chat relay bot for Gate (Wishlist)

chat relay bot for Gate // Wishlist

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tart sugar

Nov 22, 2004, 8:10pm
It's been about a year since I asked for this. Time to ask again. : )

I wish The Gate had a chat relay bot. That way, when somebody cusses, their
chat line comes up as <censored> and they don't get da boot.
Now - as things are - the CA will boot them but that dang word is still
hanging out there for all to see until the chat scrolls it away. What's the
point of ejecting then??

The CA can boot for repeated offenses of being <censored>. Rather like

The Gate is my primary concern. I don't own a world, although I build
extensively in AW.
I don't even understand what you all are talking about most of the time.
: )

ok Go ahead now you all and tell me how I mislabled what I want, or how it
isn't feasable, or how the RAM of the propdump won't handle the gigabytes of
the ROM and the whole protoplasm of the universe will fall out of sync. o_O

Tart Sugar

sw comit

Nov 22, 2004, 9:52pm
True...gotta account for the protoplasm O_O

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Nov 23, 2004, 6:17am
if that bot is hosted at the same place as the world server, then this will
be simple and fast.. but i doubt aw will do that, unless they made the bot

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samuel ml lison

Nov 23, 2004, 7:37am
[View Quote] E N Z O,

How about something like NewAW had for global chat. All text runs
through a bot; could we not add something like his to AWGate and censor
any bad words instead of ejecting. Maybe even replacing cuss words with
something funny. No need to even eject, unless of course people start

You could also use such a bot to show off some of the new features
available in Active Worlds. Such as coloured text, make tourists a
different colour to citizens and gatekeepers totally. Add small secret
chat zones by some trees.

The bot could also automatically answer newbies questions with a private
global message to them (so it grabs their eye) based on certain *keywords*.

Up to you ;o) Small, but worthwhile update to the Gate.

Yours Sincerely,
Samuël ML Lison

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tart sugar

Nov 23, 2004, 10:44am
<wow> Somebody took this wish seriously for a change. THX!!!

I love the idea of the different colored text. As long as it's not yellow
font on a white background. ; )

However, I wouldn't suggest replacing the *bad* word with a *funny* word. I
can just see The Gate now - being flooded with deliberately *bad/funny*
words just to see what that the sentence will look like. yeowza

And the *keyword* triggered response is gonna put GKs out of work!!!

Something must be done, though, about ppl coming into The Gate, typing as
many offensive words as they can on a chat line, posting it, getting
ejected, coming back 5 minutes later and doing it again. >: /
The chat comes to a complete halt as everybody is reading every single *bad*
word some jerk just posted.
And heaven help AWI if a parent should happen to be looking over the
shoulder of their 10 year old child and sees it, too.

GKs are helpless to stop such posters.

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samuel ml lison

Nov 23, 2004, 2:14pm
[View Quote] Fully agreed, LOL

> However, I wouldn't suggest replacing the *bad* word with a *funny* word. I
> can just see The Gate now - being flooded with deliberately *bad/funny*
> words just to see what that the sentence will look like. yeowza

Even if so, it's not going to annoy any parent looking over their 10
year olds shoulder is it? That 10 year old won't even know what those
people are doing besides saying a bunch of funny things.

> And the *keyword* triggered response is gonna put GKs out of work!!!
> hehehehe

Still need real people around to make visitors feel more *welcomed* and
answer the harder questions.

> Something must be done, though, about ppl coming into The Gate, typing as
> many offensive words as they can on a chat line, posting it, getting
> ejected, coming back 5 minutes later and doing it again. >: /
> The chat comes to a complete halt as everybody is reading every single *bad*
> word some jerk just posted.
> And heaven help AWI if a parent should happen to be looking over the
> shoulder of their 10 year old child and sees it, too.

Yep, bad publicity if there just happens to be a parent watching over
their child's shoulder. They would see the swearing, they would not even
know what *ejecting* is or that the person has even been booted, and
instead they shut down the browser and remove it from the PC, not
allowing their child access to is anymore.

