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The Problem With a Gate Keeper

Aug 10, 2001, 10:10am
When is AW going to learn to not piss off the citizens.

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The Problem With a Gate Keeper

Aug 10, 2001, 9:24pm
Maybe AW wants like a toll fare for all those crossing the GZ bridge to
chuck's event, pay the gatekeeper as you cross. Oh wait, maybe I shouldn't
be giving any of those kind of ideas now. What am I thinking.

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xelagon back online

Aug 23, 2001, 4:51pm
Well Xelag, I have 2 citizenships which means I have 2 free trial worlds
which I haven't used. You are welcome to use them at your convenience for
those 2 months until mid-december (when the accounts close). I will not be
renewing my citizenship for either one until AWCOM listens to me as well.

This may help you or may not, let me know if it will. I can give you my
email if interested.

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xelagon back online

Aug 23, 2001, 7:45pm
Possibly, but right now Xelag is the only one whom I have seen handle issues
concerning Active Worlds in not only a positive manner but productive.
Everything from emailing him for help on the Xelagot program to having a
program I can enjoy without being swindled for more cash.

For Active Worlds to not screen his name before worlds are able to be seen
on a worlds list so that something like which just happened is wrong. I
think instead of wasting the 2 months a world could be up for free, it
should go to someone that knows how to use it. Active Worlds can pay the
cost running it.

I am glad the issue got resolved, but if it happens again then what?

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What is YOUR default start world?

Aug 25, 2001, 12:19am
I use tech talk location one cause sometimes I want to catch it, but I am so
bad with time (checking clock, omg I missed another one), and then you add
on VRT....

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Value of a cit

Aug 26, 2001, 6:47pm
Active Worlds is not honest and upfront about their costs. People end up
paying more for less in the end if they continue. This is how: I was a
tourist and all I saw was a register feature for citizenship, after becoming
a citizen I found out buying a world would give a citizenship for free. $20
is nothing when you address one person and for one year, but counting others
and adding on years, it accumulates to a lot.

This is similar to Juno giving out free citizenships. If you had known you
would have switched isp's also possibly, but now that they got your your
money they won't credit you $20 on a purchase of a world. STINGY STINGY
Active Worlds. Well, right now you got $20 of my money, you could have had
at least $80 if you played your cards right. I probably would have upsized
the world and paide close to $200. They banked on me paying them $80, when
they should have credited me $20 on the purchase of a world, charged me $60,
and then watch me establish my world where I would need to buy more from
them when I wanted to expand.

Right now I have no world, I haven't established anything to want to pay
more to Inactive Worlds, and I can walk away $60 richer than if I had.

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Value of a cit

Aug 28, 2001, 2:39pm
"4. (This is mainly for Marcus) The free citizens that come with your world
are intended for you to give to friends and family so that they can see your
cool new world."

Please reference me to the .html document on www.activeworlds.com server
(namely, the web address) or where I can confirm this assertion you are
making within the Activeworlds 3.1 program. Thanks.

"It is a free gift that comes with your purchase. When you
order "Time Magazine" they give you a free clock, are you going to tell them
to subtract $15.00 from the magazine subscription because you already have a

If I bought the hands of the clock, and then I went out to buy the rest from
the SAME company to later find out the hands came with the clock THEN I
WOULD HAVE JUST BOUGHT THE DANG CLOCK!!!! Your analogy doesn't account for
the fact I bought part of something, then found out I could have had it if I
just bought the world to begin with.

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Value of a cit

Aug 29, 2001, 5:58am
Do you know the meaning of keeping your nose out of other people's business?
I was asking flagg not another user to flame me. If you want to start from
zero and have a real conversation let me know. Otherwise, don't interject
thinking you have all the facts straight. You do your research and
understand the premise I have been presenting for months. It has nothing to
do with a website.

