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rolu // User Search
Oct 8, 1998, 7:15pm
So, get rich in AW :-)
[View Quote]Pandemonium wrote in message <361ced8d.0 at homer>...
>That is indeed a very interesting idea with many possibilities, but there
>one possibility I shudder to consider, I am poor in real life, lol, would
>hate to go into AW take a break from the daily grind and then find I am
>in VR too :-)
>Marxist class struggle in AW anyone? :-p
>Jason Fox wrote in message <361c196e.0 at homer>...
Nov 29, 1998, 8:01pm
....electronical warfare? :-)
[View Quote]MrNecro wrote in message <3661a6f7.0 at homer>...
>yepp, either that or some kinda mental combat...
>but why do you all have to use such a nasty language?
>it isn't the swearing, i mean the... the... oh, what's it called?
>well, you yell to each other that i'm right and that he's wrong...
>no point of yelling, is there? so just try too be quiet, 'k?
>i'm trying to sleep but it isn't easy when you guys yell
>all the time!
>Fluxen wrote in message <36603721.0 at homer>...
Nov 27, 1998, 1:01pm
[View Quote]Eep² wrote in message <36537F93.A79D9589 at tnlc.com>...
>Lack of money. Good programmers aren't cheap.
How much do they cost?
>Around 10/14/97, there were around 4517 paid citizens (totaling at least
>Today there are around, according to Roland, 14,000 paid citizens
(totalling $279,300).
>COF ain't exactly rollin' in dough. :/
[View Quote]>Chris Barney wrote:
about starting to look for more programmers, If AW
programmers were working on AW either though...
did not
<36510952.630432EB at parallax.force9.co.uk>...
Nov 27, 1998, 1:02pm
I'll do it for $6999 :-)
[View Quote]Fluxen wrote in message <36597f4f.0 at homer>...
>Oh well.... I cost only $7000 a month. And some nice other working
>conditions of course.
> Fluxen Dean-Christian Strik
> ICQ: 11760568 ISG RhinoSoft
> fluxen at bigfoot.com dean2 at bigfoot.com
>Real computer scientists despise the idea of actual hardware. Hardware has
>limitations, software doesn't. It's a real shame that Turing machines are
>poor at I/O.
>Eep² wrote in message <36537F93.A79D9589 at tnlc.com>...
>(totalling $279,300).
>about starting to look for more programmers, If AW
>programmers were working on AW either though...
>did not
><36510952.630432EB at parallax.force9.co.uk>...
Nov 27, 1998, 1:07pm
They did. But that was not the cause of their failure. It rather was a
last-effort emergency rescue whatever. MSIE is standard with Windows, and I
like that. It saves an installation when reinstalling everything on my
computer. And it's integrated in windows. That's why I use it. However,
Netscape ain't bad. It's just that Microsoft had windows to promote MSIE.
[View Quote]Cubic wrote in message <365add13.0 at homer>...
>Yes they did.
>And you can see the results of that:
>Every smart internetter has switched to.... MICROSOFT!!!
>Aaahh... then it musta been *really* bad..
><no offence intended to anyone>
>dean wrote in message <3659F37A.3AFFFADF at timon.acu.edu>...
>are so
>newsgroups did
><36510952.630432EB at parallax.force9.co.uk>...
Nov 27, 1998, 1:10pm
I won't depart. AW might develop slowly, it DOES develop. And it's fun.
Unless COF goes broke, I bet AW will get somewhere.
[View Quote]Cubic wrote in message <365311ca.0 at homer>...
>I never even said i *did* think that COF implement a lot of changes...
>Anyway; I'm sure the guyz at COF get to know somehow what's going on in
>newsgroups, even though they don't always read them..
>Just threaten massive departure. They'll know what's going ont, then ;-)
>Eep² wrote in message <36520C63.C5F6F1D8 at tnlc.com>...
>suggest here, let alone what's on their OWN TheList™. AW is about
>stagnation, not development.
Nov 27, 1998, 1:13pm
Real programmers write in BASIC!! :-)
(finding a good place to hide...)
btw, I use Delphi at the moment.
[View Quote]Fluxen wrote in message <365c809a.0 at homer>...
