Pornography and public worlds (Community)
Pornography and public worlds // Community
Jun 5, 2001, 10:49pm
5 year old? :::snicker:::
[View Quote]"wing" <bathgate at prodigy.net> wrote in message
news:3b1d7bf8 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> A sign saying "Report Porn Here" would be found FAR more offensive by FAR
more people than the porn itself. Especially if in plain
> sight. Can you imagine one of the 5 year olds saying "MOMMY, WHAT'S PORN?"
> Adding to another problem instead of contributing to the solution.
> Also, since when are there 911 commercials when it's taught in preschool?
> "m a r c u s" <justdontemail at here.com> wrote in message
news:3b1d5099$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
yourself on
all of
Jun 5, 2001, 11:48pm
Yes, they are quite common in Activeworlds it seems.
[View Quote]"m a r c u s" <justdontemail at here.com> wrote in message news:3b1d7e28 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> 5 year old? :::snicker:::
> "wing" <bathgate at prodigy.net> wrote in message
> news:3b1d7bf8 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> more people than the porn itself. Especially if in plain
> news:3b1d5099$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> have
> a
> don't
> trash
> the
> putting
> you
> have
> yourself on
> doesn't
> what
> to
> not.
> are
> how
> you
> then
> keep
> realize
> can
> they
> all of
> they
> to
> the
> aren't
> something
> right
> on
> can
> a
Jun 6, 2001, 12:11am
Woo for you, here's a cookie. You saved us all from that dastardly porn! Let your
name be shouted from the highest mountain!!
What does it matter what I did or did not do? This isn't my problem, it's yours. What
*I* have a problem with is the fact that you seem to think AWCom should be held
responsible because you failed to learn how to "play the game", as it were. It's not
their fault that you click in the right place.
And, yet again, you've succeeded in avoiding actually telling us who it was you
contacted. Why can't you answer this simple question? Is it because you, in fact, did
get the proper replies and you just didn't use them? What is there to hide? If these
PKs wronged you so, then it should be a simple matter to point the finger and say
"This guy and this guy and this guy all ignored me!" If you give us that info, you
can be sure those people will be dealt with.
[View Quote]m a r c u s wrote:
> As far as missing the point, I got porn out of Active Worlds. What did you
> do to help in the matter?
> "goober king" <rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu> wrote in message
> news:3B1D4EE1.748F2727 at acsu.buffalo.edu...
> point.
> it, so let
> don't see
> to be told
> how the
> work the way
> where you said
> it." Tell me,
> would you
> run to
> They would
> best equipped
> the system
> tell GET?",
> problem. Why?
> did was talk
> you have
Goober King
Thinks maybe he should start mentioning who he contacted at the beginning of the
rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu
Jun 6, 2001, 12:23am
Read the posts goober, I have told many people in many places who I
contacted. If I didn't, there wouldn't be a number of people objecting to
the fact I reported in the first place cause there wouldn't be posts to read
about this.
Your logic and ignorance of the fact I do post is either a "game" as you put
it, or a total lack of ability to follow a thread. Do you just look for
responses to your posts or do you actually read the content within the
threads on this Newsgroup to see the information you are seeking? Cause it
is there.
If you expect people who never reported porn to AW to all of a sudden know
the "game" and go to a url out on the web or know to click a trash can to
fill out a form, then I can surely expect you to read threads of messages
where you don't have to go to outside information. It's all on this NG area
and no URL's are hidden. I won't make you go somewhere else to contact me.
You can just do it here and feel comfortable that I will respond here,
unlike Inactiveworlds who prefers to sit there doing nothing.
[View Quote]"goober king" <rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu> wrote in message
news:3B1D91FB.8A7B0A8 at acsu.buffalo.edu...
> Woo for you, here's a cookie. You saved us all from that dastardly porn!
Let your
> name be shouted from the highest mountain!!
