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m a r c u s // User SearchDid you ever notice...Jul 15, 2001, 5:25pm
mike, if I am reading you correctly that isn't true. HTML posts will have
larger file size, it adds too whatever text is posted. My argument, along with others I assume, is that we paid for our internet connection and now it appears people don't want to allow us to use the product we paid for. Imagine buying a world and told you can only use black and white for objects. They argue this file size translates into costs on people who do not have the same internet service we have. Therefore, they are at a distinct disadvantage when it comes posting in html. A fix I propose on this is to have a list of screen names sent to the user first. They check or check off who they want to read or not read. Additionally, they could check off something that doesn't send html posts entirely. There are many services that do this in email, I don't see why it can't implemented with newsgroups. [View Quote] Did you ever notice...Jul 15, 2001, 6:01pm
A plain black and white text message will contain more characters. That
individual post doesn't mean it is better, but when you look at the overall aspect(playing devil's advocate) there is a significant cumulation of posts in html(when compared to plain text posts)that will contain less numbers, letters, symbols, etc... which result in a longer time online to download those characters I listed and therefore cost the user more money. Now, to voice my opinion on that reality. I say, have an html section where people know ahead of time this information so they can make the choice, DO I POST WHERE LESS kb's ARE USED UP? -or- DO I WANT TO POST SOMETHING THAT WILL LOOK PRETTY? (like you are saying). This way, we get out of the file size comparison and costs. Let the individual decide if they want to read a newsgroup with html or not. This is a simple way to make both sides happy. I would like to also point out, I don't use all newsgroup sections. 2 or 3 of them could easily extend file size of just one html. Therefore, html (if used with proper limitations) might even come out to be less when you address whole picture and not just one plain text post vs. one html post. [View Quote] Did you ever notice...Jul 15, 2001, 6:55pm
Why do you need Active Worlds? It really isn't 3d, just manipulation on a Z
axis against a 2 dimensional screen to make you think you are walking through something giving the illusion of 3d. We could just put pictures together and tell a story like the good old campfire days. BUT THAT IS FRIGGIN BORING, MUNDANE, AND DRAB!!!! We html posters like to spice things up. That is why I came to AW, I liked the added 3d (illusion) to spice up my browsing. Unfortunately, many of my encounters online outside of AW don't like it. Anyways, that is getting away from your question. I could see what you do in AW and question what you need for doing whatever you do. It is your choice though, and that is what makes you you. So, if you don't see a reason in posting html, don't try to look for someone else to try to justify for you. Just don't use it, but please support those that do so long as it doesn't effect people who want to post fully in plain text by having a seperate html section. I don't see why people like orange on websites, but they use it. I don't ask them why they use orange, I just don't use it in my designs. It's personal preference. [View Quote] Did you ever notice...Jul 15, 2001, 7:48pm
LOL, it's ok to ask why we need html, but anything else is just stupid? LOL
Hey look, my cousin has brought over 2 hungry/barking dogs (and I am not a dog person) while my aunt and uncle are out visiting our grandmother. I need a laugh now, thanks. [View Quote] none for the ladiesJul 16, 2001, 9:50pm
If 3d programs catered to women, there wouldn't even be a server that could
hold all the shoes you want. Sorry, I couldn't resist but I have spent previous encounters in program with women who wanted to look unique from everyone else ("well, she took MY dress and matched it with MY shoes"). I guess that is what you would get when allow people to edit their avatar as easily as [View Quote] none for the ladiesJul 16, 2001, 11:37pm
none for the ladiesJul 17, 2001, 12:02am
"Chuck, dear, they removed the Female PK av to add the blimp, upsetting
some female world owners, who at the time appeared as blimps when they logged on." Ok, you didn't type that, someone else did. None of these messages are recorded to look at at. We can make up whatever attack we want on someone so long as it feeds our ego. kellee, I may not be well versed in BS'ing long posts like you, but I can at least make 4 or 5 logical coherent sentences that actually mean something. [View Quote] none for the ladiesJul 17, 2001, 12:19am
no, I understood it was BS, that's why I stopped reading the whole post. Do
you know how to make concise sentence patterns that don't stretch beyond monotony? [View Quote] none for the ladiesJul 17, 2001, 12:31am
pat your head any longer, you could probably charge yourself with physical
cruelty to an animal. [View Quote] none for the ladiesJul 17, 2001, 1:31am
none for the ladiesJul 17, 2001, 4:27am
dolt? It was a joke, play on words with "head". Think about it. If you
don't get it, you need to get laid. [View Quote] none for the ladiesJul 17, 2001, 5:22pm
Well then mike, let me say I am sorry if that is 100% accurate. If you know
the word "dolt", I am sure you know what "laid" means, lol. I will try to refrain from that type of response to you now that I am aware of such "possible" information. [View Quote] none for the ladiesJul 17, 2001, 6:42pm
Well, I tried, but someone decided they should respond :::pointing to you:::
It started off with a response directed to kellee, and now we have people you carrying it on. [View Quote] none for the ladiesJul 17, 2001, 10:42pm
Well, if new people don't keep adding their 2 cents in then it will end.
