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Pornographic Material In Active Worlds (email #3)

Jun 6, 2001, 9:46am
You fail to miss the point. If all Active Worlds did after the first email
was say "Thank you, we got your email", I wouldn't have posted here or have
to send it more than once in email.

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Pornographic Material In Active Worlds (email #3)

Jun 6, 2001, 9:49am
yea, heaven forbid we make friends at this joint. It might be contagious,
and before you know it, people will actually like Active Worlds.

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Pornographic Material In Active Worlds (email #3)

Jun 6, 2001, 9:49am
Oh, and I forgot to add "Oh the horror, the horror!!!"

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Pornographic Material In Active Worlds (email #3)

Jun 6, 2001, 12:07pm
"Must I repeat myself so many times?"

This is your first response to my efforts to remove porn from Active Worlds
since you told me how Active Worlds handles issues like this. Please don't
make it sound like you did more than you really did.

"We never received anything from you Marcus until...yesterday. And yes, I
did get something from you yesterday, and it was forwarded to the
appropriate places...I
saw no need to reply as I had *already* replied to you a hundred times here
in the newsgroup and given you the lay of the land on the matter."

Thank you, you did post here telling me how to deal with matters, and those
emails were in direct response to those directions. I was waiting for your
response which you have finally done now. Thanks again.

"I went to that spot yesterday, and there is no pornographic material in
sight anywhere"

Think it's because you are a little bit late? Active Worlds made this fucked
up system so people either wait or they are forced to remove the porn other
ways, so you can't see it now cause I took action which Active Worlds did

"all I see are two cages with blank picture objects"

Use some common sense here, when you see picture objects in cages it sort
yells out BDSM!!!, and seeing that you note there is "static" it's because
the pictures are no longer there. Why do you think they are no longer
there? CAUSE THEY WERE REMOVED!!!! Why were they removed? Probably because
they went against reasonable terms of service. Doesn't take much to figure
that one out. You have no reasonable doubt here except claiming
incompetence if you wish.

"There is nothing there now, and I have no idea what was there so I cannot
make a decision, so there is no proof to delete the citizens objects in the
first place nor take action against that citizen."

What you should do, ::cough:: ::cough::, is take that information I provided
in the email, then monitor builds by the same individual. Since they
probably paid with credit card, Active Worlds will have that information som
ewhere. Together you and the rest of Active Worlds company can make sure
this person doesn't do it again through tracking builds that connect with
that credit card since perhaps they might make a new citizen account later
on with the same credit card.

"Maybe if you had of emailed abuse or support earlier, or contacted the GET
team, we would of had proof of what you said and could take action, but you
did not, so I regret to inform you that we will not be deleting a citizens
property if we cant see anything wrong with it at the time of notification,
it is unfair and unjust to do so without proof in front of us of what you

I emailed Active Worlds, I told Peacekeepers, Gatekeepers, Teachers, filled
in forms, and eventually went outside of Active World's system to get the
job done of removing the porn Active Worlds should have done when reports
were initially given to the contacts I just listed. If you choose to not
recognize that, then it again presents your incompetence to act when users
like myself report matters that Active Worlds should have dealt with.


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Pornographic Material In Active Worlds (email #3)

Jun 6, 2001, 12:09pm
LOL, yea, they love the new look. It's the static motif LOL

You crack me up with your incompetence

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Pornographic Material In Active Worlds (email #3)

Jun 6, 2001, 7:38pm
ROFL, I love it when people talk out of their ass

The porn was remvoed and still you persist to believe every way possible
that it could not be.

It could not be porn in them darn hills. Well hate to tell Betty Lou, it
was porn, and it was removed. If it were pictures of apes in a cage, I am
sure you would have been the first asked to go inside it instead.

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Pornographic Material In Active Worlds (email #3)

Jun 6, 2001, 7:40pm
BLAH BLAH BLA'dy fucking blah, do you ever read my text?

The porn was removed!!! Your "facter"/"fletch" did nothing to help in the
matter. Get over it. Find someone that can.

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Pornographic Material In Active Worlds (email #3)

Jun 6, 2001, 7:47pm
I can claim being a witness. What can you do? Claim you sat on your duff?
I email using an AOL account and all they have to do is go back in their
records to substantiate this.

I wouldn't try it if I were you, wouldn't like the result of it. I am
saying this because I want you to step up to the plate next time and remove
the porn the right way. Take measures to make sure it happens, and I will
be more than happy to help you in the process.

