the derek // User Search
the derek // User Search
Nov 30, 2000, 3:08am
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i will
[View Quote]<p>madsen wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>Hi again
<p>We are still looking for people who are willing to answer a questionaire
<br>concerning communication in AW. Till now, only five have responded.
So if
<br>any of you AW-citizens are willing to support our project PLEASE contact
<br>rglu99 at hum.auc.dk
<p>Radomir Gluhovic on behalf of
<br>Group 18 (Department of Communication, Aalborg University)</blockquote>
Dec 1, 2000, 10:11pm
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then he can relply, not you
[View Quote]<p>grimble wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>He wants you to e-mail him, dopey.
<p>the derek wrote:
<p> i will</blockquote>
Dec 3, 2000, 2:23am
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yes this guy was going everywhere and a tourist that makes a bot..well
you shouldnt trust him in the first place and also..hows he gonna test
it? it would probably be so buggy if it were a bot it wouldnt be worth
the time
[View Quote]<p>doctor midi wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>Good aftternoon everyone,
<p>I had a tourist enter my world, saying he had a new bot for download.
Well I
<br>think I have figured out what oeri us up to. His "bot" is looking
<br>citzenship passwords. Looking at my world logs, both oeri and
his so called
<br>bot used the same IP address and no citizen number (0).
<p>Joeman had stated this in his message:
<p>----- Original Message -----
<br>From: "joeman" <redjuggler at yahoo.com>
<br>Newsgroups: worldbuilders
<br>Sent: Saturday, December 02, 2000 8:45 AM
<br>Subject: Re: Bots without bot rights
<p>Ok, i started the bot to see what it would do. It gave me an error
<br>and then i went back to the chat window, and the bot had typed
<br>ERROR INITALIZING .. Code: ERRb3f8975115
<p>this is weird....
<p>Thank you
<p>While oeri was in my world, he kept asking us to look in our AW.ini
file and
<br>give him the passcode listed under our citzen name. I think if
Joeman was
<br>his AW ini file, I would bet that b3f8975115 would be the passcode
<br>under his citizen name.
<p>So this so called "bot" is nothig more that a script he wrote that will
<br>to steal once's identity (by getting there password and plugging it
into an
<br>aw.ini file)
<p>I have included a a chat log from when oeri enter my world last night.
<p>Be careful out there....do not trust people asking for passwords.
<p>Arley Canterbury
<br>(Doctor Midi)
<p>"oeri": anyone wanna try my new bot ?
<br>Doctor Midi: hello oeri
<br>"oeri": Hello Doc, wanna try my bot?
<br>"oeri": it has world hosting features - auto eject, onclick things
<br>"oeri": trivia
<br>"oeri": scrambler
<br>"oeri": random sounds and midis
<br>dreamer2: hiya oeri :)
<br>"oeri": how bout u dreamer?
<br>"oeri": wanna give it a whirl?
<br>dreamer2: sorry -----still scared of build bot LOL
<br>"oeri": you should just try it though ;]
<br>"oeri": it's not a buildbot dreamer
<br>"oeri": <a href="http://www.microconnect.net/~achobani/oeribot.zip">http://www.microconnect.net/~achobani/oeribot.zip</a>
<br> <~~ download oeribot - first release - ver 1.0
<br>dreamer2: coolness :)
<br>dreamer2: oeribot :)
<br>"oeri": ;]
<br>"oeri": try it !
<br>dreamer2: you build it yourself from scratch?
<br>"oeri": yeah with visual basic and winsock
<br>dreamer2: really - was it hard?
<br>"oeri": some parts of it
<br>dreamer2: geeeeeeez - I bet
<br>"oeri": once you got it connected to the AW server it was pretty easy
<br>"oeri": it's a tourist bot, so you dont need to be a cit to use it
<br>dreamer2: is it easier than the other bots?
<br>"oeri": it logs in as a tourist
<br>"oeri": i'd say it is
<br>dreamer2: really ? lol
<br>dreamer2: it's a Dj too?
<br>"oeri": yeah, it's user friendly and customizable
<br>"oeri": yeah, sounds and midis dj
<br>dreamer2: but not a builder?
<br>"oeri": you can even have a separate guy come in and move his hands
<br>"oeri": act like he's rappin
<br>"oeri": no i didnt make a builder her
<br>"oeri": *yet
<br>"oeri": *builder yet
<br>dreamer2: ahhhhh ------well that is cool
<br>dreamer2: you made it for tourists to use too?
<br>"oeri": Some features dont work for tourists
<br>"oeri": Like 100% of the world hosting, trivia messes up sometimes
<br>with the quotes on the tourist names....
<br>dreamer2: really?? so you need to be a citizen to use all features
<br>"oeri": All features are available to a cit
<br>dreamer2: ahhhhhh - coolness :) I have used Xelagot ----
<br>but never did learn to build with her
<br>"oeri": give it a try.... im open for constructive criticism
<br>dreamer2: do many use oeribot?
<br>"oeri": only a few people have downloaded it so far --
<br>it's hard for people to trust tourists they dont know
<br>dreamer2: and is it compatible with 3.0?
<br>"oeri": you dont need to be logged in to AW at all
<br>"oeri": it'
<br>"oeri": it's like its own separate client
<br>dreamer2: ahhhhhh - is this the first one you've built?
<br>"oeri": yep
<br>dreamer2: cool
<br>dreamer2: why did you want to?
<br>"oeri": to build one? for the challenge
<br>dreamer2: really? well congrats then
<br>"oeri": <a href="http://www.microconnect.net/~achobani/oeribot.zip">http://www.microconnect.net/~achobani/oeribot.zip</a>
give it a look
<br>"oeri": will ya?
<br>dreamer2: to tell the truth -----ask Doc ---I am dangerous with bots
<br>"oeri": lol it's really easy to use
<br>dreamer2: he has teased me - big time
<br>"oeri": my mother could use it !