> What does it matter what I did or did not do? This isn't my problem, it's
yours. What
> *I* have a problem with is the fact that you seem to think AWCom should be
> responsible because you failed to learn how to "play the game", as it
were. It's not
> their fault that you click in the right place.
> And, yet again, you've succeeded in avoiding actually telling us who it
was you
> contacted. Why can't you answer this simple question? Is it because you,
in fact, did
> get the proper replies and you just didn't use them? What is there to
hide? If these
> PKs wronged you so, then it should be a simple matter to point the finger
and say
> "This guy and this guy and this guy all ignored me!" If you give us that
info, you
> can be sure those people will be dealt with.
> m a r c u s wrote:
yourself on
> --
> Goober King
> Thinks maybe he should start mentioning who he contacted at the beginning
of the
> post...
> rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu
Jun 6, 2001, 12:35am
That's just it, chief. You *never* told *anyone* here in the NG who you contacted. I
have read *every* single post in all these threads (unlike some people) And not once
did I see you say "I showed it to PeaceKeeper <insert number here> and he didn't do
anything" or "I emailed abuse/support/facter/whoever at activeworlds.com and never got
back a reply". All you said was that you "contacted people" and you never heard back
from them. It's very easy to be ignorant of the facts when they aren't even
presented! So let's see 'em!
[View Quote]m a r c u s wrote:
> Read the posts goober, I have told many people in many places who I
> contacted. If I didn't, there wouldn't be a number of people objecting to
> the fact I reported in the first place cause there wouldn't be posts to read
> about this.
> Your logic and ignorance of the fact I do post is either a "game" as you put
> it, or a total lack of ability to follow a thread. Do you just look for
> responses to your posts or do you actually read the content within the
> threads on this Newsgroup to see the information you are seeking? Cause it
> is there.
> If you expect people who never reported porn to AW to all of a sudden know
> the "game" and go to a url out on the web or know to click a trash can to
> fill out a form, then I can surely expect you to read threads of messages
> where you don't have to go to outside information. It's all on this NG area
> and no URL's are hidden. I won't make you go somewhere else to contact me.
> You can just do it here and feel comfortable that I will respond here,
> unlike Inactiveworlds who prefers to sit there doing nothing.
> "goober king" <rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu> wrote in message
> news:3B1D91FB.8A7B0A8 at acsu.buffalo.edu...
> Let your
> yours. What
> held
> were. It's not
> was you
> in fact, did
> hide? If these
> and say
> info, you
> you
> the
> putting
> you
> have
> yourself on
> doesn't
> what
> to
> not.
> are
> how
> you
> then
Goober King
What, does he live in these NGs or something?
rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu
Jun 6, 2001, 12:38am
Ask a friend, maybe they can help you find the email addresses. Class, turn
to chapter 2 "How to teach Goober how to read"
[View Quote]"goober king" <rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu> wrote in message
news:3B1D97A4.538FD4B3 at acsu.buffalo.edu...
> That's just it, chief. You *never* told *anyone* here in the NG who you
contacted. I
> have read *every* single post in all these threads (unlike some people)
And not once
> did I see you say "I showed it to PeaceKeeper <insert number here> and he
didn't do
> anything" or "I emailed abuse/support/facter/whoever at activeworlds.com and
never got
> back a reply". All you said was that you "contacted people" and you never
heard back
> from them. It's very easy to be ignorant of the facts when they aren't
> presented! So let's see 'em!
> m a r c u s wrote:
should be
> --
> Goober King
> What, does he live in these NGs or something?
> rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu
Jun 6, 2001, 12:44am
911 is on TV all the time, it's on the radio too it's not something hidden
or out of reach or on a garbage can somewhere, lol This is a number
ingrained in our minds from birth and school, so that analogy has been
deemed SNERTIFIED and completely MORONIC.
[View Quote]"goober king" <rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu> wrote in message
news:3B1D4EE1.748F2727 at acsu.buffalo.edu...
