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Article by Brant (long post)

Jul 19, 2001, 8:18am
"Looking below, you'll find that there is an article about a petition in AW
that is attempting to lower world prices."

It doesn't say who is running this petitition. I knew I read it Goober, not
saying you are, but you were under attack so I figured I would try to lend a
hand in support if it was. If whoever is running this petition reads this,
let me know.

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Article by Brant (long post)

Jul 19, 2001, 8:21am
I don't see you claiming to work for AW so why assume knowledge in this mr.3
letter perosn?

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Article by Brant (long post)

Jul 19, 2001, 6:06pm
In support of Eep and making an argument against my actions and those
posting html, it WOULD BE wrong(if the rule was implemented)for me and
others who use html to post html in non-html designated areas. It takes
away from the worry you are censoring because either we post in the area or
areas that allow html or we don't. People like Eep who appear to not want
html can choose to subscribe to a newsgroup using html or not under their
own discretion.

Since we have 2 newsgroups I find not really defined, why not use community
for strictly non-html posts and have general.discussion allow html and
non-html posts.

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Article by Brant (long post)

Jul 20, 2001, 8:39am
"You don't petition a store because you think their milk costs too much."
If Active Worlds wants to sell me a world at the cost of what milk is, no I
won't "petition". I'll buy one for you too. Your analogy is a bit off skew

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Article by Brant (long post)

Jul 20, 2001, 8:58am

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Article by Brant (long post)

Jul 20, 2001, 10:05am
LMAO, kah then argue for allowing html in ALL newsgroups cause it is needed
for this ecosystem you are presenting.

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Article by Brant (long post)

Jul 20, 2001, 11:01am
And read up on how the ozone layer forms, you will see it isn't that bad of
a thing.

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Article by Brant (long post)

Jul 20, 2001, 10:54pm
Why does a program like active worlds so important to you? It's just
manipulation with a Z axis against a 2d monitor presenting an illusion you
are walking through something. However, it is dull and boring to always use
smiley faces, and static avatar pictures that many other programs use so
Active Worlds rocks when it comes to enhancing our online time. So does
html, it can enhance our use in the newsgroup. If there is an area for
plain text only, and another that allows html, it can be your choice to
subscribe or not. You will always have the option to be in a newsgroup
geared toward plain text and not have to be in one that allows html.

You may find this a plus if you only want to use totally plain text, because
there will then be a system which caters towards your use. If you want
absolutism, you will always be fighting this issue. The only remedy is to
minimize not eliminate entirely. These seperate newsgroups geared
differently would be a fair way to minimize what one does not want.

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Article by Brant (long post)

Jul 20, 2001, 10:58pm
"Chuck your personal problems are your own, not mine"

You started a post recently with a personal problem of yours, LOL. I just
don't get you kellee, or is it that you want a double standard.

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Article by Brant (long post)

Jul 21, 2001, 11:23am
Well, then just read comics and imagine 3d, don't use Active Worlds. What
you are saying is exactly what I have been suggesting all along, have
different newsgroups. That way you can choose which area you want to post

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Are we rewriting or not??

Jul 20, 2001, 11:21am
"Basically, I think off-topic is spam, not plugs and swears, not flame wars.
You guys are just too sensitive to harsh criticism in my opinion."

I agree nornny, also I would like to mention since we don't have something
besides the first message of a post to judge any response within the thread
as "off-topic", it is hard to address a flame to a post as being
"off-topic". My suggestion would be to allow some degree of flaming (I
prefer the term subjective criticism), but require some intelligent response
to accompany that flame. This way we know they are at least addressing the
topic independent of any flame. Those that just flame without adding some
useful dialogue can be easier dealt with on the basis of not adding
something else to the conversation and easier to distinguish right and

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Are we rewriting or not??

Jul 20, 2001, 1:36pm
Goober, you just gave an example of how someone can flame and add to a post.
If you said, "that is lame", and then did this on a regular basis time after
time being told not to by AW (not a fellow poster)then it would be easier
for AW to handle that kind of posting which is just out to flame and nothing

I don't care if you say it's a lame idea and add to it like you did. I see
your point also, and if the Newsgroup were only intended for newbies, it
would be lame idea. However, people become regulars and are no longer
newbies. It is those people I am addressing that could be expected to add
something to their flame.

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Are we rewriting or not??

Jul 20, 2001, 11:20pm
That is why I said you add something to the flame. It makes the decision a
binary one not subjective. It isn't that hard to figure out.

Words like "is" "are" "be" can be used often in a deragatory manner. (You
are an idiot), (He is the biggest loser), (That would be idiotic) are all
examples. It doesn't add anything, it doesn't provide intelligence, and it
amounts to flaming. Now, if you say I am an idiot, then explain it's
because I analyze things too much now you are using a reason for your flame.

All AW has to do is make that difference to take action. Did the person
flame with a reason or not and have the flamed without supporting their
comment on a continuos basis.

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Are we rewriting or not??

Jul 20, 2001, 11:30pm
"...has everyone noticed how just a few ppl always take
every thread and turn it into a flame war because of their need to argue
against certain ppl and not the topic?

"not acceptable for the ppl who think that name calling is going to
hurt their widdle eyes."

When you say those 2 things in the same post, I think it is self evident why
you might be singled out. If you don't want responses to address people but
a topic then please do it yourself, or is this the 3rd double standard of
yours that I have seen today?

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Are we rewriting or not??

