Pornography and public worlds (Community)

Pornography and public worlds // Community

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facter facter@awsupport

Jun 4, 2001, 7:26pm
Pornography is not allowed in Alphaworld, and is a violation of the user
guidelines for any world that runs. If it is found, please email
abuse at or support at and it will be looked
into and if deemed inappropriate and in violation of our user guidelines, it
willbe removed without notice.

Please note, that as per your user agreement

"AWCOM exercises no screening, editorial, or other control over Content
available to you through your use of the Software and AW Software, and
Content may include material that could be deemed distasteful, misleading,
inaccurate, offensive, pornographic or otherwise objectionable. Furthermore,
use of the Software or AW Software does not guarantee any privacy or
confidentiality of any Content you post or make available through the
Software and AWCOM assumes no responsibility or liability for the
preservation of such Content and may modify or remove it at AWCOM's sole
discretion. You hereby release AWCOM from any and all liability for all
claims related to Content as well as claims related to the security or level
of privacy provided."

If found, we will do our best to investigate it, but we are in no way liable
for its presence in any public building nor private worlds. So, in further
point, please notify us about such occurences and it will be investigated. I
will not be posting in the other thread, and I hope that all concerned
understand the position of the company on this issue.


Fletcher Anderson
AW Support
support at

m a r c u s

Jun 4, 2001, 7:32pm
Well well well.

After 2 months of trying to get the word out, someone has finally stepped up
to the plate and done something to initiate the removal of porn. Thank you
facter. Let's bring this to fruition. I will email you soon regarding the
person who put up the porn in Active Worlds so you can better monitor their
builds for further occurances of porn.

[View Quote]

moff piett

Jun 4, 2001, 8:54pm
awcom isn't obligated to spend their lives searching alpha world for a
picture that migh offend someone. You should be thankfull for 20 bucks a
year they do as much as they do. After almost 4 years I've almost never
seen any questionable content. The odd "so and so is fucking gay"
vandalism sign here and there in alpha world, but that's about it. Maybe
you guys should stop looking for porn? Maybe you should get down off your
high horse standing on a soap box built inside your little sheltered world
and stop shooting the dead horse that is the porn issue. (talk about a mixed
clique!) If it's a problem, it's delt with. It always has been handled
like this, nothing new. If porn scares you, disable picture downloading.
If you're still terrified, then maybe you should stop using aw, and for that
matter, don't go outsite your house. If the odd pornographic pic in aw
get's you folks in such a tizzy, I'm sure you'd have a heart attack if you
went out into the real world and took a look around.

Either shut up about this, or "vote with your feet" and leave aw, because
we're tired of listening to all this complaining.

moff piett

Jun 4, 2001, 8:56pm
(ps, this isn't in reply to marcus, but the whole porn issue in general.
And any other over the top complainers in this NG for that matter.)

m a r c u s

Jun 4, 2001, 9:03pm
LOL, porn is not available to children when they walk into a
convenience/party/(24/7)store or gas station, just like cigarettes and
alcohol are not sold to them.

It's just a matter of time before the internet will abide by the same
decorum. Til then, I am more than happy to help people (especially
activeworlds and bring the level of content on the
internet to a stage where the environment is safer.

[View Quote]


Jun 4, 2001, 10:26pm
[View Quote] > It's just a matter of time before the internet will abide by the same
> decorum.

Don't hold your breath. It's overregulated as it is. There are people that would take up arms to keep the Internet free from the
type of censorship you suggest. If it were the United States that started censoring it's citizens, it would trigger another cilvil
war, and at least GWB is smart enough to know that (Clinton forgot the net existed). If it were the UN, well, nobody listens to the
UN anyway. If this kind of legislation ever comes down, it will be bought over just like a gun ban. With weapons. I can't even
imagine more than a few thousand American soldiers fighting for their country under those circumstances, because it is, in all
constitutional meanings, not the same country.

>Til then, I am more than happy to help people (especially
> activeworlds and bring the level of content on the
> internet to a stage where the environment is safer.

