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Value of a cit

Aug 31, 2001, 4:52am
I do think I am right, I wouldn't be spending now 8 months trying to inform
people of this if I thought I was wrong.

I signed up in December and found out in January that worlds come with a
citizenship that I don't need. I would have paid the extra $60 for a world,
and then have established myself in the AW community, then perhaps expanded
my world giving Active Worlds more money. If Active Worlds doesn't care
about saving the citizen money, then I don't care about Active Worlds. They
could have had a sale lost out by not informing the person within the
program they programmed which has a register button which would have
informed the tourist they could also get a world which would include a

That's all I am asking, if I can type it a bajillion times since January, I
am sure they can type it just once for the new tourists.

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Value of a cit

Aug 31, 2001, 4:54am
I am not milking you, if you respond, so will I.

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Value of a cit

Aug 31, 2001, 4:56am
I did my homework, I found out they charge for a world without informing the
tourist when they register for a citizenship at the "register now" button
that they could get a citizenship with the purchase of a world.

I haven't bought a world yet, so you can't say I didn't do my homework
regarding buying a world.

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Value of a cit

Aug 31, 2001, 3:47pm
There is no reference to a url in which you mention Flagg. I don't know
what to make out of an intent unless I see a page that says "your
citizenship to the world is not intended for you but for you to give to a
friend". You need to show me a url that makes this kind of intent or Flagg
more accurately since he is the one who asserted.

I am not talking about renewing, I am talking about openly disclosing the
terms of purchase on a citizenship in which they inform a tourist which
click "register now" in the program that they do have and that they did make
(I am not making this up)that a world also comes with a citizenship. THEY
DO DO THIS, this is what they do with the register button, and I am saying
they should complete the "register now" button to let the person know.

It should be in one location, and they CHOSE, not me, BUT ACTIVE WORLDS
CHOSE, to make it so you clicked the register now button.

I DIDN'T CHOOSE IT, ACTIVE WORLDS DID!!! They made the button and why don't
they put the information when you register there.

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Value of a cit

Aug 31, 2001, 3:51pm
I am sure I can do a lot of things, but when I offered to pay $60 for a
world and they could use the $20 I already paid for a citizenship they
didn't accept they. They wanted $100 total from me, when I would have paid
them eventually 200 for a world after developing it a couple years. Maybe
even more money would have been given to them by me, I don't know.

I like the program, but I don't like how they operate. It reminds me of car
salesman tactics just to squeeze more money out of us and I ain't getting

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Value of a cit

Aug 31, 2001, 3:52pm
If it is so free, why can't we buy a world for $60 then? think about it

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Value of a cit

Aug 31, 2001, 3:53pm
then go here
http://members.aol.com/chessmusic/gcn/gcnmusic.htm (Best for higher

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Value of a cit

Aug 31, 2001, 11:31pm
Sorry that url didn't work, can you send a url that ends in ".htm"

It tried opening something in AOL.

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Value of a cit

Aug 31, 2001, 11:31pm
Yes, and I don't care to continue using active worlds either.


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Value of a cit

Aug 31, 2001, 11:33pm

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Value of a cit

Aug 31, 2001, 11:49pm
"Free citizens that come with a world have no value, they are a free gift
matter how you want to look at it)."

They appear to have a $20 value, please give me something accurate Flagg

"When you orginally contacted us via e-mail what you wanted was the ability
to change AW's backdrop and you were upset that you had to buy a world if
you wanted backdrop control. Then you felt that we had mislead you because
you relized worlds came with free
citizens and you had to buy yours."

I DID feel misled back in Jan, but still liked the program so I figured
"well, if there was a way I could change the background it wouldn't matter
if I had a world cause I don't need to create new objects or have my own
avatars." The background is the feature I wanted. I came to you guys
working with your system you have in place asking "hey, if you are going to
add a citizen with a world I don't need, then give me the background I
need". That is the offer I made, if you refused it fine NO MONEY FOR YOU
THEN. Please give me something accurate Flagg, you are not seeing my
position clearly if you assumed I didn't feel misled FROM THE VERY START in
January when I found out worlds came with a citizenship WHICH Active Worlds
DOES sell for about $20.00.

