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An interesting question

Jun 24, 2001, 12:28pm
I think there are two general groups.

The first and largest group is the kinder, friendlier, more in touch with
reality people who also know what they are talking about. They give
suggestions and try to work for progress. They can see both the good and
the bad of situations.

The second and miniscule group is Eep and his followers like Lanezeri who
hope to "solve" problems by constantly flaming and using profanities all the
time. They know what they are talking about, but because of their powder
keg personalities, they destroy their credibility. Why would anyone want to
listen to someone who constantly insults them?

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Screen Shots of new awcom build world

Jun 24, 2001, 12:34pm
I think this world is in addition to AW, not replacing it.

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[NG Survivor] Immunity Challenge #...what number is it? Ah yes, 5.

Jun 27, 2001, 8:58pm
My tribe hates me! Just because I got the lowest score in the Factor tribe,
they decided to punish me for it. What about Gamer, he didn't even submit a

So my tribe mates tied me up, dressed me like a clown, and dropped me off at
the Typo tribe at night. At about 11 AM, Casay woke up and saw me. She
came over and kicked me to see if I was alive, and yelled to everyone else
to get up and see this. Kellee, Spark, SW Chris, and Tony M came out right
away, but Wing remained snoring loudly in his sleep. They tied me to a
tree, and Spark brought a can of aerosol whipped cream and covered my face
in it. Kellee, being the evil woman she is, told her tribe to get the tar
and feathers, because she was going to make me into a bird.

After retrieving tar from the primeaval tar pits within their cave and
plucking the feathers off their flock of chickens, SW Chris proceded to dump
the tar over my head. Feeling violated and scared, I screamed for help from
my tribe, but they did not hear me, or didn't care. Tony M then covered me
in feathers, and they all laughed and laughed, while I just stood, tied
against the tree, thinking it couldn't get any worse.

But it got much worse. Wing finally woke up, and for a while we enjoyed the
new silence, a break from his snoring. He came out of the cave, and began
whispering something to Kellee. Every so often they would look up at me
evilly and cackle. After they finished their scheming, they untied me from
the tree, and led me on a long, winding path up the mountain.

By then, it was already approaching 9 PM and it was getting freezing. When
we reached a cold, mountain spring, they took off all of my clothes but my
khaki shorts, and threw me into the river. If it wasn't bad enough that the
river could give a 500lb man hypothermia in 30 seconds, the river was
covered in leaches. After they ran off, I swam out of the river and walked
back to my camp, soaking wet, freezing, and picking leaches off my body. It
got even worse, as if fate was laughing at me. It began to rain, then
storm, then hail.

After three long days of the miserable walk back to the Factor camp, I
realized that everyone in this game is evil and untrustable, and that fate
hates me.


Low vs High cit numbers

Jul 8, 2001, 7:55pm
*Brags even more,* 292200. December 1998

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[NGS] BirdMike's Final Words

Jul 8, 2001, 8:02pm
It's been a long game, and frankly, I'm glad to get away from our putrid
camp! I'll be sleeping at home in my nice warm bed, in my nice climate
controlled house, while you people freeze in the cave and tents! HAHAHA!!!

Seriously, good luck to everyone, and go get that t-shirt!

*walks off cliff*


[NG Survivor] new url/Immunity Challenge

Jul 9, 2001, 6:16pm
You lose your immunity Wing, ;o)

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[NG Survivor] new url/Immunity Challenge

Jul 9, 2001, 6:57pm
Same darn minute I posted, justaposter posted, making me look like an idiot.
Oh well.

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Location of next reunion?

Jul 17, 2001, 3:10am
Noah's Ark rules! I love the slides where you go down in the white
water-ish rafts!

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To Whom It May Concern... [long!]

Jul 19, 2001, 2:45am
CitNum 292200
Mike Nelson

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New Objects ! Alpha World must enlarge it object path !

Jul 25, 2001, 3:05am
Constantly harassing Facter will only result in him getting sick of the
abuse and not reading the newsgroups. Then AWCI will have no one reading
the newsgroups. Do you want that, to go completely ignored? At least with
Facter reading the newsgroups we have someone to talk with Rick and JP about
what we say. Remember, Facter isn't the one you should be mad at, it's Rick
and JP.

Lay off Facter.

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VR Universes & Worlds Don't Get This

Sep 12, 2001, 8:48pm
You don't get it, history has shown that the way the US gets rid of enemies
is by basically destroying their country, gov't, people, and culture, and
rebuilding it based on American values. It happened to Germany and Japan.

We get rid of the threat by destroying the source. That's the only sure way
of making sure things like this will never happen again.