<br>"oeri": doc said no already
<br>dreamer2: hahaha - he did
<br>"oeri": it's not a building bot, it won't screw up your world...
<br>"oeri": what's there to be ascared of /
<br>"oeri": ?
<br>dreamer2: well ----I don't have bot rights here - so wouldn't make
a diff
<br>"oeri": like i said
<br>"oeri": it's a tourist bot
<br>"oeri": you can set it to be a [bot] or a "bot"
<br>Doctor Midi: I will download to a computer removed from my network,
<br>and give it a whirl
<br>"oeri": ok doc.
<br>"oeri": dreamer?
<br>dreamer2: don't think Doc allows bots here - but haven't asked
him either
<br>"oeri": use it in a diff world
<br>"oeri": hm
<br>"oeri": wait a sec
<br>"oeri": it defaults to the [bot] setting .. you need to have a stored
<br>"oeri": got that doc?
<br>"oeri": Hello.
<br>Doctor Midi: yes
<br>Doctor Midi: I thought you said this was a tourist bot
<br>"oeri": then go to Login > citizen again, and it should say
<br>****************** (being your stored password)
<br>"oeri": it's both, but defaults to citizen bot
<br>"oeri": then u can change it
<br>Doctor Midi: well, I have a stored cit password
<br>"oeri": it is stored?
<br>Doctor Midi: of course
<br>"oeri": try running it again
<br>"oeri": the bot
<br>Doctor Midi: not until I debug and look at the code......
you said you wrote in Visual basic correct
<br>"oeri": yes, correct, and i compressed the EXE .. so debugging might
<br>"jovi": oeribot 1.0 entered DrMidi
<br>"oeri": rename oeribot
<br>"oeri": geez im lagged
<br>"oeri": kill
<br>dreamer2: (to Doctor Midi) good god ----what is wrong with him?
<br>"oeri": done yet ?
<br>Doctor Midi: so you are an AOL user I see from your IP addy
<br>"oeri": correct.
<br>dreamer2: (to Doctor Midi) oeri poofed
<br>Doctor Midi: ejected his bot..it got him as well
<br>dreamer2: OOOOOOO lol
<br>dreamer2: what's up with him?
<br>Doctor Midi: do not undertand it.this world has no bot rights.but somehow
<br>his bot got in here
<br>dreamer2: that is what I thought
<br>dreamer2: hmmmm - kind of dangerous -- to be able to enter without
<br>Doctor Midi: only three of us have bot rights
<br>Doctor Midi: you, me and Taz
<br>dreamer2: told him - I didn't have them lol
<br>dreamer2: well - I don't like the fact - he can bring one in - without
<br>"oeri": Why was i kicked earlier ?
<br>"Danae of Llyr": hello
<br>"oeri": hi.
<br>dreamer2: hi there
<br>"oeri": dreamer who kicked me
<br>"oeri": u or dr
<br>dreamer2: bot was kicked -------guess it was connected to you
<br>dreamer2: so kicked both
<br>dreamer2: no bot world here
<br>"oeri": oh sorry
<br>"oeri": did my bot work for you guys?
<br>dreamer2: didn't try it myself ------was working on av's
<br>"oeri": did you ever get an extended err code -- like ERRfdjdfjdslkfd
<br>"oeri": or just ERR
<br>"oeri": im interested to see what kind of errors there were
<br>dreamer2: sorry Doc is in programs ---- doesn't see the
<br>"oeri": ok
<br>"oeri": dreamer give it a try
<br>dreamer2: hahaha - really oeri - me and bots don't mix
<br>"oeri": aw geez what have you got to lose?
<br>dreamer2: well ------I find bots disturbing lol
<br>"oeri": splurge and try one
<br>"oeri": TrY tHe BoT
<br>"oeri": or do you want me to configure it for you
<br>dreamer2: no thank you oeri -----believe me -----not into bots
<br>"oeri": !
<br>dreamer2: think they are cool -----but not into them myself
<br>"oeri": can i have your passcode to try my bot out on ?
<br>"oeri": (not password, passcode)
<br>dreamer2: sorry ---- lol
<br>"oeri": its a buncha letters in your aworld.ini
<br>"oeri": under [citizen]
<br>"oeri": it says
<br>"oeri": pass=dfslkjfdskjfdsjkdfsakjfdsa;ljfdsak;jldfas;jkdafsj;lfdsa
<br>dreamer2: well aworld.ini - is my citizen id too
<br>"oeri": and 'pass' is the passcode
<br>Doctor Midi: that is an encypted version of your password.you give
<br> he has your citzenship
<br>Doctor Midi: I think tis guy is trying to steal citizenships
<br>dreamer2: sounds like giving away my citizen id - dude ------and you
<br>NEVER ask that
<br>"oeri": can i get it ? it's just used for bots
<br>Doctor Midi: I just sent a letter to aw
<br>"oeri": no not a cit id
<br>"oeri": it's like a priv pass, but less than that
<br>"oeri": only used for bots
<br>dreamer2: in fact - think it could actually cause problems for you
- if you
<br>ask anyone that
<br>"oeri": nah the bunch of letters is harmless
<br>dreamer2: well ----tis not cool - to ask anyone for world .ini --anything
<br>"oeri": i dont want the ini
<br>dreamer2: how old are you oeri??
<br>"oeri": 19.
<br>dreamer2: ahhhhhh
<br>dreamer2: you are not a citizen in aw?
<br>"oeri": used to be
<br>"oeri": rain splash
<br>"oeri": was my old name
<br>"oeri": expired a week ago
<br>dreamer2: ahhhhh ic
<br>"oeri": actually i had rain splash, rain0, and rain1
<br>"oeri": 3 names
<br>dreamer2: did you own a world?
<br>"oeri": yes.
<br>"oeri": still do
<br>"oeri": cant maintain it w/o cit
<br>dreamer2: why aren't you re-upping citizenship?