If you were going to refund anything, why didn't close my account, credit my
$20 to a world or refund it entirely. You didn't, you held on to it like a
grubby salesman. Now you say you would have. Well, I am saying Active
Worlds could have, and they DIDN'T.

"I fully understand the issue revolving around this thread and the orginal
issue you had with us months ago."

You obviously don't, you are just making up false arguments to make me look
bad. My offer was to pay Activeworlds on a 2 year plan, where in the end
you would have more money. You refused that. Now you can walk away
with -$180, you only have $20 of my money.

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Value of a cit

Sep 1, 2001, 2:33am
I will reply, and since there was a lot of inaccurate statements, I wanted
to clarify them.

Flagg is not making an accurate run down of the situation at hand. I don't
think it is deliberate, and I don't care if it is, but I do want the truth
to be out so I responded with the areas I felt needed clarification and

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Value of a cit

Sep 1, 2001, 2:35am
Nothing to prove, this is decision, does Active Worlds want to make money?
then they have to make a service as well as a product that SELLS!!!

Charging 20 for a citizen and then giving one for free with a purchase of a
world doesn't sell. I could have had a world with citizen.

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Value of a cit

Sep 1, 2001, 2:42am
My citizenship hasn't run out, and Active Worlds hasn't refunded me
anything. So this is how I plan on spending my "dying days" on Active

I want you guys to know what has happened. The more people you sucker in
the more money Active Worlds gets to develop the program, so I can
understand why you are not going to take the position I am.

I have nothing to lose, I bought no world. I can tell the truth and state
ways the service could be run more fairly.

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Value of a cit

Sep 1, 2001, 9:16am
I would agree, the ability to run a well made room is not only subjective
but irrelevant to the rights of a user of Active Worlds to know before they
purchase a citizenship at register now, that citizenships are also provided
with worlds. This would have saved money in the long run. Where does the
extra $20 go to that could have been applied towards the world with citizen?

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Value of a cit

Sep 1, 2001, 9:17am
I didn't say he lied, I said he was inaccurate like your reading is.

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Value of a cit

Sep 1, 2001, 9:21am
Activeworlds charged me $20 for a citizenship. If you want to call that
something free without value, go ahead. Again, that is inaccurate.

Can't anybody else see the logic in this?

Plan A: $80 for a world with citizenship
Plan B: Pay $20 for citizenship, then later pay $80 for a world and a free
second citizenship you don't need making a total of $100 ($80+$20)

$100 or $80? I would rather go with $80, Plan A

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Value of a cit

Sep 1, 2001, 9:25am
As Flagg has stated in another post, he already offered to replace one
of the free citships with yours, and you essentially ignored it.

I never did such a thing. I am here now because no one refunded the money I
paid. If it was refunded I would have bought a world and be building instead
of bickering with you guys about somethingt that seems obvious:

Can't anybody else see the logic in this?

Plan A: $80 for a world with citizenship
Plan B: Pay $20 for citizenship, then later pay $80 for a world and a free
second citizenship you don't need making a total of $100 ($80+$20)

$100 or $80? I would rather go with $80, Plan A

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Value of a cit

Sep 1, 2001, 9:26am
"they offered to refund you and you refused so shut up"

I never did such a thing. I am here now because no one refunded the money I
paid. If it was refunded I would have bought a world and be building instead
of bickering with you guys about somethingt that seems obvious:

Can't anybody else see the logic in this?

Plan A: $80 for a world with citizenship
Plan B: Pay $20 for citizenship, then later pay $80 for a world and a free
second citizenship you don't need making a total of $100 ($80+$20)

$100 or $80? I would rather go with $80, Plan A

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Value of a cit

Sep 1, 2001, 7:12pm
"AWCOM scammed you in such a horrible way, but they're not going to change
for you. Apparently, they don't want to make "money" the way you do, so let
them go on scamming the entire AW uniserver..."