It is incompetence, and it is not right to let pornography sit if you are
the responsible party who is supposed to remove that porn.

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Pornographic Material In Active Worlds (email #3)

Jun 6, 2001, 7:48pm
Well, I am not taking my clothes off for her, LOL

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Pornographic Material In Active Worlds (email #3)

Jun 6, 2001, 8:58pm
Would you have printed and given those pictures for your children or
neighbor's child so they can show their friends in school?

To decide to keep it there was a ludicrous decision and as a result measures
had to be taken so that the filth you allowed wasn't possibly seen to

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Pornographic Material In Active Worlds (email #3)

Jun 6, 2001, 9:46pm
My comments on this issue are no longer going to continue here after this
post in this thread. I already stated my position and it presents equality
where those that want pornographic matter in Active Worlds have it in an
adult area of the program, while keeping areas children can access free from
that material. If you want to continue this, I ask that you talk with
Tom at activeworlds.com and see if we can have a meeting where I can better
present in a real-time conversation my position.

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AWUniversity to Offer New Courses!

Jun 6, 2001, 1:03am
Before your "ghost town" 101 thing kicks off, how about you put in a lesson
"How to get people into AW so it can be worthwhile to make a town in the
first place"

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AWUniversity to Offer New Courses!

Jun 6, 2001, 9:44am

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Bruce Judson added to AWCI's Board of Directors

Jun 6, 2001, 7:53pm
Does he help remove pun? :::giggles:::

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Bruce Judson added to AWCI's Board of Directors

Jun 6, 2001, 7:53pm
I didn't read your post? LOL, you beat me to it!!
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Newsgroup Charter...

Jun 8, 2001, 1:23am
EEP's policy?

Now that is really off topic.

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A brighter and better Active Worlds!!! Tom, please read

Jun 6, 2001, 10:47pm
M a r c u s: Do you think pornographic material should be confined to worlds
considered private with this red circle?

Sassysha: actually yes, I dont consider My things pornographic, but porn and
other damaging material like death pictures by a citizen i saw once, very
disturbing, should not be on public worlds

This was taken from the following conversation. Even the person who put up
the pornographic material realized it should not have been up, and they
changed additional pictures when I showed them that they contained nudity.

Operator: You have a telegram.

Telegram from Sassysha, sent just now:
I don't know why the pictures arent working, the urls probably
changed....may I join on you to see this?

