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alphabit phalpha // User Search
alphabit phalpha // User SearchOct. 24thOct 1, 2003, 9:01pm
Was just trying to simplify things for people. Thanks for getting back Wiz:) And please thank Linn for her valuable input!:) [View Quote] Oct. 24thOct 2, 2003, 1:55am
Sure!.....I'll even let you use one of my fishing poles...and all the
artificials you want! YOU have to put your own worms and grubs on:) [View Quote] Oct. 24thOct 2, 2003, 2:32am
Well shoot...we were just up that way last month....could have met up:(
Hopefully you faired the weather ok with Isabel? [View Quote] GoingOct 3, 2003, 10:12am
Best wishes always Henrikg!
Thanks again for the suggestions for the Cy world:) We loves ya guy! Huggggs:) Bit:) [View Quote] 3.4 Users?Oct 6, 2003, 1:20pm
Anyone know if there are many people not on 3.4 now?
The Cys are working on a new feature, but if anyone doesn't have 3.4 they might not have an ejoyable evening:( 3.4 Users?Oct 6, 2003, 2:10pm
Oh cool are all of those builds 3.4?
Maybe I can contact those that you have citnames and warn them of what they would experience if they dont upgrade. I wonder why they haven't upgraded...hmmmm. I would think any new users coming in would be downloading 3.4? Hmmm...this wouldn't be counting tourists would it? Sorry so many questions, but truly appreciate the info Sweetie! Bit:) [View Quote] 3.4 Users?Oct 6, 2003, 11:57pm
Well someone in grams just told me 30 of thier closest friends are still not
using 3.4. I'll wait for a few more reports:) Thanks ya'll:) [View Quote] 3.4 Users?Oct 9, 2003, 11:29pm far as I can see 3.4 will be what we will focus on.
There might be a few dupe chats for some (I appologize early for that), but it will be some great effects also:) If you know anyone not using 3.4 please warn them ahead of time, but we will have a remote viewing area also so slower pcs wont lag as bad. I use PII 233 with mmx and 4 meg video card and do pretty well with 3.4. Maybe its thier settings or upgrades of drivers needed? Thanks everyone for all your input! Hugggs:) Bit:) Solid Off Command in Objects?Oct 6, 2003, 2:11pm
Does anyone know what I would put into an rwx file to make the object non
solid? Thanks:) Activeworlds TV Stations and Cy CoverageOct 11, 2003, 6:53pm
If you own a tv station and would like to attend a meeting Monday October
13th at 6:20 pm vrt, please join me by "join" that day and time. Please only 1 person per station as reps. Your crews can join but we need to maintain some semblance of order as far as who is inputting etc. We are going to discuss Cy coverage. Thanks:) Bit:) Some of You just don't "Get it":)Oct 13, 2003, 10:56am
My Goodness!