> I must say, Marcus, you display a stunning ability to completely miss the
> Granted, Wing's explanation wasn't exactly the most precise way of putting
it, so let
> me see if I can clear things up for you:
> The point Wing was trying to get across was that, in the real world, you
don't see
> huge signs all over the place saying "Call 911 to report crime!". You have
to be told
> who to call and what information to give. If you don't educate yourself on
how the
> system works, then you have no right to complain when the system doesn't
work the way
> you want it to.
> While we're at it, let's go back to another point you made previously
where you said
> "There should be no red tape, they should just see the porn and remove
it." Tell me,
> if you were walking down the street and saw some graffiti on a wall, what
would you
> do? Find a cop and tell him/her? Ok, but would you then expect the cop to
run to
> their car, grab a can of paint, and paint over it for you? Of course not.
They would
> file a report and make sure it got into the hands of the people who are
best equipped
> to handle the problem. (in this case, the sanitation department) It's how
the system
> works in the real world, and that's how it works here.
> And before you start saying "But then why didn't the PKs *do* that and
tell GET?",
> you *still* haven't told us exactly who it was you told about this
problem. Why?
> Maybe if you told us, we'd be more inclined to help you out. If all you
did was talk
> to one guy claiming to be a PK and then waited around for a month, then
you have
> absolutely no argument.
> m a r c u s wrote:
with a
signs at
> --
> Goober King
> Guess he thinks we can't handle the truth!
> rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu
Jun 6, 2001, 1:18am
Don't you just love it when people seem to think you actually care when they filter
you? I guess it helps their ego or something... *cough*Eep*cough*
And coming from someone who spent practically an entire month using a website as a
front to attack one single person, that's not saying much. When it comes to "moronic
idiotic assinine" posts, you take the cake, my friend.
I must confess, however, that it makes me wonder. Why is it that Chuck is so quick to
defend Marcus? Chuck was in no way, shape, or form involved in this whole incident,
yet he's constantly cheering on Marcus' "cause" and is always the first person to
step in and defend Marcus' integrity. Perhaps it's because he managed to lose *his*
integrity, and needs some other cause to try and redeem himself? Or maybe he thinks
he's "pulling a Jeiden" and fighting for the underdog? Who knows. Only one man can
answer that question, and he most likely wouldn't even answer it anyway. Yea, I
realize he probably won't read this, but I could care less. 'Tis merely just musing
on my part for the rest of the community to ponder... Anyone else care to take a
[View Quote]chucks party wrote:
> You are a complete ass and being blocked as of today, I am sick of reading
> your moronic idiodic assinine posts.
> "goober king" <rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu> wrote in message
> news:3B1D91FB.8A7B0A8 at acsu.buffalo.edu...
> Let your
> yours. What
> held
> were. It's not
> was you
> in fact, did
> hide? If these
> and say
> info, you
> you
> the
> putting
> you
> have
> yourself on
> doesn't
> what
> to
> not.
> are
> how
> you
> then
Goober King
And the silence continues to grow...
rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu
Jun 6, 2001, 1:25am
Haha! You hit the bulls-eye on this one, Goober!
My two cents.
Marcus is trying to argue something that could MAYBE turn into a good topic
to reply to/read but it seems whenever Chuck steps in, it turns rotton. If
I were Marcus, I would tell Chuck to keep his nose out of it because,
frankly, Chuck just keeps making him look bad.
syntax at swcity.net
[View Quote]goober king <rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu> wrote in message
news:3B1DA1CF.7881305 at acsu.buffalo.edu...
> Don't you just love it when people seem to think you actually care when
they filter
> you? I guess it helps their ego or something... *cough*Eep*cough*
> And coming from someone who spent practically an entire month using a
website as a
> front to attack one single person, that's not saying much. When it comes
to "moronic
> idiotic assinine" posts, you take the cake, my friend.