Immigration Officer: Welcome to WildAW - This is a un-moderated world!
Parental discretion is advised - Be part of the WildAW GZ Midi contest -
Just send the best midi you can find that you think is fitting for WildAW
and send it to me - Tom at activeworlds.com
Immigration Officer: You are being joined by Sassysha.
Sassysha: alright, just loading a little M a r c u s
M a r c u s: ok
Sassysha: ohhh
Sassysha: the url must have changed, it wasnt Mine
Sassysha: I get lazy sometimes out here, because I play around with all of
Sassysha: would You like to see the house?
M a r c u s: yes
Sassysha: its not deathly or anything, i know the filenames are strange
Sassysha: its fantasy roleplay game stuff
Sassysha: jahni, prostrate before speaking boy
Sassysha: this way M a r c u s :)
Sassysha: the big glasshouse thing isnt Mine
M a r c u s: just so you know, I don't work with Active Worlds in any
capacity outside of just being a citizen
Sassysha: I dont have anything to hide ~laughs~ I just thought it might be
interesting to show someone around who found My place
M a r c u s: ok
M a r c u s: may I ask you a question
Sassysha: sure :)
M a r c u s: how old are you?
Sassysha: late twenties
Sassysha: and You?
M a r c u s: same here, 27 to be exact
Sassysha: good stuff ;)
Sassysha: a lot of kids around
M a r c u s: Did you know children can access this area?
Sassysha: but you get used to the warning signs ~laughs~
Sassysha: yes i know
Sassysha: do you have a problem?
Sassysha: its just based on some sci fi books, its interesting to recreate
the style of building
jahni TGT: this lowly slave kneels to the ground and presses his forehead
roughly against the dirt pleading with his Mistress to allow him entrance
Sassysha: ~looks at him~
M a r c u s: Children can come here and see some of the pictures I find
personally objectionable for children to see. At the same time, I want you
to have the role-playing environment you have created.
M a r c u s: How can we do this?
Sassysha: I understand, but most that pass by here telegram me and they are
generally other builders, not children
Sassysha: this is on the edge of the world :)
Sassysha: lots of Gorean spots along this edge
M a r c u s: I didn't telegram you and I found it
jahni TGT: his hands extended out into the dusty earth in submission to his
dark Mistress
Sassysha: well actually yes
Sassysha: enter jahni and come here pet
Sassysha: you did
M a r c u s: It's not that I don't want it in Active Worlds, I just think
there should be an adult section for this material where children can't
Sassysha: i get grams about how pretty it is, people love the desert theme
and tele me to tell me they liked it
Sassysha: well thats why I keep the hard core stuff to My home world in AW
M a r c u s: Are you aware people reported the area I showed you to Active
Worlds during the month of April?
Sassysha: this is just experimental building a nice tame holiday home, so to
jahni TGT: thelowly boy kneels at the beautiful Mistress's side, bathing in
the power radiating from her body
Sassysha: no thats interesting
M a r c u s: Apparently, they decided your pictures were ok, even though
children could get access to it
Sassysha: if someone emailed me with problems from activeworlds, then i
would hear that way, but since wildaw is unmoderated, its more free in
building styles
M a r c u s: that makes sense
Sassysha: well hmm, no more pictures lol
M a r c u s: Yes, since Active Worlds did not take the pictures down, a
group of people reported it to the server holding the pictures
Sassysha: im sorry that you find it offensive M a r c u s, not my intention
to harm anyones children or such, not many people come out here is all
Sassysha: and all this time no one telegrammed me, thats strange
M a r c u s: and I don't think you meant it, I am trying to find a middle
ground here
Sassysha: of course i didnt
Sassysha: they were pretty female art, paintings and i liked them.
M a r c u s: Sassy, the reason why I waited was because I wanted to
establish what Active Worlds allows and doesn't allow
Sassysha: mmhmm
M a r c u s: Sassy, I agree they were, but I don't think they would be
suitable in a children's classroom
Sassysha: ill save it next time lol
Sassysha: sorry to offend You M a r c u s, children shouldnt be unsupervised
anywhere, i wouldnt let my children if i had them online unsupervised, this
is a barren part of the world, i hardly ever meet anyone and i am out here a
lot with friends.
M a r c u s: I found one picture in the building here showing nudity, and I
am asking that you remove it.
Sassysha: wheres this M a r c u s.
M a r c u s: I'll show you
Sassysha: in here is My slaves , not Mine
M a r c u s: ok, the name is ambika sas, this is not you?
Sassysha: no, the Sas is my collar, ambika is the individual
Sassysha: different person
M a r c u s: Do you talk to this person still?
Sassysha: but I have access to all her privileges as her owner
Sassysha: i will change it in her stead
M a r c u s: I see
M a r c u s: thanks
Sassysha: youre welcome, i am civil lol
M a r c u s: So far, the ironic part is, you have been the only one who has
within the past 2 months
Sassysha: of who?
Sassysha: how is that for you
M a r c u s: I think that is fine, I wouldn't consider it under the category
of pornographic material
Sassysha: ~nods~
Sassysha: is thereanything else bothering you?
M a r c u s: not in here, are there other areas you post pictures that might
be as objectionable?
Sassysha: dont think so
Sassysha: not in this world ~laughs~
M a r c u s: Right, do you have pornographic material in any other worlds
that children may have access to?
Sassysha: no, they are private worlds
Sassysha: like I said, this is just a nice quiet away place to try out
different decoration schemes, have some fun
M a r c u s: by private you mean with a red circle next to their name?
Sassysha: yes
M a r c u s: Ok, 1 final quesion if I may
M a r c u s: Do you think pornographic material should be confined to worlds
considered private with this red circle?
Sassysha: actually yes, I dont consider My things pornographic, but porn and
other damaging material like death pictures by a citizen i saw once, very
disturbing, should not be on public worlds

A brighter and better Active Worlds!!! Tom, please read

Jun 7, 2001, 3:31am
The conversation took place in a public world. If it were private, it
should have been in a private world.

Keep things private to the private area (points to the red circled worlds)
Use the public area for things you wish to make public (points to the green
circled worlds)

Can we get this simple concept down?

