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tart sugar // User Search
tart sugar // User Searchmajor doo doo hitting the fanJan 27, 2004, 12:43am
No such luck, Elyk. Trishia is still a TL. It's SweetSuzie that got the axe
because she picked up our fallen banner and tried to right what is wrong within the GK organization. Tart Sugar [View Quote] major doo doo hitting the fanJan 27, 2004, 1:15am
Ohhhhhh. I have NO idea. I didn't post that, and I don't know anything
about that. I am not "awgossip" nor am I a moderator of that forum. I don't know who is. Many ppl post on there anonymously. I always post as Tart Sugar. Tart Sugar [View Quote] major doo doo hitting the fanJan 27, 2004, 2:11pm
As suspected, AWGossip is down again "for upgrading".
This is the umpteenth time AWGossip has gone down "for upgrading". Hmmmmmmm Do we see a pattern here? Everytime we start to bring AW's skeletons out of the closet, OOOPS, we get our forum shut down!!! s'ok Not to worry. We WILL get our msg out, one way or another. Stay tuned. : ) Tart Sugar Whatever it takes. [View Quote] > We don't want to bring the stuff we discuss into community. All that will > get us is a flame war, and the NG closed down again. > > Tart Sugar > [View Quote] major doo doo hitting the fanJan 27, 2004, 6:45pm
ok Now I'm getting highly annoyed. I'm not pretty when I'm annoyed. This just happened at The Gate ..... Tart Sugar: seems awgossip is down again "for upgrading" hmmmmm [Customs Aide]: You have been ejected for unacceptable language Immigration Officer: You have been ejected from awgate I'm not stupid, so when my 5 minute time-out was up, I went back to The Gate to test a theory ..... Tart Sugar: if what just happened is what I THINK just happened ...... Tart Sugar: awgossip [Customs Aide]: You have been ejected for unacceptable language Immigration Officer: You have been ejected from awgate THIS the attitude of AWI. If they don't wanna hear it, if they don't wanna deal with it - POOF - they sweep it under the rug. If AWI would just LISTEN to us, instead of trying to force feed us their outdated Guidelines, and have their ETL puppets fire us for daring to disagree with unfair rules, there would BE no awgossip to get all bent out of shape about!!!!! AWI - PLEASE LISTEN TO US. Tart Sugar [View Quote] can aw release a 3.5 screenshot?Jan 27, 2004, 12:02pm
radiloJan 29, 2004, 1:16am
I totally agree with sweets about the spam promos.
Personally, I need total quiet when I am on my puter. I turn off my speakers when I'm chatting. I also find it highly annoying to have 2 or 3 ppl who are listening to the same radio station while at The Gate and saying, "OH, wow!!! Great tune!! I haven't heard this song in AGES!!!" and then another spam promo pops up on the chat screen. My mute button is wearing out. >: / Tart Sugar [View Quote] $6.95 Too Much?Jan 30, 2004, 5:27am
Exactly, Paul. : / I'm on a very limited income. I buy food and have a
couple of monthly bills I pay. I can't afford to renew in February at the yearly rate. I don't have that much extra cash per month anymore. So should I pay monthly now? It galls me to have to pay extra for anything, when I know a cheaper option (yearly) is available. I've heard a lot of ppl from AW are going over to *sigh* My puter won't support that site. I only have a Pentium II. Go to DLP? Hardly anybody goes there. What's the point of a chat room when there's nobody to chat with? Same with CNW, although they do have a few more ppl there, and they are very friendly, too. So I guess I stay with AW at the monthly rate. I just hope things here improve. Tart Sugar [View Quote] $6.95 Too Much?Jan 30, 2004, 12:45pm
I uninstalled Spiral Matrix. Everytime I went there, there was either just
one other user, or I was the only one!!! LoL!!! Tart Sugar [View Quote] namesJan 29, 2004, 9:11pm
That happened to me, too!!!
