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tart sugar // User Search
tart sugar // User Searchbtw, EP >: /Dec 21, 2003, 1:23am
Exactly. I agree with Naughty on this. The last thing any of us wants is to
see FF get hurt. Plz try to make FF understand it was nothing he (FF) did. Some ppl are just users and cheats by nature. And plz tell FF we all love him, and miss him in AW. [View Quote] btw, EP >: /Dec 21, 2003, 12:55pm
I echo sweet adora's sentiments. And I also have a pretty good idea of what
EP is/has gone through in his life. I have seen my ex-fiancee go through the entire pre-op and post-op ordeal of a MtF TS. I was the one to convince my friend's parents to love another daughter, rather than to mourn a dead son. YES. I know very well of the emotional pain you have suffered your entire life. I was right there, the entire time, giving my friend all the love and support I could muster up. I loved the man, and I love the woman she has become. But not once did my dear and close friend EVER betray or deceive anybody, and THAT is the issue here, EP. Not your sexual orientation. Get off the "hate and prejudice soap box". It won't fly here. Ppl didn't like your haughty and condescending manner BEFORE they knew of you sexual orientation. Tart Sugar [View Quote] btw, EP >: /Dec 21, 2003, 1:04pm
77 - if I may offer a suggestion...
Tell FF about EP's T/G status, but don't let him read this msg board. Don't tell FF how EP was only using him to do her GK Wannabe trip. He doesn't need to know that. And be sure to tell FF that everybody was just as surprised as he is to learn of EP's T/G status. It was nothing he did or didn't do. Nobody in AW is rejecting FF. If anything, we are all "rallying around" him. : ) Tart Sugar [View Quote] Awwww, Man!!!!!Dec 21, 2003, 8:36pm
ex-GK warning: It is very unwise to click on any url posted by somebody you
don't know. You never know what's lurking on the other side. It could contain a virus. ; ) *calls the ASPCA and reports Ep0ch* [View Quote] Topic changeDec 21, 2003, 8:29pm
Let's talk about the weather. I thought it was unseasonably warm today in
Kuala Lumpur. Tart Sugar A little tart sugar will put a permanent pucker on yer kisser. I Have A Serious Question...Dec 21, 2003, 10:12pm
Happy HolidaysDec 22, 2003, 12:54pm
*trips entering NG, tips over the Menorah and falls into the Christmas tree
full of lit candles, setting this entire thread aflame* WOOO HOOO!!!!!!!! Let's toast marshmellows and make S'mores!!!!! Happy Holidays, Alex, and to everybody else in AW. »§«:*´`»§« ´`*:»§«*´`»{{{{{{{{{ GROUP HUG }}}}}}}}}«´`*:»§«*´`»§«´`*: Tart Sugar [View Quote] God Bless the American People and help us fight hateDec 22, 2003, 12:42pm
*rolls eyes* You sure like to see yourself type, don't you?
Ya know, if I were still a GK, and you repeatedly posted all this stuff at The Gate, I would eject you for FLOODING. Not to mention your insistance on making this about what God and the bible says. Not all of us are Christian. Not all of us are even "god fearing". Have you tried the Traveling Salvation road trip? I hear they are looking for some good orators in the more backwards, undeveloped countries. So would you PLZ get off your "hate and prejudice" soap box??? Re-read all the posts "bashing" you. Only the truly narrow minded attacked you for your sexual orientation. You were targeted by most first, for your arrogant and condescending manner in here, and secondly, when we found out you VR married a favorite Cit in AW solely for the purpose of forwarding your own agenda on the GK Wannabe trip you were taking. How does your god feel about deception? Tart Sugar [View Quote] the GKs again...Dec 21, 2003, 5:42pm
Yeah - that's one thing that gets my knickers in a knot. Nowhere in the
guidelines are you warned about posting .exe urls. >: / [View Quote] the GKs again...Dec 21, 2003, 8:21pm
Exactly. It's already "out there". I still think the chat in The Gate needs
