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3-D AW

Jan 14, 2004, 12:04pm
What about those of us who are blind one eye? I see everything in 2D. o_O

Tart Sugar
The older I get, the better I used to be.

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I wish for old NGs backl

Jan 14, 2004, 4:13pm
It sure would be nice if Uncle Enzo gave back to us the general.discussiion
and community NGs.

I have already seen potential flame wars start in here and worldbuilders
(and thankfully squelched) because of topics that belong in the NGs that
were taken away were brought to the only NGs now open to us.

Can we PLEASE have a "flame.wars" NG???

Tart Sugar
I have issues.

I wish for old NGs backl

Jan 14, 2004, 6:49pm
Well, I'll be buggered. LoL!!!!
I never knew I held such power in AW.
The community NG is back on line as of this afternoon!!!!!

Tart Sugar
A little tart sugar will put a permanent pucker on yer kisser.

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chat relay bot

Jan 16, 2004, 12:59am
I was just in another universe - *cough* - and whenever somebody swore, all
you saw was <censored> on the chat screen and the person did NOT get ejected
for it. I thought that was really great. All they use is a chat delay bot.

I have always thought it was pointless to get ejected from The Gate for
swearing, because what they've said - most times deliberately - is out there
on the chat screen for all to see anyway. You know when a troubled kid,
looking for attention, comes in and has a 4 letter word typed in as many
times as they can get it on a chat line? All they want to do is shock
everybody. What do they care if they get ejected? They know that's what's
gonna happen. But for newbies who don't know the rules, their first offense
won't get them a free pass to the Blue Room.

Why can't we get a chat delay bot for The Gate? It would certainly keep The
Gate 'G' rated. And for repeat offenders who like to see <censored> pop up
on the screen everytime they say something, THEN the GK can eject them. I
got ejected for making the word "cockroach" two words. LoL!!!!! Funny?
Yes. I certainly wasn't trying to swear, but at the same time, annoying,
because I had to wait 5 minutes to get back in.

Tart Sugar
I used to be Snow White, but I drifted.

chat relay bot

Jan 16, 2004, 12:01pm
[View Quote] Yes - I am the Typo Queen. That should have read ~ chat RELAY bot

chat relay bot

Jan 16, 2004, 3:14pm
No. Obviously not. The Gate is a 'G' rated world, but AWI has a hard time
keeping it 'G' rated. The Gatekeepers have their hands tied dealing with
this issue. There is only so much a GK can do, and they get harrassed
whenever they try.

As The Gate is the gateway to all AW worlds, I would think AWI would be more
concerned than they have been with keeping The Gate an enjoyable and SAFE
experience for all new users, children especially.

Perhaps if AWI could see what a hit they are taking in the wallet when
newbies see that The Gate is full of offensive and rude language, and not
the place for children, maybe THEN they will do something.

Tart Sugar

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unable to subscribe to "community"

Jan 16, 2004, 1:24am
Go to activeworlds.com, and rest your curser on "Community" (in the black
task bar)
A drop menu will appear. Select "newsgroups" and there you are!!!
You will see the community NG link there.

Tart Sugar

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Jan 16, 2004, 7:18pm
Yer kidding. Really?
So ...... how do we send this stuff to the feature vote?
And where can we read this AWI description of this NG?

Tart Sugar

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the ability to seed without bots

Jan 19, 2004, 4:37pm
I think AWI could just spend some time and money tweaking what we already
have, rather than wasting OUR resources (read as MONEY) on new "toys".

I am not "computer savvy". I don't even know what you guys are talking about
half the time. LoL!!!
Just give me better building objects and nicer, updated textures and I'll be

Tart Sugar

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the ability to seed without bots

Jan 19, 2004, 10:08pm
WHOA!!!!! Pardon me, PLEASE!!!!
I meant no disrespect to anybody here.
If out of my total ignorance I have offended you, CodeWarrior, or anybody
else here by my foolish, uninformed opinions, I am VERY sorry.
I'll go sit quietly in the corner and think about what just happened here.