When I was TheRaven, I changed my name to Lady Riff Raff for 10 minutes to make fun of somebody I didn't like. heh heh heh WELL - somebody ELSE who didn't like ME (go figure) hehehe used another account of theirs to steal "TheRaven". I was TheRaven<dot> for a month before they got tired of my name. That'll teach ME!!! Tart Sugar A used to be Snow White, but I drifted. [View Quote] namesJan 29, 2004, 10:19pm
Well --- I wouldn't want to name names, but her initials are NRH o
LOLOLOL Just for the record, everybody - Naughty and I hated each other for almost 2 yrs in AW, but either one of us knew WHY!!! Turns out 1Unknown was feeding lies about us to each other, to make sure she and I didn't get chummy and spoil his catting around. *rolls eyes* We adore each other now that we've "compared notes". sheeeesh 1Unknown sure talked a good game, but he was SUCH a LoSeR. Tart Sugar [View Quote] Bugs Bugs BugsJan 30, 2004, 4:32pm
LoL!!! Why do you think I always wait for the final release? I'm too "puter
stoopid" to find bugs, let alone trying to define them and report them. o_O Tart Sugar The older I get, the better I used to be!! [View Quote] Don't try to advertise 3.5 at The Gate.Jan 31, 2004, 1:17pm
3i: you know the URL for the new beta?
3i: anyone? Jane. o: ya trying to trick me aren't ya 3i hehe 3i: no jane lol Tart Sugar: it's in the beginning when you first log in to AW Jane. o: yeah lol Chahta Sipokni: 3i, are you trying to get peopler to fall for that? hehehe 3i: thanks tart Tart Sugar: Welcome to the Active Worlds Universe! :) Version 3.5 is now in open beta!! Download the build 524 beta from here [Customs Aide]: You have been ejected for unacceptable language Immigration Officer: You have been ejected from awgate After my 5 minute time out, I went back to The Gate. Tart Sugar: SHEEESH!!!!! Jane. o: wb Tart Sugar hehe Even when I try to HELP, I get shot down. >: / *kicks puter* Stoopid bot Don't try to advertise 3.5 at The Gate.Jan 31, 2004, 7:23pm
Yes, I know that. I just thought it was funny that giving out the .exe url
for 3.5 was cause for bootation. hehehehehe Tart Sugar [View Quote] 31, 2004, 8:31pm
He certainly knows what a copyright is.
"Please no botting Collections(Most are (c)" That sign is all over his Yard. Tart Sugar [View Quote] Lives and youFeb 3, 2004, 2:19pm
AW.Advertising NGFeb 1, 2004, 11:56am
Regarding Tourist Building in AlphaWorldFeb 1, 2004, 11:52am
I agree. Tourists can go into Alpha World now, but they can't really *do*
anything. It reminds me of a starving man with no money, looking through the window of a restaurant. I can see where AWI would use tourist access to Alpha World as a sort of "teaser". Get the tourist *hungry* to build. Alpha is the largest and most well known of all the worlds in AW, but, well, I don't know. <shrugs> If I had a degree in marketing I might be able to fix all of AWI's woes. LoL!!!! Tart Sugar Whatever it takes. [View Quote] Regarding Tourist Building in AlphaWorldFeb 3, 2004, 3:33pm
Panthers LostFeb 2, 2004, 6:37pm
Panthers LostFeb 2, 2004, 11:14am
The Patriots were called by a Panther, but didn't anther!!!
*slaps knee* HAHAHA I slay me. Tart Sugar :D [View Quote] to all open-beta testers posting hereFeb 4, 2004, 10:49am
Considering all the complaints I've read about 3.5, I think I'll wait for
5.3. Hee heeeeeee Tart Sugar [View Quote] Group BuildingFeb 5, 2004, 6:39pm
Thank-you, but no thank-you.
I quit doing birthday builds when it became apparent to me that it was no more than a "who can build the most impressive and gaudy thing for somebody you don't know". It was no longer fun. It was a freaking building contest. My tiny group of friends used to build funny, whimsical things, based on the birthday Cit's hobbies and likes. We weren't good builders, but we sure had FUN!!!! My birthday last year came less than a month after the tragic death of one of our "tiny group of friends". "Somebody" in AW blabbed that I had a b'day, and to come build. >: / I was not in the mood. Just out of politeness, I attended my birthday party. I didn't know 95% of the ppl who built for me and I haven't heard from any of them since. The first anniversary of Logan.'s death in the Rhode Island night club fire is Feburary 20th. My birthday is March 15th. I'm asking you now, plz take my name OFF the birthday build telegram that is going around. Thank-you, Tart Sugar [View Quote] Group BuildingFeb 5, 2004, 10:55pm
Yes, {{{{{{Carl}}}}}}
I'm so very sorry you had to read that here. I wrote the memorial tribute to Logan. in the March 2003 newsletter. If you want to read it it's at - A memorial dedicated to Logan. is in AW at 27605.40S 12777.47E 0.09a 268 Riohnna built a Tport Mall to all of Logan.'s builds, complete with marvelous screenshots of them. It's in AW also, at 27544.41S 12607.63E 0.00a 76 [View Quote] Group BuildingFeb 6, 2004, 12:47pm
YESS!!! It was wonderful to see the JunoDome one final time. I know Logan.