to be on a 5 second delay so the bot can catch crapola like that before it gets "out there". And the GKs have a macro warning about clicking on unknown urls because they may contain a virus. The only problem with that (only???) is that the person who posted the url (non-.exe types) gets their shorts in a wad proclaiming LOUDLY and repeatedly, "It's safe!!!" "It's safe!!!" This was funny one time, though - a well known Cit kept posting urls to pics of his. Everytime he posted another url, BANG! Up went my warning macro. hehehe It got to be a joke. I told him he's gonna make me break my macro. Soooooo ......... I "unbolded" and waited for the next url. BANG! Except it was more like a "whimper". My macro went up, but not in the GK bold. LoL!!! Everybody started LoL and telling the "offender" he made me brake the macro button. LoL!!!!! As long as there are rules, there will be ppl insisting on breaking them. And when they get *BUSTED* they will bitch and moan about the "power hungry GKs" and the general unfairness of the entire universe. btw, Anduin. As long as I have your attention ....... Would you fix your signature little peeping man thinger? It's driving me CrAzY!!!!! Hit the space bar a few times on the top two lines to get his hair and eyeballs over his fingers. LMAO!!!! plz? : ) Hee heeeee ,,,,, (o o) > *----------------------------ooO-(_)-Ooo----------------------------* > | Tart Sugar was here!!! | > *-----------------------------------------------------------------------* [View Quote] DOGHOUSE~!Dec 20, 2003, 12:33pm
Yeah. What Lady B. said. : )
I don't give a rat's patootie WHO is behind the Starbuilds. They are awesome and put my measely attemps at building to shame. "Seiya Faye" isn't the first person to misrepresent themselves in AW, and I'm very sure will not be the last. You all would be VERY surprised to find out that a former Cit of AW (and a very well known and respected one) is NOT a female, but a guy. I know him in two other universes. He just chose to be known as a female in AW because he got more respect as a female in AW. (his reasoning, not mine) HaHa And no, I will not reveal his Cit name, as he still visits as a tourist from time to time. Tart Sugar [View Quote] is it Active Worlds or ActiveWorlds?Dec 21, 2003, 10:26pm
Are you kidding??? AlphaWorld has no space??? It's the size of freakin'
California, for petessake!!!!! There is still PLENTY of space in AlphaWorld to build on. It won't be full to the point of "no space" until the year 2010, I'll betcha. "No space" INDEED!!!!! Type in a random coordinate and see all the empty space there is in AlphaWorld. Holy cow!!! Why, I'll bet ....... ummmmmmm ........ wait ........... that isn't what you meant, is it? Never mind <sheepish grin> Tart Suagr *slaps knee* ROTFLMAO I'm killin' myself here!!! [View Quote] Notice of name change.Dec 21, 2003, 5:08pm
Well - I may get slammed for saying this, BUT - I have never had a problem
with Seiya. Granted, my encounters with Seiya were few and far between, but I was always courteous and friendly and Seiya responded in kind. Perhaps we reap what we sow? Tart Sugar A little tart sugar will put a permanent pucker on yer kisser. [View Quote] general.discussion?Dec 22, 2003, 5:17pm
[View Quote]
*looks around for another likely target to vent my anger on, spies
NaughtyRedHead* BWUAHAHAHAAA!!!!! *yanks Naughty's hair and gimps away as fast as my walker will roll* neener neener boo boo *grabs her cat on the way out and leaves a ransom note* If YoU EveR waNt to SeE the CaT aGaiN, BuY me A cit aNd a WorLD in aW I'll bE in toUch. <eg> general.discussion?Dec 22, 2003, 9:02pm
Interesting, Ananas. I can't find it on the *subscribe* list. I also went to
the AW homepage and tried to re-download it from there, and was *told* it "was not available on the news server". [View Quote] general.discussion?Dec 23, 2003, 4:14pm
*drops cat back on Naughty's front porch, rings doorbell and gimps away,
grumbling* Goll dern cat dang near ate me outta house and home, and who has time to be rubbing ears??? sheeeesh >: / [View Quote] general.discussion?Dec 24, 2003, 11:42am
If anybody is still seeing the general.discussion board, I suspect it is
still in their cache. They may be seeing all the old posts, but nothing new. Just my *puter illiterate* thought. I don't even know what you guys are talking about half the time. LoL!!! Tart Sugar [View Quote] Happy HolidaysDec 22, 2003, 5:02pm
Season's Greetings and the Happiest of Holidays to all from she-CAH-go, IL
Tart Sugar Chicago hehehe [View Quote] The stor of cristmasDec 24, 2003, 11:48am
Yep. Yep. I believe Chicago businessman, Montgomery Ward, wrote the story of
Rudolph to bring business into his store. And did you also know that Mickey Mouse's first name was to be Mortimer? But Walt Disney's wife said "Mortimer" sounded too stuffy and hoity-toity. Thank Goodness. HaHaHa Tart Sugar [View Quote] UMM This is community so post stuff about the community.Dec 26, 2003, 12:35am
UMM This is community so post stuff about the community.Dec 29, 2003, 10:45pm
I just want to know how to program my VCR.