<br>"oeri": im pretty much sick of AW
<br>dreamer2: why is that?
<br>"oeri": ive been here day after day since version 2.0
<br>Doctor Midi: that is crap, the free citizenships you get with
<br>your world EXPIRE when your world does
<br>"oeri": and i just got a bot done and i cant even use it well
<br>dreamer2: goodness ------sounds like you must re-up citizenship
<br> to have full rights again
<br>"oeri": dont feel like it
<br>"oeri": just need the passcode
<br>"oeri": no one will give me theirs
<br>"oeri": they dont understand it's harmless to give out
<br>dreamer2: ahhhhhhh -----well believe me ----no one in their
<br>right minds would give it out
<br>"oeri": Geez it's a code used for bots
<br>"oeri": whoopie
<br>dreamer2: well you must understand the right to say no thanks
<br>"oeri": yeah yeah
<br>"oeri": oh well i quit i cant get anywhere with people
<br>"oeri": bye
<br>dreamer2: cyas :)
<br>dreamer2: (to Doctor Midi) was that something or what LOL
<br>dreamer2: a very persistant 19 yr old - lol
<br>Doctor Midi: he wanted to steal passwords
<br>dreamer2: yes - sounded like it to me too
<br>Doctor Midi: SO, my guess is, if I would have downloaded on system,
it would
<br>have given out the info from my aw.ini file
<br>dreamer2: but he did give me more info about himself -------his old
<br>Doctor Midi: then this kid could plug that info into any aw ini file.and
<br>then become ME
<br>dreamer2: yesssss - gheesh
<br>Doctor Midi: who is to say that is correct info
<br>dreamer2: true lol
<br>dreamer2: but a 19 that smart - is kind of scary
<br>Doctor Midi: I BCC you on the letter I sent to AW
<br>dreamer2: yes read it
<br>dreamer2: goodness ------if he is so disenchanted with aw --------have
<br>wonder why he comes back
<br>Doctor Midi: no clue
<br>Doctor Midi: anyway.I have to go
<br>Doctor Midi: I am tired
<br>dreamer2: yes -late for you
<br>dreamer2: niters Arley - sweet dreams</blockquote>
Dec 5, 2000, 2:16am
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read the signs in awgate
<br>aw has removed that option until the server problems are fixed
[View Quote]<p>joeman wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>What happened to options>citizen!!! Is
it a problem with the User
Dec 7, 2000, 11:07pm
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lol it aint thyre fault it was a hardware problem even sun microsys. couldnt
figure out for a while.... well i guess they should have at least put out
the backup server earlier sheesh
[View Quote]
Dec 9, 2000, 6:11am
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sometimes i wonder what goes on in that head of yours lol
[View Quote]<p>wing wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>My theory is that it took so long because there were
50+ rolls of duct
<br>tape in various spots holding the servers together. The tape had to
<br>removed, the problem fixed, and then the machine re-taped with fresh
<br>duct tape. The Sun crew provided exrta tape removing hands and swapped
<br>out the offending piece of hardware. Then once the server was rebuilt,
<br>they realized they had left one of their employees inside after a
<br>headcount and had to remove the tape once more. Once the tape was back
<br>in place and a head count had been taken, they set about restoring
<br>from their 100 meg zip disks, only to realize that disk 5391 from AW's
<br>server was missing. Now they are in the process of hand reassembling
<br>missing data hoping it'll be correct, which it most likely won't.
<p>the derek wrote:
<p>> lol it aint thyre fault it was a hardware problem even sun microsys.
<br>> couldnt figure out for a while.... well i guess they should have
<br>> least put out the backup server earlier sheesh
<br>> eep wrote:</blockquote>
Dec 10, 2000, 8:34pm
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i doubt this....
<br>all i know is juno made a deal where they have theyre own form of the
browser (editing message files) in turn for advertising
<br>juno gets advertsiing
<br>aw gets people buying cits & worlds
<br>that pretty much all it should be...
[View Quote]<p>sw comit wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>AW just partnered up juno, and juno made a word:
<p>Some say that juno bribed AW to close down alphaworld so more people
<br>come to junodome. At first, there were only 5 worlds open, AWGate,
<br>Junodome, and some others. (Then they all came back 1 by 1).
Thereby, a
<br>large amount of people went to junodome.
<p>Anyway, knowing the AW staff, and how low their stocks are, they're
<br>desperate for the money, so I can see it happening. Any comments?</blockquote>
Dec 11, 2000, 1:44am
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half the people cant be alien babies-bots dont add to the world count but..
[View Quote]<p>nornny wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>silly lil Comit. :) My theory, (which is prolly wrong,
but what the hey) is
<br>that Juno just got a bit of advertising and grand opening fever, and
<br>half of the people in the world are alien babies *looks down to see
<br>StickyLegs clinging to his avatarian legs* Hamfon, would you PLEASE
<br>these cute lil creatures off our legs, mine is starting to go numb.
<p>"sw comit" <swcomit at swcity.net> wrote in message
<br><a href="news:3a33e17f at server1.Activeworlds.com">news:3a33e17f at server1.Activeworlds.com</a>...
<br>> AW just partnered up juno, and juno made a word: junodome
<br>> Some say that juno bribed AW to close down alphaworld so more people
<br>> come to junodome. At first, there were only 5 worlds open,
<br>> Junodome, and some others. (Then they all came back 1 by 1).
Thereby, a
<br>> large amount of people went to junodome.
<br>> Anyway, knowing the AW staff, and how low their stocks are, they're
<br>> desperate for the money, so I can see it happening. Any comments?