was there with us, Wallkeeping, as usual. And FordPrefect (Logan.'s brother) became a regular at The Gate after that and Lady Amethyst (Logan.'s sister) even tried to learn how to build!!! : ) Logan.'s parents come into AW occasionally to gaze at their son's builds. Their Cit name is George if you should happen to see them at The Gate. [View Quote] Group BuildingFeb 6, 2004, 2:26pm
LOLOLOL yes, I'm sorry, Bit. : )
I was TheRaven, one of the original Wallkeepers of the JunoDome. [View Quote] Group BuildingFeb 6, 2004, 2:34pm
I agree with you, Bit. Really, I do. Especially what you said about "lil
Suzy". For those ppl that do the builds for other ppl who really WANT those builds, that's wonderful. But I still stand by opinion, for my own personal reasons. That's allowed, correct? : ) I just find it very interesting, and a tab bit confusing, that a Cit of AW who had previously shared my view of the "competition builds" has suddenly pulled a 180 on me and sent me a rather snippy gram. Well, that too is their right, I suppose. Tart Sugar [View Quote] Group BuildingFeb 6, 2004, 4:09pm
[View Quote]
YEP!!!!! If only ppl could "agree to disagree", SO many flame wars could be averted. *sigh* AW suddenly > > Well....please don't be angry at that person. It's possible that seeing or > hearing some other opinions, they have taken a different views of things. > Maybe reply with "I respect your opinion:)...huggggs" I'm not angry, no. Just very disappointed is all. That person hadn't even read my post before they grammed me. They had merely said, "I heard you have been ...." and "I haven't read it myself." *SIGH* I'm sure they had received a gram themself, or possibly an email, from somebody who was totally outraged at my opinion, and sent along a VERY biased point of view. > I find myself doing 180's all the time in's the nature of things in > here:) Me, too, hon. Me, too. :*( I was totally screwed over in the GK organization, and so I applied to PKs to "give something back" to the community I have loved for so long. Know what? They said, "Thx, but no thx." They didn't want the bru-ha-ha of the GKs overflowing into the PKs. I can understand that, and I don't really blame them one bit, Bit. (hehehe *sorry* I couldn't resist that.) They told me to re-appy in 6 months when all this mess blows over and calms down. So, plz forgive me if I'm not "feeling the love" in AW lately. > Chit...I am beginning to sound like the fruitcake lady on Jay Leno...hehehe! > > Be yourself...follow your true beliefs...and never change what others want > you to change:) > > Hugggs! > > Bit:) > Group BuildingFeb 6, 2004, 4:15pm
Here comes that Bit gal, horning in my posts, taking credit where credit
wasn't due!!!!! *HUGE eye roll* SHEEEESH hehehehehehehe Tart Sugar aka TheRaven briefly Raven. [View Quote] Group BuildingFeb 6, 2004, 4:24pm
{{{{{{{{Bit}}}}}}}} & {{{{{{{{Lara}}}}}}}}
Tart Sugar aka TheRaven and I want it noted on my permanent record that I did not <snip> out anything Lara posted. hee heeeeeeee!!!!!! <big cheesy grin> [View Quote] TartSugar regards them as "who can build the most impressive and gaudy thing for somebody you don't know" sites. Daphne says they've become "competition grounds". I think Lady NightHawk was more on target: "I can't speak for anyone else but when I build it's because I care to give an aw gift the only way I can ... and that is to do the best build I can based on what the receivers likes are." I believe most people who do a birthday build for someone - yes, even for someone they don't know - echo Lady NightHawk's sentiments. For most "b'day builders", it's not a competition - it's simply a fun way to bring at least a moment of pleasure (hopefully) to someone else in AW. Strangers? Doesn't matter. Many new acquaintances are made at b'day sites. Some lasting friendships have even been born at b'day sites between people who didn't know each other at all before. If a person doesn't want a b'day site built for them, for whatever the reason, that's fine. If a person doesn't want to build at b'day sites for people they don't already know, that's fine, too. But knocking b'day sites in general (or what you feel they've become) is... well, your opinion. Sure isn't mine. :) Lara |