That - and what *really* happened in Vietnam during the last days of the war before Saigon fell. BUT - I'll debate quantum physics and how a black hole in the AW universe can adversely affect an old Preston bot. After all, this IS an ActiveWorlds community board. :) Tart Sugar [View Quote] Deleting NG PostsDec 27, 2003, 3:43pm
I agree with John. And if I may reiterate one point here, without starting
this whole stupid mess over again. The *problem* we all had was NOT with EP's sexual orientation. It was her arrogant and condescending manner to everybody on the NG when we tried to tell her to stop doing the GKs job when a GK was on duty. I suspected she VR married FF to forward her own agenda. It wasn't until AFTER all this started that her pre-op MtF status came to light, and EP herself tried to make this into a "sexual prejudise" issue. The only problem most of had with EP's sexual orientation was the fact she deceived FF about it. Period. End of discussion. PLZ. Tart Sugar [View Quote] Deleting NG PostsDec 27, 2003, 7:59pm
OH, plz. *rolls eyes* Daphne, do you even know what the problem was with
Elven Princess??? When a newbie asked, "Is there a GK here?" and you have 2 or 3 ppl answering back, "Can I help you?" - THAT was the problem. EP was just more insistant than the others trying to help. THAT'S what was causing so much confusion at The Gate. OK - GKs do not have "the francise" on answering questions at The Gate. Then tell me what, exactly, are they there for? To babysit? To mindlessly post macros? (which totally annoys ppl, btw) Or to *try* and enforce the joke of G-rated chat room guidelines???? I had no problem with other users answering all the questions they wanted to their little heart's desire, when I didn't know the answer. I was the first to admit when I didn't have an answer and threw it out to the room. I even had a macro I created for myself stating that I kne44w bupkis about Tech Support that Capaboo liked so much, she asked if she could *steal* it for herself. YES! Some GKs are totally full of themselves. I agree. I don't even go into The Gate when certain GKs are on duty. BUT - when a person asks for a GK --- LET THE GK ANSWER! I had a Cit gram me once with a suggestion while I was on duty. I was having a hard time getting through the concept of "G rated" to some tourists from Brazil. This Cit told me that ppl from Brazil see no problem with talking about sex openly. It is their culture. I grammed back a TY! and said I had not thought of that. He then grammed me back and said - No, thank-YOU for listening. He said GKs rarely did. In that instance, I was more than grateful for the help. But when a Cit is posting the EXACT same macro as the GK on duty, either one second before or one second after the GK on duty does - then YES - I got pissed. Why have GKs at all? [View Quote] Deleting NG PostsDec 27, 2003, 9:46pm
At least I made ppl LoL whenever I GK'd. I did not take myself too seriously. I would whisper to my ATL, "Can I eject so-and-so for a week cuz they're obnoxious?" And of course, she'd say No. So I would *kick my puter and mumbles under breath* - My ATL never lets me have ANY fun. I had a macro that said .... Puts macros on auto-pilot and takes a snooze. hee heeeeeee Tart Sugar The older I get, the better I used to be. [View Quote] Deleting NG PostsDec 28, 2003, 6:43pm
[View Quote]
YES!!! ty I absolutely, totally agree with you, Daphne. Tourists who can
not get their questions answered will not buy a Cit. > You have the BOLD text and that will make anything you say more noticable... > It should not bother you when others answer... If they are giving the right > answer then more power to them... You can take it easy and just listen > incase the answers given are wrong.. Then jump in with your BOLD with the > right answer if you know it... It never did bother me when others answered. Heck - if somebody else was more knowlegable about certain subjects - go for it. You are missing my point. Ppl who feel the need to do the GKs job, e.i. warning ppl that they are not staying within the G rated guidelines of The Gate, to stop flooding, <whatever>, was my problem. I have always found that when Cits, (not GKs) warn a tourist in The Gate, a fight breaks out. The tourist wanted to know by what RIGHT the non-GK had to warn them of anything. Then it is up to the GK on duty to restore peace. Not an easy job by then. > > You seem to want to do an excellent job as a GK but I think your "GK cloak" > seems to not be doing it's job well enough if your macros being repeated is > bothering you... I've always been told that imitation is the sincerest form > of flattery.. :o) Again, you missed my point. See above paragraph. > Go over the Guidelines and other tips you should have gotten during training > so that less things bother you while on the job... The guidelines??? They state that a GK does NOT need to warn a person before ejecting them under certain circumstances, which is to be solely up to the GKs discretion and judgement. Can