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Value of a cit

Aug 29, 2001, 5:59am
Do you know the meaning of keeping your nose out of other people's business?
I was asking flagg not another user to flame me. If you want to start from
zero and have a real conversation let me know. Otherwise, don't interject
thinking you have all the facts straight. You do your research and
understand the premise I have been presenting for months. It has nothing to
do with the analogy flagg brought up.

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Value of a cit

Aug 29, 2001, 11:22am
HELLO!!! there are indents showing who someone is responding to (in outlook
at least) and you can scroll down and see the previous response if you don't
have your bearings straight. You are responding to me not someone else so it
is me you are directing your response to right?? USE YOUR BRAIN!!!

And read the context how I used the word "website", it wasn't just thrown in
for anyone to pick apart, but intended for someone who might give a shit to
respond with some intellectual discussion :::points to flagg:::.

Now, stop butting into 2 people posting unless you REALLY know what they are
talking about.

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Value of a cit

Aug 29, 2001, 11:26am
I don't care if someone can read the context and comprehend the matter. I
also don't care if the same person responds. However, I don't see that. I
see people tearing apart the words without fully understanding the premise.
This isn't an issue of research, this isn't an issue of whether or not we
can find fault. It is to improve a service to provide a fairer way when
selling a product to a user of Active Worlds. If you are going to stick
your nose in, read the previous months posts I have made on the same issue
so you can better understand it and be looked at as having some valid input.
Otherwise, keep your nose out and let Flagg substantiate the assertion he
started out with along with the other inquiry I had DIRECTED TO HIM, no one
else since it was HIM not anyone else that responded directly to me
regarding the issue at hand without attacking me.

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Value of a cit

Aug 29, 2001, 6:35pm
Did I say I wanted it private? no, read again goober. LOL, what is the
point in posting if you won't read?

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Value of a cit

Aug 29, 2001, 6:41pm
You aren't understanding the premise, read up.

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Value of a cit

Aug 29, 2001, 6:42pm
You aren't understanding the premise, read up.

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Value of a cit

Aug 29, 2001, 6:42pm
You aren't understanding the premise, read up.

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Value of a cit

Aug 29, 2001, 6:42pm
You aren't understanding the premise, read up.

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Value of a cit

Aug 29, 2001, 11:55pm
Do you know what a conditional is? IF!!! If you can read my post and
understand the content in it, YES respond!!!! If you are just going to
flame, I'll flame back at you then MORON!!!

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Value of a cit

Aug 29, 2001, 11:55pm
Again, another moron who doesn't understand. I don't care if you respond,
just make it look like you read my post ok? Otherwise, what is the point in
having a screen name or subject. We'll just type blindly.

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Value of a cit

Aug 29, 2001, 11:57pm
thank you for at least admitting it, now let's see if Flagg can support his

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Value of a cit

Aug 29, 2001, 11:58pm
I don't have a problem, I am out $20, Active Worlds is out $200 LOL

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Value of a cit

Aug 30, 2001, 12:02am
take the time to read the position I am making be able to show me that yes
you do understand cause now you are clearly showing you don't understand.

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Value of a cit

Aug 30, 2001, 12:46am
another person sticking their nose in attacking who shows no sign of being
from Active Worlds

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Value of a cit

Aug 30, 2001, 2:13pm
Well, now I can get some rest I guess. "I can't piss you off enough to see
any worthwhile reaction so I'll ignore you". Ok, you go do that Chris,
maybe someone with some intellect will respond to my post. Also, you might
learn something from their post if they do.

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Value of a cit

Aug 30, 2001, 2:18pm
CONDITIONALS buddy, CONDITIONIONALS. "IF" is a conditional

I always want to talk privately. NOT CONDITIONAL
If I post in the NG, then I would like some intelligence. That's
conditional, why? Cause if I don't post, then you guys can be as stupid as
you want to be with each other. However, if I am posting I want some smarts
on the other end. There's that if again, hope you can understand what the
"if" is there for. It doesn't state ABSOLUTES.