Dec 11, 2000, 11:23pm
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<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
i agree the company is very poorly run..which gives me an idea on how I
could get rich
<br>Step 1: Buy the company
<br>Step 2: Make It Better
<br>Step 3: Sell it back to someone else for 3 times as much money lol
[View Quote]<p>sw comit wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE><style></style>
<font face="Arial"><font size=-1>Don't
look at me, I'm just stirring up a conversation.</font></font> <font face="Arial"><font size=-1>I
know all you guys that responded seem to like how AWCom is running their
business. Personally, I don't trust them that much, and they could
do so much more with AW. A stockholder said in a message board that
he thinks AWCom is just on a get rich theme, they don't plan on staying
with it. I kinda doubt this, but if I did happened, let's just hope
someone would buy the company and run it better.</font></font></blockquote>
Dec 17, 2000, 3:28am
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weve all got our opinions...but please leave your fantasies out of this
[View Quote]<p>trekker wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>USWF is PHATNESS if u have a problem with it u can
suck my fat DICK
<p>anduin lothar wrote:
<p>> KAH,
<br>> hehe ummm, I think you went a bit over the
<br>> To those who want that in English:
<br>> The USWF has 2 plans for the bots... We give you this choince on
<br>> application form found on our webpage at www.uswf-aw.com
<br>> You can choose:
<br>> *Captalism (Meaning VR money made in your world/town may be spent
and made
<br>> in any other world/town of the USWF using th captlism plan also),
this plan
<br>> is totally free and runs on a network of Xelagots).
<br>> *Own Economy, this is where you get the copy of our new bot when
it is
<br>> finished, it does not allow you to make money in one world and spend
it in
<br>> another, as it is one bot that doesn't work through a network system.
<br>> owner of the bot will have full control of their own system on the
<br>> (Graphical User Interface) where they can edit their citizens accounts
<br>> even charge taxes if they wish. As I've said earlier, this bot will
<br>> automatically be given for free to the world/town owners who are
<br>> members. New members will be charged $20.US for this plan to benefit
the bot
<br>> programmer and things like that.
<br>> --
<br>> Best Regards,
<br>> Anduin Lothar (Samuel Lison)
<br>> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
<br>> The USWF, There's No Better Place!
<br>> Contact: uswf at uswf-aw.com
<br>> Web-Page: www.uswf-aw.com
<br>> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
<br>> "kah" <hiorth at sensewave.com> wrote in message
<br>> <a href="news:3a3a6903 at server1.Activeworlds.com">news:3a3a6903 at server1.Activeworlds.com</a>...
<br>> > Do you know WHAT the fee is for????
<br>> > You don't have to pay it if you become a MEMBER of the USWF!!!!
It's just
<br>> if
<br>> > you want your own monetary system!
<br>> > And I'm head of the Event&Advertising Comittee in the USWF,
and i can
<br>> offer
<br>> > lots of benefits! So you can just SHUT UP! (to all you others (except
<br>> Eep):
<br>> > sorry for the bad language) I will suggest that you get ejected
from ALL
<br>> > member worlds for 10 years because of this disrespect for a hard-working
<br>> > bunch of ppl trying to make a good service for SMART mayors/world
<br>> > (so, i understand why YOU don't like it...)! And I understand why
ya got
<br>> > ejected, cuzz when you scream out propaganda about the USWF, it's
<br>> that
<br>> > we don't want you! AWCI should prohibe ya from posting stuff to
this NG! I
<br>> > HATE at # at $# at $# LIKE YOU!!!!!!!!!!! Go to somewhere else if you want
to say
<br>> > bad things!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And never show yourself in a USWF
<br>> > world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<br>> >
<br>> > KAH
<br>> >
<br>> > legion wrote in message <3a3988bc at server1.Activeworlds.com>...
<br>> > >Legion: Recently, founder of USWF decided that to be member of
<br>> > maybe
<br>> > >benefits that they wanted world owner to pay fees.
<br>> > >BH Sk8er Bait: lol
<br>> > >2MuChCoFfEe: ohh
<br>> > >Pioneer: hello
<br>> > >Tomba: oh
<br>> > >Sk8BrDrZ: it's a black dots
<br>> > >Tomba: lol
<br>> > >Tomba: this place
<br>> > >Pioneer: can you come and see if i have the pict1.rwx right
<br>> > >Sk8BrDrZ: 2 much sup man i saw ya
<br>> > >2MuChCoFfEe: hey tomba
<br>> > >2MuChCoFfEe: yea :o)
<br>> > >Tomba: << used to be richest beotch inuswf lol
<br>> > >Tomba: hey
<br>> > >Tomba: vote
<br>> > >Legion: I think USWF is a insult.
<br>> > >BH Sk8er Bait: vote 2much!
<br>> > >Stingerslick: hello all
<br>> > >2MuChCoFfEe: ; o \
<br>> > >2MuChCoFfEe: hi!
<br>> > >BH Sk8er Bait: 2much 2 much 2much!
<br>> > >2MuChCoFfEe: hehe thanks blake
<br>> > >Stingerslick: WHtas up USWF_CC
<br>> > >BH Sk8er Bait: lol
<br>> > >Tomba: brb
<br>> > >Legion: Just get out of here! USWF ain't your good friend, but
<br>> from
<br>> > >hell.
<br>> > >Stingerslick: *is lagging*
<br>> > >2MuChCoFfEe: legion!
<br>> > >Stingerslick: Legion that cant egt you eject6ed lol
<br>> > >Stingerslick: have to cuss or vandalize stuyff like that
<br>> > >BH Sk8er Bait: if you don't like the uswf, then get out cuz we
don't want
<br>> > >your hate crimes here
<br>> > >RyanR75: hello
<br>> > >2MuChCoFfEe: hey Danboy :o)
<br>> > >2MuChCoFfEe: vote for me! :o)
<br>> > >RyanR75: lol
<br>> > >BH Sk8er Bait: 2much 2much 2much!
