AWRPG Discrimination (Community)

AWRPG Discrimination // Community

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Dec 15, 2004, 10:10pm
In AWRPG, if I express my love for another male character (another
homosexual male character, even) I am accused of causing an uproar, and
poisoned. Even if the expression of that love is mere hugging and
kissing, and saying things like "darling" and "my love".

They claim it's because AWRPG's society is based on medieval times.

This is total crap.

In medieval times, women were discriminated against. So were black
people. But oh no! None of this in AWRPG! But wait? I thought we had to
do it because AWRPG is based on medieval times! No, they have actively
CHOSEN what discriminations to carry over from medieval times.
Therefore, that homosexuals were discriminated against in medieval times
is NOT a defense.

I would have NO problem if EVERY discrimination from the medieval times
was part of AWRPG. It is the fact that they have chosen to drop some
discriminations and keep others that angers me.

In truth, the religion of AWRPG's Draeda could easily accept homosexual
love as valid. But they have chosen to pick and choose what they would
like to discriminate against and use the medieval theme as a defense.

Why did they choose to drop the discrimination against women? Is it
because it doesn't fit in with current Western society? LOOK AROUND YOU.
In current Western society, homosexuals are protected from
discrimination. I guess they decided that 5% of the population isn't big
enough for an exception to medieval rules. The value must be between 5%
and 50% somewhere.


Dec 15, 2004, 10:13pm
Oh, and here's a nice AWRPG quote:

Conrad: you try to spread your deseizes of man loving man its sick


Dec 15, 2004, 11:12pm
God who the hell cares, take your homosexually needed play to places
that are designed for them.

Places like AWRPG are not places for homosexual displays. They're not
even places for generic sexual displays. This includes the "European
smooch" that many European nations do, the kiss on each cheek.

If you feel the need to be homosexual, there are plenty of online chat
sites designed for you.

c p

Dec 15, 2004, 11:33pm
[View Quote] but awteen rpg won't have any of that BS...:) lol, we won't tel lyou
your love is wrong...infact i should make it a side quest to beating the
rpg...fal lin love with peasant males...>_<

in truth people are uneducated...theres no way around all...


Dec 15, 2004, 11:46pm
As Activeworlds is a privately owned company they can allow you or disallow
you service based on whatever they feel like.

This was not a good topic to bring up in the newsgroups.

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c p

Dec 16, 2004, 12:15am
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Dec 16, 2004, 12:18am
[View Quote] What are you implying? That I want to cyber in AWRPG? I understand that
it's a PG world.

> Places like AWRPG are not places for homosexual displays. They're not
> even places for generic sexual displays. This includes the "European
> smooch" that many European nations do, the kiss on each cheek.

Homosexual doesn't neccessarily mean sexual. Ever heard of a thing
called love? Are you saying that just because the love is homosexual it
suddenly becomes explicit? I surely hope NOT.

I don't know wether or not you've noticed, but companionship (not
cybersex) is a big part of AWRPG. Two roleplaying characters fall in
love often in the world of AWRPG.

> If you feel the need to be homosexual, there are plenty of online chat
> sites designed for you.

I'm not talking about online dating. I'm talking about in-character
partnership, not neccessarily a partnership between the creators and
players of the character.

Heterosexuals in AWRPG are allowed in-character partners. They hug, they
kiss, they call each other nice names. That's as far as it goes. Unless
they get married of course.

I do not see why homosexuals should not be granted the same right.


Dec 16, 2004, 12:23am
You were not permanently ejected - and therefore could in theory speak to
the Caretaker (Bluemaxe) in private about the situation in a civil manner :)



Dec 16, 2004, 12:24am
Of which situation are you speaking; my specific ejection or the general
attitude of the players of AWRPG?

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Dec 16, 2004, 12:26am
I agree with Rossy-People are taking their religious biases too far. What
harm can allowing homosexuals in AWRPG bring? not a damn thing. You can't
procreate in virtual reality. You don't get legally married over the
internet. Hell their RPG gods aren't even considered 'real', so why is this
such a big moral issue? Seriously, why do RPGers feel the need to control
every petty little detail of someone's personal life on a 3d chat of all
things? When did it become so hard to respect someone's lifestyle choice in
RL and put your fake, 'medieval' morals aside? This just furthers my belief
that AWRPG is cult-like.

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Dec 16, 2004, 12:28am
Your ejection :) It's been clearly stated in the world rules set forward by
the caretaker, Bluemaxe, that player hating/abuse/harassment, will not be
tolerated... So, if you can clear your situation up with him, and speak with
him in an appropriate manner about your feelings and your character, then if
someone gives you issue about who *you* or your character is, then that
becomes their problem and violation of world rules - and not your own.


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Dec 16, 2004, 12:40am
You're saying that I can make the case that homophobia in AWRPG *does*
constitute player hating/abuse?

I've been told on multiple occassions by promient AWRPG players that the
reason is that AWRPG is based on medieval times.

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Dec 16, 2004, 12:44am
Very much so, but accomplishing that cannot be done by acting out in AWRPG,
as the world through and through is generally "In character". In order to
sort it out in a way that doesn't worsen the problem, you need to speak to
Bluemaxe privately about the situation - prominant RPG players are not the
authority of the world, contrary to popular belief.