Ok, there's your homework goober, learn the difference between conditionals
like if and absolutes.

Again, you have shown a lack of understanding, so I highly doubt you know
what I am addressing. When I see someone respond with some sense of ability
to discern truth from pure attacks, then I think there can be a productive
conversation here.

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Value of a cit

Aug 30, 2001, 3:29pm
I didn't know was here to "express" myself. I am simply stating fact:

A) worlds come with citizens
b) activeworlds has a register button for citizenship and they don't have
the teachers teach about worlds before a tourist buys a world.

c) hence, a tourist buys a citizenship, then finds out about the world, and
then ends up paying Active Worlds $20 more than they needed to when it comes
to the purchase of a world of $80.

If Activeworlds charged me $60 for a world and used the $20 I gave for the
citizenship to be applied for the citizenship that would have come with the
world, then I wouldn't be bringing this up over and over and over again.

I will continue to bring this up over and over and over again until it is
addressed. It doesn't matter how much research I do, how many people I
talk, who can flame me the worst, I will continue to post here for as long
as I can telling people about this FACT.

It's not an expression, it is a fact. Common sense would tell the citizen
to not pay a company that practices in deceptive practice like once they
find out. Active Worlds has the greater knowledge and has the LEGAL
responsibility to inform the consumer of the services with costs before they
sign up and pay consideration for services. I was only informed of their
citizenship through car salesman tactics. They put one guy out in the front
GZ to bring in people to the teaching areas, and then they have teachers on
call to sell citizenships like it was a car.

Am I to blame the person who got me to buy a citizenship? no, but I could
have been informed to buy a world with it saving me $20. At least then, a
person could have the choice to actively refuse to not buy a world knowing
the information before paying anything.

The reality is, I would have paid them $80, I would have continued to
develop a home in AW thus upgrading the worlds and giving Active Worlds
money. They lost out on me in business and respect as a company who cares
about their customers. Well, there's my rant.... (pick apart flamers, have
fun missing the reality and chew on your addiction some more)

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Value of a cit

Aug 30, 2001, 11:48pm
LOL, if is a conditional. It's not what I think, it's what is.

I would love for the world to always be ABSOLUTE as I am sure many others
do, but it's not, and "we" have to live with that FACT.

Now get your facts straight then pose an accurate statement.

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Value of a cit

Aug 30, 2001, 11:55pm
As you see I am doing my homework. I'll amplify it again, maybe your
plugged ears here will get unplugged.

I am being cautious. THAT'S WHY I AM POSTING HERE!!! I haven't bought
anything like a world yet because I DID do my homework.

Now goober, you got this far you are ready to maybe get the point I am
making that they should have informed the "tourist" at the time of
registering about also getting a world which would have saved them $20.
This is fairer to the users of AW.

I would have either knowingly chosen not to get a world, or I would have
taken that opportunity and bought a world saving money.

If Active Worlds doesn't care to help me to save money, then I don't care
about Active Worlds. I would have spent close to $200 for a world and add
on to the space. I didn't, I bought the $20 citizenship. Now I have the
choice to pay for a world which includes a second citizen I DON'T NEED!!
forget that, it's just not fair to the person who already paid for a

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Value of a cit

Aug 30, 2001, 11:55pm
I never said the teachers there worked for Active Worlds. Get your facts

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Value of a cit

Aug 30, 2001, 11:58pm
Well, I am in several free services now which are not Active Worlds, also I
am in pay services which are not Active Worlds also.

They seem to get the idea. When you sell something, you provide costs
beforehand to the tourist when they are registering for what they want.
Then, they can make the decision to get a world or a citizenship.

I would have bought a world if I knew the citizenship came with the world.
That would have given them more money and saved me money in the long run.
If Active Worlds doesn't care about that, I don't care about Active Worlds.
Keep milking their product you guys.

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Value of a cit

Aug 31, 2001, 12:06am
ok, this isn't a statement to be responded to either then. Where does this
get us?

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