> I must confess, however, that it makes me wonder. Why is it that Chuck is
so quick to
> defend Marcus? Chuck was in no way, shape, or form involved in this whole
> yet he's constantly cheering on Marcus' "cause" and is always the first
person to
> step in and defend Marcus' integrity. Perhaps it's because he managed to
lose *his*
> integrity, and needs some other cause to try and redeem himself? Or maybe
he thinks
> he's "pulling a Jeiden" and fighting for the underdog? Who knows. Only one
man can
> answer that question, and he most likely wouldn't even answer it anyway.
Yea, I
> realize he probably won't read this, but I could care less. 'Tis merely
just musing
> on my part for the rest of the community to ponder... Anyone else care to
take a
> guess?
> chucks party wrote:
should be
> --
> Goober King
> And the silence continues to grow...
> rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu
Jun 6, 2001, 1:33am
Considering the principle of the issue, I reported porn to 2 bodies of
people. One responded that wasn't associated with Inactiveworlds in any way
shape or form to remove the porn and they apparently closed the account
holding the porn. However, the contacts I did make in April associated with
Active Worlds did absolutely nothing to help in the removal of the porn.
Going on that, any reasonable person who wants porn out of Active Worlds
would most likely concur that my "cause" is a good cause and support its
actions. I personally don't see it as my "cause". I am sure there are
others who don't even read this NG who feel it is their "cause" as well to
help remove porn from Active Worlds.
[View Quote]"goober king" <rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu> wrote in message
news:3B1DA1CF.7881305 at acsu.buffalo.edu...
> Don't you just love it when people seem to think you actually care when
they filter
> you? I guess it helps their ego or something... *cough*Eep*cough*
> And coming from someone who spent practically an entire month using a
website as a
> front to attack one single person, that's not saying much. When it comes
to "moronic
> idiotic assinine" posts, you take the cake, my friend.
> I must confess, however, that it makes me wonder. Why is it that Chuck is
so quick to
> defend Marcus? Chuck was in no way, shape, or form involved in this whole
> yet he's constantly cheering on Marcus' "cause" and is always the first
person to
> step in and defend Marcus' integrity. Perhaps it's because he managed to
lose *his*
> integrity, and needs some other cause to try and redeem himself? Or maybe
he thinks
> he's "pulling a Jeiden" and fighting for the underdog? Who knows. Only one
man can
> answer that question, and he most likely wouldn't even answer it anyway.
Yea, I
> realize he probably won't read this, but I could care less. 'Tis merely
just musing
> on my part for the rest of the community to ponder... Anyone else care to
take a
> guess?
> chucks party wrote:
should be
> --
> Goober King
> And the silence continues to grow...
> rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu
Jun 6, 2001, 3:21am
Hey Goober... For once you are very smart... That is the same feelings
i have when people try to filter & block me... BUT at least now it's
your turn to see how it is.... Really funny isn't it...
Heheheheeee!!!!!!! LMAO!!!!!! lol!!!!!!!
I don't really care either.
And so i keep right on going & going & going & going [like that little
goober king <rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu> wrote in
<3B1DA1CF.7881305 at acsu.buffalo.edu>:
>Don't you just love it when people seem to think you actually care when
>they filter you? I guess it helps their ego or something...
>And coming from someone who spent practically an entire month using a
>website as a front to attack one single person, that's not saying much.
>When it comes to "moronic idiotic assinine" posts, you take the cake, my
>I must confess, however, that it makes me wonder. Why is it that Chuck
>is so quick to defend Marcus? Chuck was in no way, shape, or form
>involved in this whole incident, yet he's constantly cheering on Marcus'
>"cause" and is always the first person to step in and defend Marcus'
>integrity. Perhaps it's because he managed to lose *his* integrity, and
>needs some other cause to try and redeem himself? Or maybe he thinks
>he's "pulling a Jeiden" and fighting for the underdog? Who knows. Only
>one man can answer that question, and he most likely wouldn't even
>answer it anyway. Yea, I realize he probably won't read this, but I
>could care less. 'Tis merely just musing on my part for the rest of the
>community to ponder... Anyone else care to take a guess?