<br>> > >2MuChCoFfEe: go tot he vote bot and.. whipser vote.. and.. then
<br>> vote
<br>> > >8
<br>> > >2MuChCoFfEe: lol
<br>> > >Stingerslick: no
<br>> > >Stingerslick: vote 6 lol
<br>> > >Legion: They charged you fee if you join that organization. look
for post
<br>> > in
<br>> > >newsgroup at news.activeworlds.com/
<br>> > >DanBoy: sorry,
<br>> > >2MuChCoFfEe: sorry?
<br>> > >DanBoy: lol
<br>> > >DanBoy: i not voting for anyone
<br>> > >2MuChCoFfEe: why
<br>> > >2MuChCoFfEe: ; o\
<br>> > >Stingerslick: lol
<br>> > >2MuChCoFfEe: ti am hurt
<br>> > >2MuChCoFfEe: I am hurt
<br>> > >2MuChCoFfEe: lol
<br>> > >Legion: Eep doesn't like USWF and I agreed with him.
<br>> > >Immigration Officer: You have been ejected from uswf_cc
<br>> > >
<br>> > >See? They just censored me, worrying that USWF might lose its
<br>> from
<br>> > >fee. Thats just bullshit. World owner don't need stupid bot fee
and disk.
<br>> I
<br>> > >say, boycott USWF! They just pissed me off. World need to be independent
<br>> > >from control of organization.
<br>> > >
<br>> > >Legion
<br>> > >
<br>> > >
<br>> >
<br>> ></blockquote>
Dec 17, 2000, 3:32am
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
before i even read the rplies to this post... you are obviously a newbie
<br>ive been in many many different newsgroups and these cut the cake.
the atmosphere in here is like hell full of gas. one spark and the entire
ng will be sending message and message of crap day and night
<br>please dont keep replying to this post, because it doesnt even make
any sense...
<br> and a note to crazy glue:
<br>DO NOT start yel;ling at everyone in this or any newsgroup about something
they havent evenb done yet.. it is immature and is not proper ettiquite
[View Quote]<p>crazy glue il wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>I'm 13 and I am very mature for my age so dont call
me 10:p please dont, o
<br>and about this thing between AL and Lane, DO NOT USE MY NAME
<br>its my namesake and I created it. I have a right called FREEDOM OF
<br>so I can call anyone anything "I" want to, Including calling AL "Boss".
<br>I use the word "Boss" to name aperson It most of time that you respect
<br>person(s), and I happen to Respect Anduin. Now many a people use "boss"
<br>higher rankings, only reason I used it is becuase I wanted to, and
<br>though he is the "owner" or "founder" of USWF he is still my friend
and i
<br>think that he likes me showing my respect, but what do i know?
<p>Last Word,
<p>DO NOT ever use my name without my consent to help you in an argurement,
<br>that annoys me the most. And no I do not want to take sides I am "proving
<br>wrong" and Correcting it.</blockquote>
Dec 17, 2000, 3:34am
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
now i have to say youre probably the most mature 13 year old i have seen....
for the most part
[View Quote]<p>twisted horizon wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>I'm 13 and whether you consider me 7 or 17 in your
book, I don't especially
<br>care... I should probably trek back a bit to previous threads, but
I think
<br>I'm still missing what this whole thing is all about.
<br>-Twisted Horizon
<br>goober king wrote in message <3A3B92D5.CCC12021 at acsu.buffalo.edu>...
<br>>You forget, Nornny. AW is overrun with 12 yr olds. Unfortunately,
<br>>means that there's not much in the way of age diversity for AL to
<br>>from. (Especially considering most of the more mature AW citizens
see VR
<br>>money as strictly a novelty) Frankly, I give AL props for being able
<br>>put up with it all and still run a decent organization. He'll make
<br>>name for himself yet. :)
<br>>Oh, and don't bother with the "I'm not 12, I'm 13!!!" bit. It's close
<br>>enough and as long as you continue to act this way, you will always
<br>>12 in my book. :P
<br>>nornny wrote:
<br>>> You call this MATURE?! For god sakes, analyze yourself for a moment.
<br>>> Screaming out for people not to use your name in 3 DIFFERENT threads
<br>>> ridiculous. You can't even spell speEch right, so it hurts my ears
<br>>> more. Plus, you just contradicted yourself here, they have the freedom
<br>>> use your name in any way they like just as you do theirs. Maybe
you don't
<br>>> appreciate it, but hey, you set yourself up for it by your actions.
<br>>> what's yelling going to do, STOP them?? You darn ultra-idealistic
<br>>> make me wanna cry sometimes. Wake up a second here, you're IN the
<br>>> not nursery school!!
<br>>> Seriously AL, you run a bunch of adolescent year old newbies. Maybe
<br>>> should reconsider your training program before they ruin the newsgroup
<br>>> USWF.
<br>>> Nornny
<br>>> "crazy glue il" <crazytiger3 at hotmail.com> wrote in message
<br>>> <a href="news:3a3ae0c2 at server1.Activeworlds.com">news:3a3ae0c2 at server1.Activeworlds.com</a>...
<br>>> > I'm 13 and I am very mature for my age so dont call me 10:p please
<br>dont, o
<br>>> > and about this thing between AL and Lane, DO NOT USE MY
<br>>> ANYTHING,
<br>>> > its my namesake and I created it. I have a right called FREEDOM
<br>>> > so I can call anyone anything "I" want to, Including calling AL
<br>>> when
<br>>> > I use the word "Boss" to name aperson It most of time that you
<br>>> > person(s), and I happen to Respect Anduin. Now many a people use
<br>>> for
<br>>> > higher rankings, only reason I used it is becuase I wanted to,
and even
<br>>> > though he is the "owner" or "founder" of USWF he is still my friend
<br>>> > think that he likes me showing my respect, but what do i know?
<br>>> >
<br>>> >
<br>>> > Last Word,
<br>>> >
<br>>> > DO NOT ever use my name without my consent to help you in an
<br>>> > that annoys me the most. And no I do not want to take sides I
<br>>> > wrong" and Correcting it.
