the derek // User Search

the derek // User Search

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Disk Usage Bug

Sep 24, 2002, 10:43pm
u sure? ive seen this happen on games a lot
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World for sale!

Oct 1, 2002, 9:08pm
um you can get one in ANY world and its not HIS fault
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are you an idiot?

Oct 6, 2002, 12:56am

are you an idiot?

Oct 6, 2002, 12:58am
meant to ask if u r insane not an idiot ;)
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are you an idiot?

Oct 7, 2002, 1:13am
you should be happy you passed the test ;)
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Just For Fun...

Nov 14, 2002, 10:59pm
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Just For Fun...

Nov 15, 2002, 1:01am
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Just For Fun...

Nov 15, 2002, 11:12pm
i think its time somoene just starts a new thread this ones old... and hey
it is general discussion :P

the next one should be making a really long sentence ;)
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Smile, E N Z O loves you :)

Nov 11, 2002, 10:41pm
enzo loves me?

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Smile, E N Z O loves you :)

Nov 18, 2002, 10:01pm
it was just a joke ;) i wasnt trying to say he was like that
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Re: Just For Fun...

Nov 12, 2002, 1:57am

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Re: Just For Fun...

Nov 12, 2002, 1:58am
bill gates
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Re: Just For Fun...

Nov 13, 2002, 2:40am
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Re: Just For Fun...

Nov 13, 2002, 11:56pm
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Re: Just For Fun...

Nov 17, 2002, 1:03am
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Re: Just For Fun...

Nov 20, 2002, 10:23pm
video cameras
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Re: Just For Fun...

Nov 17, 2002, 6:20pm
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aim features

Nov 27, 2002, 2:10am
nuff said
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aim features

Nov 28, 2002, 12:24am
yeah and now outlook takes like 5 minutes to load :/
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Active worlds Deluxe

Aug 13, 2003, 10:10pm
so every time i enter i get a free citizen?
haha i can make a million of me and RULE THE WORLD!!!

[View Quote]
Email: thederek at
AIM: IAmTheDerek
ICQ: 4953664

Metal Gear Solid 2

Aug 14, 2003, 5:02pm
i have MGS2S on the xbox
if youve completed the game youd know what he was talking about

[View Quote]
Email: thederek at
AIM: IAmTheDerek
ICQ: 4953664

nedd people to fill this out. its for an english paper

Nov 20, 2003, 1:20am
i ahve an english paper due friday and was almost done, but forgot that
i had to include a survey or interview with it. well i chose to do a
survey, so im asking that you fill it out. its at and shouldnt take
very long. please fill it out

nedd people to fill this out. its for an english paper

Nov 20, 2003, 1:38am
OK thats just great, I ask for help on an English paper and i spell the
word NEED wrong. Shows what a wonderful educational system we have in

[View Quote] > i ahve an english paper due friday and was almost done, but forgot that
> i had to include a survey or interview with it. well i chose to do a
> survey, so im asking that you fill it out. its at
> and shouldnt take
> very long. please fill it out

nedd people to fill this out. its for an english paper

Nov 22, 2003, 5:15am
i hate to go against your beliefs, but i believe trying to have correct
punctuation online is stupid and a waste of time :P I also dont SpEEl
ChEqUe either in case you didnt notice...

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nedd people to fill this out. its for an english paper

Nov 22, 2003, 5:21am
thank you to all who filled out the survey
i turned in my finished paper on friday :-D
if you are interested then you can find my paper at

[View Quote] > i ahve an english paper due friday and was almost done, but forgot that
> i had to include a survey or interview with it. well i chose to do a
> survey, so im asking that you fill it out. its at
> and shouldnt take
> very long. please fill it out

will A!!CT expire?

Dec 2, 2003, 2:24am
ur confusing me!!!
wait... no i get it now...i think

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Nov 12, 2000, 6:57am
where you get this?

[View Quote] > Animart is a program I've used for a long time Imagine. It makes it really
> easy to make animated images for AW. It stacks bmp files for you. Then you
> save it then re-save as a jpg for AW (or keep bmp for a mask) It's a very
> small program that works great!
> Casay
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Somethin wrong with AW? (prolly my cable...)

Nov 12, 2000, 6:58pm
is at home one of those free ineternet access?

[View Quote] > I got at home. and everything works (email, net surfing, icq).
> Everything works cept I cant run AW or my worlds.
> **shaking fist, umm at someone**
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Somethin wrong with AW? (prolly my cable...)

Nov 12, 2000, 8:36pm
now tis is why i dont have cable lol i dont have dsl either cus its not
available yet

[View Quote] > i logged in twice.. and. i get my cable modem from at home.. pay 25usd a
> month.. and. it goes down once a week at 10pm for 5-10 minutes.. *shrugs*
> everyone else complains about problems.. worst one we've had is when the
> cable went out cuz of a storm. lasted for a day.. or so.. i guess i'm just
> lucky..

Somethin wrong with AW? (prolly my cable...)

Nov 13, 2000, 2:33am
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
i dunno how dsl could be faster than a dsl connection..... and i got 28K
and phone line is too old for it to support a 56K
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