rolu // User Search
rolu // User Search
Jan 9, 1999, 8:37pm
Yep, the only reason I have my computer is because my father wanted a new
one and gave this one to me. If something expensive breaks down, I won't be
able to replace it... *crosses fingers...*
[View Quote]Paul wrote in message <3694060f.0 at homer>...
>Everyone can't afford to upgrade there computer once a year. I upgraded
>mine in the fall of ' 97 from a DX4-100 to my P233mmx (running at 266)
>and voodoo rush video. I can't afford to do it all over again. And I
>shouldn't have to just because COF chooses to live in the "old days" of
>software 3D rendering. They should get their technology up to date, then
>necessary, I'll try to get my hardware up to date.
>Dthknight wrote in message <369400e5.0 at homer>...
Jan 9, 1999, 8:38pm
Again you're stupid. We had this discussion at least once before.
[View Quote]cubic at mediaport.org wrote in message <36953de1.0 at homer>...
>Fluxen wrote in message <36952592.0 at homer>...
>IMHO 'everyone can't afford' equals 'not everyone van afford'.
>So IMO Paul *was* right...
Jan 10, 1999, 5:46pm
that's just your problem... jou don't *WANT* to know what everyone says...
[View Quote]cubic at mediaport.org wrote in message <3698b60c.0 at homer>...
>Rolu wrote in message <3698a1a7.0 at homer>...
>Yes but the way he says it makes me not wanna know it.
Jan 10, 1999, 5:48pm
[View Quote]cubic at mediaport.org wrote in message <3698b6e9.0 at homer>...
>Rolu wrote in message <3698a1a8.0 at homer>...
>What are you actually accusing me off?
>That I'm hard to convince?
>I know some more of these ppl... ;-)
No, that you don't want to listen, or aren't able to. Also that you don't
recognize the right solution to a problem even if you are standing on it.
And that you are less smart than you think.
Jan 10, 1999, 5:52pm
No, you're stupid. I am not arrogant, and 102% sure that I am *RIGHT*.
[View Quote]cubic at mediaport.org wrote in message <3698b610.0 at homer>...
>Rolu wrote in message <3698a1ae.0 at homer>...
>Maybe your stupid.
>Don't be so arrogant.
Jan 10, 1999, 5:54pm
[View Quote]Eep² wrote in message <3698D44D.B224B9FA at tnlc.com>...
>Rolu wrote:
is, the
fluff. The
>Then quit replying with babble and senseless responses. Lay off the mind
games and stick the topic.
What I replied actually *was* on-topic.
sight the
>See above. Lay off the tangents.
engine and
>If Roland can't even program with Direct3D (also a free license with the
most popular 3D card/chip support), he ain't gonna do any better with OpenGL
(not even anywhere NEAR as many 3D cards/chips support OpenGL as they
support Direct3D). And if it's taken COF (Roland, ENZO, Cryonics--who knows
who) THIS long to realize software rendering is not the way to go, they
truly ARE idiots and shouldn't even be TRYING to develop a 3D app at all. 3D
Anarchy and Flatland have more promise at their current development life (in
utero and fresh out of the womb, respectively) than AW has had in probably
all 4+ years of its infancy.
Jan 10, 1999, 7:20pm
Isn't it Quiz?
[View Quote]Fluxen wrote in message <369916eb.0 at homer>...
>'Dat was slechts één van de dingen waar we dagen over deden.... wat dacht
>van de National Science Quis, with that logical question?'
>[ Fluxen Dean-Christian Strik ]
>[ ICQ: 11760568 ISG RhinoSoft ]
>[ fluxen at bigfoot.com dean2 at bigfoot.com ]
>The nice thing of standards is that there are so many to choose from.
>-- Andrew S. Tanenbaum
>Rolu wrote in message <3698a18f.0 at homer>...
Jan 11, 1999, 4:19pm
If "he" means "Rolu" here, you're wrong. I said "quiz".
[View Quote]Fluxen wrote in message <36993076.0 at homer>...
>cubic at mediaport.org wrote in message <3699209b.0 at homer>...
>He /did/ say.
>He did /not/ say that.
>If you don't care then don't reply. Now piss off before I get angry.
>[ Fluxen Dean-Christian Strik ]
>[ ICQ: 11760568 ISG RhinoSoft ]
>[ fluxen at bigfoot.com dean2 at bigfoot.com ]
>The nice thing of standards is that there are so many to choose from.
>-- Andrew S. Tanenbaum
Jan 11, 1999, 4:19pm
[View Quote]cubic at mediaport.org wrote in message <369920a5.0 at homer>...
>Rolu wrote in message <3699088c.0 at homer>...
>The question is who's fault that is.
Your's, obviously.
Jan 11, 1999, 4:21pm
[View Quote]cubic at mediaport.org wrote in message <369920a8.0 at homer>...
>Rolu wrote in message <3699088e.0 at homer>...
>I never claimed to be smart.
You'd better not.
>And you can't blame me for agreeing with myself even though others don't
>agree with me.