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Dec 16, 2004, 12:45am
Straight from a subgroup of the AWRPG Terms of Service:

1. HARASSMENT & ABUSE: You may not harass or threaten (This does not
include challenging a person in-game with the /arm command) other players,
nor use any sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory,
obscene, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive expressions or
statements. This applies to any language.

2. HATE: You may not organize nor be a member of any guilds or groups within
AWRPG that are based on, or espouse, any racist, sexist, anti-religious,
anti-ethnic, anti-homosexual, or any other philosophy deemed to be


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Dec 16, 2004, 2:09am
All that can be done has been done.


Dec 16, 2004, 3:23am
[View Quote] It has no place in a public world with children. Personal life is just
that, a personal life. We don't need personal mingling with virtual.
If you want to have relations with the same sex, do it in your personal
life, leave virtual to what it should be. Show affection accordingly,
there's no need for sexual displays at all in a virtual world.


Dec 16, 2004, 3:53am
I would agree if they didnt allow straight relationships as well, but when
they deem homosexual relationships inappropriate, that's flat out

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lady nighthawk

Dec 16, 2004, 5:14am
OK I've gotta ask ya Rossy ... and I'm neither for or against, I think to
each their own ... since you are in a roll playing world of *Medieval Times*
theme ... well, gays weren't *out* at that time, this didn't occur until the
1980s or so ... I believe that in Medieval Times if you were discovered
you'd have been burned at the stake or something primitive like that.

I agree this should not be happening in this day and age, and I understand
to some small degree the struggles ensuing, but considering that awrpg is
themed on medieval times I think you need to act accordingly. Maybe do some
research on homosexuality in that day and age and if you can prove it was
(at that time acceptible), perhaps the CTs of awrpg would then reconsider?

Just some thoughts...



[View Quote] > I've been told on multiple occassions by promient AWRPG players that the
> reason is that AWRPG is based on medieval times.


Dec 16, 2004, 6:16am
So virtual = asexual? :-)

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Dec 16, 2004, 6:16am
You ignored Rossyboy's point that women are given equal rights in AWRPG,
when they did not have equal rights in medieval times.

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lady nighthawk

Dec 16, 2004, 6:35am
I'm not an rpg'r so I wasn't aware, but I'd think if it were fashioned after
medieval times and that's it's theme then it should be that way for all
regardless. However, doing it strictly by the medieval book would be
somewhat complicated in this day and age I'd think. All I can say is better
them (CTs) than me, I can't imagine going *backwards in time* ... maybe
that's why I'm not a roll player. I hope it gets resolved!



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samuel ml lison

Dec 16, 2004, 6:56am
[View Quote] A lot like the Gor worlds perhaps. Gor follow a set of books, a series.
And the Gor worlds try and live life by those books as much as possible.

Though, Gor is a different story. Having both Gor Role Playing worlds
and real life discussion worlds where Goreans follow the lifestyle in
their every day life as much as law permits.

I guess it is much the same for those that enjoy bringing Medieval into
their lives. Or those that like to follow Star Trek or be Jedi's from
Star Wars.

To each their own.

Yours Sincerely,
Samuël ML Lison

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Dec 16, 2004, 8:34am
I agree with Rossyboy here. AWRPG is a company world, since it begins with
AW. This gives me more incentive to leave AW, permanently. I find that
AW's attitude in general is dismal, and they seem to be bent on doing
nothing else other than get money out of people. They can say that AW is
"the 3D Internet", but I've seen far better virtual worlds. for instance
I think that the reason nobody seems to be doing anything in AWRPG is
because it would be effort for no financial gain. Or, the big cheese up top
is a homophobe himself. LtBrenton signing off. Permanently.


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Dec 16, 2004, 8:46am
maybe you should just not go to the world anymore then you wouldn't have to
worry about homosexual discrimination, even though the discrimination is
against the rules

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Dec 16, 2004, 9:37am
cp is teh secsy?
what the? cp be gay? alex be scarred =\


Dec 16, 2004, 12:00pm
The thing is, it's not.

AWRPG is based on a different planet, and it is LOOSELY fashioned around
Earth's medieval times.

The characters of AWRPG do not have all the prejudices that were around
in medieval times.

It's explained better here:

[View Quote]


Dec 16, 2004, 12:03pm
There ARE no sexual displays in AWRPG, heterosexual or homosexual. How
is it SEXUAL for two roleplaying characters to be in LOVE?

[View Quote] > It has no place in a public world with children. Personal life is just
> that, a personal life. We don't need personal mingling with virtual. If
> you want to have relations with the same sex, do it in your personal
> life, leave virtual to what it should be. Show affection accordingly,
> there's no need for sexual displays at all in a virtual world.


Dec 16, 2004, 12:46pm
[View Quote] > I agree with Rossyboy here. AWRPG is a company world, since it begins with
> AW. This gives me more incentive to leave AW, permanently. I find that
> AW's attitude in general is dismal, and they seem to be bent on doing
> nothing else other than get money out of people. They can say that AW is
> "the 3D Internet", but I've seen far better virtual worlds.
> for instance
> I think that the reason nobody seems to be doing anything in AWRPG is
> because it would be effort for no financial gain. Or, the big cheese up top
> is a homophobe himself. LtBrenton signing off. Permanently.
> -LtB-ye!
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