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Ok what's this?

May 11, 2003, 11:51pm
I imagine there's a ton of folks all this info tony gave us will help:)

Ok what's this?

May 11, 2003, 11:57pm
Might not have been from here...I also belong to a general discussion group
for Austin:)

[View Quote]

Ok what's this?

May 12, 2003, 12:30am
Well....everythings fixed now so no worries:)
If it was anyone in here hope they had fun and I can thank them cause it
made me ask questions and got expert help and now the idiots out there that
have been sending me college and **nis enlargement ads the same way can't!

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Ok what's this?

May 12, 2003, 1:04am
Ouch...that would hurt.
Well I try to look at the positive side of everything, and not on a company
server but our own.
You do have a good point there and if it is someone in this NG then I hope
they are learning a lesson:(
I certainly hope though that the wrong person doesn't get falsely accused by

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Ok what's this?

May 12, 2003, 7:43pm
I don't want no stinkin
As far as I'm concerned....if anyone wants ANY of our textures or objects
etc, they are all free:)
I would hope folks would ask so they could be sent zipped with everything
they need though.
Some time in the future we will make a page with everything we have on them
and let ya'll have fun:)
I think to date we have about 12,667 objects.
Of course alot are the mega path and wonderful things that folks have given
away for free to the CommunitY:)

good job brock

May 12, 2003, 11:02pm
He's Bits...I'm Bit.....long

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good job brock

May 12, 2003, 11:21pm
Hey Bits...not my fault sweetie:)
You started that day at AW GZ...remember?:)

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good job brock

May 12, 2003, 11:27pm
Nope cause we dont really know if senility is guilty and I would hate to see
them lose their account wrongly accused:)

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good job brock

May 13, 2003, 1:34am
Please don't LMAO.....that would hurt and you would need to wear padding to
give yourself any type of decent figure again:)

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Enough Already!

May 13, 2003, 1:12pm
shalimar, please don't be disgusted with AW as a whole.
A couple folks that have an ax o grind definately does not even come close
to representing the entire Community:)

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AWHS Restoration

May 30, 2003, 6:02pm
Wellllll.....thanks to Ananas (for the r.bat converter, IHNK for the bot
assistance, AWI for the world resizing, and The Real Pops for never throwing
anything away, mainly the correct world dat and idx files) we have a near
complete copy of the AWHS corner....woooohooooo!
It has a few retexturing to do, and a few walls and grounds missing,
but other than's back!
I think Chloe will be putting it up in AWHS after the July AWCC
Anniversary, but until then if anyone wants to remenince (spelling) feel
free to in A!'!A world SW corner.
Not trying to get folks to my world...just sharing;)
Thank you everyone that offered advice and assitance...ya'll are the


aw is dead :( aw managmenmt sucks

Jul 1, 2003, 11:36pm
Active Worlds Community Council:)
hint hint......
Swim away old friend.... thanks for the memories:)
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aw is dead :( aw managmenmt sucks

Jul 2, 2003, 12:26am
It's a group Lucrezia Borgia formed and never "un-formed"
Basically it still exists, just hasn't been active.
I have more info if anyone's interested.
It was a group of people that represented the Community and acted as a
liason between the Community and AWI.
It was the predesessor (spelling) to AWCC World being created.
The webpage might still be up...if anyone's interested:)

Swim away old friend.... thanks for the memories:)
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aw is dead :( aw managmenmt sucks

Jul 2, 2003, 12:40am
Oops...the page is gone...but here is the structure;

AWCommunity Council
1. Chair-From the Community-Represents the council to AWI (COF) in all
collective concerns and projects
The above position was assigned to Aule, but he was unable to participate.
2. Vice-Chair-From the Community.
The above position was assigned to me, but with Aule's resignation and the
flurry to build AWCC world, I think the council was just put on the
3. AWHS Representative.
The above position was assigned to Chloe, who is still active.
4. AWEC Representative.
The above position was assigned to Omega who has since then resigned.
5. AWU Representative get the idea.
I don't think there is any reason this couldn't be reinstated by the
Community at this time.