This was a conversation between kellee and me. Right now, she has stopped responding, you guys now are picking up where her stupidity left off. [View Quote] none for the ladiesJul 20, 2001, 11:24pm
No, it doesn't matter that you say "for blah blah blah". I think we should
have a whole world dedicated for me AW. Would you want that? or is it just a double standard again that only you can have something in AW and not others? If I want something like avatars, I will buy a world. I suggest you do the same thing. If you want to use them for peacekeepers, then you can choose that WITHIN your own world. [View Quote] none for the ladiesJul 22, 2001, 4:59am
I guess those that feel they should insult and have AW cater to their wants
like a special person fit right along and flock together, EVEN in the virtual world. [View Quote] AWHSJul 15, 2001, 7:30pm
Are the buildings small enough where you could copy the buildings with a
bot? I think that is the best way of preservation. Even if you handover the controls to someone as equally competent, they might make small changes which reflect their leadership and can be just as nice visiting but not really show the buildings as they were originally. [View Quote] AWHSJul 15, 2001, 8:13pm
Since you have mentioned it relates to GZ, I ask why do you want the
controls to be handed over at GZ? Can't you set up one teleport link stationed at GZ and then hand over the controls to someone to look after at the place it is linked to? They are less likely to post "I was here" and have it seen than given the opportunity to post it in GZ. You can also shift teleports if one person decides to misuse their power. It could become a community thing with several teleports as opposed to trying to find just one person to do it all. [View Quote] AWHSJul 15, 2001, 9:04pm
OK, let me show the logic I am going by.
1) There are buildings at GZ you want to preserver 2) You give people control to maintain buildings at GZ 3) People abuse control given to them and "vandalize" 4) Therefore, you are looking for someone honest enough to maintain the GZ area without vandalizing If this is correct, you could solicit a teleport at GZ. This teleport would go to say 1998 builds, then you could have another for 1999, then 2000, 2001. [View Quote] AWHSJul 15, 2001, 9:13pm
Well, instead of talking about fools, can you tell me what you are talking
about then? I want to know but treating me with an insulting tone doesn't make for a friendly discussion. [View Quote] AWHSJul 15, 2001, 9:41pm
I am all ears, type here what it is about please. Please also understand
that I am given close to 50 sites per day to sift out what one could post in a paragraph. I can not possibly find the exact sentences that answer a question which was asked after the site was even made. I have taken several attempts to find a direct answer to my question on the site you posted, but I can not find it. It is great there is a site with the info posted, but it doesn't really tell me what you are trying to do directly. [View Quote] AWHSJul 15, 2001, 9:55pm
"GZ environs is already covered with litter and garbage from years of
vandals and it needs to be covered to prevent more being placed there." What are "GZ environs" "The signs and pictures also need to be reported for removal." This was because someone was given the control to put the signs and pictures up at GZ? "The AWHS is about restoring the buildings and removing the garbage, not only at GZ but all over aw." Ok, this is where my teleport link idea came in. You have teleports from GZ to other places. This way you prevent people from putting garbage there in the first place. Wouldn't it be better to copy a build that is approved without the garbage and then only put those in GZ? "It is also about bringing attention to the history in aw and the wonderful builders that did beautiful builds with a very limited object path." That is another reason why I suggest you copy builds, which I know you said has already been done, but only allow copies of those to be built there. That way garbage can't be added in the first place. I can assure from being a first time at AW GZ, I found it hard to go from area to area without proper teleports. [View Quote] AWHSJul 16, 2001, 3:26am
Yes, I remember GET. To use GET effectively, someone has to actually build
at a location where things need to be removed like 32432n 2348234w for example. When you say "GZ" I associate this with Ground Zero (correct me if you are referring to someplace else). If you go to AW and GZ and try to build as the average Citizen in open space you get a message "Building Inspector: Sorry you are not allowed to build within 100 meters of ground zero in this world." Therefore, it makes me conclude CONTROL is given to certain individuals to build at GZ. Even in this thread, "just a matter of getting rights from rick, and more information.." Somehow something is already established where permissions are granted. My suggestions were all in effect to that premise. [View Quote] [NG Survivor] Immunity ChallengeJul 18, 2001, 11:57am
"There you must enter the Seven Seas on Level 3 and do your worst to the
attacking newbies." hmm [View Quote] Article by Brant (long post)Jul 19, 2001, 12:53am
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