<br>>> >
<br>>> >
<br>>Goober King
<br>>Ponders writing a book titled "How to Spot a 12 Yr Old"...
<br>>rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu</blockquote>
Dec 17, 2000, 3:35am
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
youre gonna get corrected for every little stupid mistake you make in this
ng get used to it
[View Quote]<p>crazy glue il wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>The only reson why there was multipal treads is because
I do't know how to
<br>use this all the way yet and correction I am 14 now
<p>and norney who the hell do you think you are? i don't even know you
yet you
<br>still correct me?
<p>crazy glue il <crazytiger3 at hotmail.com> wrote in message
<br><a href="news:3a3ae0c2 at server1.Activeworlds.com">news:3a3ae0c2 at server1.Activeworlds.com</a>...
<br>> I'm 13 and I am very mature for my age so dont call me 10:p please
dont, o
<br>> and about this thing between AL and Lane, DO NOT USE MY NAME
<br>> its my namesake and I created it. I have a right called FREEDOM OF
<br>> so I can call anyone anything "I" want to, Including calling AL "Boss".
<br>> I use the word "Boss" to name aperson It most of time that you respect
<br>> person(s), and I happen to Respect Anduin. Now many a people use
<br>> higher rankings, only reason I used it is becuase I wanted to, and
<br>> though he is the "owner" or "founder" of USWF he is still my friend
and i
<br>> think that he likes me showing my respect, but what do i know?
<br>> Last Word,
<br>> DO NOT ever use my name without my consent to help you in an argurement,
<br>> that annoys me the most. And no I do not want to take sides I am
<br>> wrong" and Correcting it.
Dec 17, 2000, 11:29pm
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
lol you know its true... i wasnt particularly talking to YOU but wtf gives
a care
[View Quote]<p>anduin lothar wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE><style></style>
<font size=-1>OH please The Derek,
get lost, lol. I don't want to read your crap again, geez...</font>
<blockquote dir=ltr
style="PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #000000 2px solid; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">"the
derek" <<a href="mailto:ImTheDerek at yahoo.com">ImTheDerek at yahoo.com</a>>
wrote in message <a href="news:3A3C500F.3C05823 at yahoo.com">news:3A3C500F.3C05823 at yahoo.com</a>...before
i even read the rplies to this post... you are obviously a newbie
<br>ive been in many many different newsgroups and these cut the cake.
the atmosphere in here is like hell full of gas. one spark and the entire
ng will be sending message and message of crap day and night
<br>please dont keep replying to this post, because it doesnt even make
any sense...
<br> and a note to crazy glue:
<br>DO NOT start yel;ling at everyone in this or any newsgroup about something
they havent evenb done yet.. it is immature and is not proper ettiquite</blockquote>
Dec 17, 2000, 3:38am
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
i am actually going to agree with eep, oh the horror!
<br>those juno users are COMPLETE idiots
<br>not only do they become a citizen before they learn to move but they
think this whole aw is a sex party
<br>if you go into juno dome for only FIVE MINUTES youll get about 50 different
tourists asking people to have sex with them or somehting sheesh... juno
is just a bunch of sex crazed idio-manics
<br>just my 2C
[View Quote]<p>eep wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>I swear it must be the influx of Juno twits, but
this newsgroup has been getting a lot of shit lately. Wise up or I'll lay
the smack down on you!</blockquote>
Dec 17, 2000, 11:31pm
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
why dont you go in there
<br>*btw i REALLY wish tourists couldnt whisper in that world
[View Quote]<p>daphne wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE><style></style>
<font face="Arial"><font size=-1>The
Derek</font></font> <font face="Arial"><font size=-1>Try not to sound
like such a complete idiot yourself.. :o)</font></font> <font face="Arial"><font size=-1>Daphne</font></font>
style="BORDER-LEFT: #000000 2px solid; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px; PADDING-RIGHT: 0px">the
derek <<a href="mailto:ImTheDerek at yahoo.com">ImTheDerek at yahoo.com</a>>
wrote in message <a href="news:3A3C5152.8B356509 at yahoo.com">news:3A3C5152.8B356509 at yahoo.com</a>...i
am actually going to agree with eep, oh the horror!
<br>those juno users are COMPLETE idiots
<br>not only do they become a citizen before they learn to move but they
think this whole aw is a sex party
<br>if you go into juno dome for only FIVE MINUTES youll get about 50 different
tourists asking people to have sex with them or somehting sheesh... juno
is just a bunch of sex crazed idio-manics
<br>just my 2C
<p>eep wrote:
<blockquote TYPE="CITE">I swear it must be the influx of Juno twits, but
this newsgroup has been getting a lot of shit lately. Wise up or I'll lay
the smack down on you!</blockquote>
Dec 17, 2000, 11:32pm
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
you have to remember half these people dont know nutin about the net at
all-they just dont wanna have to pay for a postage stamp :O)
[View Quote]<p>trekker wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>OMG if this is becoming llike AOL we are betetr of
killing every one and
<br>leaving. We dont need
<br>Juno ppl here in AW. They are just messing every thing up. Today a
person that
<br>has juno asked me
<br>where to get a world. i said it cost money and theni gave him the url
for the
<br>prices. He then asked me again
<br>how much dose it cost and i gave him the url again, (this wend on for
about 15
<br>minuts) so i finaly didt respond
<br>to him and he startted getting mad at me and cussing me out. So then
he finaly
<br>left me alone.
<p> So u see we dont need ppl like that they make things
bad, and ruen all the
<br>fun in AW. Im about
<br>to report to AW that juno ppl are relly screwing up AW. I want to know
if ppl
<br>aggree with me and plese
<br>tell AWCOM about this!!!
<p>birdmike wrote:
<p>> I agree. If this is what AWCOM wants, a universe full of those
freaks, they
<br>> really have dug their own grave. AW is becoming like AOL.