Get off your soapbox kiddo.

chucks party

Jun 4, 2001, 10:27pm
You are wrong, they are obligated to follow up with those complaints just as
they do all others. You are totally missing the point, certifiably

[View Quote]


Jun 4, 2001, 10:54pm
they're not obligated legally or contractually. Morally, yes, but hey, I bet
all of us here haven't followed up on things we promised to do because of
forgetfulness or other setbacks.

it happens, thankfully, not a lot for AWCOM. Almost all complaints are heard
and dealt with (not neccessarily fairly in the complainee, but dealt with),
just as this issue is being dealt with at the present moment by Facter. :)


[View Quote]

m a r c u s

Jun 4, 2001, 11:05pm
"If it were the United States that started censoring it's citizens, it would
trigger another cilvil war"

Civil War? man, you are barbaric.

[View Quote]


Jun 4, 2001, 11:34pm
So is the rest of this country. Take away our freedoms on a scale that large, and we're sure as hell not going to give up without
some bloodshed. Soon it's going to get to the point that people threaten rebellion with the quiet little nibbling away they're doing
now. Not sure where you've been...
[View Quote]

just in

Jun 5, 2001, 12:23am

I thought its the GETs job to handle deleting things in AW, including any
porn? I guessed the GET was overseen by the service dept of AWComm which is
Flagg? The GET have a direct reporting procedure by filling in a form on
their web page. Alternatively, if a user didn't find their page and
reported via the "abuse" email, then that would go to the PKs who would send
it on to the GET.

Of course thats all guess work based on years in AW, perhaps you can
clarify who does what at AWComm? Who at AWComm oversees the PKs and the

Regards, Justin

[View Quote]

m a r c u s

Jun 5, 2001, 12:49am
Look around for your medication, and play some video games. Relax yourself,
no one is going to take your last cookie.

[View Quote]

m a r c u s

Jun 5, 2001, 12:58am
Just In, that is way too involved man.

I see many peacekeepers, and the only problem is that they don't do anything
about the porn. You don't need forms to be filled out. You need
Peacekeepers or someone to just look at the porn and remove it. NO FORMS,
NO EMAILS, NO PHONE NUMBERS, just a simple look and delete of the porn.

If people are worried their build will be destroyed, then they should think
twice about putting up pictures of naked people. This is not a democracy,
this is a group called activeworlds, and they have full right to delete
anything they want. Your organization GET is an attempt to help them, but
it doesn't replace their authority.

If Fletch represents AW and can come delete porn, then he should be the one
along with any assistants doing the deleting. There should be a place for
us at Ground Zero to contact him regarding this. If he uses GET as a means,
then great. However, put up a sign "REPORT PORN HERE" then. Make is
somewhat conspicuous. Right now, there is no way of knowing about GET.

Waiting for someone to find your form on the internet is not going to work
unless someone knows the address. If they go to Ground Zero and see a sign
for it right there, then they can do something about it. Right now, people
have to know there is an address by whatever psychic means are necessary and
that is rediculous.

[View Quote]

just in

Jun 5, 2001, 2:36am
At Alpha World Ground Zero is a PK sign with a web link, and the PK page has
a web link to the GET.

Also at Alpha World Ground Zero is a trash can with the GETs web address
where there is a form to fill in to get trash removed.

At TheGate and Alpha World are PKs and GKs - most of whom know about the
existance of the GET.

I have used the form three times and in each case what I wanted removed was
removed. Two times it took under 2 days... and in the other it was a much
larger borderline case where the GET wanted to hear the opinion of the
original builder first, so that took a little longer.

So Marcus - if you want the porn removed fill in the form. Stop your
nonsense here, learn and move on.

Note also, that as much as you may complain that it should be an "instant
service", things just don't work that way. Things have to be recorded and
justified for future reference. The last thing we want is a GET member gone
wild on deleting things. And I'm sure Factor has more than enough to do
than doing the work of another team that are doing their job.

Regards, Justin

[View Quote]

m a r c u s

Jun 5, 2001, 2:42am
I go there and I don't see the GET signs. You will have to make a screen

I see the trash can, but how would someone know to click on that?