------=_NextPart_000_002B_01C10FD9.27182C20 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Can we post html then? [View Quote] -------------------------------------------------------------------------= ----- [View Quote] /Beardo = -------------------------------------------------------------------------= Goober King presents many valid arguments in his July edition of = "Stirring the Virtual Melting Pot". While there are several = improvements to be made to the Activeworlds universe, his article = presents some serious flaws. Goober presents a list of mistakes that AW has made in the past. He = points out that gaining corporate sponsors is one of these "mistakes", = while charging for free citizenships is also a "mistake". Simply put, = Activeworlds has to make money somehow. If Goober wants AW to stop = seeking corporate sponsors, then AW has to charge for citizenships; if = citizenships were to be free, AW would have to rely on advertising and = corporate sponsorship. At least one of these steps has to be taken to = ensure that the bills are paid. Yet, there are those who believe that = AW can continue to exist as a company without a source of revenue. There seems to be a stigma that AW has poor customer service and = does not try to help the community. In contrast, all of the AW = employees I have met in my experience have been very experienced and = helpful. Lucrezia Borgia has never stopped trying to help people; = Mountain Myst has been visible in the community coordinating events and = setting up activities like AWCamp; Facter and Flagg have provided = valuable technical support; and even HamFon has participated in many = behind-the-scenes activities such as programming the BingoBot. Yet, = there are those who believe that AW employees are "out to get them." Some believe that the AW universe is "dead and dying". In contrast, = I remember a time just last September when the number of users logged = into the Universe rarely exceeded 500. Today, at the same time of day, = the number is regularly between 600 and 700. Yet, there are those who = believe that AW should by now have millions of users registered. If AW is not aiming to increase its userbase, then what is the = purpose of releasing its upcoming version 3.2? Take the corporate = firewall support that will be included, for instance. Many AW citizens = would like to use AW at work, and Activeworlds' management is giving = them this new option. Firewall support isn't just for Juno subscribers = or for NetTaxi readers or for other Universe owners, but for all = citizens, as is OpenGL support. Contrary to popular belief, AW is = growing and is taking steps to ensure that its growth continues, and its = partnership with Juno is supporting this growth. I remember a time when = the JunoDome world had in excess of 100 people occupying it during a = Juno advertising campaign, and I know many citizens who started out as = Juno users. Furthermore, one of the biggest problems that AW (and the = frustrated bot programmer) has faced, the discrepancy between versions = 2.2 and 3.1 of the AW browser, will be eliminated with the upcoming = software renderer. Yet, there are still thse who will complain that AW = is not taking steps to ensure its continued success. Looking below, you'll find that there is an article about a petition = in AW that is attempting to lower world prices. I would like to ask the = creators of this petition what lowering world prices would accomplish. = Would cutting the cost of worlds make the community closer? Would = charging less increase AW's revenue so that it can further its = development? Would eliminating the one-time signup fee bring more users = to the universe? Absolutely not. Instead, lowering world prices would = simply increase the number of dead worlds and reduce the number of = people who actively participate in the AW community. And yes, there are = also those who believe that lowering world prices would solve all of the = problems of the Universe.=20 However, despite all the positive things that AW has done for the = community, I find that there are many steps that AW can still take to = increase its userbase, and ultimately, its revenue. First, a stand = needs to be made against troublemakers and those who aim to destroy = worlds and to hack other users. Many worlds have been closed or = hindered because of this sort of cyber-crime. AW needs to enforce its = GZ behavior policies, Content Guidelines, and other various charters and = rules more strictly. In addition, AW employees need to take a more = active role in improving the Peacekeeping of AlphaWorld, as several of = the Peacekeepers with which I have dealt have not handled a situation in = a professional manner. In my experience, some Peacekeepers have been = downright rude when I have contacted them, and their superiors did = nothing to correct the problem. Most importantly, the company needs to = moderate its newsgroups. Many a user, myself included, has left the = newsgroups because of a select few citizens who continue to post = inappropriate content that serves only to demean fellow users, ruining = the atmosphere for legitimate debate. In fact, while I had been = aggravated by the arrogance of those citizens in the newsgroups for a = long time, I finally decided to leave the groups after Eep, instead