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Apache Question

May 1, 2003, 11:29am
Ok you Apache Gurus......My access log for apache is sitting at 21
megs...How the heck do I delete it?????!!!!
It has a shared violation message when I try to and if I go to win2k task
manager it won't let me shut apache down to delete the file.
I reckon I have a dilemma here:)
Any help greatly appreciated:)

Apache Question

May 1, 2003, 3:45pm
Thanks John.
How do I get out of safe mode?
In the past I remember having problems with

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Apache Question

May 1, 2003, 5:20pm
Thanks Ananas and wing:)
Ya'll are trying to make a guru out of me yet!

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Apache Question

May 1, 2003, 5:58pm
Thanks Jeremy...I'll check that out!
Looks like a pretty easy to use tool:)

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Apache Question

May 2, 2003, 10:59am
Thanks Kah:)

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Someone REALLY lost the plot

May 4, 2003, 12:37pm
Any participating and awarded world must be suitable for all ages.
A person who owns or plays in higher rated worlds is NOT disqualified, but
their entry must be in a world rated for all ages.
For instance, if a person created an avater or object in an adult rated
world that was suitable for all ages, they could place that avatar in a
friends world or we could possibly see about getting a "display" world to
place it, or have a world owner out there donate some of thier area for
displaying avs or objects....(oooooo idea!....exposure for a world owner!).
If ya'll need some explanations as to why...please holler:)

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Someone REALLY lost the plot

May 9, 2003, 12:05pm
Well...seeing's how AW AND myself are in the USA, we need to follow USA laws
and regulations.
Working on the new cy pages now and I'll have more info on the rules page.
They should be up by then end of the weekend:)
BTW....they will be rated "F" for Fun!.....idea gratis Binary Bud:)

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Someone REALLY lost the plot

May 10, 2003, 9:34am
Ummm...they have here in Austin during Mardi Gras:)
And...they won:)
It's a tradition that gals bare there top part of their bodies in exchange
for colorful plastic bead necklaces.
Sheesh...and all this time I have been getting gratis from restaurants:)

Free Program:)

May 4, 2003, 11:43pm

I don't know how many of you use quickword but I found one that not only
holds up to 2500 statements but also allows you to assign commands like
"enter" etc.
The webpage is at
Program is called Remotekeys.
They are recommended with 5 ducks at so it probably is a
safe proggy.
I've been downloading from nonags for over 6 years and have never been

Have fun!:)

The Teen Gate Beta Has BEGUN!!!!

May 7, 2003, 11:49pm
I care Brock:)

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Vote for AW!

May 8, 2003, 1:34am
Hey everyone!
Go here and vote for your favorite programs!
Maybe this would get AW a ton of exposure and tons of visitors and
eventually a reduction in cit prices eh?:)
Those of you that have been complaining and want to help out...nows your

Vote for AW!

May 8, 2003, 9:31am
You didn't register for anything.
They probably need that info for dupe voting prevention.
Did you get the email reply with the link of where to vote?
Should AW win in this People's Choice, then it would become free promo to
thousands for AW.
Hey, if we as a Community can get AW free exposure resulting in more
citizens then wouldn't it make sense that our prices would be lower?
Just like with seems to lower when the cash is flowing.
Besides, if we show we care enough it would give us more weight when we make
the requests for things we want wouldn't it?
I don't know, maybe I'm wrong, but I think honey would attract the bee more
than vinegar?

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Vote for AW!

May 8, 2003, 2:06pm
If it turns out it's closed oh well...we have gotten AW's name out there to
whoever is receiving the
BTW...Andras mentioned us all using the same name for AW so it doesn't go in
as seperate programs.
Good point Andras thanks:)...any suggestions?:)

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Vote for AW!

May 8, 2003, 2:23pm
LOL....your allowed 1 ...umm...or 100 times being bad Binary:)

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Vote for AW!

May 9, 2003, 12:06pm
I had put Activeworlds at
Hopefully all of ours will jive together:)

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Web page question

May 9, 2003, 11:49pm
Anyone know how some websites are making text look like it's closer than
other text?
Sorta like there is a space between 2 layers?

Web page question

May 10, 2003, 12:30am
Ok got to and scroll down to the muscle worm
It looks like it sits further back than the ones around it?

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Web page question

May 10, 2003, 12:37am
Neither does
Maybe it's a win2k thingy?
Anyone with win2k out there see the effect?

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Web page question

May 10, 2003, 2:10am
That is sooooo it Bastillion!
Now how did you do it?
I would love to add to the Recipients page a Cy statue that looks like it's
standing away from something else.
Anyways...thanks sooo much...especially for letting me know I hadn't gone!

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Web page question

May 10, 2003, 2:39am
What would I search for for that type of effect?
I have some instant web based font creation links but haven't seen one that
does that?

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Web page question

May 10, 2003, 9:28am
Thanks...I'll check it out:)

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New Models and Sprites

May 12, 2003, 12:14am
I am sure glad I don't judge people by what others say about them in the ngs
or in petty gossip chats.
I have seen many comments about individuals in the past belittled or
slandered in here, only to find out that the person that was being attacked
had even more credentials then the attackers:)
I personally have visited DLP and still do and have been treated as nicely
as the next person at all times.
I also might suggest we be careful about slanderous statements on the Net,
because every day we move closer to IRL lawsuits actually being executed.
Especially when it's against a company. And if folks don't think they can be
"found" when slandering others.....wake up:)

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New Models and Sprites

May 12, 2003, 1:18am
You betcha!:)
AND when AWI releases the universal teleport then you will already have tons
of friends everywhere!:) might want to check out 3dnetz also:)
They do the lazer light show for the Cys and have a heck of a wonderful
light show in one of their worlds!
Please give my howdys to J o and Nightraven and Gobman should you stop by:)

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May 11, 2003, 9:41pm's never too late!
Something as simple as a kiss on the cheek...a huge hug...and a thank you
for being my Mother comment is worth far more than any monetary gifts:)

Ok what's this?

May 11, 2003, 10:09pm
I just received about 5 messages that popped up on my screen and no
messenger apps were open.
Anyone make anything of this?

Ok what's this?

May 11, 2003, 10:44pm
Thanks Tony:)
Would that disable msn messenger though?

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Ok what's this?

May 11, 2003, 10:49pm
Ok...thanks again:)

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Ok what's this?

May 11, 2003, 11:07pm
Ahhhh.....ok...that will probably stop all the weird popup grey thingys I
get that aren't attached to an email.
Appreciate it!

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Ok what's this?

May 11, 2003, 11:14pm
Yup...that did it...thanks a 3rd time:)

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Ok what's this?

May 11, 2003, 11:42pm
I agree now that I know what it is.
Soooooo.....what else does Win2k have that I need to disable beside
IIS...(done that already)

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