But I can blame you for always producing wrong conclusions, assuming they
are right and then starting to attack us on them. So, basically, attacking
us on an error you made.
Jan 11, 1999, 4:22pm
We're not even, since I have the English grammar on my side. You are wrong.
I'm right. It's that simple.
[View Quote]cubic at mediaport.org wrote in message <369920ae.0 at homer>...
>Rolu wrote in message <3699088f.0 at homer>...
>So am I, so we're even.
Jan 11, 1999, 4:22pm
Wasn't apartheid used in English, too?
[View Quote]Fluxen wrote in message <369930ea.0 at homer>...
>For instance, 'apartheid' is just as valid in dutch as it is in
>south-african. It means 'distinctness'.
>[ Fluxen Dean-Christian Strik ]
>[ ICQ: 11760568 ISG RhinoSoft ]
>[ fluxen at bigfoot.com dean2 at bigfoot.com ]
>The nice thing of standards is that there are so many to choose from.
>-- Andrew S. Tanenbaum
>cubic at mediaport.org wrote in message <369920c1.0 at homer>...
Jan 13, 1999, 5:03pm
Just like English, German, and mabye a lot of other languages around,
especially in the north of Europe.
Or if not, the ancester of "westlowsaxon" will be the ancester of all these
[View Quote]Fluxen wrote in message <369a5879.0 at homer>...
>Dutch was based on westniedersaksisch - westnedersaksisch - westlowsaxon ;)
>[ Fluxen Dean-Christian Strik ]
>[ ICQ: 11760568 ISG RhinoSoft ]
>[ fluxen at bigfoot.com dean2 at bigfoot.com ]
>The nice thing of standards is that there are so many to choose from.
>-- Andrew S. Tanenbaum
>Fredrik and Joakim Stai wrote in message
><369A3F9C.865F832A at vestby.mail.telia.com>...
Jan 13, 1999, 5:04pm
[View Quote]CyberTwins wrote in message <369cd128.0 at homer>...
>Man! Aint I'm the king of starting Threads?!
>(I'm Fredrik on another computer now)
>This is reply #163! (c:
>I -love- news (c;
Me too!!!
>Fredrik and Joakim Stai skrev i meldingen
><368CD0EA.9FEC5BEE at vestby.mail.telia.com>...
Jan 14, 1999, 2:23pm
We ain't even, you're wrong, I'm right.
[View Quote]cubic at mediaport.org wrote in message <369cfc71.0 at homer>...
>Rolu wrote in message <369cde80.0 at homer>...
>I'm affraid it's not.
>As long as you can't prove it we're even.
Jan 13, 1999, 5:00pm
I hardly even put my name under my msgs, and I am still alive :-)
Sig's aren't really necessary, however, I don't really care about other
ppl's sigs.
[View Quote]Eep² wrote in message <369CD1C3.9A7645AB at tnlc.com>...
>Fluxen wrote:
>Is your name necessary? And your email address? Both of these are in the
headers. The quote? Definitely unnecessary. The ICQ # and alternate email
address can be placed in the organization field—and even the quote if you
from." --
Jan 17, 1999, 6:46pm
woops, this should have been in wishlist and worldbuilders, too.
[View Quote]Rolu wrote in message <36a0956b.0 at homer>...
>First of all, I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to the
>by sending in idea's and votes. This has allowed me to compile a much
>version two of the list.
>Second, I want to tell that I have deceided to wait with release of version
>two to until the end of the beta period of the 2.1 browser. In the mean
>time, everyone is encouraged to send in their idea's and votes!! :-)
>Thank you all for contributing,
Jan 18, 1999, 9:21am
Just a million? Make that 25 or so. Then you can live from it.
[View Quote]FaTaL ExCePtIoN ErRoR wrote in message <36a292d4.0 at homer>...
Jan 20, 1999, 2:09pm
The URL to the AWFWWL is:
This is still version 1 of the list. I will release version 2 as soon as the
beta of AW 2.1 is final. In the mean time, send all idea's, votes and
comments to: rolu at bigfoot.com
I will add these three idea's (for as long as they aren't already on v1) to
v2 of the list.
[View Quote]David Watt wrote in message <01be443e$b8dcece0$80301ccb at watt>...
>rolu, can we put these three on the list?
>BTW, what is the URL again?
>Mark Rejhon <me at marky.com> wrote in article
><36A568E7.717F12FF at marky.com>...
Jan 21, 1999, 11:36am
Why not? The beta has mouse wheel support, and since a joystick is designed
as a tool to help move around in a 3D world (basically in a plane), it would
make sense to implement joystick support.
[View Quote]cubic at mediaport.org wrote in message <36a64658.0 at homer>...
>Joystick support?
>Yeah right...
>Why not steering-wheel support or Playstation-compatibility?
>Ishmael wrote in message <36A641C5.D6C45A06 at hotmail.com>...
Jan 21, 1999, 4:25pm
Who means what? The mousewheel is supported under 95, 98 and NT.