of = debating in a calm manner, flamed my posts on the subject of this = article. In short, troublemakers both in-world and out-of-world destroy = the community feel which is so crucial to AW's success, and AW must take = swift and decisive action against them. What do I find wrong with Activeworlds' management? In short, very = little. Activeworlds has done what any company tries to do - make = money. While most Internet companies have floundered and become a = "passing fad", Activeworlds Corp. has stayed around for over six years, = during which a tremendous technological change has occurred. Through = this change, AW has secured its place in the 1% of startup companies who = survive past their first year, which in itself is quite a feat. While = there are a few areas that leave room for improvement, I feel that AW = has, in general, done a good job balancing appeasing its customers and = securing corporate deals. Besides, AW currently has many = community-friendly activities up its sleeve, such as new building = worlds, an object maker for the AW browser, and more events, for which = Goober King and the citizens who support his letter clamor ceaselessly. = If everyone would work to make the community better instead of = petitioning Activeworlds for what it is already attemping to do, then = perhaps the Universe would be a better place. ------=_NextPart_000_002B_01C10FD9.27182C20 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <HTML><HEAD> <META http-equiv=3DContent-Type content=3D"text/html; = charset=3Diso-8859-1"> <META content=3D"MSHTML 5.50.4522.1800" name=3DGENERATOR> <STYLE></STYLE> </HEAD> <BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Can we post html then?</FONT></DIV> <BLOCKQUOTE=20 style=3D"PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; = BORDER-LEFT: #000000 2px solid; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px"> <DIV>"kmissile583k" <<A=20 href=3D"mailto:Kmissile58 at">Kmissile58 at</A>> = wrote in=20 message <A=20 = href=3D"news:3b56156f at">news:3b56156f at server1.Act=</A>...</DIV> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>I agree with all of Brant's = article.</FONT></DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV> <HR> </DIV> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT> </DIV> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2><EM>"beardo" <</EM></FONT><A=20 href=3D"mailto:beardo at"><FONT face=3DArial=20 size=3D2><EM>beardo at</EM></FONT></A><FONT face=3DArial=20 [View Quote] face=3DArial size=3D2><EM>...</EM></FONT></DIV><FONT face=3DArial = size=3D2><EM>- I=20 found this article by Brant at more exactly </EM></FONT><A=20 href=3D""><FONT face=3DArial=20 = size=3D2><EM></EM></FONT></A><FONT = face=3DArial=20 size=3D2><EM> , so go there to argue with him since he doesn't read = this=20 newgroup=20 = anymore.<BR><BR>/Beardo<BR></EM><BR><EM>---------------------------------= ----------------------------------------<BR>Goober=20 King presents many valid arguments in his July edition of "Stirring = the=20 Virtual Melting Pot". While there are several improvements to be = made to=20 the Activeworlds universe, his article presents some serious=20 flaws.<BR><BR> Goober presents a list of mistakes that AW has = made in=20 the past. He points out that gaining corporate sponsors is one = of these=20 "mistakes", while charging for free citizenships is also a=20 "mistake". Simply put, Activeworlds has to make money=20 somehow. If Goober wants AW to stop seeking corporate sponsors, = then AW=20 has to charge for citizenships; if citizenships were to be free, AW = would have=20 to rely on advertising and corporate sponsorship. At least one = of these=20 steps has to be taken to ensure that the bills are paid. Yet, = there are=20 those who believe that AW can continue to exist as a company without a = source=20 of revenue.<BR><BR> There seems to be a stigma that AW has poor = customer=20 service and does not try to help the community. In contrast, all = of the=20 AW employees I have met in my experience have been very experienced = and=20 helpful. Lucrezia Borgia has never stopped trying to help = people;=20 Mountain Myst has been visible in the community coordinating events = and=20 setting up activities like AWCamp; Facter and Flagg have provided = valuable=20 technical support; and even HamFon has participated in many = behind-the-scenes=20 activities such as programming the BingoBot. Yet, there are = those who=20 believe that AW employees are "out to get them."<BR><BR> Some = believe=20 that the AW universe is "dead and dying". In contrast, I = remember a time=20 just last September when the number of users logged into the Universe = rarely=20 exceeded 500. Today, at the same time of day, the number is = regularly=20 between 600 and 700. Yet, there are those who believe that AW should = by now=20 have millions of users registered.