Jun 6, 2001, 11:17am
nggggg >_< For someone who claims to be all about protecting the community, you're
not very interested in actually *listening* to that community! Our problem isn't that
he's making porn an issue. Frankly, I think that porn removal should be discussed,
since it's obvious that the system isn't that "user-fiendly". If anything, all these
threads have served to educate everyone else on how the system works, (I say everyone
*else* since it seems Marcus, the target of this information, refuses to accept it)
and they'll learn what *not* to do.
Our problem stems from the fact that Marcus seems to think AWCom should be held
responsible for his ignorance. I'll agree that the system could be a bit more clear,
but that probably would only happen if miraculously every single org in AW decided to
link up to every other org in AW. And considering the interests of the people that
would be involved, I doubt that'll happen any time soon. But when Marcus starts
sending emails to AWCom *just* to see if they'll reply back, then the issue has
ceased to be about porn, and instead has turned into simple, underhanded baiting. Now
his only interest is in proving AWCom wrong. That was the "cause" I was speaking of,
and the "cause" Chuck seems so quick to defend.
Oh, and Chuck, if you happen to read this, you probably should know that any respect
you may have had in this NG is now gone thanks to that last post of yours. That post
right there proves that you don't care about the community. All you cared about was
getting Just In out of AW because you felt it would make AW safer somehow. Once Just
In was gone, you'd probably never be heard from again. This, ladies and gentlemen, is
what we refer to as a "hypocrite". :)
[View Quote]chucks party wrote:
> You are still blocked goober unfortunately I can't block seeing your
> attached crap from other users posts. As far as what I did to JI he deserved
> it and he is still on my SAW Watch list. He is not a person to be trusted by
> any means and should be avoided by all Citizens at all costs concerning the
> protection of themselves, their children and their worlds. He may be a
> teacher in AWSchool again but there will be people rising up now to stop
> that. Some people do care and do have brains and do remember what he's done.
> My efforts to stop him are far more reaching than you think goober, much
> more. My defending Marcus is no different than you all condemning him,
> what's your "cause" to condemn him or anyone here who can take the time to
> instead of offering support and enthusiasm on this subject. My goal and it
> has always been my intention here and in AW to make it a safer place for all
> Citizens and this just happens to be right up my alley and something I
> believe Marcus has every right to demand AWCI to take action on and I am
> glad this is being brought out in the open for discussion because it is a
> Community issue that needs to be addressed so none of us have to go thru all
> the crap Marcus has had to go thru because AWCI refuses to remove porn from
> their worlds when it's pointed out to them. That is the issue and is
> something I stand behind 100%. If you have issues with it or like it or use
> it to get off that's fine but it's not the place for it on public build
> worlds where it is out in the open and needs to be removed whereever it is
> found whenever possible.
Goober King
Now you know *why* they are the underdogs...
rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu
Jun 6, 2001, 11:24am
Well,it may carry other issues as you mention. However simply put, they
(AWCOM) need info to monitor. I want to make sure they get it. Emailing me
back saying they got would help me make sure they got it. Then they can do
whatever they want with this person, whether it be nothing or check other
reports against their account and then take proper action that they see fit.
I won't play dumb and say that is the only thing, but the response in email
is AT LEAST one of the things I was bringing about through my dogged
persistence in here and in email and in forms, and to the servers holding
the porn.
[View Quote]"goober king" <rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu> wrote in message
news:3B1E2E2F.994ABB36 at acsu.buffalo.edu...
> nggggg >_< For someone who claims to be all about protecting the
community, you're
> not very interested in actually *listening* to that community! Our problem
isn't that
> he's making porn an issue. Frankly, I think that porn removal should be
> since it's obvious that the system isn't that "user-fiendly". If anything,
all these
> threads have served to educate everyone else on how the system works, (I
say everyone
> *else* since it seems Marcus, the target of this information, refuses to
accept it)
> and they'll learn what *not* to do.