I concur fully

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Value of a cit

Sep 1, 2001, 7:14pm
Whatever it was, it didn't send me somewhere I could make use of. Please
send something that ends in ".htm" or ".asp"

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Value of a cit

Sep 1, 2001, 7:19pm
"What Flagg was planning to do was include the cost of your current citship
with that of the world, which would mean you would pay $80 for a world and
it would automatically
renew your current citship."

If I paid $20 and the world costs $80, then the difference is $60 and that
is WHAT I WILL PAY. I will not pay $100 for a citzenship and world. If I
want to renew, then I will pay the $20 when the year comes up which will
come to $100 and that year has not come up yet. I have no $80 world
including citizenship, so I see no reason at the moment to send a check for
$60 to Activeworlds.

If they are going to sell me a world for $80 including citizenship and use
$20 I already paid, let's see them do it!!! this is just talk, let's see
them actually do it then!!

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Value of a cit

Sep 1, 2001, 7:23pm
When you register for a citizenship you pay $20.

I am being told if I want a world I have to pay $80.

That's 100$

Do the math, there is $20 that I spent I could have put towards a world with
Active Worlds has not to this date given me a world to setup or charged me
$60 which would have been the difference for the purchase of the smallest

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Value of a cit

Sep 1, 2001, 7:40pm
"If you got your citship, and then decided to buy a world months later...."

Bzzzzz, WRONG!!! My citizenship runs out at the end of december. It was in
Jan (about 2-3 weeks after acquiring my citizenship)that I wanted to
switchover to a world cause that is when I found out Active Worlds gives at
least one citizenship with the purcahse of a world.

I haven't used my citizenship for building like I would have if I had a
world. That is what I am trying to tell you. I stopped building in March.
In april I feel I still used the services to show friends of mine what I
built, but now the world I built it in is gone. If I had my own world like I
requested in Jan and did the switchover, I would still have it. At least I
have Xelagot backup of the build and if the world comes back I can have the
owner rebuild it for me hopefully.

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Value of a cit

Sep 1, 2001, 7:52pm
I never asked for a $50 discount, do the math:

$80 (world with citizenship)
-$20 citizenship (already paid)
$60 remaining balance

If there is any sign of discount, it is $20 which I already gave before even
using it. No one can be a citizen unless they pay upfront.

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Value of a cit

Sep 2, 2001, 12:00am
I never did. Just because Flagg said something to the "entire community"
doesn't mean it is 100% accurate.

I know I never asked for a $50 discount. I paid $20, and a world costs 80.
The difference is $60. I am more than willing to pay the $60, but they
wanted $80 even after I paid for a citizenship.

If I really wanted a $50 discount then it would be because I actually bought
2 citizenships and there would have been $10 remaining I would have had to
have paid. I haven't asked for that nor did I do that. My choice in buying
2 citizenships was not because I wanted a world. So, I am not requesting
one of the citizenships to be applied.

Also, they only give one citizenship for the smallest world which I would
have bought, so I only wanted to be credited 1 citizenship. Again, that is
$20 leaving a balance of $60

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Value of a cit

Sep 2, 2001, 12:30am
Lying assumes an intent to deceive
Inaccurate just means it is NOT accurate (and therefore NOT 100% the truth).

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Value of a cit

Sep 2, 2001, 12:33am
That has nothing to do with the premise at hand. What they would do
regarding renewal is not what I am addressing. After a year of owning a
world, then I would discuss renewal. Right now, all I want is 1 world, 1

I paid $20, and the world costs $80 for the smallest. That leaves $60 I
would owe them.

Seems simple enough to me. I am 27 years old by the way, so I am not that

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Value of a cit

Sep 2, 2001, 12:34am
What deal? The only deal I have seen is "pay $80 for a world"

I have paid $20 already, that leaves a balance owed of $60.

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Value of a cit

Sep 2, 2001, 2:47pm
I am stupid because I want to pay the DIFFERENCE not the DIFFERENCE + WHAT

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