<BR><BR> If AW is not aiming = to=20 increase its userbase, then what is the purpose of releasing its = upcoming=20 version 3.2? Take the corporate firewall support that will be = included,=20 for instance. Many AW citizens would like to use AW at work, and = Activeworlds' management is giving them this new option. = Firewall=20 support isn't just for Juno subscribers or for NetTaxi readers or for = other=20 Universe owners, but for all citizens, as is OpenGL support. = Contrary to=20 popular belief, AW is growing and is taking steps to ensure that its = growth=20 continues, and its partnership with Juno is supporting this = growth. I=20 remember a time when the JunoDome world had in excess of 100 people = occupying=20 it during a Juno advertising campaign, and I know many citizens who = started=20 out as Juno users. Furthermore, one of the biggest problems that = AW (and=20 the frustrated bot programmer) has faced, the discrepancy between = versions 2.2=20 and 3.1 of the AW browser, will be eliminated with the upcoming = software=20 renderer. Yet, there are still thse who will complain that AW is = not=20 taking steps to ensure its continued success.<BR><BR> Looking = below,=20 you'll find that there is an article about a petition in AW that is = attempting=20 to lower world prices. I would like to ask the creators of this = petition=20 what lowering world prices would accomplish. Would cutting the = cost of=20 worlds make the community closer? Would charging less increase = AW's=20 revenue so that it can further its development? Would = eliminating the=20 one-time signup fee bring more users to the universe? Absolutely = not. Instead, lowering world prices would simply increase the = number of=20 dead worlds and reduce the number of people who actively participate = in the AW=20 community. And yes, there are also those who believe that = lowering world=20 prices would solve all of the problems of the Universe. <BR><BR> = However, despite all the positive things that AW has done for the = community, I=20 find that there are many steps that AW can still take to increase its=20 userbase, and ultimately, its revenue. First, a stand needs to = be made=20 against troublemakers and those who aim to destroy worlds and to hack = other=20 users. Many worlds have been closed or hindered because of this = sort of=20 cyber-crime. AW needs to enforce its GZ behavior policies, = Content=20 Guidelines, and other various charters and rules more strictly. = In=20 addition, AW employees need to take a more active role in improving = the=20 Peacekeeping of AlphaWorld, as several of the Peacekeepers with which = I have=20 dealt have not handled a situation in a professional manner. In = my=20 experience, some Peacekeepers have been downright rude when I have = contacted=20 them, and their superiors did nothing to correct the problem. = Most=20 importantly, the company needs to moderate its newsgroups. Many = a user,=20 myself included, has left the newsgroups because of a select few = citizens who=20 continue to post inappropriate content that serves only to demean = fellow=20 users, ruining the atmosphere for legitimate debate. In fact, = while I=20 had been aggravated by the arrogance of those citizens in the = newsgroups for a=20 long time, I finally decided to leave the groups after Eep, instead of = debating in a calm manner, flamed my posts on the subject of this=20 article. In short, troublemakers both in-world and out-of-world = destroy=20 the community feel which is so crucial to AW's success, and AW must = take swift=20 and decisive action against them.<BR><BR> What do I find wrong = with=20 Activeworlds' management? In short, very little. = Activeworlds has=20 done what any company tries to do - make money. While most = Internet=20 companies have floundered and become a "passing fad", Activeworlds = Corp. has=20 stayed around for over six years, during which a tremendous = technological=20 change has occurred. Through this change, AW has secured its = place in=20 the 1% of startup companies who survive past their first year, which = in itself=20 is quite a feat. While there are a few areas that leave room for = improvement, I feel that AW has, in general, done a good job balancing = appeasing its customers and securing corporate deals. Besides, = AW=20 currently has many community-friendly activities up its sleeve, such = as new=20 building worlds, an object maker for the AW browser, and more events, = for=20 which Goober King and the citizens who support his letter clamor=20 ceaselessly. If everyone would work to make the community better = instead=20 of petitioning Activeworlds for what it is already attemping to do, = then=20 perhaps the Universe would be a better=20 place.<BR></BLOCKQUOTE></EM></FONT></BODY></HTML> ------=_NextPart_000_002B_01C10FD9.27182C20-- Article by Brant (long post)Jul 19, 2001, 12:56am
I didn't take the time to read all the allegations against you after the
first few ramblings, but if you are working to lower costs of the price of worlds, I support your efforts and am willing to sign any petitition to help achieve this. [View Quote] Article by Brant (long post)Jul 19, 2001, 8:13am
nope, you clarified it enough. I gave you the position I was in with one
short concise post. You can too. This isn't the only thing I do online, and I can't possibly read all the posts from NG, email, chat programs, etc.. I am a part of. It would be be more effective to users to try to limit the posts to the core issues and leave out the flames/attacks/history lessons etc... Again, I stress we don't all have this NG as our main seed in life so please bring the core issues to the front if you want action and support from your fellow AW'er. [View Quote] |