7!O9"YC;VT-"D5-04E,.U!2148[24Y415).150Z<W=C M;VUI=$!S=V-I='DN;F5T#0I2158Z,C P,3 V,#=4,3 at S,#0S6 at T*14Y$.E9# %05)$#0H` ` end ReminderJun 7, 2001, 6:40pm
I thought I was "filtered" ;)
-- SW Comit swcomit at Mayor of SW City President of Community Linkage Commission [View Quote] ReminderJun 7, 2001, 10:34pm
I doubt you filter anyone like I said earlier. And yes I do want to be on
your filter list because you never had anything useful to say about my posts. -- SW Comit swcomit at Mayor of SW City President of Community Linkage Commission [View Quote] ReminderJun 7, 2001, 11:30pm
LOL refiltered for the third time, this is getting fun ^_^
-- SW Comit swcomit at Mayor of SW City President of Community Linkage Commission [View Quote] ReminderJun 28, 2001, 4:29pm
Oh they claimed there was "no way" of grouping all the suggestions here into
what a lot of people want. I guess that would that would take effort, lol. -- SW Comit swcomit at Mayor of SW City President of Community Linkage Commission [View Quote] Increased Contact ListJun 30, 2001, 4:48pm
Why would anyone need some many people on their contact list -_-
I clean my list like every few days of name changers (yuck), people who quit AW, or people who I never talk to anymore. If you have that many people on your list I'm sure you could do the same =0 -- SW Comit swcomit at Mayor of SW City President of Community Linkage Commission [View Quote] New and Improved AV's for standard use?Jul 2, 2001, 10:45pm
Alphaworld you mean, you should clarify that.
Yea I know, they never add anything anymore to that world, just textures that are barely helpful. I hacked my avatars.dat file so I have more avatars and gestures (can you blame me? It's pretty gay to have a world with thousands of users and only 33 avatars, and split that for male and female.), but it only works on my computer and anyone else who has the modified files. Speaking of lack of updates to Alphaworld, I asked them if they could release a simple 1x1 meter object for xelagot's chess script (when it first came out), and I even offered to make the object myself. The only thing you can really use now is boards and water pieces, and that looks pretty bad =\ Anyway they musta sent me 4 emails (with like 3-5 days in-between each one), each one asking a question which I already answered in the original email. The last one asked me which world I wanted it in (wtf, could I of made my email any more clear?!), and when I answered I never heard from them again =/ Btw, I wish they brought back that invisible 1x1 tile in the X object set, those are real good for bot use, which I tried to explain to them. =\ again -- SW Comit swcomit at Mayor of SW City President of Community Linkage Commission [View Quote] New and Improved AV's for standard use?Jul 3, 2001, 9:42pm
Doesn't quiet fit into my city. Chess tiles that big aren't very realistic
=P -- SW Comit swcomit at Mayor of SW City President of Community Linkage Commission [View Quote] Posting RulesJul 6, 2001, 6:09pm
About the HTML, I never use to understand why people hated it so much, but I
guess it just takes longer to download. Some people just download all the messages and read them later, probably because they don't have unlimited access to the internet. -- SW Comit swcomit at Mayor of SW City President of Community Linkage Commission [View Quote] Move command additionJul 19, 2001, 6:38am
This was an idea I got while making Peril Mountain. If you set a move
command so the object had an origin, you could do "bullets". For example, take an object you want to "fire" from your avatar. Put the bullet, named bullet, somewhere hidden and... You click something to shoot that has this command: activate move ______ name=bullet origin=user ____ being the coords to travel to user being the position of the one who activated it And then you add the speed and etc. By the way, what ever happened to that rumor that 3.2 would had a better encroachment system so Alphaworld could use move and rotate -_- Maybe 3.3 =P AW GUI IdeaJul 20, 2001, 4:12am
Please just add a link to the picture instead of attaching to the post =)
FIX THE MIDI FADING PLEASEJul 26, 2001, 3:32pm
Hey Goober King, here's another bone to pick with AWCI =P
Countless people have complained about the new midi fading feature and AWCI hasn't done anything to reverse what they changed. [View Quote] FIX THE MIDI FADING PLEASEJul 26, 2001, 3:34pm
Oh and, uh, here's a temporary solution. If you have a lot of objects
named, say create name music, just do create sound ____.mid name=music, and your midi will play on all those objects... [View Quote] Critical changes neededAug 2, 2001, 6:18pm
Here's a letter of suggestions I sent to AWC:
Privacy mode - just like ICQ invisible mode, you won't be seen as online to anyone. Telegram sent history - so we know what people are replying to. Privilege Password Security - this is the biggest feature needed. I just cannot understand why it hasn't been added. We need to able to kick people off our privilege password in case they start causing trouble. Also, it would be nice to know who is on our ppw at the time. I've been building on AW everyday for 2 and half years now. I really trust my friends with my ppw but what if we got in a fight? I can't say that it'll never happen... Telegram mute - just like chat mute. Citnumber mute - mutes their citnumber rather than their citname, because if they change their name they can talk to you again. Bot mute - This is the second most important feature that needs to be added. Please listen to this...I've tried to run events in the past in Alphaworld, and I usually get around 15 people to come. Then some loser comes around and brings in a bot that greets EVERYONE. Thereby, the chat gets flooded with greetings. Muting does no good because all you gotta do is restart the bot and the mute is cancelled. I cannot run my events when people do that and it's a real shame because I put in countless hours preparing these events. By the time I time I get a PK there it's too late and people are too frustrated and leave =( G.E.T. - The people working at Garbage Elimination Team do their best, but there just isn't enough people there. Whenever you request help, it takes 2-3 weeks to get it removed...I just don't see why it would take that long... AWGZ fixup - The most popular world in Alphaworld has one of the crummiest GZs in the universe. Sorry if this offends anyone, but ask around. You got overlapping objects, mismatching textures, and it just isn't that easy on the eye. There are many talented builders out there, perhaps you should get some examples from them. Oh yea, also, all those teleports in the NE go to abandoned and old and even ugly places. This is practically AWs first impression (besides AWGate)! Something needs to be done. Tourist ID - Tourists can get away with nearly anything because they have no ID. If you want to vandalize, you do it in tourist mode and you'll probably get away with it. If you wanna run a muck at an event, once again you do it in tourist mode. Tourists should get accounts just like citizens, except they are free and have the same rights that tourists have now. Confirmation of the account would be sent through email. Word blocker - just like how ICQ can replace "bad words" with * Critical changes neededAug 2, 2001, 6:51pm
Critical changes neededAug 3, 2001, 8:06pm
If anyone's interested in Roland's comments about these, here's his reply:
------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hi Sam, thanks for your feedback. I suppose you would not find it too surprising that everything you suggested has been suggested before, many times, by many people. They have not been done yet for a simple reason: a lack of time. One comment. You said "this is the biggest feature needed. I just cannot understand why it hasn't been added." You might be surprised that if you go around the AW users and ask "what's the biggest feature needed in AW", you'll get almost as many different answers as people you ask. Some common themes will pop up of course (the biggest one at the moment being the need to block telegrams.) I've had maybe three people, total, ever mention that they'd like to be able to kick people off of their privileges on the fly (there are some technical reasons why this isn't so easy to do). This is compared to the hundreds of people that have complained about not being able to block telegrams. This means I would probably tackle the latter problem sooner than the former. At the reunion in Las Vegas in my seminar I asked everyone in the room what feature they would add next if they were in charge of AW development. There were about 30 people there and I got about 25 different answers. What's my point? Well, this means that from my point of view, no matter how many important new features we add, people will always be complaining "[x] is the single most important thing we need and I can't understand why it hasn't been done." Even if there were 10 of me working on AW instead of only 1, this would still be the case. So, I'm asking you to please be patient and understand that we, quite literally, have thousands of different users asking us for hundreds of different features. The most obvious feature to you may not necessarily be the highest priority for others. The reality is, in a given year, I'm only going to have time to get to a few dozen new features at most. The rest will have to wait until the next year. :) Also, one other note: issues like G.E.T. Thanks, Roland roland@activeworlds.comAug 2, 2001, 6:22pm
Dear Roland. I've prepared a list of critical changes that AW needs. I've
also sent this letter to community at and through the suggestion box and at the NG wishlist. These could be things to talk about tomorrow at tech talk =) Privacy mode - just like ICQ invisible mode, you won't be seen as online to anyone. Telegram sent history - so we know what people are replying to. Privilege Password Security - this is the biggest feature needed. I just cannot understand why it hasn't been added. We need to able to kick people off our privilege password in case they start causing trouble. Also, it would be nice to know who is on our ppw at the time. I've been building on AW everyday for 2 and half years now. I really trust my friends with my ppw but what if we got in a fight? I can't say that it'll never happen... Telegram mute - just like chat mute. Citnumber mute - mutes their citnumber rather than their citname, because if they change their name they can talk to you again. Bot mute - This is the second most important feature that needs to be added. Please listen to this...I've tried to run events in the past in Alphaworld, and I usually get around 15 people to come. Then some loser comes around and brings in a bot that greets EVERYONE. Thereby, the chat gets flooded with greetings. Muting does no good because all you gotta do is restart the bot and the mute is cancelled. I cannot run my events when people do that and it's a real shame because I put in countless hours preparing these events. By the time I time I get a PK there it's too late and people are too frustrated and leave =( G.E.T. - The people working at Garbage Elimination Team do their best, but there just isn't enough people there. Whenever you request help, it takes 2-3 weeks to get it removed...I just don't see why it would take that long... AWGZ fixup - The most popular world in Alphaworld has one of the crummiest GZs in the universe. Sorry if this offends anyone, but ask around. You got overlapping objects, mismatching textures, and it just isn't that easy on the eye. There are many talented builders out there, perhaps you should get some examples from them. Oh yea, also, all those teleports in the NE go to abandoned and old and even ugly places. This is practically AWs first impression (besides AWGate)! Something needs to be done. Tourist ID - Tourists can get away with nearly anything because they have no ID. If you want to vandalize, you do it in tourist mode and you'll probably get away with it. If you wanna run a muck at an event, once again you do it in tourist mode. Tourists should get accounts just like citizens, except they are free and have the same rights that tourists have now. Confirmation of the account would be sent through email. Word blocker - just like how ICQ can replace "bad words" with * roland@activeworlds.comAug 2, 2001, 7:54pm
lol, stupid outlook. The new post button and the new email button are in
the same place. Depends on what you got selected - NGs or Email =\ Hey I was doing like 10 things at once, gimme a break =P [View Quote] |