<br>> bad.
<br>> --
<br>> -Mike Nelson-
<br>> AIM AWBirdMike
<br>> AW Cit BirdMike (292200)
<br>> Owner of AW World A-Centre
<br>> Member of USWF</blockquote>
Dec 20, 2000, 3:11am
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
lmao i wonder what hes gonna say to this....
[View Quote]<p>myssie wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>Hi eep!!!!!!!!!!
<br>Am I using too many exclamation marks for you???????? I am so sorry!!!!!!!!
<br>I don't mean to!!!!!! *waves* Exclamation marks are a habit for me!!!!!!!!
<br>They mean nothing really!!!!!!!!! I don't know my punctuation all that
<br>*giggle*!!!! So I hope I'm not annoying you now!!!!!!!!!!!!
<br>I could say that you annoy me, but I don't because that my friend is
<br>rude!!!!!!! Yes you have annoyed me before but I wasn't rude like you
<br>told ya!!!!!!! *giggle*
<br>How's my punctuation??????? is it better or worse?????? can you help
<br>here????? *LMAO*
<p>hahahahahahahaha Sorry eep! I couldn't resist here! I came here to apologize
<br>to those I have offended and was genuine about it but you had to be
rude and
<br>tell me to stop using so many exclamation marks! I am soooo sorry that
<br>don't know my punctuation well! Those that know me KNOW that this is
<br>style of writing! IF I was using more than one at a time (refer
to above
<br>sentences) then i could see you bitching about it, but I wasn't! I
used ONE
<br>(UNO, 1) after each sentence! Can you please tell me where I did harm?
<br>you don't like my posts then please don't read them! If ALL my posts
<br>written the same way as above then I could see you bitching but I don't
<br>because I know that is considered yelling! Like I said tho! I use them
<br>because it's my style and because I don't know my punctuation well!
I have a
<br>learning disability and never learned them properly! :o)
Dec 22, 2000, 1:27am
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
ok.... what is the pint of this thread...?
<br>btw MOOOOOO
[View Quote]<p>goober king wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>Never do that again. Only a select few are allowed
to moo in my
<br>presence, and you ain't one of em.
<p>rolu wrote:
<br>> I'm back!
<br>> Rolu
<br>Goober King
<br>Begone, peasant!
<br>rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu</blockquote>
Dec 22, 2000, 10:25pm
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
rolu... youre just asking for it now.. just at least TRY to stay to the
[View Quote]<p>rolu wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE><style></style>
<font face="Arial"><font size=-1>since
when do people in this group post in threads with points??</font></font> <font face="Arial"><font size=-1>Rolu</font></font>
<blockquote dir=ltr
style="BORDER-LEFT: #000000 2px solid; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px; PADDING-RIGHT: 0px">"nornny"
<<a href="mailto:Nornny at snet.net">Nornny at snet.net</a>> wrote in message
<a href="news:3a433ea3$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com">news:3a433ea3$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com</a>...<font size=-1>There
is no point to the thread, so why is are you also replying to a useless
thread with a useless post? So no one post, just stop, before Rolu gets
some misguided ideas that this is okay.</font> <font size=-1>Nornny</font>
<blockquote dir=ltr
style="BORDER-LEFT: #000000 2px solid; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px; PADDING-RIGHT: 0px">"the
derek" <<a href="mailto:ImTheDerek at yahoo.com">ImTheDerek at yahoo.com</a>>
wrote in message <a href="news:3A42CA21.4397412E at yahoo.com">news:3A42CA21.4397412E at yahoo.com</a>...ok....
what is the pint of this thread...?
<br>btw MOOOOOO
<p>goober king wrote:
<blockquote TYPE="CITE">Never do that again. Only a select few are allowed
to moo in my
<br>presence, and you ain't one of em.
<p>rolu wrote:
<br>> I'm back!
<br>> Rolu
<br>Goober King
<br>Begone, peasant!
<br>rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu</blockquote>
Dec 22, 2000, 10:23pm
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
this newsgroup is called community this DOES include any organizations
that has to do with aw
[View Quote]<p>eep wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>This is a newsgroup about AW, not your pathetic wanna-be
organizations and other shit you idiots keep babbling about here. Evolve
Jan 26, 2001, 10:32pm
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
what in the freaky hell format is this in
[View Quote]<p>agent fox mulder wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>
<br> BHUHAHHAHA.rps Type: unspecified type
Encoding: x-uuencode</blockquote>
<br>Never argue with an idiot. he'll just bring you down to his level and
beat you with experience</html>
Dec 30, 2000, 5:04am
i add any objects that people send to me also
[View Quote]
> Telegram me. I have one, but its avatars and most of its objects are
> passworded, so I need to set it up for you:)
> --
> - Tony56 (chandler56 at mail.com)
> "Freedom: That's What The Government Wants You To Believe!"
> ____________________________________________________________
[View Quote]> agent fox mulder <jarync at home.com> wrote in message
> news:3a4be99c$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> could
Jan 9, 2001, 2:35am
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
dont forget those inactive cits that have expired :o) there are probably
a max od 10,000 registered users still active
[View Quote]<p>eep wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>How do you figure? AW does NOT have 27,000 citizens--more
like PERHAPS 11,000 which have actually paid. You forget many citizenships
are free with worlds, won in contests/games, or otherwise simply GIVEN
away by AWCI in promotions (Juno, Pepsi-sponsored 13th Floor opening, etc).
<p>AWCI already states in its SEC reports that most revenue comes from
universe server owners and worldbuilding/object design contracts.
