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sw comit // User Search
sw comit // User SearchScale in action commandFeb 4, 2001, 5:25pm
That would revolutionize building. Imagine the details you could do....Well
at least in alphaworld, since the objects are so big there. how to make animated JPGsFeb 10, 2001, 1:48am
Interesting group to put that in, but hey, it's all good =P
World Prices?!Feb 15, 2001, 9:46pm
Yea but that's also a risk, and AW never seems to do risks, as you tell by
the lack of changes in the way they run their business... Sound distanceFeb 13, 2001, 10:37pm
I had that idea too, or mabey just turning off fading completely. I liked
listening to midis while I built, but now they fade when I get too far and it's annoying...gotta make extra speakers. Also, mabey you could do that too light too. For example, turning on intensity, so light gets more powerful when you get closer. Sound distanceFeb 14, 2001, 2:29am
Yes but it doesn't fade smooth enough. It's kinda hard to see, but it only
seems to start fading around .5 meters of it's edge, and that could just be the objects diffuse. Two Wishes: Streaming MP3s & Ogg Vorbis SupportFeb 16, 2001, 3:05am
You know, I'm pretty sure Roland did say why he couldn't do streaming mp3s,
but I don't remember why, it was ye ol' history. Streaming voiceFeb 22, 2001, 5:44am
Hmmm...then I suppose it would only be useful for private conversations. I
spent half of my internet life on Mplayer, which supported voice chat, but barely ANYONE used it (not sure why really, I never used it either, lol). People really only used it to say REALLY long things that you wouldn't wanna type, or to let other hear some music your playing... Maybe AW doesn't see it useful enough. Streaming voiceFeb 22, 2001, 5:48am
lol chris, seems like half of us are like that. Maybe it's because they
have time to think about it and they don't have to worry about the counter-attack for a couple hours. -- SW Comit - swcomit at Mayor of SW City - President of Community Linkage Commission - Lights Effect WalksFeb 22, 2001, 5:58am
It also takes a good deal of light (brightness) to work well on landa, and
when you do that it floods any other wall object or such, and it looks way uneven... -- SW Comit swcomit at Mayor of SW City President of Community Linkage Commission [View Quote] quicker scene updatingFeb 22, 2001, 5:51am
wee I thought was just me. I hate having to stop to get objects (already
cached) 120 meters away to load. It ruins the atmosphere... -- SW Comit Mayor of SW City - President of Community Linkage Commission - avatar soundsFeb 22, 2001, 5:56am
Hmmm, wouldn't that be more tied into the indivual avatar? For example, a
birde avatar wouldn't make the same noise as a normal avatar. -- SW Comit swcomit at Mayor of SW City President of Community Linkage Commission ppw upgradesFeb 22, 2001, 6:15am
1. I'd be nice if you could transfer ownership of objects easier. For
example, log into someone ppw, then select your objects, replace the ownership field with the citnumber of the ppw your under... 2. Be able to work with your own objects while under a ppw, it's a major pain to swamp back and forth. 3. Be able to log into multiple ppw. Of course this would require some work on the objects property window, and I looks like AW is never gonna tinker with that... 4. Be able to eject someone from your ppw. For example if you give someone your ppw, and they start trashing your place, you should be able to kick them off your ppw. This is a major security issue AW should fix. 5. Have a drop down menu of ppws you know. For example, I know a lot of ppw, too many to remember. I'd be nice to have a drop down menu in the ppw login window. 6. Be able to monitor who is logged into your ppw now. All these features, I think, would be awesome for major cities or organization (like comreg) who deal with ppw a lot. -- SW Comit swcomit at Mayor of SW City President of Community Linkage Commission This would be fun, but uselessFeb 22, 2001, 3:44pm
Binoculars - to be able to zoom in on something in the distance. lol, I
always wanted that, but that'll never happen =P -- SW Comit swcomit at Mayor of SW City President of Community Linkage Commission This would be fun, but uselessFeb 23, 2001, 9:45pm
Real live AW cameras would be cool too. For example, every citizen gets a
limit of 1 camera to place in a world, and you could load a command in the action line to see it. I could like watch town square while I build ^_^ create citcam (citizen camera) citnum (your citizen number) I'm not sure what this would do to performance though. -- SW Comit swcomit at Mayor of SW City President of Community Linkage Commission This would be fun, but uselessFeb 24, 2001, 12:00am
Why do you say that? The image is still, except for avatar or
moving/animated stuff. And you'd also need to be looking at the video. -- SW Comit swcomit at Mayor of SW City President of Community Linkage Commission [View Quote] Fresh StartFeb 23, 2001, 9:48pm
*ahem* And what about the countless hours of building people have done?