Tart Sugar

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the ability to seed without bots

Jan 20, 2004, 12:34pm
I just want everybody to know what a class act CodeWarrior is. When CW saw
me in The Gate yesterday, he gave me a BIG HUG and we discussed this thread
and my uninformed comment in whisper. (so as not to disturb the other other
chatters) I now see the error of my ways.
Thank-you, CodeWarrior. Yer a SWELL av. : )

Tart Sugar
A little tart sugar will put a permanent pucker on yer kisser.

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Personal Chat Balloons

Jan 24, 2004, 12:30pm
I agree with the "sick color combo's".
Also - I don't see really well. I had to have a fellow GK read to me over
the phone a certain post on our msg board because the post was written in
purple font on black background. What the hey?? LoL!!!
And then there was *another* chat room where one person chose to chat in
yellow font on lime green background.

Tart Sugar
The older I get, the better I used to be. o_O

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.gif support

Jan 26, 2004, 6:32pm
Actually, yes, they do read the NGs. Why do you think Uncle ENZO deleted 2
of them?
They also read AWGossip, and when something is posted that AWI doesn't like,
AWI asks the host to ban the forum. grrrrrr

Tart Sugar

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Speech bot will be nice

Feb 2, 2004, 10:24pm
Yes, it would. Some of us don't see so well. o_O
And for others, English is not their first language. Having a Bot that could
translate chat into your Native language would be GREAT!!!!

Also, it would be great to fall asleep by. LoL!!!

Tart Sugar

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Feb 6, 2004, 1:02pm
I have over 200 Tports marked. My brother told me how he organized his,and
it works great!!!!!

Choose a Tport spot to use as your "marker" and erase the coords to it. Just
give it a name, like 1B'day builds, 2My builds, 3Friends builds, etc...
Numbers will always be at the top of a list. I then went through my entire
Tport list (UGH) and renamed everything, using the number first of each
1My Yard
1tport mall
2John's house
4water slaide
7rio's b'day build
etc. etc. etc .

Now - my Tports are grouped according to the type of build!!! Makes it very
easy to find a particular Tport. : )

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Feb 7, 2004, 1:36am
The numbers dictate that. And a *number <space> description* will put that
particualr Tport at the head of that number group.

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Feb 7, 2004, 7:42pm
crud on a stick
I forgot to mention, you should lable your catagories as the "number <space>
<space> <space> description.

That way, the number on the description will be the first Tport in that
catagory. : )

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New browser ability

Feb 12, 2004, 5:00pm
I was just thinking of the same thing. Or along these lines, anyway.

I have the Cit #'s of many ppl I used to know in AW, but I don't know their
new name.
If we could type in a Cit # somewhere, we could see what the Cit name is now
attached to that account.

Tart Sugar
I used to be Snow White, but I drifted.

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chat relay bot for Gate

Nov 22, 2004, 8:10pm
It's been about a year since I asked for this. Time to ask again. : )

I wish The Gate had a chat relay bot. That way, when somebody cusses, their
chat line comes up as <censored> and they don't get da boot.
Now - as things are - the CA will boot them but that dang word is still
hanging out there for all to see until the chat scrolls it away. What's the
point of ejecting then??

The CA can boot for repeated offenses of being <censored>. Rather like

The Gate is my primary concern. I don't own a world, although I build
extensively in AW.
I don't even understand what you all are talking about most of the time.
: )

ok Go ahead now you all and tell me how I mislabled what I want, or how it
isn't feasable, or how the RAM of the propdump won't handle the gigabytes of
the ROM and the whole protoplasm of the universe will fall out of sync. o_O

Tart Sugar

chat relay bot for Gate

Nov 23, 2004, 10:44am
<wow> Somebody took this wish seriously for a change. THX!!!