Put a sign, a real sign with the words "REPORT PORN HERE"

So far I see no such sign

[View Quote] > user
> email
> Content
> sole
> all

chucks party

Jun 5, 2001, 2:44am
I told you to block him Marcus, lolol He ain't worth replying to bud, lol
Just work with the people that are trying to help you now that they are all
stirred up about it and get some of what you want done, that's the best
advice I can give you and stop answering these morons they aren't the ones
that are going to get the job done. They are defending something that is
clearly stated in AW's rules to be removeable and you have the right to
report it and not only report it as a Citizen you have the right to demand
it be removed. You started this thing now don't turn your back on the ones
that are now trying to help you, work with them and see what can be
accomplished. :)

[View Quote]

chucks party

Jun 5, 2001, 3:02am
I'm sorry Nornny I am going to have to totally disagree with you on that
analogy of what AW is obligated to to do. If pornography is reported on
their worlds that they run and own they have a legal obligation to follow up
with those complaints because it is part of what we all agreed to when we
registered to put this program on our hard drive, to not use porn on public
AW owned worlds. They like every business has to do some cleaning of their
own every now and then to be sure what it is they are selling looks good for
those that wish to buy what you have to offer. There is no difference here,
Marcus asked for help by numerous people and got nowhere, he finally
resorted to going to the provider of the website that held the links to the
porn, granted it was removed. But it wasn't removed by the company we pay to
ensure their worlds are family oriented places for people of all ages to go
and build. If he hadn't stirred all this up none of us would have known
about it and nothing would have been done to try and figure out a better
system for eliminating the objects where people just happen to run into porn
or if it's being put up in a bldg right next to a place you have built, this
is not about trying to eliminate all the porn, obviously every square inch
of AW can't be monitored for that, but following up with those complaints
they are made aware of is their responsibility when it's reported to them.
Customer Service can be a pain in the butt for any business but it is a part
of every business to be sure the customer is happy with their service,
that's the bottom line here.

[View Quote]


Jun 5, 2001, 7:58am
Screenshot attatched. Please. don't complain about the quality, it made the difference between a 10k post and a 21k post. I'll
admit, the wording on the sign *is* a little vague, but most AW users could figure it out. Well, those that didn't crawl out from
under the rock known as Juno and start standing on their soap boxes and spitting propaganda about porn being evil *snickers and does
a create texture xnude*

BTW, Facter, this is one of the most versitile textures ever. It's a definite keeper. Wall hangings, simulated porn mags, just
brings that sense of being real into Alpha.
[View Quote]

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facter facter@awsupport

Jun 5, 2001, 11:36am
[View Quote] Hope that fills you in a little more on the procedures and such =)


facter facter@awsupport

Jun 5, 2001, 11:45am
[View Quote] Oh Marcus, if ONLY it was that easy !! The users of AW are ina community,
and as such we always need to look after them whilst keeping that in mind.
We cant jsut go in and delete builds without first thinking the whole thing
through, and contacting and investigating these things. I myself would be
fully against any such practive, jstu arbitrarily giving some volunteer
citizens the ability to jsut go in and delete huge swaths of land - the GET
team do, but when it comes to larger issues,t hey always liase with Tom.
Also, the amount of vandalism and requests for deletion is so huge,t hat it
would be totally unmagageable without forms and such. Please, you need to
understand for just a minute the SIZE of Alphaworld and how many users we
have. There is a link to the GET team at Alphaworld ground zero via the
PK's, it is quite plain to see for all.

I hope Marcus,t hat you are slowly understanding the size and nature of the
issue here, Alphaworld has existed for I think over six years now, and it is
such a huge and dynamic place, that the issue *is* very complex, and,
possibly not completely seen from your eyes. Take what I say as an honest
approach, because I have had five years experience using this software and
being in this community, and I dont want to sound like an "elder" or
anything, but you do not have as much experience in this community and
software as alot of others here, including myself - I think you are finding
out slowly that this community is a very multi-faceted beast. These things
have been going on for years, and we have over these years formulated the
best approach that we can, via alot of different means. Do you know that I
was one of the first GK's? I then quit as the system was not up to par ,
after I left it prompted a complete overhaul of the GK rules. Did you also
know that I was a PK ? I also left them, because of much the same reasons.
Now, I work for the company, and I do my honest best to try and sort out the
huge, dynamic world that is the community, so please do not
take anything that I say as "Inactive" nor flippant or jsut "stop gap"
procedures - everything I do, and everything I do with the company, is aimed
at trying to get better community relations, and to try and serve the
*users* better.