<p>captain mad mike wrote:
<p>> LOL though really I did some calculations and AWCOM makes over $540,000
<br>> citizenships alone, so add in the world costs and that would put
them at
<br>> probably $600,000. But really when you think of it most of AW's cits
<br>> in AW so AW is really what the company is riding on. And I also found
<br>> AWCOM doesn't loose a lot of money when AW is down (only has to be
10 bucks
<br>> at most an hour).</blockquote>
Jan 10, 2001, 2:02am
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
yeah thats true but a lot of tourists are starting to register b4 even
knowing how to build..i dunno why but they do
[View Quote]<p>captain mad mike wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE><style></style>
<font size=-1>True, true. I didn't
think about that. But anyways like I said I believe that most of AW's profits
ride on citizens being able to build in AW so AW is the backbone world
(or at least one of the backbone worlds if more than one) of AWCOM.</font>
<blockquote dir=ltr
style="PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #000000 2px solid; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">the
derek <<a href="mailto:ImTheDerek at yahoo.com">ImTheDerek at yahoo.com</a>>
wrote in message <a href="news:3A5A94C2.436EB6AF at yahoo.com">news:3A5A94C2.436EB6AF at yahoo.com</a>...dont
forget those inactive cits that have expired :o) there are probably a max
od 10,000 registered users still active
<p>eep wrote:
<blockquote TYPE="CITE">How do you figure? AW does NOT have 27,000 citizens--more
like PERHAPS 11,000 which have actually paid. You forget many citizenships
are free with worlds, won in contests/games, or otherwise simply GIVEN
away by AWCI in promotions (Juno, Pepsi-sponsored 13th Floor opening, etc).
<p>AWCI already states in its SEC reports that most revenue comes from
universe server owners and worldbuilding/object design contracts.
<p>captain mad mike wrote:
<p>> LOL though really I did some calculations and AWCOM makes over $540,000
<br>> citizenships alone, so add in the world costs and that would put
them at
<br>> probably $600,000. But really when you think of it most of AW's cits
<br>> in AW so AW is really what the company is riding on. And I also found
<br>> AWCOM doesn't loose a lot of money when AW is down (only has to be
10 bucks
<br>> at most an hour).</blockquote>
Jan 9, 2001, 2:34am
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
didnt the awteen page also get hacked... what a hilarious site they replaced
it with lol
[View Quote]<p>lanezeri wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>I'd host it for ya.. but u dont like me.. and so
I doubt u lettin me.. and
<br>also.. u might want to add security to the site if it got hacked..</blockquote>
Jan 10, 2001, 2:04am
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
go to the aw help site.. there was somewhere where you add a line to the
aw.ini file that changed the default ports damn saw it yesterday probably
was in the 3.1 beta page
[View Quote]<p>twisted horizon wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE> <font color="#000000"><font size=-1>This message
is partially about ports.... but will also be filled in with me taking
out my anger. If you are easily offended, don't read this message unless
you know a lot about ports.</font></font> <font color="#000000"><font size=-1>Recently
my dad (Who also happens to be my firewall administrator) found someone
sharing songs with not-so-good names on Napster - on my 6 year old brothers
computer. The internet was turned off for a few days, and then turned back
on with a list of tons of Napster ports blocked... unfortunately, this
included 7777, which is AlphaWorld, and I can only assume that it was the
same as my world, because I can't get in my world either. To tell you the
truth, I'm pretty pissed off since he has me paying fucking $200 a year
for that world, off of no allowance. He said that he'd turn on 7777, but
then if Napster worked, then I'd just be screwed.</font></font> <font color="#000000"><font size=-1>Needless
to say, I'm in an unbelievably mad state, but aside from that, is there
any way to like change ports that I go to things on or whatever? It's just
making me........ a little mad.</font></font> <font color="#000000"><font size=-1>-Twisted
Jan 26, 2001, 10:15pm
then change youre freaking password already
[View Quote]
> Ummm i wasn't One At the Time these Were Posted,I Did Not Post Them Someone
> Must have My Password Cause recently I tried To log In And Someone Was In
> My name im Sorry About This But Clearly Someone Must Know My password...
Never argue with an idiot. he'll just bring you down to his level and beat you
with experience
Jan 26, 2001, 10:16pm
ok... how many times are you gonna post this lol
[View Quote]
> Ummm i wasn't One At the Time these Were Posted,I Did Not Post Them Someone
> Must have My Password Cause recently I tried To log In And Someone Was In
> My name im Sorry About This But Clearly Someone Must Know My password...
Never argue with an idiot. he'll just bring you down to his level and beat you
with experience
Jan 26, 2001, 10:19pm
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
another good firewall is blackice www.networkice.com...that is if hes telling
the truth
[View Quote]<p>mauz wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>"agent fox mulder" <jarync at home.com> wrote in
message <a href="news:3a6262c0 at server1.Activeworlds.com">news:3a6262c0 at server1.Activeworlds.com</a>...
<br>> Ummm i wasn't One At the Time these Were Posted,I Did Not Post Them
<br>> Must have My Password Cause recently I tried To log In And Someone
Was In
<p>You may have a trojan horse backdoor program implanted in your computer.
<br>It allows the cracker to use your computer as he was sitting by it
<br>The posting style of your evil twin reminded me of somebody else anyway.
<p>In that case, changing password wouldn't help, he'd find it out too.
<br>Or maybe if you don't put "remember" checkbox on in AW but always
<br>type the password yourself when logging in, then that password is safe.
<p>If you are not running a firewall like ZoneAlarm yet, you can download
it at
<br><a href="http://www.zdnet.com/downloads/partners/zonealarm/download.html">http://www.zdnet.com/downloads/partners/zonealarm/download.html</a>
<br>But maybe it would be best to unplug your cable from the net _now_
<br>and/or take the computer to some expert to be cleaned.
<br>Or maybe Peacekeepers or AW Support can help you with that.
<p>[Follow-ups only to community please = see the Newsgroups line in headers]
<br><a href="http://tnlc.com/mauz/">http://tnlc.com/mauz/</a></blockquote>
<br>Never argue with an idiot. he'll just bring you down to his level and
beat you with experience</html>