>Yer askin' for a new flame thread ;-)
>When I think of Fortran, I'm just ROTFLMAO! :)
> Fluxen Dean-Christian Strik
> ICQ: 11760568 ISG RhinoSoft
> fluxen at bigfoot.com dean2 at bigfoot.com
>Real computer scientists despise the idea of actual hardware. Hardware has
>limitations, software doesn't. It's a real shame that Turing machines are
>poor at I/O.
>Scott D. Miller wrote in message <365A1035.8CED5DBF at cwia.com>...
Nov 27, 1998, 1:15pm
MP3 is being worked on I heard from Enzo at av98.
[View Quote]Fluxen wrote in message <36598089.0 at homer>...
>And MP3 of course.
> Fluxen Dean-Christian Strik
> ICQ: 11760568 ISG RhinoSoft
> fluxen at bigfoot.com dean2 at bigfoot.com
>Real computer scientists despise the idea of actual hardware. Hardware has
>limitations, software doesn't. It's a real shame that Turing machines are
>poor at I/O.
>MrNecro wrote in message <3652e7ee.0 at homer>...
Nov 27, 1998, 1:18pm
You get a license for owning a world. The software is free.
[View Quote]klassi wrote in message <36578088.570E6EA0 at parallax.force9.co.uk>...
>Yes you download it but it is useless, much like the browser software you
>a name and password to become a citizen, in this case to run a world.
>Guess I will have to view it as a license to use the software, still think
>you already run a world you should get a 50% discount on a second after all
>is better than nothing which is what I am paying for the second world I
>Dthknight wrote:
Nov 28, 1998, 1:53pm
both 50%? If the first world costs 100% and the 2nd 50%, the average is 75%.
[View Quote]klassi wrote in message <365F1AF7.F5CD1869 at parallax.force9.co.uk>...
>Buy a car manual for $5000 and take the car free. I guess COF have to
charge again
>as some people would buy one and then strike a deal with a friend who
wanted their
>own world, which would mean that both would be paying 50% less for the
world.. I
>guess that could be one reason... I know many share their registered
>mgib wrote:
after all
it :)
Nov 28, 1998, 7:53pm
I'd like to see the setup fee removed. That's all that is keeping me from
getting my own world. I'm not that rich... :-( Why does that setup fee
exist, anyway? Does it cost $80, just to tell the uniserver that it should
accept a new world called this with password that? They don't even have to
host my world... I think it would be less than 5mins of work to enable a
[View Quote]klassi wrote in message <36605E7D.1BD978F2 at parallax.force9.co.uk>...
>Well aware of that. COF don't do ANY discounts that I know about, maybe a
>behind the scene deals SO my calculations were based on a free second
>that is what I was thinking anyway :-)....
>Rolu wrote:
<3657594E.CD06736 at parallax.force9.co.uk>...
Nov 30, 1998, 4:28pm
[View Quote]klassi wrote in message <3661B8AF.A155EBF8 at parallax.force9.co.uk>...
>Not many around seem that rich but I am glad they do charge or there would
>twice or three times as many worlds, ratio would be 3 worlds available per
>citizen online.
>Still you may get your wish as Roland did happen to like the idea of
setting up
>a service that could host thousands of worlds.
>After the initial $69 dollars (one off) running a world on your own PC is
>cheap, infact it is virually free as you get a registered(or two) citizen
>in free, so for an PS8 world it would only cost you $3.95 per year extra...
>I don't think that many people know just how cheap running a world is!....
I know it's that cheap... it's only the initial fee that's keeping me away
from my world...
>ps So when will we see Rolu world up and running?
It already is... :-) it's a trial world, RoluGate. However, not a real fancy
world. I use it to experiment, so there's 'junk' all over :-) I'll build
some nice things, but I'm first going to make the RWXes for them. I'm going
to buy a world together with Fluxen, and then we will build a real world.
[View Quote]>Rolu wrote:
<36578088.570E6EA0 at parallax.force9.co.uk>...
Dec 2, 1998, 1:26pm
Cubic, hou nou je kop eens. Je taalgebruik is ronduit beledigend. Je flamet
de hele tijd en je gedraagt je net als een van die kleutertjes op school, of
voor mijn part Sjoerd, die denkt dat het stoer is om iemand te beledigen.