Yours Sincerely,
Samuël ML Lison

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lady nighthawk

Nov 23, 2004, 5:14pm
Great suggests Tart ... I hope AWI takes you up on this idea! Of course,
there are those that will just come in, swear a string of words and leave
before CA can eject, then come back and do it again. Rather than *changing
the words to something nicer or funny* I think those words should just be
blanks for which the CA sees as flooding and ejects because people that do
this do it on purpose to annoy and should be ejected.

So, a sentence like *^%$# &*(*^% ^^%$$&* *&^(##%$ would be seen as a
bunch of blanks by the CA and the offender ejected. Then you have those that
mask swearing and that would of course be harder to track down by a bot,
thus GKs are still needed if they can catch the lil brats LOL. Even if they
do, log off, change IP addy, log back on and start all over :o/

Which brings me back to my previous suggestion of banning people by their
computer ID. Computer IDs are hard to fake. I don't mean permanently ban but
perhaps for a week by computer ID might knock some sense into some and if
not then ban them from awgate at least (and maybe even other AWI worlds or
G-rated worlds for instance). I have two banned by computer ID and have seen
them try to re-enter (I recognize their IPs which are similar but not
exactly the same) and they can't get in. Banning by computer ID is much more
effective than by IP which if dynamic is useless. They will literally have
to be on a different computer to enter.



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strike rapier

Nov 23, 2004, 6:17pm
Ever tried asking a GK a 'harder' question? LOL


Nov 23, 2004, 7:03pm
Don't forget the ectoplasm.


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Nov 23, 2004, 7:06pm
Like "What is 2 + 2?"


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Nov 23, 2004, 7:10pm
[View Quote] Try "What is your name?" and see what if you get their name or their
online alias. My alias would be Bowen.

lady nighthawk

Nov 23, 2004, 7:14pm
I'd always give my online nick, not much point in having a nick if you use
your real name imho.



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Nov 23, 2004, 7:16pm
[View Quote] Well, I can see your nickname anytime I want. Why would I ask a
redundant question? ;)

It's not really a complicated question, but most people lack the common
sense to answer it without trouble.

tart sugar

Nov 23, 2004, 7:24pm
ok, wiseguy. <eg> I shall direct all computer related questions to SR.
All math questions shall go to JohnF.

THAT outta clog up yer servers with eggs, bacon and SPAM. : )

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lady nighthawk

Nov 23, 2004, 7:36pm
I don't have a real name LOL ... what you see is what I want to be known as.



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Nov 23, 2004, 10:19pm
and the...emmm, the otherplasm!


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Nov 24, 2004, 12:42am
[View Quote] Worst choices ever. No wonder you're a GK.

tart sugar

Nov 24, 2004, 11:54am
Do you not understand a joke when you see it?

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samuel ml lison

Nov 24, 2004, 2:13pm
[View Quote] If it is seen as blanks, there is no point what so ever in the CA bot
ejecting them. That would, in my mind be stupid. No words are coming
through, the offenders are already pissed off because their words are

It is a different story if you have a bot that can track a user and
eject them if they enter and cuss immediately, instead of ejecting
people for accidentally swearing.

You do get a few adults that join Active Worlds for the first time, not
knowing that words like *shit* can get you kicked out. Hard for us
Aussies you know ;o)

> So, a sentence like *^%$# &*(*^% ^^%$$&* *&^(##%$ would be seen as a
> bunch of blanks by the CA and the offender ejected. Then you have those that
> mask swearing and that would of course be harder to track down by a bot,
> thus GKs are still needed if they can catch the lil brats LOL. Even if they
> do, log off, change IP addy, log back on and start all over :o/

Log off and change IP? for many it's a matter of changing proxy servers
and coming back in. No need to log off the PC at all if that's what you

> Which brings me back to my previous suggestion of banning people by their
> computer ID. Computer IDs are hard to fake. I don't mean permanently ban but
> perhaps for a week by computer ID might knock some sense into some and if
> not then ban them from awgate at least (and maybe even other AWI worlds or
> G-rated worlds for instance). I have two banned by computer ID and have seen
> them try to re-enter (I recognize their IPs which are similar but not
> exactly the same) and they can't get in. Banning by computer ID is much more
> effective than by IP which if dynamic is useless. They will literally have
> to be on a different computer to enter.