> Our problem stems from the fact that Marcus seems to think AWCom should be
> responsible for his ignorance. I'll agree that the system could be a bit
more clear,
> but that probably would only happen if miraculously every single org in AW
decided to
> link up to every other org in AW. And considering the interests of the
people that
> would be involved, I doubt that'll happen any time soon. But when Marcus
> sending emails to AWCom *just* to see if they'll reply back, then the
issue has
> ceased to be about porn, and instead has turned into simple, underhanded
baiting. Now
> his only interest is in proving AWCom wrong. That was the "cause" I was
speaking of,
> and the "cause" Chuck seems so quick to defend.
> Oh, and Chuck, if you happen to read this, you probably should know that
any respect
> you may have had in this NG is now gone thanks to that last post of yours.
That post
> right there proves that you don't care about the community. All you cared
about was
> getting Just In out of AW because you felt it would make AW safer somehow.
Once Just
> In was gone, you'd probably never be heard from again. This, ladies and
gentlemen, is
> what we refer to as a "hypocrite". :)
> chucks party wrote:
trusted by
> --
> Goober King
> Now you know *why* they are the underdogs...
> rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu
Jun 6, 2001, 2:05pm
of course, if you were based in somewhere like Holland (for example) and
stored your pictures on a Dutch server, then you wouldn't have a problem
with pictures of naked people, and if someone deleted it without checking
first, they would be the ones in trouble:)) Even in the UK, its possible to
display adult mags next to the candy in a newsagent, its just not permitted
to sell the mag to anyone under 18, but you can display the cover, which
agreed is less explicit than the insides of the mag, but is still nudity:))
[View Quote]goober king <rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu> wrote in message
news:3B1E2E2F.994ABB36 at acsu.buffalo.edu...
.. Frankly, I think that porn removal should be discussed,
> since it's obvious that the system isn't that "user-fiendly". If anything,
all these
> threads have served to educate everyone else on how the system works, (I
say everyone
> *else* since it seems Marcus, the target of this information, refuses to
accept it)
> and they'll learn what *not* to do.
Jun 6, 2001, 7:34pm
If Active Worlds (working from USA) is going to go out of laws that USA has,
then sure. You have a good position if we are trying to go in that
I assume since they are in USA, people would be required the rules in USA
(when in Rome, do as the Romans do). If Holland wants to make a Holland
version of Active Worlds, making it possible to expose whatever pornography
material to children there, then I for one will obey their rules when and if
I ever sign on to thier service by not objecting.
[View Quote]"moria" <moria at colony.co.uk> wrote in message
news:3b1e54d0 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> of course, if you were based in somewhere like Holland (for example) and
> stored your pictures on a Dutch server, then you wouldn't have a problem
> with pictures of naked people, and if someone deleted it without checking
> first, they would be the ones in trouble:)) Even in the UK, its possible
> display adult mags next to the candy in a newsagent, its just not
> to sell the mag to anyone under 18, but you can display the cover, which
> agreed is less explicit than the insides of the mag, but is still
> Moria
> goober king <rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu> wrote in message
> news:3B1E2E2F.994ABB36 at acsu.buffalo.edu...
> . Frankly, I think that porn removal should be discussed,
> all these
> say everyone
> accept it)
Jun 6, 2001, 7:40pm
I would do a US laws with a brand of Roman and Dutch on top This is
really intop_hic LOL
[View Quote]m a r c u s wrote:
> If Active Worlds (working from USA) is going to go out of laws that USA has,
> then sure. You have a good position if we are trying to go in that
> direction.
> I assume since they are in USA, people would be required the rules in USA
> (when in Rome, do as the Romans do). If Holland wants to make a Holland
> version of Active Worlds, making it possible to expose whatever pornography
> material to children there, then I for one will obey their rules when and if
> I ever sign on to thier service by not objecting.
> "moria" <moria at colony.co.uk> wrote in message
> news:3b1e54d0 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> to
> permitted
> nudity:))
> anything,
Jun 6, 2001, 7:51pm
I think you chewed on some of the content behind your message, it's all
garbled. Can you re-type it making it more coherent please?
