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Jul 22, 2003, 12:03pm
Why Count......I would think you would enjoy a bit of a blood pressure


Jul 22, 2003, 12:12pm
Now would Bram feel about that? have never lost that hankering for Lucy!

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Help Please?

Aug 25, 2003, 11:15pm
Ok....we are now running winxp for our server.
We had Apache for our server program, but I can't find anywhere where Apache
supports winxp...yikes!
Any suggestions for a "user friendly" server program?
I tried KF Server, but the danged thing confused this wee little brain:(
Any help greatly appreciated:)

Help Please?

Aug 25, 2003, 11:43pm
That one works with winxp?

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Help Please?

Aug 25, 2003, 11:44pm
Hmmmm...I always used Xitami in the past as a redirecting page. They have
software for running a domain from a pc now?

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Help Please?

Aug 25, 2003, 11:45pm
Thanks .duo:)
Sounds like a complex or spendy software?

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Help Please?

Aug 26, 2003, 12:02am
Cause on thier support pages it mentions all versions of windows except xp?

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Help Please?

Aug 26, 2003, 12:04am
Tried Linux and didn't like it:(
And...Iv'e already fallen victim to viruses. Always fixable and a

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Help Please?

Aug 26, 2003, 12:05am
The heck you say!
Alpha and I used Xitami back in 1997 when we first came to AW:)
but I think it's more of a forwarding thingy as opposed to a server proggy?

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Help Please?

Aug 26, 2003, 12:09am
Okie doke:)
I'll give that a try.

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Help Please?

Aug 26, 2003, 12:56am it downloaded and installed but I'm not sure what configuration I
need to do to allow web pages to load?
I have our web page in the htdocs folder but the page isn't
I haven't configured anything as of yet.
Whats strange is it loaded two Apache sets of folders.
One under a C/Docs and Settings
And another under C/Program Files.
Both are named Apache Group with subfolders of Apache2 and its contents.
It never did this before...geeze!

Help Please?

Aug 26, 2003, 1:04am
Yep...I get this
If you can see this, it means that the installation of the Apache web server
software on this system was successful. You may now add content to this
directory and replace this page.

And all the rest of the stuff

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Help Please?

Aug 26, 2003, 1:11am
Done that....still won't go to the webpage.
I think I have to configure something in a http thingy but not sure what.
it seems you helped me last time to figure that out....thanks again

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Help Please?

Aug 26, 2003, 10:53am
Thanks Builderz:)
I'll check that one out also. I really don't need alot of bells and
whistles, just something that will allow web veiwing and world hosting.
G6 works for the ftping.

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Help Please?

Aug 26, 2003, 10:54am
Would a bunch of flying monkeys work?:)

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Help Please?

Aug 26, 2003, 10:56am
Thanks Codewarrior:)
Definately nothing of importance or threat on this pc....I think:)

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Help Please?

Aug 26, 2003, 10:57am
Thanks Tag sva:)
I'll check that one out also.
Thanks everyone for the great advice and help.
Wish me luck!

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Help Please?

Aug 26, 2003, 4:23pm
Hmmmm....ok....I am getting the idea that winxp runs an ICS for networking
and LAN Networking.
If it's enabled then we can be networked on the LAN but not the WAN?
Or if we turn it off we can't run the WAN but can run a server?
Does any of this make sense?
Also, we don't seem to be able to run the world server program on the pc
that's the server....weird...or I have lost it?:)

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Everythings changed and should work but 1 minor problem that I need help with please:)

Aug 27, 2003, 9:36pm
Ok...I decided phooey with all that winxp and installed windows 2003 server.
Hated that also, so I'm back to win98se.
One problem.
This pc has an AMD Athlon 800MHz with no video card present in the slots.
When I check properties under my computer it shows to have a Standard PCI
Graphics Adapter (VGA) in it.
Prior to loading win98se I could set my resolution to 256 or 16 bit high
Now it won't let me use anything but 16 or 2 bit color, which of course
looks major ugly!
I have tried installing a 3dfx Voodoo in one of the slots, (with drivers)
but it places the card under Audio/Video/Game controllers and defaults to
the VGA (card?) mode. And yes I have updated vga drivers from the 98se disk.
Iv'e tried the voodoo card in different slots and still no go.
I am thinking that the vga card is built into the motherboard possibly?
But I don't understand how installing OS's could effect it not working

Everythings changed and should work but 1 minor problem that I need help with please:)

Aug 27, 2003, 10:09pm
I tried win2k and NT and xp and detest each of me a dinosaur:)
I ran apache with no problems on win98se...that's why the reversal:)

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Everythings changed and should work but 1 minor problem that I need help with please:)

Aug 28, 2003, 11:29am
Thanks SW Chris!