First of all, have any of you folks that are against adult rated worlds in AWI aware that your negative posts in here have enticed our "children" into them even more? IMHO, those of you that have made those posts are just as guilty as anyone else for "directing" under agers to those worlds....I mean....duh!:) Regarding world hosting.... Those of you that come here and lay accusations on your competitors....guess what? I think you are not only making them look bad (to a gullible reader), but you are also making your company look bad. I don't know about the rest of you, but when a dealer bad mouths another, I as a customer hear fingernails scraping down a chalkboard.....ewwwww.... I don't know, but I truly think that avoiding posting above and similar situations, could help ya'll a lot more. I have heard that one company that used to sell objects (after making posts that pissed someone off), have had every one of their hosting sites closed down (probably because a post you made in here grated on someone's nerves) and are no longer selling. Now that's sad, but why did it have to happen? (That's a rhetorical question:) Bottom line.....please think about who wins and loses when you are playing a game in here before you roll that dice:) Some of You just don't "Get it":)Oct 13, 2003, 12:07pm
Hey Sweetie:)
Ya ever hear the saying "If you can't win, join em"?:) I'm not saying do as they do. I'm saying kick back and enjoy their youth and energy. Be a goodness, it's proof enough they need more positive ones in AW!:) Binary, you have a very technical mind. You could be an inspiration not only to our young adults but adults as well! Takes a "bit" of patience, but the rewards in watching them "grow" creation wise and maturity wise far outweighs fighting in here with them. Some of them only attack you because you allow them to. btw...if you're bored we could use you on staff...unpaid of course, but very rewarding:) Be forewarned though, Cy staff are all ages:) And we do have our quarrels Hugggs:) Bit:) Some of You just don't "Get it":)Oct 13, 2003, 12:16pm
..duo sorry to hear that but if you don't let people push your buttons
can you be a victim? Just plug in the good old mute and telegram block cords and create or chat away!:) If all else fails...hit the failsafe button thats called "x":) [View Quote] Bye everyoneOct 22, 2003, 1:28am
Cya Sweetie:)
Hopefully come back soon, and if not at least watch for the Cys and come see old friends:) Hugggs:) bit:) [View Quote] Harold av all messed up?Oct 22, 2003, 11:56pm
Hey folks:)
I am trying to put a tux on the harold av from aw path and I get the following when I load it in the world:( Does anyone have a good harold av I could maybe have please?:) Thanks in advance! Bit:) harold.rwx: Warning: command 'zzzz' unrecognized or unsupported (line 1) harold.rwx: Warning: command 'õ' unrecognized or unsupported (line 2) harold.rwx: Warning: command 'h>³Èh?x«y>' unrecognized or unsupported (line 9) harold.rwx: Warning: command 'zl' unrecognized or unsupported (line 15) harold.rwx: Warning: command 'lw[¾«>n' unrecognized or unsupported (line 17) harold.rwx: Warning: command 'i{;*!§·?7½?' unrecognized or unsupported (line 24) harold.rwx: Warning: command '?' unrecognized or unsupported (line 26) harold.rwx: Warning: command '¾' unrecognized or unsupported (line 36) harold.rwx: Warning: command 'nº'¾' unrecognized or unsupported (line 37) harold.rwx: Warning: command 'zsZ7kÛ' unrecognized or unsupported (line 39) harold.rwx: Warning: command 'lw[¾«>n' unrecognized or unsupported (line 43) harold.rwx: Warning: command '¾SÌ' unrecognized or unsupported (line 58) harold.rwx: Warning: command '²p>' unrecognized or unsupported (line 96) harold.rwx: Warning: command 'ç>op?pº>' unrecognized or unsupported (line 98) harold.rwx: Warning: command 'o¾|Ý? at h>' unrecognized or unsupported (line 107) harold.rwx: Warning: command 'n¾' unrecognized or unsupported (line 110) harold.rwx: Warning: command 'Çå>Ô"³' unrecognized or unsupported (line 115) harold.rwx: Warning: command '¾Ýìð?[>æÉ' unrecognized or unsupported (line 117) harold.rwx: Warning: command '¾Ý±{' unrecognized or unsupported (line 118) harold.rwx: Warning: command 'i{>²' unrecognized or unsupported (line 125) harold.rwx: Warning: command 'i{¾' unrecognized or unsupported (line 126) harold.rwx: Warning: command 'i{>²' unrecognized or unsupported (line 127) harold.rwx: Warning: command 'i{¾>ï¾*' unrecognized or unsupported (line 128) harold.rwx: Warning: command 'v' unrecognized or unsupported (line 131) harold.rwx: Warning: command '½ì9:?