Jul 21, 2001, 12:19pm
If they make a message board, which they can do, they can have people post,
and they can prioritize this message board so that ONLY the ones that
respect them and do not attack have priority when conversing.

To eliminate the whole group with contact because the rotten apples in the
bunch spolied it is not fair. I emailed you in January about message boards
and about a place where people can come to central location to discuss
issues about the program (that means programmers, CEO's, tourists, citizens,
etc..). You said there were no boards and just newsgroups. Well, what is
the point then in a NG, if it is only going to have the flamers and posts
with attacks? It doesn't make sense.

To the crew of AW that isn't going to respond, your silence does speak.
It's called Active Worlds, not inactiveworlds. You want my money, speak up
and show concern. Til then, I will buy things from people that do contact
me and do address matters. I bought 2 citzenships, $40 and then I found out
you had a citizenship with world purchases. If I buy a world now you get
$120, not $80. I ain't going to pay for your silence. Maybe if you
discussed the issues I had questions with me and you took the time to
address the matters I had when I was with the teachers like other CEO's,
programmers, help groups do, then maybe I would have chosen the world over 2

I didn't attack you calling you names. Show some respect to the people that
are respectful and contact us so we can find out you are there and that you
do care.

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Are we rewriting or not??

Jul 21, 2001, 2:38pm
Agent, please read the response I gave again cause I was referring to the

"You'll never see a post in here from either of them [the offices?](again, I
dont blame
them at all after the treatment they receive from alot of people in here)"

I think you got it mixed up with another post thread where the discussion
was on html vs. plain text where I did assert something which could be read
as segregation. I suggested people have the choice, and when you give
people the choice you are not segregating but establishing sovereignty.
Segregating would be telling certains they are assigned to certain areas
without choice.

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Are we rewriting or not??

Jul 21, 2001, 2:40pm

Segregating would be telling certain people they are assigned to certain
without choice.

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Are we rewriting or not??

Jul 21, 2001, 3:17pm
Ok, I see what you are saying. I mentioned message board, not Newsgroup.
The reason why I make this distinction is because here tourists and people
who have not even downloaded the program can't come here, but they could
come to a message board and post.

Take a look at http://www.flashkit.com

You will see in their board there are designated moderators who help keep
things intact on topic. It is one of the best run boards I have seen, and
full of advice when I get stuck on a problem.

I would say compared with the regulars here(not including me), there is
about twice as many moderators at flashkit.

This means if those regulars here had powers to moderate, then they would
have twice the amount of say so when put in a moderation position and be
representing a section of the community at the same time. I am not in favor
of one whole news.activeworlds.com run by 1 individual. So, far I only see
facter responding. Not attacking him, because I haven't seen him do
anything personally wrong but he is just one person. There should be
multiple people representing multiple positions here in the moderator seat.
Just like flashkit.com has people of different areas, this newsgroup could
be the same. I mentioned the respect issue in respect to the individual
moderator within this system. Therefore, it is not an either or
proposition. If you disrespect one moderator and you can not show a way to
make peace with them, then there are other moderators. If you strike out
with all moderators, then chances are you are out to just cause trouble and
not really benefit the group as a whole. I think people will think twice
before they attack moderators in this position.

Now, I think my assessment above is introducing citizens to help moderate
whereas the post was moreso with the AW staff responding. Therefore, just
substitute the 2 groups and you have what I was trying to propose. If you
can respect someone, this should be hard to accept. If you disrespect, well,
then you still have a chance with another AW staffer, but if you continue to
use the same behavior and the whole AW staff reacts the same way then you
will face the consequences and be put down the priority list. This will at
least give the people who want to talk to the staff with respect the chance.
Right now, I can't. Or, at least I don't know I am.

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Are we rewriting or not??

Jul 21, 2001, 3:20pm
"If you can respect someone, this SHOULD'NT be hard to accept by the

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Are we rewriting or not??

Jul 24, 2001, 10:17pm
no listen listen, no pay pay, no build build, no community community, no one

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Are we rewriting or not??

Jul 25, 2001, 5:14am
"Facter is indeed listening to our every word, and ever agrees with us on a
lot of things. But what good is all that if Facter himself is subsequently
ignored by his superiors?"

If you don't pay them, then they will listen.

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What happend to America??

Jul 23, 2001, 6:53pm
Thank you for letting us know factor, I have a build there I want to get
screenshots of.

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What happend to America??

Jul 23, 2001, 6:54pm
err, facter (sorry for the typo)

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Jul 25, 2001, 3:24pm
Facter, I liked the world. I am not too much into orange, but the overall
effect is very nice.

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Jul 26, 2001, 12:39am
Do you have anything worth seeing (like in AW) that doesn't come in 3 or 4
letter attacks?

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New Activeworlds Webring

Jul 25, 2001, 8:33pm
I HIGHLY suggest you use something else besides Yahoo for a webring. I use
bravenet.com, but I know that isn't that great either. However, at least
you don't have to be a member.

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New Activeworlds Webring

Jul 25, 2001, 9:30pm
That is probably the best way to go.

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Object Path - New services

Aug 2, 2001, 8:59am
suck more money out of the gullible world owners

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Object Path - New services

Aug 3, 2001, 1:27am
From experience being FUCKED over by activeworlds, I am unhappy. That is
why you won't see me pay.

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Object Path - New services

Aug 3, 2001, 1:50pm
If your services are used ANYWHERE in activeworlds, then it is supporting
their ongoing activity. Thank God they are allowing me free speech at least
for voicing my opinion on their deceptive business strategy.

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