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Everythings changed and should work but 1 minor problem that I need help with please:)

Aug 28, 2003, 11:30am
Xp just seems to have way too many things in it that confuses me when I want
to run a server:(

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Everythings changed and should work but 1 minor problem that I need help with please:)

Aug 28, 2003, 1:26pm
Thanks Builderz for the offer:)
I just don't like having to have "administrative" knowledge to run a
personal pc.
It seems with winxp and win2k and NT and windows 2003 server, a person has
to have a college degree to utilize it.
My degree was in theatre technology and design....not
Oh well:)

[View Quote]

Everythings changed and should work but 1 minor problem that I need help with please:)

Aug 28, 2003, 2:53pm
Thanks Orb.
I did all that and then some, but for some reason things are just not
working for me this
I'm about ready to toss this piece of work in the recycle bin:)

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Everythings changed and should work but 1 minor problem that I need help with please:)

Aug 28, 2003, 4:45pm
Ok....should I decide to reinstall xp...what exactly would I need to do in
setup and afterwards to insure I could run the AW worlds servers and object
paths and web page servers?
I already have domain names registered and all and pointing to the correct
I am just concerned at what I DON'T know about xp that has prevented me from
hosting servers already?

[View Quote]

Everythings changed and should work but 1 minor problem that I need help with please:)

Aug 28, 2003, 5:33pm
Well would you prefer I burn it at the stake instead?:)
It has powers I tell you...EVIL powers!

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Everythings changed and should work but 1 minor problem that I need help with please:)

Aug 28, 2003, 5:51pm
You gots steak??????
When's the party?:)

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Everythings changed and should work but 1 minor problem that I need help with please:)

Aug 28, 2003, 6:12pm

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Reinstalled WinXP Services Status help please?

Aug 29, 2003, 3:32pm's where I'm at
I reinstalled Windows XP
I have the correct Apache downloaded but not installed yet. (Not sure which
directory to put it in yet).
I attemtp to run my world server and it connects, but I can't nor can anyone
else enter it.
Below are the winxp services status.
Anyone saavy enough with Winxp to know which ones I have to change without
effecting my networking?

Name Status Startup Type
Alerter Manual
Application Layer Gateway Service Manual
Application Management Manual
Automatic Updates Started Automatic
Background Intelligent Transfer Service Started Automatic
ClipBook Manual
COM+ Event System Started Manual
COM+ System Application Manual
Computer Browser Started Automatic
Cryptographic Services Started Automatic
DHCP Client Started Automatic
Distributed Link Tracking Client Started Automatic
Distributed Transaction Coordinator Manual
DNS Client Started Automatic
Error Reporting Service Started Automatic
Event Log Started Automatic
Fast User Switching Compatibility Started Manual
Help and Support Started Automatic
Human Interface Device Access Disabled
IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service Manual
Indexing Service Manual
Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) / Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)
IPSEC Services Started Automatic
Logical Disk Manager Started Automatic
Logical Disk Manager Administrative Service Manual
Messenger Started Automatic
MGABGEXE Started Automatic
MS Software Shadow Copy Provider Manual
Net Logon Manual
NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing Manual
Network Connections Started Manual
Network DDE Manual
Network DDE DSDM Started Manual
Network Location Awareness (NLA) Started Manual
Norton AntiVirus Auto Protect Service Started Automatic
NT LM Security Support Provider Manual
Performance Logs and Alerts Manual
Plug and Play Started Automatic
Portable Media Serial Number Started Automatic
Print Spooler Started Automatic
Protected Storage Started Automatic
QoS RSVP Manual
Remote Access Auto Connection Manager Manual
Remote Access Connection Manager Manual
Remote Desktop Help Session Manager Manual
Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Started Automatic
Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator Manual
Remote Registry Started Automatic
Removable Storage Manual
Routing and Remote Access Disabled
ScriptBlocking Service Automatic
Secondary Logon Started Automatic
Security Accounts Manager Started Automatic
Server Started Automatic
Shell Hardware Detection Started Automatic
Smart Card Manual
Smart Card Helper Manual
SSDP Discovery Service Started Manual
Symantec Event Manager Started Automatic
Symantec Password Validation Service Manual
System Event Notification Started Automatic
System Restore Service Started Automatic
Task Scheduler Started Automatic
TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper Started Automatic
Telephony Manual
Telnet Disabled
Terminal Services Started Manual
Themes Started Automatic
Uninterruptible Power Supply Manual
Universal Plug and Play Device Host Manual
Upload Manager Started Automatic
Volume Shadow Copy Manual
WebClient Started Automatic
Windows Audio Started Automatic
Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) Manual
Windows Installer Manual
Windows Management Instrumentation Started Automatic
Windows Management Instrumentation Driver Extensions Manual
Windows Time Started Automatic
Wireless Zero Configuration Started Automatic
WMI Performance Adapter Manual
Workstation Started Automatic

Reinstalled WinXP Services Status help please?

Aug 29, 2003, 4:42pm
Your'e going to make me look at all that extra stuff aren't ya?:)
I looked at anything that looked like firewall protection in xp and still no
Isn't there like an EASY way to do this?:)

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