<' unrecognized or unsupported (line 136) harold.rwx: Warning: command 'k' unrecognized or unsupported (line 137) harold.rwx: Warning: command 'd?1' unrecognized or unsupported (line 139) harold.rwx: Warning: command '1(' unrecognized or unsupported (line 141) harold.rwx: Warning: command '±' unrecognized or unsupported (line 147) harold.rwx: Warning: command '±' unrecognized or unsupported (line 150) harold.rwx: Warning: command '±' unrecognized or unsupported (line 151) harold.rwx: Warning: command '±' unrecognized or unsupported (line 152) harold.rwx: Warning: command '¾z_?2~Ö' unrecognized or unsupported (line 161) harold.rwx: Warning: command '¾²/á?/ïz' unrecognized or unsupported (line 165) harold.rwx: Warning: command 'k¹cS~?' unrecognized or unsupported (line 168) harold.rwx: Warning: command '¾' unrecognized or unsupported (line 169) harold.rwx: Warning: command '1' unrecognized or unsupported (line 171) harold.rwx: Warning: command '1ñr' unrecognized or unsupported (line 173) harold.rwx: Warning: command '±' unrecognized or unsupported (line 181) harold.rwx: Warning: command '³' unrecognized or unsupported (line 184) harold.rwx: Warning: command '³' unrecognized or unsupported (line 185) harold.rwx: Warning: command '±' unrecognized or unsupported (line 186) harold.rwx: Warning: command 'àa·' unrecognized or unsupported (line 198) harold.rwx: Warning: command 'àa·' unrecognized or unsupported (line 199) harold.rwx: Warning: command 'à' unrecognized or unsupported (line 200) Harold av all messed up?Oct 23, 2003, 9:57am
I was using objmaker program.
I also find a lot of older models that I d/l from the awcc path get a lot of errors like this. Any chance my connection is blipping and I'm not getting full up or d/l? Some downloads from there of cy objects that were created a few years ago, won't unzip. They show 0 files error. [View Quote] Harold av all messed up?Oct 23, 2003, 10:01am
Geeze Mr must have an "in"
I renamed the file I had sent and loaded fine! I wonder what causes this? Windows thingy? Thanks and thanks everyone else also:) Bit:) [View Quote] Harold av all messed up?Oct 23, 2003, 10:02am
Calendar Creator?Oct 24, 2003, 7:33pm
Anyone have or know of a calender program that is free and as easy to use as
this one? It looks like all a person would have to do is change whats on top and it would update it. Of course I would need something where the change capability is allowed only with a password. Any suggestions? Thanks:) Bit:) Calendar Creator?Oct 24, 2003, 10:56pm
Hmmm...thanks alex, but it looks like I would need to sign up for something
and risk more spam than I get now? Also looks like they host it and I would need to use their IP address? Looking for something that I can change quickly and easily, and host on the Cy site. Thank you very much though:) Hugggs:) Bit:) [View Quote] Calendar Creator?Oct 24, 2003, 11:22pm
Okie doke:)
I know MS Apps have calendars that can be saved as html pages, but they aren't the easiest to update. I'll definately let you and the ngs know if I find something easy and fast:) Thanks again! Bit:) [View Quote] Calendar Creator?Oct 25, 2003, 11:32am
Hmmm...wasn't down for me?
What I need is something for the Cy calendar that would be easy to update. With MS Apps and some other calendar making programs, in order to update, you have to rewrite over everything, or save the original, (somewhere where you can find it again, and believe me, I lose things alot! Anyways, that site had a thing on the top to alter a day or event, or add or delete. They don't even offer a trial version...yikes! It was VERY easy to work, they just want money, and I know there has got to be a freebie out there somewhere:) [View Quote] Calendar Creator?Oct 26, 2003, 6:40pm
Thank you everyone for your great help with this:)
Tengel has created a calendar for the Cys that is excellent! I will be posting the link shortly...the entire Cy Awards calendar is near complete, so all of you will be able to start planning your weekends soon! Thanks again! Bit:) [View Quote] Very Exciting Program for making brick textures!Oct 30, 2003, 3:59pm
For those of you that are tired of searching for the perfect brick and
colors.... And it looks like it's totally free! Heres another oneOct 30, 2003, 8:19pm