[View Quote]"icey" <icey at altavista.net> wrote in message
news:3B1EA497.746C1452 at altavista.net...
> I would do a US laws with a brand of Roman and Dutch on top This is
> really intop_hic LOL
> m a r c u s wrote:
and if
works, (I
refuses to
Jun 6, 2001, 8:16pm
I think the internet has a new big problem emerging which is due to
culture globalization, computers are becoming more friendly to users and
there is a fast growing number of connections, the internet is getting
crowded and people from different countries can easily meet and exchange
opinions. Laws and rules are different though and still linked to single
countries while the internet lacks of international rules and laws.
'What can be done here may be wrong there'..but we are still playing in
the same virtual space...
[View Quote]m a r c u s wrote:
> I think you chewed on some of the content behind your message, it's all
> garbled. Can you re-type it making it more coherent please?
> "icey" <icey at altavista.net> wrote in message
> news:3B1EA497.746C1452 at altavista.net...
> has,
> pornography
> and if
> and
> problem
> checking
> possible
> which
> works, (I
> refuses to
Jun 6, 2001, 8:26pm
Yes but the servers are still based in the USA, that's the law they must
abide by. Makes no difference what other countries laws are, if they want to
be exempt from those laws they can move their servers to another country
that allows it, but it ain't here, lol
[View Quote]"icey" <icey at altavista.net> wrote in message
news:3B1EAD0C.C1C110EF at altavista.net...
> I think the internet has a new big problem emerging which is due to
> culture globalization, computers are becoming more friendly to users and
> there is a fast growing number of connections, the internet is getting
> crowded and people from different countries can easily meet and exchange
> opinions. Laws and rules are different though and still linked to single
> countries while the internet lacks of international rules and laws.
> 'What can be done here may be wrong there'..but we are still playing in
> the same virtual space...
> icey
> m a r c u s wrote:
Jun 6, 2001, 8:43pm
I am not sure that will apply for any country!
[View Quote]chucks party wrote:
> Yes but the servers are still based in the USA, that's the law they must
> abide by. Makes no difference what other countries laws are, if they want to
> be exempt from those laws they can move their servers to another country
> that allows it, but it ain't here, lol
> "icey" <icey at altavista.net> wrote in message
> news:3B1EAD0C.C1C110EF at altavista.net...
> in
> Holland
> when
> example)
Jun 6, 2001, 8:47pm
Yes I haven't got much time atm..anyway I agree with you, I just wanted
to point out a problem about legal and illegal issues over the net. So
your server located in the country x follow rules y but if I live in the
country b and have laws c I can maybe hack your server without even
beign prosecuted...
take care
[View Quote]icey wrote:
> I am not sure that will apply for any country!
> chucks party wrote:
Jun 6, 2001, 8:53pm
woahhh :))
the AW server is in the USA, BUT, if the material is not on theAW server,
its a linked jpg, then its not down to AW server, its where the server is
that contains the image. That image is sent direct from the server its on
to you, not via the AW server, therefore, if its legal in the country its
hosted in, although it may be illegal for you to view it, its not actually
in breach of conditions. AW may still, in their discretion remove it, BUT
they should be careful.
I am not saying it should be free for all, am just saying the implications
are much wider than some think.
The fact that your in the US may well make it illegal for you to view
material on the net or even in AW, BUT, as long as the material is not
stored on the netin the USA, and having a picture load direct from a server
to your machine, if the material is legal in the country of origin, theres
absolutely nothing you can do except not view it.
The only possible option, is that an object that is stored on a server in
the US has a link to something not in the US that is considered illegal in
the US.. but so far, any attempt to try and get that ratified has failed.
Providing the source of the material, on the server its on is legal, then to
deny that is to violate the free speech ethos that so many here desperately
try to defend, when it suits them to do so.
Remember, whether you like it or not, this is a global community. There are
many other things that are legal in the US that aren't in other countries,
and similar problems exist in reverse, but for some reason, no-one in the US
seems to worry about those, but it explains why AW and some other internet
programs are banned in a couple of countries. A notable example was that in
the early years of AW, we had some users in the middle east, but to get AW
they had to log onto an ISP outside their own country, as there was a
problem with the female avatars being to exposed for the liking of the local
AW covers itself as well as it can, but unless they restrict usage to only
the USA, then these things will happen, and in increasing frequency.
At the end of the day, like any internet software, kids should not use it
unsupervised, and people should be aware of the global scale of things, not
just the localised ones.
I am not advocating the use of things like porn, I am only saying that their
use in something like AW has to be expected, since it is not just a US based
[View Quote]chucks party <Chucks_Party at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3b1eae1f at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Yes but the servers are still based in the USA, that's the law they must
> abide by. Makes no difference what other countries laws are, if they want
> be exempt from those laws they can move their servers to another country
> that allows it, but it ain't here, lol
Jun 7, 2001, 4:11am
Well you ain't hacking this puter, I have Zone Alarm, LOL
[View Quote]"icey" <icey at altavista.net> wrote in message
news:3B1EB44F.796E03B2 at altavista.net...
> Yes I haven't got much time atm..anyway I agree with you, I just wanted
> to point out a problem about legal and illegal issues over the net. So
> your server located in the country x follow rules y but if I live in the
> country b and have laws c I can maybe hack your server without even
> beign prosecuted...
> take care
> icey
> icey wrote:
want to
it's all
have a
just not
"user-fiendly". If
Jun 7, 2001, 4:14am
BZZZ wrong answer moria, you waived those rights when you installed the
software. No matter what country you are from.
[View Quote]"moria" <moria at colony.co.uk> wrote in message
news:3b1eb460 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> woahhh :))
> the AW server is in the USA, BUT, if the material is not on theAW server,
> its a linked jpg, then its not down to AW server, its where the server is
> that contains the image. That image is sent direct from the server its on
> to you, not via the AW server, therefore, if its legal in the country its
> hosted in, although it may be illegal for you to view it, its not actually
> in breach of conditions. AW may still, in their discretion remove it, BUT
> they should be careful.
> I am not saying it should be free for all, am just saying the implications
> are much wider than some think.
> The fact that your in the US may well make it illegal for you to view
> material on the net or even in AW, BUT, as long as the material is not
> stored on the netin the USA, and having a picture load direct from a
> to your machine, if the material is legal in the country of origin, theres
> absolutely nothing you can do except not view it.
> The only possible option, is that an object that is stored on a server in
> the US has a link to something not in the US that is considered illegal in
> the US.. but so far, any attempt to try and get that ratified has failed.
> Providing the source of the material, on the server its on is legal, then
> deny that is to violate the free speech ethos that so many here
> try to defend, when it suits them to do so.
> Remember, whether you like it or not, this is a global community. There
> many other things that are legal in the US that aren't in other countries,
> and similar problems exist in reverse, but for some reason, no-one in the
> seems to worry about those, but it explains why AW and some other internet
> programs are banned in a couple of countries. A notable example was that
> the early years of AW, we had some users in the middle east, but to get AW
> they had to log onto an ISP outside their own country, as there was a
> problem with the female avatars being to exposed for the liking of the
> authorities.
> AW covers itself as well as it can, but unless they restrict usage to only
> the USA, then these things will happen, and in increasing frequency.
> At the end of the day, like any internet software, kids should not use it
> unsupervised, and people should be aware of the global scale of things,
> just the localised ones.
> I am not advocating the use of things like porn, I am only saying that
> use in something like AW has to be expected, since it is not just a US
> system.
> Moria
> chucks party <Chucks_Party at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3b1eae1f at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> to
Jun 7, 2001, 4:50am
dream on:)
[View Quote]chucks party <Chucks_Party at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3b1f1bca at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> BZZZ wrong answer moria, you waived those rights when you installed the
> software. No matter what country you are from.