I love the idea of the different colored text. As long as it's not yellow
font on a white background. ; )

However, I wouldn't suggest replacing the *bad* word with a *funny* word. I
can just see The Gate now - being flooded with deliberately *bad/funny*
words just to see what that the sentence will look like. yeowza

And the *keyword* triggered response is gonna put GKs out of work!!!

Something must be done, though, about ppl coming into The Gate, typing as
many offensive words as they can on a chat line, posting it, getting
ejected, coming back 5 minutes later and doing it again. >: /
The chat comes to a complete halt as everybody is reading every single *bad*
word some jerk just posted.
And heaven help AWI if a parent should happen to be looking over the
shoulder of their 10 year old child and sees it, too.

GKs are helpless to stop such posters.

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chat relay bot for Gate

Nov 23, 2004, 7:24pm
ok, wiseguy. <eg> I shall direct all computer related questions to SR.
All math questions shall go to JohnF.

THAT outta clog up yer servers with eggs, bacon and SPAM. : )

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chat relay bot for Gate

Nov 24, 2004, 11:54am
Do you not understand a joke when you see it?

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chat relay bot for Gate

Nov 24, 2004, 5:54pm
whoa Whoa WHOA!

I don't want anybody banned. I just want blatent cuss words <censored> by
the CA.
I typo'd something in another universe, and when I hit *Enter* all that
showed up on the chat screen was...

I didn't get ejected. I certainly wasn't banned. I made an honest mistake
and the bot caught it.

That's all I'm wishing for here. A chat relay bot that will take blatent
cussing and <censor> it,
not turn it into something cutesie. If we don't make an issue of it, and by
that I mean making it seem *funny*, then the morons who come in to The Gate
to cuss will soon lose interst.

A good GK wants to AVOID ejecting anybody. The Gate is where newcomers first
come to learn how to use the AW program and get aquainted with how things
run. And parents trust that The Gate is a safe, G rated environment.
I just want a bot that feels the same way. ; )

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[awgate] games

Nov 25, 2004, 11:34pm
Good idea. The Gate needs *something* to entertain the tourists.
They get bored, but a lot of tourists won't go to other worlds to explore.

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[awgate] games

Nov 28, 2004, 1:04pm
Upon further consideration, I retract my support of this idea. : )
I also agree with Simba.

I still think The Gate needs to be a little more snazzy, though.

Tart Sugar

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[awgate] games

Nov 28, 2004, 2:37pm
I guess I should expalin "snazzy". ; )
The Gate is the first place newbies see. It's our "front door", so to speak.

Shouldn't it be as welcoming as possible? Bright colors. More examples of
kinetic sculptures.Multi-lingual signs.
Something that says, "WOW! If The Gate looks THIS CooL, imagine what the
rest of AW looks like!"

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[awgate] flags

Dec 2, 2004, 4:19pm
Correct me if I'm wrong (and I'm wrong frequently) but the only USA flag I
see in The Gate is actually a kinetic art thinger.
You can only tell it's the USA flag for about 1 second every time it cycles
through it's dealie.

Tart Sugar

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[awgate] flags

Dec 2, 2004, 7:41pm
Ahhhhh. I see your point.
That seems reasonable.

And I'm glad I didn't talk over your head with my technical jargon.
; )

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Falling Snow around Christmas in AWGate

Dec 4, 2004, 3:52pm
Yes, very pretty, but - MAN! - what a DL for the newbies!!!!
and for those without cable. yikes

I remember last year's Halloween thunder and lightning storm. THAT was

I wouldn't mind a VR snow storm in The Gate. I'm getting very tired of the
real stuff.

Tart Sugar

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Falling Snow around Christmas in AWGate

Dec 8, 2004, 7:43pm
and what to my wondering eyes did appear ... ?

STACEE!!! Making it snow in The Gate right in the middle of my shift. LOL

Very pretty.

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