Green with public
Red with private

Thank you

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A brighter and better Active Worlds!!! Tom, please read

Jun 7, 2001, 4:51am
Tom did receive email regarding this. Why not make it a red world? This way
it is harder for children to access.

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A brighter and better Active Worlds!!! Tom, please read

Jun 7, 2001, 7:55am
Feel free to tell me what you want instead.

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A brighter and better Active Worlds!!! Tom, please read

Jun 7, 2001, 7:57am
Porn is not an excuse to relieve one's responsibility to keep porn
inaccessible from children. I am sorry Active World's cannot make it so you
can adjust to this reality. Please talk to them about making it easier to
have a red world for adults who want to display pornographic material within
their builds. I will fully support you in your actions if you do so.

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A brighter and better Active Worlds!!! Tom, please read

Jun 7, 2001, 8:05am
ok, I will. (when I find out how, LOL), it always puts things from previous
posts. Is there a global command?

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A brighter and better Active Worlds!!! Tom, please read

Jun 7, 2001, 4:47pm
Interesting, I can't post text but you can post pornographic material in a
public place?

Is this what you are saying?

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A brighter and better Active Worlds!!! Tom, please read

Jun 7, 2001, 4:54pm
I repeat, existance of adult material is not a reason to keep it open where
kids can have access to.

As adults, in the real world and here we are supposed to be a little bit
more responsible and not let this kind of thing enter the classroom or
stores where kids go.

When there is pornographic material sold in stores where I go to, children
are not allowed there. Most of the time it is near the cash register.

I wonder what would happen if during the application process for getting a
world or just citizenship to Active Worlds, there were ads for porn or
simply a picture of a naked person. Do you think a conscientious parents
would feel comfortable handing over money to them?

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A brighter and better Active Worlds!!! Tom, please read

Jun 7, 2001, 4:59pm
well, apparently, others don't do it as much, or else I wouldn't be getting
a history of the conversation to post with, which I prefer having.

It's good to look back and understand the content of the conversation. Now
some people like this "mongo" person can see why they are having problems
reading my posts. They delete a big portion of it LOL. Thanks for taking
the bait here.

If they don't want the text then they can respond without it and I won't add
it back in. Problem solved :-)

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A brighter and better Active Worlds!!! Tom, please read

Jun 7, 2001, 5:09pm
If it takes rewriting to help protect children from pornographic material,
and someone wants to teach me the process, give me time and place and I will
learn it it for free.

That's me, I don't know about Roland, Facter, Tom, or anyone else who
refuses to help in the matter.

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A brighter and better Active Worlds!!! Tom, please read

Jun 7, 2001, 6:21pm
nope it doesn't, hence the children I am looking after :-)

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A brighter and better Active Worlds!!! Tom, please read

Jun 7, 2001, 6:35pm
"BOTH can be equally obscene", so should both go then?

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A brighter and better Active Worlds!!! Tom, please read

Jun 7, 2001, 8:02pm
I ask you to read the post I made. It clearly states this individual is in
their late 20's. If it were a child, a teenager, or a 40 year old as you
put it, it doesn't provide exception to a rule that there should not be
pornographic material in public areas of Active Worlds.

This addresses all ages.

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A brighter and better Active Worlds!!! Tom, please read

Jun 7, 2001, 8:45pm
"1) Don't post porno in AW."

"Although ONE can be argued as art, the
other can't be justified in any correct manner."

Which is it? either it is acceptable/justifiable or it isn't. You are
stradling both sides of the fence by saying those 2 different things.

What I copied and pasted here was comprised of a telegram and a conversation
in a public format (green colored world signifying it being a public world).
If the telegram must go because it was only sent to me, then remove just
that telegram. I will understand that argument.

However, the conversation after the telegram was seen by multiple people in
a PUBLIC world, hence constituting nothing private. By allowing others to
see this, it doesn't make it any more public,just makes more informed. I
didn't change a single word by this person to misrepresent them. They are
free to dispute that here, but there is no need. It was raw data collected
for the help of the community where I posted it. I didn't post it outside
of the community, nor will I. I have not been told of any alternatives
after posting it, and I am willing to help out in any way I can if told so.

If anyone wants to discuss things with me private, then I ask that you to
tell me it in a private format. Active Worlds has red worlds, and they have
green worlds. Red worlds are private, and green worlds are public. If you
invite me to a red world and tell me, or telegram me then it would be deemed
private in my opinion.

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