Computer ID? I would like to see you try to get them. Most of these
trouble makers are using PROXY servers, which means that they are hidden
behind another computer, so to speak. And you will not get any computer
ID. Then there are those hidden behind routers and hardware firewalls
and the likes. I would like to see you get a computer ID out of those.

If you manage to ban someone by computer ID, again all it takes is for
them to use a proxy server to come back in. There is no effective way of
*banning* someone.

Yours Sincerely,
Samuël ML Lison

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Nov 24, 2004, 4:33pm
[View Quote] The second half of mine was. But I guess I mean it.

tart sugar

Nov 24, 2004, 5:54pm
whoa Whoa WHOA!

I don't want anybody banned. I just want blatent cuss words <censored> by
the CA.
I typo'd something in another universe, and when I hit *Enter* all that
showed up on the chat screen was...

I didn't get ejected. I certainly wasn't banned. I made an honest mistake
and the bot caught it.

That's all I'm wishing for here. A chat relay bot that will take blatent
cussing and <censor> it,
not turn it into something cutesie. If we don't make an issue of it, and by
that I mean making it seem *funny*, then the morons who come in to The Gate
to cuss will soon lose interst.

A good GK wants to AVOID ejecting anybody. The Gate is where newcomers first
come to learn how to use the AW program and get aquainted with how things
run. And parents trust that The Gate is a safe, G rated environment.
I just want a bot that feels the same way. ; )

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Nov 24, 2004, 6:07pm
They cant exactly use a CRB like what Tony showed most the use of the
global command, making chat more colorful, and filters swears, and some
other goodies.

They can though make a replica to what they want, but using a regular
CRB bot would cause some problems.


:: Owner of Delusional-Minds Hosting ::
Free world hosting.. Just a T-Gram will do it.

lady nighthawk

Nov 24, 2004, 11:29pm
Why not ban repeat offenders? There are certain people that should be
permanently banned, I can think of a couple right off the top of my head!



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tony m

Nov 25, 2004, 4:18am
I'm not sure I understood what you've said here; the CRB does not (and will never) have a feature to replace words with other words.

It's also not clear what you mean by the CRB causing problems in a world such as AWGate; what problems would it cause?

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samuel ml lison

Nov 25, 2004, 6:13am
[View Quote] You really aren't taking into consideration that repeat offenders *know*
what they are doing and *know* how to get around being banned. Test it
on me if you want in your own world, ban me for 1 week using my real IP,
my real computer ID, and I guarantee you that I will be back in your
world [1] within 5 minutes.

People like good ol' MATT can re-enter AWGate, AWNewbie, AWSchool and
any world he desires without a hassle, he is ejected and is back within
a few minutes with a new IP and no computer ID.

Anonymous Proxy servers are an unlimited source, you would never be able
to permanently ban someone.
You cannot ban proxy servers and many users actually depend on
connecting to the Internet using such, through business routers, some
ISP's; and some users are security conscious (privacy).

Why bother with banning - censoring words on the fly without warning,
without ejection is the best way.

Seems to be you are a very trigger happy individual ;o)

[1] - If your world allows Tourist entry that is.

Yours Sincerely,
Samuël ML Lison

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strike rapier

Nov 25, 2004, 9:42am
Tourists can't use proxies in AW

Im not sure if they can if they log on a cit first.

- MR

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samuel ml lison

Nov 25, 2004, 2:11pm
[View Quote] Anyone can log in through a proxy server...

When you first load up ActiveWorlds you get the option of how you
connect to the Internet, so those behind a firewall or proxy can connect:

o Through a dial-up Modem
o Through a LAN (including DSL, Cable Modem etc)
o Through a firewall or proxy server

If you've already chosen your settings, you can choose to use a proxy
server later on by simply opening your aworld.ini file and removing
anything under connection:


If tourists were not allowed to use a proxy, you would be missing out on
a lot of users.

Yours Sincerely,
Samuël ML Lison

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strike rapier

Nov 25, 2004, 6:00pm
According to Bill, Proxies were banned for tourists when M a t t used them.

- MR

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samuel ml lison

Nov 26, 2004, 3:13am
[View Quote] Right, so one individual user managed to deny access to potentially
hundreds of new users?

Yours Sincerely,
Samuël ML Lison

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lord fett

Nov 26, 2004, 3:50am
There is always someone who has to ruin things for everyone...

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