It would take folks who are interested in the betterment of the Community
and who can turn negatives into positives.
I don't think it would work if people who enjoy having b***h sessions were
on any chairs though.

I would think that the chairs would also need to be quite organized with the
concerns prior to sending emails or meeting with any AWI Representative.

Anyways...just food for thought:)

aw is dead :( aw managmenmt sucks

Jul 2, 2003, 5:07pm
AWI has no problem talking with you I'm sure GK:)
It's actually all set up. It just has been in limbo.
I guess Lu would be the first person to discuss this with, or Mountain Myst.
GK, why don't you open the can?

Swim away old friend.... thanks for the memories:)
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aw is dead :( aw managmenmt sucks

Jul 2, 2003, 6:25pm
I think if he sees it as something that would take a lot off of thier plate
they might be interested:)
BTW....Rick aint got no can:)

Swim away old friend.... thanks for the memories:)
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aw is dead :( aw managmenmt sucks

Jul 4, 2003, 5:14pm
Goobs...are you in Providence?
We might be flying into there:)

Swim away old friend.... thanks for the memories:)
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What is up with M A T T and his obsession with AW?

Jul 3, 2003, 1:43pm
Has anyone given any thought to maybe taking him under their wing and
guiding him into a more productive existance?
It might just be that he needs attention and is getting that attention
through negative actions?
I have seen many folks in here as they grow and are nurtured, become VERY
upstanding citizens in AW:)
Heck, if he's that smart to get citizenships etc, then possibly that
intelligence can be redirected?
Just my 2 cents worth:)

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[FWD: Objects for Sale]

Jul 4, 2003, 5:13pm
VERY nice looking set!
Good luck!

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Jul 11, 2003, 8:52pm
Bah...bad enough we have to fold clothes everytime we do the laundry without
taking on folding hundreds of thousands of micro-organisms also!!!!????

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Help needed with graphics

Jul 12, 2003, 2:20pm
If you like this and need more done let me know:)

Help needed with graphics

Jul 12, 2003, 3:01pm
Gol danged guys beat me to
What fun to see soooo many helpful people in the CommunitY:)<--------Capitol
Y added for SWE's sake:)

Help needed with graphics

Jul 12, 2003, 4:19pm

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Help needed with graphics

Jul 12, 2003, 5:17pm
Sounds cool!

Some kind of error in outlook..

Jul 13, 2003, 7:46pm
Maybe it's a router problem at one of the mains?

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Learning something new again.....Help!!!!!

Jul 14, 2003, 6:05pm
Ok...I am doing a page with javascript and I am attempting to make it so my
buttons open the correct pages when clicked on.
The problem I am having is they are referring back to the index.html each
The script for one of the buttons is;

< on click href="links.htm"><IMG
height=114 alt=Feedback src="images/nav_feedback_58.gif"
width=120 border=0 name=nav_feedback_58></A></TD></TR>
Any help greatly appreciated;)

Learning something new again.....Help!!!!!

Jul 14, 2003, 6:18pm
Here's the URL to the page if that's more help

Learning something new again.....Help!!!!!

Jul 14, 2003, 6:39pm it figured out...had to add
<a href="index.htm" at the begining...thanks anyways!:)

Learning something new again.....Help!!!!!

Jul 14, 2003, 7:47pm
Well thanks Binary Bud...unfortunately I messed it up and even having no
space it wouldn't link.
I'll just keep working on it till I figure it
You wouldn't know what command makes it so 2 tables would line up pefectly
with a graphic would you?
I'm trying to rebuild the page using tables from scratch but one of the
graphics allows a space between it and another one, which I dont want to
I made sure my cell spacing was 0 but it still showed a gap.

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Learning something new again.....Help!!!!!

Jul 15, 2003, 1:52am
Your very welcome:)
I don't have it totally repaired but I got tired of "thinking" and sat down
to watch "Analyze That"

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