Dat is precies wat jij nu doet. Je gedraagt je veel te agressief. Wees eens
wat kalmer. En LEES eens wat de mensen schrijven, voordat je er een boze
reactie op maakt. Je gedraagt je precies als Eep op zijn slechte dagen, met
het verschil dat hij nog het een en ander aan nuttige dingen uitvoert. Dus
doe nu normaal, voordat de hele nieuwsgroep je ziet als een grote eikel. Je
zegt dat je alleen flamet als je dat nodig vond, maar ik heb nog weinig, zo
niet niets, anders gezien. Ik weet dat je je in real life heel anders
gedraagt, dus waarom doe je dat hier dan niet?
[View Quote]Cubic wrote in message <366313ec.0 at homer>...
>klassi wrote in message <36630621.25368329 at parallax.force9.co.uk>...
>Gimme a break, man!
>What the heck are you brabbling about? I said nothing abusive.
>And if u do think so, you have, as I said, a BIG fantasy.
>But don't get back on me for it..
>I hope so... I don't believe in (a) god(s) so I hope I am not a god myself,
>cause that would mean..... ;-)
>I am too, so why are we flaming if we agree.
>I had already understood that that was your point.
>And indeed it's not a bad idea.
Dec 2, 1998, 1:29pm
But now, the number of worlds isn't rising very fast, and the number of
worlds worth visiting isn't, too. However, I find almost all worlds I visit
worth visiting. I always see something new, get new idea's, and I like to
feel the atmosphere of a world. You don't need very fancy objects to have a
world that is pleasurable to be in, and to work on.
[View Quote]Cubic wrote in message <3662f24c.0 at homer>...
>Fluxen wrote in message <3662d53c.0 at homer>...
>That's what I mean:
>I didn't say I am god, and I don't why you think that I think so.
>I just said:
>Only some of the worlds are worth visiting. If starting a world will be
>cheaper; the number of worlds that ain't world visiting will rise faster
>than the number of worlds that IS worth visiting...
>And I don't like that.
Dec 2, 1998, 1:31pm
Yes. The setup fee gives $80 once. However, I want a PS8-XE, which would
give COF $40 a year. That'd be more over a long term.
[View Quote]Raven Shadow <...> wrote in message <3662060a.0 at homer>...
>This is a general response to msome not all of this thread :-)
>Take into consideration an action game called "Subspace"
>( a multi-player shoot em up game ) If you buy the cd a some local store ,
>it'll have server software
>needed for you to host your own game.
>You Create a list of Favorite "zones" and they are the only ones displayed
>on the game menu.
>sorta let's you permantly cutting out the junk .
>CoF could do something similar .
>Sell worlds for a reasonable price < over the web , or in local stores >
>You buy the world , set it up and when run it run , It "logs on" to the
>universe < but the owner has to find a server for it>
>The Subspace "Billing" server does not deal with any data from the client
>software it just tracks what
>zone is active and which isn't .. Thus thier servers aren't overloaded..
>The aw client would just need 2 world lists . 1 is displayed like it is now
>and holds you " favorites"
>the 2nd is downloaded and displayed on demand and only used to modify you
>favorites list
>I mean , if some fool wants to shell out $40 - $60 and not use it , thats
>thier problem , I'll never
>bother having it on my world's list :-) but could give cof a chance at
>higher sales = more funds =
>more programers / advertisers / users , etc....
>But I could be full of it :-)
>this is only the Wishlist
Dec 2, 1998, 1:32pm
....cubic, simply because you don't LIKE a world it isn't necessarily crap,
or an impulse buy...
[View Quote]klassi wrote in message <3663084B.531FFFCF at parallax.force9.co.uk>...
>My point is that you state many things from your point of view and state
them as
>facts, I was simply asking for the facts knowing that you couldn't possibly
>answer the question/s.
>Cubic wrote:
<365F1AF7.F5CD1869 at parallax.force9.co.uk>...
run a
Dec 2, 1998, 1:35pm
Yes, a good alternative for the phone, like sattelite (that Iridium
project?), cable modem or electricity network modem could have, if properly
set up, a golden future.
[View Quote]klassi wrote in message <3664691C.AE499194 at parallax.force9.co.uk>...
>Hiya Dean,
>dean wrote:
occasion and
if the
>As everybody is different it figures that they wouldn't do the same things,
>why discussions like this are pointless.
it, how
sell a
have many
>Very few would pay more or even the same amount unless they lived in the UK
>instance) and wanted a pre-built world as building one online would cost 5
to 10
>times the initial cost of a blank world, phone charges are a killer. In the
past I
>have spent more on the phone in three weeks than my world cost to buy and
run for a
>If I wanted to sell my world<which I don't> I would simply give it away, I
>spent alot more money in the past doing other things and enjoying myself
less, so
>having a world has saved me money, the fun it provides per hour/dollar is
very good
Dec 3, 1998, 11:09am
[View Quote]Fluxen wrote in message <3665b2f2.0 at homer>...