Alphaworld world alone....75 million objects, that's a whole lot work =D -- SW Comit swcomit at Mayor of SW City President of Community Linkage Commission [View Quote] Fresh StartFeb 24, 2001, 4:35am
You obviously don't own anything in AW your proud of...
-- SW Comit swcomit at Mayor of SW City President of Community Linkage Commission [View Quote] Fresh StartFeb 24, 2001, 5:35am
I've spent two years buildings, I'd be pretty bummed if it all went down the
drain. -- SW Comit swcomit at Mayor of SW City President of Community Linkage Commission [View Quote] Fresh StartMar 2, 2001, 12:44am
30 universes? I've been on AW for 3 years and I've only heard of about 5 of
them, lol. -- SW Comit swcomit at Mayor of SW City President of Community Linkage Commission Vertical moveFeb 24, 2001, 2:35am
True...still, that's would require a good deal of work to keep people from
doing that -- SW Comit swcomit at Mayor of SW City President of Community Linkage Commission [View Quote] "status" worldsFeb 25, 2001, 4:59pm
LOL, I don't think so =P
-- SW Comit swcomit at Mayor of SW City President of Community Linkage Commission AWCI-Stop using backgrounds with fog! It doesn't work and looks gay.Feb 25, 2001, 8:06pm
Personaly I only like very far away white fog.
-- SW Comit swcomit at Mayor of SW City President of Community Linkage Commission [View Quote] User-set VisibilityFeb 25, 2001, 9:53pm
If he's going to rewrite it, why stop at 200?
-- SW Comit swcomit at Mayor of SW City President of Community Linkage Commission [View Quote] Hello and Two CentsMar 18, 2001, 5:18am
> Every last Citizen should have some space on the FTP to place some
(perhaps a limited number) custom objects and/or textures; and every last object available in any and every world on the AW Server should be available in AW proper. Limiting objects and commands that are clearly available elsewhere is absolutely silly. It doesn't even speed anything up. It just slows us builders down. You'd need some rules there...what if you made a HUGE object? What if your object can encroach? > Every last Citizen should have the rights to eject tourists at will. If tourists suffer from this they can just buy the damn license. PeaceKeepers should only have to discipline errant Citizens. Naw, muting is good enough, it could pretty annoying if *your* talking to a tourist, and some jerk ejects him. > There's been some pondering of communities here. I have found that many tourists, and indeed many Citizens, never make it out of GZ. Why? Because they like to chat, and it's hard to find other people to chat with elsewhere. I suggest abandoning Ground Zero entirely. The startout "gate" should change regularly, even daily, from site to site. Perhaps there can be contests for who's land "sponsors" GZ, or we could use the winners from some other contest, or maybe it can be random. If GZ changed every day, newcomers and old could choose favorite places to be and "communities" could be more readily established. Think about it. This is sweet idea! I never heard of this idea before, but I think it would promote communities big time. > This one might be harder to implement, but would greatly improve AW: The ability to turn off SHIFT and/or flying commands should be inherent to each property, maybe even each sector. We should be able to wall each other out of our own properties if we so desire. Also, I would like to see a "Soundproofing" option. In one word: PRIVACY. Yeah, I want to chat uninterrupted with my friends. New rules separating "public" and "private" behavior could then be implemented. If some sort of age or rating barriers could be made (say, a wall that is solid for minors or rating-challenged individuals), we could even get a little more lax on "adult" content while simultaneously defending the kids. Naw, what if you made a wall that was like 2 km long, and hundreds of meters high, and you couldn't go through it? You'd have to teleport...quite annoying I'd say. > AW Developers: If there aren't enough developers working, HIRE ME and we'll get some things done. I could write half of these changes myself in cute little easy-to-add-on modules if you (for some reason) can't. We sure could use some new programmers ^_^ A Penny for your RepliesMar 19, 2001, 12:20am
A stack of tourists in your house? LOL, surely AW wouldn't set your place
as GZ without your permission ;) -- SW Comit swcomit at Mayor of SW City President of Community Linkage Commission A Penny for your RepliesMar 19, 2001, 12:22am
What's this about 40 dollars an hour? AW gets about 15 citizens a day
average. If you worked for 7.5 hours a day you'd drain their funds all on one person. -- SW Comit swcomit at Mayor of SW City President of Community Linkage Commission The Absolute Eradication of All Active WorldsMar 23, 2001, 1:38am
Not me that's for sure, I built everyday for over 2 years now. AW 2217.4s
3609.8e 90 -- SW Comit swcomit at Mayor of SW City President of Community Linkage Commission |