Thats what "support" stands for Marcus =)


facter facter@awsupport

Jun 5, 2001, 1:03pm
[View Quote] Wing, that drawing isnt pornography - that is tasteful art, and I would
challenge anyone that thought of something so beautiful in terms of
tasteless pornography.

Yep, a definate keeper - such a nice peice, I wish my life drawings were as
good as that , maybe one day...


> BTW, Facter, this is one of the most versitile textures ever. It's a
definite keeper. Wall hangings, simulated porn mags, just
> brings that sense of being real into Alpha.
[View Quote]


Jun 5, 2001, 5:19pm
Depends on the definition of porn. I personally don't concider *anything* porn, but I was workin with what I assumed to be marcus'
[View Quote]

moff piett

Jun 5, 2001, 5:34pm
Ok everyone, the point has been made, awcom knows your feelings. Any
further complaining is just anoying. Like I said before, if you don't like
aw, you're more than welcome to leave.

m a r c u s

Jun 5, 2001, 5:35pm
It looks like I am replying to him on the surface, but if anyone with a
brain working for Active Worlds is reading this they will realize that the
comments are more direceted at them since they are the ones who can do
something here. No one here posting babble can, which is why they babble.

Active Worlds, Those who find porn to report are not going to all of a
sudden know a url out in the web to fill out a form, nor are they going to
know to click a picture/3d object of a trash can. You have huge signs at GZ,
why not add one that says "REPORT PORN HERE".

[View Quote]


Jun 5, 2001, 6:19pm
Would you know about 911 if you weren't educated? THANK YOU, COME AGAIN.
[View Quote]

m a r c u s

Jun 5, 2001, 6:40pm
911 and GET? LOL, now I see why there was a posting about straws, keep

[View Quote]

goober king

Jun 5, 2001, 7:25pm
I must say, Marcus, you display a stunning ability to completely miss the point.
Granted, Wing's explanation wasn't exactly the most precise way of putting it, so let
me see if I can clear things up for you:

The point Wing was trying to get across was that, in the real world, you don't see
huge signs all over the place saying "Call 911 to report crime!". You have to be told
who to call and what information to give. If you don't educate yourself on how the
system works, then you have no right to complain when the system doesn't work the way
you want it to.

While we're at it, let's go back to another point you made previously where you said
"There should be no red tape, they should just see the porn and remove it." Tell me,
if you were walking down the street and saw some graffiti on a wall, what would you
do? Find a cop and tell him/her? Ok, but would you then expect the cop to run to
their car, grab a can of paint, and paint over it for you? Of course not. They would
file a report and make sure it got into the hands of the people who are best equipped
to handle the problem. (in this case, the sanitation department) It's how the system
works in the real world, and that's how it works here.

And before you start saying "But then why didn't the PKs *do* that and tell GET?",
you *still* haven't told us exactly who it was you told about this problem. Why?
Maybe if you told us, we'd be more inclined to help you out. If all you did was talk
to one guy claiming to be a PK and then waited around for a month, then you have
absolutely no argument.

[View Quote] --
Goober King
Guess he thinks we can't handle the truth!
rar1 at

m a r c u s

Jun 5, 2001, 7:35pm
You don't have commericals telling people about 911? Since AW doesn't have
commercials, a sign telling people would be a good alternative. Putting a
URL on the web and a trash can to signify it doesn't help those who don't
know where to go to.

A sign saying "Report Porn Here" would allow those who can read, which I
understand some of you don't do too well, a means to report it without
having someone tell them "click the trash can".

If you must have the stupid trash can, put a sign there saying "click trash
can to report porn". It's one sign, not many like you are presenting.

[View Quote]

m a r c u s

Jun 5, 2001, 7:38pm
As far as missing the point, I got porn out of Active Worlds. What did you
do to help in the matter?

[View Quote]


Jun 5, 2001, 10:40pm
A sign saying "Report Porn Here" would be found FAR more offensive by FAR more people than the porn itself. Especially if in plain
sight. Can you imagine one of the 5 year olds saying "MOMMY, WHAT'S PORN?"

Adding to another problem instead of contributing to the solution.

Also, since when are there 911 commercials when it's taught in preschool?
[View Quote]

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