Also, your general sentiment about how the rest of our allies don't want to
be dragged into our conflicts: the point of alliances is to stick together.
If we act as one, we bring greater unity and stability to the cause.

I'm just about ranted out.


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VR Universes & Worlds Don't Get This

Sep 13, 2001, 1:50am
It's not ethnic cleansing, its retaliation. The thing we need to wipe out
is this belief that it is a "holy" act to kill thousands of innocent people.
I didn't mean to convey ethnic cleansing at all.

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People value.

Oct 11, 2001, 12:06am
I haven't seen any indication that he's doing this yet.

Oh well, what can we expect?

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What does it take?

Oct 10, 2001, 7:18pm
In reality, supporting another universe like Outer Worlds (etc.) would
probably help AW out more than not renewing your citizenship and possibly
world in AW, because you help keep a larger client (the universe) in
business who pays a lot more $ to AW than you do.

I do agree with the argument that AW should be more responsible with credit
card information though.

"rpg helper" <noneasyet at>
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[NG Survivor] The Final Episode...or is it?

Nov 23, 2001, 7:50pm
Congrats Syntax!

Nornny, that video was great!


Why not package AW and sell it in stores?

Jan 3, 2002, 2:29am
Besides raising the citizen prices so drastically, perhaps a better option
would be to sell AW like you sell a game. Though I am not very familiar
with Everquest, it seems to have worked well for them. If AW was marketed
in stores, it would definitely increase the user base exponetially. Most
new AW users are from referals or accidental discovery.

Though it may not be an appealling option, why not raise the price of world
licenses? I mean, it seems to me worlds would cost more than citizenships!

Just my opinions.


Why not package AW and sell it in stores?

Jan 3, 2002, 2:41am
True. But anything would be better than relying on referals!

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No more AW for me

Jan 4, 2002, 12:33am
Farewell, monumental builder. You will be missed.


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Does anyone have any idea how universe prices will be affected?

Jan 3, 2002, 9:57pm
If the new pricing plan really does kill the community, it might be possible
for us to pack up and colonize a new universe server with more reasonable
prices. This is only possible though if the universe server prices do not
rocket as well. Any thoughts?

A good thing for this universe to do would be to eliminate the $70
activation fee for worlds migrating from AW to their universe. I'm sure it
would encourage more migration.

I would really hate for this whole community to be destroyed. I've been a
relatively quiet member since 1998 and have enjoyed every minute of it.


Does anyone have any idea how universe prices will be affected?

Jan 3, 2002, 10:04pm
I'm just coming up with ideas. I still plan to enjoy my world until it
expires in December.

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Does anyone have any idea how universe prices will be affected?

Jan 4, 2002, 12:32am
I can be hopelessly optimistic, can't I?

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AW protest !

Jan 4, 2002, 12:28am
I do agree with you in the part about how dropping the tourist option is a
huge mistake. I mean, would anyone give them your credit card number before
even seeing the product?

As for closing your world in protest, you're just hurting the citizens of
AW, not AWCORP (whatever). The company cares nothing about your build, they
care about keeping their jobs and Rick and JP's plush $150,000 salaries. I
advise leaving your world open so the citizens left can enjoy the world
before they inevitably leave.

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Active Worlds' Proposed Pricing Changes

Jan 5, 2002, 5:35pm
They shouldn't have disabled tourist mode until they can offer privacy for
citizens though.

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From France

Jan 6, 2002, 12:03am
I agree with what you write, we do need to be skeptical about these shady
executives and what they might do. Often when a company goes into the red
they take the money and run.

By the way, your English is very good. If only my French was that polished!

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New AW object set

Jan 8, 2002, 7:38pm
They should have expanded the scope of the objects they created. I mean, it
sure isn't any easier to create an ancient or ultra-modern building using
those objects. The nearly identical pre-fab buildings are going to be
everywhere, just like new subdivision houses in the US. Almost all of the
objects are useful only in building houses, not businesses, museums,
monuments, etc.

Perhaps creating more stairs, columns, domes, etc would make more elaborate
buildings possible. I was actually more excited about the object additions
that added the different sizes of pp16s and triangular flooring.

As for the general appropriateness of the objects, I don't think they fit in
with the current object scheme. The current objects are more angular and
rudimentary, while the new objects are more detailed and complex. I don't
know, maybe I'm being too much of a critic, but I think putting those
objects in an entirely new world would have been more appropriate. The
objects would have been fitting for that world, because they don't seem
fitting in AW.

I will give them some credit, the new roofs and roads are nice.


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