you imagine what happens when a person is ejected without warning? The GK gets a nasty-gram attack, followed by that person eventually returning to The Gate with MAJOR issues, and feels the need to post such issues in The Gate to get everybody else all riled up, too. OY VEY!!!! And I was VERY well trained by my ATL, NaughtyRedHead, tyvm, and I did her proud. I quit the GKs, along with my WHOLE team, because our TL didn't do diddly squat except violate rules and basically treat her team like Second Class Citizens. Let me address this statement you made, Daphne ... "The Gate does NOT belong to the GKs... It belongs to AWI and through them, their users..." If AWI had been paying ANY attention whatsoever to what was going on within my team, then AWI would NOT have lost 3 VERY good GKs. As it was, we complained, we filed formal complaints, we offered up PROOF that our TL and her ETL hubby were violating numerous rules and codes of conduct. These letters were automatically sent to all the ETLs and Mountain Myst, too. And what happened? N O T H I N G We were left to hang and twist in the wind. We all wanted transfers to a different team, but we were denied. We were left with no other option but to resign. Tart Sugar [View Quote] Deleting NG PostsDec 28, 2003, 9:19pm
On 28 Dec 2003 - Daphne wrote the following message
> > <snip> they flooding, know the > <snip> [View Quote] *sigh* That is what the GK explains. We have a macro for that. Explaining what the roll of a GK is, and what all the different font colors are. > I see no problem in a regular citizen asking a new tourist to stop > flooding and telling them exactly *what* they are doing wrong and that > it is annoying and could result in being kicked out of the public chat > room. *Asking* is all right. Warning them to stop, or else - THAT is a big problem. > I feel that you were perhaps a little power hungry and loved your > rights, perhaps a little too much ;o) > Sincerely, > Anduin LMAO!!! Oh, plz. I have heard that accusation against certain other GKs, but never myself. If anything, I was more lax at The Gate than most other GKs. I took the job seriously, but never myself. I rarely ejected anybody. I don't recall ever seeing you in The Gate, Anduin. Did I just miss you all the time? I am wondering on what you are basing your opinion? Tart Sugar Deleting NG PostsDec 29, 2003, 6:29pm
[View Quote]
I absolutely agree. I ALWAYS warned, even as much as 4 times, before I
ejected anybody. After the 3rd warning in whisper, the offender usually got it through their head that I wasn't kidding, and ejection wasn't necessary. LoL I don't agree with the Guidelines on that point. > > "Can you imagine what happens when a > person is ejected without warning? The GK gets a nasty-gram attack, followed > by that person eventually returning to The Gate with MAJOR issues, and feels > the need to post such issues in The Gate to get everybody else all riled > up." > > Yes, thats understandable, because they didnt get a warning, therefore they > are unaware of what they did wrong if they are new, thus another future > citzen, GK, etc., out the window. Perhaps if the gate used warnings as > other AWI worlds do, you wouldnt get bombed with grams or even have that > tourist/citizen come back into the world and start up even more trouble ;) Again - I absolutely agree. I ALWAYS warned, even as much as 4 times, before I ejected anybody. I don't agree with the Guidelines on that point. I am intrigured by this statement - "Perhaps if the gate used warnings as other AWI worlds do,..." Are The Gate warnings different from other world's warnings? The Gate has a bot that will whisper the rules to you upon you entering, and also the GKs have a standard set of "warning macros" along with "help macros". > > > [View Quote] Deleting NG PostsDec 29, 2003, 10:37pm
*raises hand* MY FAULT!!! Tart Sugar The older I get, the better I used to be. [View Quote] Deleting NG PostsDec 31, 2003, 1:03pm
I really don't want to beat this dead horse anymore, HOWEVER, plz allow me
to correct a few outrageously incorrect statements... [View Quote] Honey, I don't know which world you've been lurking in, but EVERY GK has those macros and USES them. > Then the registration feature, to register press the register now > button, but what if they have no Credit Card!!?? Not one has mentioned > to Look at your Menu on the top menu bar and then select help, then > register and select the No CC option and it will give you the payment > options and addresses for sending your payment to. Again - where have you been lurking? The GKs have a macro or two telling a tourist how to use PayPal if they don't have a credit card. > Then comes the costs, > it took Ry and myself to make others know that the Cost is 6.95 a month > and 69.95 a year. Please include your user name and a valid E-Mail > address for confirmation. It took YOU & RY to make the costs known??? HUH??? I don't even know how to respond to THAT ludicrous statement. I have a headache now. o_O |