[View Quote]Fluxen wrote in message <36a76dde.0 at homer>...
>Under windows NT he means.
>[ Fluxen Dean-Christian Strik ]
>[ ICQ: 11760568 ISG RhinoSoft ]
>[ fluxen at bigfoot.com dean2 at bigfoot.com ]
>The nice thing of standards is that there are so many to choose from.
>-- Andrew S. Tanenbaum
>Rolu wrote in message <36a76d0e.0 at homer>...
Jan 22, 1999, 12:35pm
yeah, so? Did I ever say not so or something? I only said it would make
sense to implement a joystick feature under AW.
[View Quote]Fluxen wrote in message <36a86cf9.0 at homer>...
>Ishmael wants joystick support for NT.
>[ Fluxen Dean-Christian Strik ]
>[ ICQ: 11760568 ISG RhinoSoft ]
>[ fluxen at bigfoot.com dean2 at bigfoot.com ]
>The nice thing of standards is that there are so many to choose from.
>-- Andrew S. Tanenbaum
>Rolu wrote in message <36a77093.0 at homer>...
Jan 22, 1999, 12:35pm
mabye not as low as you think, since the world is 3D, walking with a
joystick could be nice.
[View Quote]cubic at mediaport.org wrote in message <36a792a4.0 at homer>...
>Rolu wrote in message <36a76d0e.0 at homer>...
>Maybe but I think the priority is so low I can't even indicate.
>ICQ - 18557607
>cubic at mediaport.org
Jan 24, 1999, 11:03am
Dont be so stupid, idiot. How should I have known? You know I never had NT.
And joystick in AW isn't supported under 95 and/or 98 at the moment, too, so
why got to the NT buisness? This has nothing to do with the original point
of the thread, wich was to implement joysticks into AW, not into windows
whatever. If joysticks can't be get to work under NT, nothing Roland does is
going to change that, and you know that. You have to go to Microsoft for it.
However, if Roland implements joystick support into AW, the people that
*can* get their joystick to work under their OS can use it in AW, too. Got
[View Quote]Fluxen wrote in message <36aa3f69.0 at homer>...
>You cannot get most joysticks to work under NT. Got it, sport?
>[ Fluxen Dean-Christian Strik ]
>[ ICQ: 11760568 ISG RhinoSoft ]
>[ fluxen at bigfoot.com dean2 at bigfoot.com ]
>The nice thing of standards is that there are so many to choose from.
>-- Andrew S. Tanenbaum
>Rolu wrote in message <36aa25e5.0 at homer>...
Jan 24, 1999, 11:04am
Or for AWgames, when they have a race game.
[View Quote]Fluxen wrote in message <36aa3f7c.0 at homer>...
>Hehe... in a world like nascar... steering wheel support would be nice :)
>[ Fluxen Dean-Christian Strik ]
>[ ICQ: 11760568 ISG RhinoSoft ]
>[ fluxen at bigfoot.com dean2 at bigfoot.com ]
>The nice thing of standards is that there are so many to choose from.
>-- Andrew S. Tanenbaum
>Rolu wrote in message <36aa25e6.0 at homer>...
Jan 26, 1999, 6:36am
nothing is even better
[View Quote]Fluxen wrote in message <36acfc00.0 at homer>...
>'Sport' is better than 'punk' or even 'pimp'.
>[ Fluxen Dean-Christian Strik ]
>[ ICQ: 11760568 ISG RhinoSoft ]
>[ fluxen at bigfoot.com dean2 at bigfoot.com ]
>The nice thing of standards is that there are so many to choose from.
>-- Andrew S. Tanenbaum
>Cubic wrote in message <36acecb9.0 at homer>...
Jan 25, 1999, 1:40pm
why blue, whispers are already blue. I think green looks better :-)
[View Quote]shockwave blur wrote in message <36aba2d1.0 at homer>...
>AP, that is a GREAT idea....when a URL is typed into the chatbox it sould
>automatically turn blue and become a clickable link to the web site.
>American Police wrote in message <36aa89f7.0 at homer>...
Jan 27, 1999, 1:44pm
Let's make it customizable wheter you want or don't want to have things
[View Quote]Eep² wrote in message <36AE2C3F.DB9C41AE at tnlc.com>...
>Idiots. Make the colors CUSTOMIZABLE. Duh. I hate programmers who
force-feed THEIR idea of "design" down everyone else's throat...
>Andras Sarkozy wrote:
the addresse wouldn't hear it :)
Jan 29, 1999, 6:31pm
Let's make it customizable wheter I want to or not.
[View Quote]Eep² wrote in message <36B0E827.1E81C7EF at tnlc.com>...
>Fine, you can be spoonfed all the defaults and live with the programmer's
narrowmindedness. Enjoy.
>Rolu wrote:
Jan 30, 1999, 6:17pm
Let's make that customizable, too. Keep up the flexibility.
[View Quote]Eep² wrote in message <36B236C3.8CE9A884 at tnlc.com>...
>Rolu wrote: