Backdrops for new version (Community)

Backdrops for new version // Community

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May 20, 2001, 6:19pm
I just read where the newer version of aw will use objects for backdrops
.. does anyone know more about this. If aw won't be useing the old type
backdrops then theres no need make anymore , so could someone explain
what sort of texture the object will use and the size? thanks
ps. I tired posting to the beta but it would not let me so i didn't know
where to post this ,grrrrrrr !

sw comit

May 20, 2001, 6:28pm
My guess is that's it's just a huge object that forms a "dome" around the
world, and is visible in the same sense as the plain (the ground).

SW Comit
swcomit at
Mayor of SW City
President of Community Linkage Commission

[View Quote]


May 20, 2001, 7:12pm
I wouldn't go that far yet as a object will replace the backdrop thing.
rather than it would be another way to add more realism to certain worlds.

What i mean by this is 2 classic examples of a world where you get into
certain areas and see the backdrop and you should only be seeing the backdrop
if an object and not the default one for the world.

What do i mean. Take NewYork or Broadway worlds... They each share the same
problems and all of them are located in the same areas of the worlds.
While most people are more apt to be exploring everyining from 0.0 meters up
to 330.0 meter high... Some people llike myself will also explore what is
below the ground [THE RPG WORLD i host tought me to look in all directions]
as most all the builders there build at all levels that would will
allow you to build in] But if you go into the basement [SUBWAY] areas
of both worlds and look out in the distance... You will notice the usual
backdrop is showing. No matter how far out you set the browser from 0 - 120
meters out... You still will see the backdrop. AND it does nothing to make
that world look real. In a real SUBWAY or basement you certainly will never
see the sky. And so it should be the same for places like NewYork & Broadway
So what might now be possible is to have some builder in both worlds like
NewYork & Broadway world use their ground object [In Broadway from looking
through my old files it is ju_grnd##.??? = a ground black road looking
thing & that is what you should be seeing way off in the distance while
standing in the SUBWAY or basement and not looking at the backdrop [SKY].

Other worlds have the same problems. Atlantis world [all water in many
at at at at at at at at at at
I just like to use NewYork & Broadway worlds as the example
because it is the most striking effects there for looking at someing in
the distance in a basement [SUBWAY] and seeing the sky = WIERD when you
should be looking at some dark basement [SUBWAY] off in the distance instead.
at at at at at at at at at at
AND... I'm not trying to do anything to make certain people that may or
may not read this to become upset that i should mention one of their objects.
It was just to point out what and object would look like [name of thing] and
what it might look like if used in the new aw browser for this question
to be answered.
at at at at at at at at at at

sw comit <swcomit at> wrote in <3b0828df at>:

>My guess is that's it's just a huge object that forms a "dome" around the
>world, and is visible in the same sense as the plain (the ground).
>SW Comit
[View Quote]

nomad 1

May 20, 2001, 7:47pm
Version 3.2 of the browser will support "skyboxes" as stated by Roland in
the latest Techtalk. Skyboxes are objects which render as a backdrop and
are always centered over the user (you). They can be any shape (usually a
dome) or size (within reason, I presume) and can be textured the same as any
other object (they can have more than 1 texture). They will also end the
"slipping" effect as you turn. Roland stated that the older backdrop method
will still be available, however he has not yet decided whether the use of a
skybox will automatically cancel the use of the regular backdrop method.
Most people at the talk appeared to want that option set manually by the
world owner. The benefit of having two backdrops (both skybox and old
method) would be that a skybox can have transparent areas (just like any
object) and the older backdrop could show through. This would allow for
some interesting effects although it would eat up some memory.

This info is what I've garnered from the latest techtalk records. If I'm
mistaken on any feature, I'm sure someone will correct me.

NoMad 1

[View Quote]

just in

May 20, 2001, 11:39pm
jfk2 - AWComm have placed a restraining order on you to leave me alone.
Common sense would extend this to your making references about me or my
world or activities in the newsgroups. Please don't!

FYI - the ground objects I created for NY and Broadway have their subway
section sealed off so that you do not see the backdrop in the distance...
all you see is very dark grey.

- Justin

[View Quote]


May 20, 2001, 11:54pm
Thank You just In for informing everyone in the newsgroups why they won't be
seeing JFK2 in AW for a little while...
BUT i guess Just In's eyes need glasses... POP into NewYork &/or Broadway World
and if your eyes are better than Just In's you will actually see far off in
distance the backdrop.
But since Just In never read that note from RICK of aw... I can & WILL continue
to post my ideas HOW i choose to do it MY way...
SO in this way... GO TAKE A FLYING... Hmmmmm..... better yet...
Instead of Just In taking a flying..... Make a mad dash for the bottom of
that cliff... And catch Chuck when he lands after all... That will straighten
Just In out a little.
at at at at at at at at at at
What Just In dosen't realize is that this dosen't impact me all that hard...
As i have CIT accounts in Vectorscape Universe, Outerworlds Universe,
City 4 All Universe & Dreamland Park Universe...
AND I'm a Tourist in Cybernet Universe & Galaxyworlds Universe...
SO it really dosen't impact me that much as i have plenty of other universes
in which to play in...
AND I'm sure glad there is no OneSummer in any of them though... lololol!!!!!

just in <Justefyde at> wrote in
<3b0871ce at>:

>jfk2 - AWComm have placed a restraining order on you to leave me alone.
>Common sense would extend this to your making references about me or my
>world or activities in the newsgroups. Please don't!
>FYI - the ground objects I created for NY and Broadway have their subway
>section sealed off so that you do not see the backdrop in the
>distance... all you see is very dark grey.
>- Justin
[View Quote]


May 21, 2001, 12:28am
You = the biggest idiot I have ever seen. :-O
You try to make Just In look like the bad guy but all you are doing is
hurting yourself and the image of NewYork. Do you think people want to
visit NewYork when they know people like you are running around there? Of
course not, they are going to go to Broadway. Have fun in Dreamland Park
with n a y R, buddy.
syntax at

[View Quote]


May 21, 2001, 1:59am
Awwww..... Booooo..... Hoooooo..... My nervous condition is acting
up again... You are hurting me soooooo much. Can't you say anything that is
sweet and nice? Why do you have to hurt me sooooo much... and i didn't do
a thing to deserve this much hurt comming friom you..... Awwwwww.....
Booooo....... Hooooo....... Hoooooo.........
at at at at at at at at at at at at at
Well.... I just acted like OneSummer would act there...
I m going to let the darn newsgroups bother me? You are nuts. I've been
dealing with the newsgroups since the time the darn thing was only
5,000 - 7,000 groups HUGE... and that was way back in the darg agas of
them. [1988 or so]. I don't let the newsgroups affect me. What i don't
goes in one eyeball & right out the other eyeball...
Just In just has to learn that simple fact of life... If he can't let
the newsgroups go in one eyeball & out the other eyeball and take everything
in here with a little humore & critics... Then Just In should head
back over to the kiddie areas of the newsgroups so he won't be offended by
anything they say...And Just In's little thing about me not posting what i
want in here...
If Just In had enough of things... And hopped on a PLANE or BOAT [they don't
make any trains or cars & busses to cross that big of water yet]
at at at he might try SWIMMING... But that might be hazzerdous to his poor health.
And get his butt over here to where I live in the USA...
Then & only then will i start to rethink my posting ideas in ANY newgroups.
And since he is tooo far away... I don't think i have much to worry
at at at at at at at at at at at at at at
Just In has this clue to work with...
This is a challenge for Just In... And he knows the clue...
The challenge for Just In...>>> FIND ME
I don't mean my ISP or email address...
Lord knows I have several email addresses...
My default one is gkieffer at & my Professional Domain One
jfk2 at & gkieffer at &
gerald.kieffer at = I'm into telenettable bbs's & have a ton on
these services as well. That is one of them. And when i have the software
running i can be found at gkieffer at = Email Server Software going
DIRECT into my pc.

syntax <syntax at> wrote in
<3b087d44 at>:

>You = the biggest idiot I have ever seen. :-O
>You try to make Just In look like the bad guy but all you are doing is
>hurting yourself and the image of NewYork. Do you think people want to
>visit NewYork when they know people like you are running around there?
>Of course not, they are going to go to Broadway. Have fun in Dreamland
>Park with n a y R, buddy.
>syntax at
[View Quote]


May 21, 2001, 2:34am
Consider you've been nicely asked to drop all this... again.
No reply needed please.
[View Quote]


May 21, 2001, 3:47am
I was simply courious about something and did a lookup for the name of
jfkmusic [Much the same wa someone might look up Just In in some
search engine]...
And I better be the one who send this out RATHER than put a smile on
Just In's face with this link... = ABC Local Tv Station's Message Forums...
And yes... this is only a reply to someone in the messages by ME.

OK... and this one too

AND of course look here because i just entered some new messages [AND A PLUG
and you can see what i am like locally... And you can read all the many
times i spoke about Just In in my local messages on that forum...

chucks party

May 21, 2001, 6:51am
Well I for one am very interested in this new development and hope AW will
provide several objects we as world owners can use to have this in all of
our worlds if we want one.
Funny how this thread has changed into a Just In war again, UGH I really
want it to be over but someone won't keep their big yap shut now, PA has a
public statement by Just In for all the crap he held over her head and
that's good enough for me, now I don't care what the hell he does as long as
he leaves PA and me alone. That's all I want or need to say about it. Oh and
if you don't hear it from me personally, whatever "it" is, don't come to me
and tell me so and so said this, if you want to know you ask me. I have no
problem telling people how I feel, anyone in this NG will tell you that, LOL

[View Quote]


May 21, 2001, 8:06am
Hmmmmm..... Hmmmmm..... Hmmmmmm..... I'm thinking here.....
I have no idea who that person is that Chucks Party has mentioned with a
BIG YAP... Hmmmm..... If anything i have a tiny yap & i have only spoken about
you-know-who once since 05/01/2001 so far... So i have to really think
of who might have a BIG YAP..... Hmmmmmmm...... Hmmmmm.......

chucks party <Chucks_Party at> wrote in
<3b08d708 at>:

>Well I for one am very interested in this new development and hope AW will
>provide several objects we as world owners can use to have this in all of
>our worlds if we want one.
>Funny how this thread has changed into a Just In war again, UGH I really
>want it to be over but someone won't keep their big yap shut now, PA has a
>public statement by Just In for all the crap he held over her head and
>that's good enough for me, now I don't care what the hell he does as long as
>he leaves PA and me alone. That's all I want or need to say about it. Oh and
>if you don't hear it from me personally, whatever "it" is, don't come to me
>and tell me so and so said this, if you want to know you ask me. I have no
>problem telling people how I feel, anyone in this NG will tell you that, LOL


May 21, 2001, 8:39am
shut the heck up... thats three posts today youve twisted to go back on
the same old thread.

makes note... talk to aw about permanent banning from newsgroup as well as


[View Quote]


May 21, 2001, 8:41am
if you really want to let it drop, what was the point of the last section of
your post.

If you ignore it, it might go away. I accept theres another who just wont
let it drop, but hes obviously obsessed with the whole incident and a
complete idiot with no real life.

Your close to the same.

Just SHUT UP about it.


[View Quote] <rest snipped cause its obssesive compulsive behaviour and unneeded and not
relevant to the topic>


May 21, 2001, 8:42am
Git, git git. Scram kiddo *whip* Such a pain in the ass.
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May 21, 2001, 8:42am
[View Quote]


May 21, 2001, 9:52am
Moria!!! gosh....some one intelligent in this NG :o)) ( and she can spell

[View Quote] *snipped coz i agree with everything she said :o)*


May 21, 2001, 5:38pm

[View Quote] > Moria!!! gosh....some one intelligent in this NG :o)) ( and she can spell
> too)


May 22, 2001, 4:55am
LOL HE :o)
I'd say cute too but i'd get flamed

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May 22, 2001, 7:48am
woohooo not by me!! :)))


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May 22, 2001, 4:19pm
And i certainly won't flame you...

moria <moria at> wrote in <3b0a3607 at>:

>woohooo not by me!! :)))
[View Quote]

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