>Translation of Rolu's text:
>"Cubic, shut up will you. Your use of language is simply insulting. You're
>flaming all the time and you're behaving like one of those todlers at
>school, or, for I care, Sjoerd, who thinks it looks tough to insult. That's
>exactly what you're doing. You're behaving far too agressive. Calm down.
>READ what people write, before typing an angry reply. You're behaving
>exactly like Eep on one of his bad days, with the difference you spend your
>time on some useful things too.
One correction: I said that Eep spend his time on usefull things, too. Not
Cubic. Eep also makes contributive posts.
>So behave normal now, before the whole
>newsgroup considers you a big jerk. You say you're just flaming when you
>think necessary, but I've seen little, if not nothing, different. I know
>behave really different in real life, so why don't you here?"
>[ Fluxen Dean-Christian Strik ]
>[ ICQ: 11760568 ISG RhinoSoft ]
>[ fluxen at bigfoot.com dean2 at bigfoot.com ]
>The nice thing of standards is that there are so many to choose from.
>-- Andrew S. Tanenbaum
[View Quote]>Rolu wrote in message <366597d0.0 at homer>...
Dec 3, 1998, 11:12am
Indeed, I read. Using other words doesn't mean not reading anything. You
said these worlds weren't even worth visiting, so you consider them crap.
You don't only have problems with reading, also with understanding things...
[View Quote]Cubic wrote in message <3665c8b5.0 at homer>...
>I never said it was crap.
>YOU read...
>I only said I find some worlds not worth visiting.
>Since when is it not allowed to think so???
>Rolu wrote in message <366597ec.0 at homer>...
><36605E7D.1BD978F2 at parallax.force9.co.uk>...
Dec 4, 1998, 6:25am
[View Quote]klassi wrote in message <366701FD.28AA5EEA at parallax.force9.co.uk>...
>Cubic wrote:
>Yes I know..
>Don't like standing around at AWgate, much nicer places to stand in.
>Not really the same times, I visit once,twice or three times a day for 5
>or many hours..
>Just stick me in Contacts I will pop up...
He can't, he is a tourist.
Dec 6, 1998, 12:05pm
Yes, and when using 24 they could count on their hands, feet, eyes and ears.
25 was possible, too, by using a nose. But since they used their nose for
smelling the time on their feet, they chose 24.
[View Quote]grover wrote in message <3669FB81.92C4B2AB at nospam.usa.net>...
>Actually, I believe 24 was chosen because, like 360, it can be evenly split
>different ways. Which was important because the ancients didn't have
>calculators and floating points- they had to do all the math in their heads
>on stone tablets :-) Who's the guy in here with that useless factoids
>Fluxen wrote:
by 4
Dec 6, 1998, 12:05pm
That's just fake. The objects look the same at night.
[View Quote]klassi wrote in message <3669F9D3.CBDCF06B at parallax.force9.co.uk>...
>I don't like the look of the objects at night...Puts me off building and
>me want to get some sleep!
>Cubic wrote:
Dec 15, 1998, 9:12am
Make an object with "bump sound silence.mid" when you have a midi playing
and want it to stop. I thought there was a silence.wav, too, so "bump noise
silence.wav" would end the playing of a wave file.
[View Quote]Just In wrote in message <3674fd7b.39024176 at news.activeworlds.com>...
>On Sun, 13 Dec 1998 08:52:32 +0100, Andras Sarkozy
><andras at mail.storage.co.hu> wrote:
>I want the sound continue until a trigger event occurs such as BUMP or
>Thanks for the response but I already knew about the NOISE action. It
>doesn't solve the problem.
Dec 15, 1998, 9:13am
Probably not :-), astart and astop only work for animations.
[View Quote]Andras Sarkozy wrote in message <36758CAC.B2E5F851 at mail.storage.co.hu>...
>I'm not really familiar with the actions, but the "astart" and "astop"
should do it for you.
>Just, In wrote:
Dec 17, 1998, 10:32am
hmmm, that's still a 150% increase.
[View Quote]Eep² wrote in message <367812D7.862359D9 at tnlc.com>...
>Oh, wait, they've hired Hamfon part-time (probably working on the SDK), so
that makes 1.5 programmers...sorta. Still...
>Cubic wrote:
Dec 26, 1998, 7:15pm
if you win the lottery, set up a world hosting service yourself for prices
you consider reasonable, to help other ppl who didn't win the lottery :-)
[View Quote]Lis Morris wrote in message <36854a85.0 at homer>...
>I've like the way they witter on in their help files about how wonderful
>world server is- how little bandwidth and disk space it takes up, even for
>big world, then charge a ridiculous amount for hosting your world for you.
>My world won't be hosted by them, unless I win the lottery!
>Cubic wrote in message <36770103.0 at homer>...
Dec 16, 1998, 8:26am
[View Quote]Cubic wrote in message <36770104.0 at homer>...
>Maybe it would be expensive but it would work.
>I mean: if you can play quake with 20 people at 50 fps why does AW run on
>2fps with a Viper V330 !?!?!
'cuz it doesn't use the D3D part of the viper...
I'm working on something like that.
>And maybe off-line building followed by easy uploading to a spot specified
>by you as soon as you get onlin.
Roland is working on that, it should be implemented in the next release of
the AWbrowser.
>And maybe a board to accept/reject these homemade avatars!
>Rather 1 to 1 I think. I mean: if I remember correctly you want to speed
>thing *up* ;-)
>Shouldn't be too hard as far as I know anything at all about it ;-)
>Forget it!
>Not everyone has his private T1-connection...
>Too bad actually; cuz the idea of real audio and video is in fact quite
Absolutely don't forget it. You don't need a T1 connection for that. And
even if you did, compare the average modem-speed from 5 years ago with the
average speed now... and think about the average speed of modems over 5
Dec 16, 1998, 8:34am
Um, I will want to make such a list. I'm not into cgi or java at the moment,
but I can do this manually. When I make a list, everyone can send his votes
and new submissions to the list to my E-mail adress, and I will add them. I
will post the list in this NG regulary, and mabye send it to Roland himself.
In the list I'll give the idea itself, with a short description or so, and
the number of votes. What about that?
[View Quote]dean wrote in message <36775959.CF8EADD9 at hotmail.com>...
>How about getting someone who knows cgi or java to make a vote/list page of
>top 100 sought after features?
>Every person has a different idea of how each feature should be
implemented, so
>it would probably take a team of people to figure out just what feature a
>request should belong with or if that request should be in a unique feature
>Every person has the option of adding as many requests that he or she
>but only the requests that he or she makes that are common requests with
>may make it to the top 100 list.
>OR, there could be a webpage of requests like ICQ has done
>But, of course, it would be better to have it sorted out to be presented to
>Roland so it will be easier for him to see which ones are most wanted so
>will have a better chance of making it to the top of his List™. As you
>see from the ICQ wishlist database, there are hundreds of wishes and none
>them are exactly the same.
>raiven wrote:
Dec 17, 1998, 10:28am
[View Quote]cubic at mediaport.org wrote in message <36784fc7.0 at homer>...
>Rolu wrote in message <3677ebf5.0 at homer>...
>That *is* what I mean ;-)
>That is inefficient. How would you call it!!?!
um, stupid? Because lots of ppl have 3dfx/d3d cards, and they can make AW a
lot more pleasant. At current only a voodoo rush does something...
>After all someone wakes up ;-)
I'm still sleeping :-)
>At last.
>Actually, what version will that be?
>Indeed: in 5 years. But not now, here. ;-)
why? now here some ppl already have modems fast enough. And if it's
implemented, everyone who gets a faster modem can use it, too.
Dec 19, 1998, 12:58pm
full-screen lo-res? All those games can do up to at least 800x600, often
more. And still be fast.
[View Quote]grover wrote in message <367B2B14.B53E8427 at nospam.usa.net>...
>no, i was playing Doom for a year defore AW came out... and the reason AW
>doesn't have 3D support is because all those 3D games switch to full-screen
>lo-res mode. if aw would switch to that (which you can in one of the
>drivers) it's got kick-ass speed too. But the gui would suck, you wouldn't
>able to talk, etc. The problem for speed is that it is a windowed program-
>there are currently very few accellerators that work with windowed
>David Watt wrote: