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Great tool to help you build better!

Mar 1, 2004, 5:23am
eep was smart, brock just makes posts lacking any intelligence whatsoever.
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Great tool to help you build better!

Mar 1, 2004, 5:24am
also, baro, brock once made a show in VWTV called "Brock = Elite" So, what
you rescribed in the last sentence fits the description of Brock perfectly.
Know what's really sad? He thinks it's great that he is this way.
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Great tool to help you build better!

Mar 1, 2004, 5:27am
I disagree with what you said about pictures messing up the natural creative
process. Creativity is nothing without inspiration. If you have never seen
a building in your life, then you would have no idea what to make on active
worlds. It's the things we see in rl that are fed through our mind which
develops our creative process.
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Beta Newsgroup

Mar 1, 2004, 5:25am
Which is really stupid, because if open beta testers were allowed, there
would be more bug reports, therefore more things fixed.
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Mar 6, 2004, 8:52am
AW is the world that needs all the attention and improvements right now.
Its sheer size is enough to make for good advertising (Come visit active
worlds! Alpha World is 104% larger than california!) but there still needs
to be more. What about a large cell limit? come on, we can't keep appealing
to those with uber slow computers anymore. If the program costs $70.00 a
year now, it puts the price in the league of MMORPGs that require fast
computers. bah I'm doing it again....
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Mar 7, 2004, 3:25am
Lemme quote MrGrimm when I was explaining to him the importance of Alpha
World. MrGrimm: "Why are you so obsessed with Alpha World?"


Mar 7, 2004, 7:25am
I wish that AWI could just see that their current way of running things
isn't working, as AW's progress feels like walking through peanut butter.

AW 4.0

Mar 7, 2004, 7:35am
What will it have? AW 3.3 was being talked about in the newsletters 7 months
before it was released. 3.4 and 3.5 just came out without much announcement
or hype at all.

AW 4.0

Mar 9, 2004, 3:57am
I'd like to see some new building commands in 4.0, and I want to see them
get rid of that 8 light source limit problem

It takes too long to cache things recently...

Mar 28, 2004, 12:02am
Recently, it's been taking rediculously long amounts of time to cache an
area I am in in active worlds. I can still chat with people and send
telegrams, but actually getting the environment to cache (OP already loaded)
can take 15 minutes, as opposed to 10 seconds at max. This has only been a
recent problem.. as recent as yesterday.

My internet connection remains at the same speed, and I'm still able to
download large files in the same amount of time as I have previously, but
the only thing that is so slow is the caching in Active Worlds. What is
going on>

It takes too long to cache things recently...

Mar 30, 2004, 1:30am
That's pretty sad if only 20 or so people downloading dense cells does
something like that to the servers. Maybe AWI has been secretly downgrading
their servers.
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Active Worlds Feature Vote. We've forgotten about something haven't we?

Mar 30, 2004, 1:28am
It's been about a year so I'll post another reminder. Does anyone know
about how the outcome of this year-old feature vote will in any way affect
the next version of active worlds? Active Worlds 3.5 did not do anything
that was requested in the feature vote. So, AWI, what's the deal?

Active Worlds Feature Vote. We've forgotten about something haven't we?

Mar 31, 2004, 3:29am
You sound like an AWI employee :P "Have been taken into consideration" you
know what? I doubt mrgrimm can even program any of those features. Look at
the disappointment of 3.5. How about AWI try communicating with us about
what they are doing, and what they are going to do?

Active Worlds Feature Vote. We've forgotten about something haven't we?

Mar 31, 2004, 3:38am
What good is it to see what the community wants and not do anything about
it? If they were doing something, perhaps they should make some press
releases on the active worlds site. Remember 3.3? Everyone was in
anticipation because it was being advertised on the main site 7 months
before it came out. How about they try to do that with the upcoming
versions? Wouldn't that boost morale, and maybe even get new users in? I
just have the feeling that they have nothing more to offer us as far as
versions go.

Active Worlds Feature Vote. We've forgotten about something haven't we?

Apr 1, 2004, 5:35am
Basically my point is, AWI has sure done a good job to silently express how
they don't even care about the feature vote. At least, that's what it seems
to me. Maybe it was just a ploy to get citizen's hopes up to reduce the
likelihood of them letting their cit expire or cancelling their cit?

Active Worlds Feature Vote. We've forgotten about something haven't we?

Apr 8, 2004, 2:59am
You never increased data cell size. Browser skins? A customizable toolbar
doesn't count as a "browser skin." you can't even change it to an
attractive looking skin :P so you're wrong *thwack*
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Active Worlds Feature Vote. We've forgotten about something haven't we?

Apr 8, 2004, 3:04am
I question how much you really know about your own company, Rick. The
maximum data cell size was never increased, yet you say that it has. How
much time do you really spend on the browser experiencing your own product
through the customer's eyes?

Active Worlds Feature Vote. We've forgotten about something haven't we?

Apr 8, 2004, 9:18am
Okay, I was just told that some upcoming server build and browser build has
an increased cell limit. Cool. But, what are you saying about browser skins?
You call the one-skin-only toolbar on 3.5 a custom skin? >,<

Active Worlds Feature Vote. We've forgotten about something haven't we?

Apr 9, 2004, 3:27am
okay, I was misinformed :P don't go jumping on me now.
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Mar 31, 2004, 6:11am
That is so old. :P In nost forums I see mods post "please no badger

Reward System.

Apr 2, 2004, 4:53am
AWI should impliment a reward system for those who get other people to
subscribe to Active Worlds. A certain amount of money could be discounted
from the yearly/monthly rate depending on how many citizens you get to
subscribe to Active Worlds, maybe even a free year if you get over a certain
number of people to subscribe. It would encourage people to advertise
Active Worlds, and possibly increase the number of citizens immigrating.

Reward System.

Apr 2, 2004, 10:40pm
Most people do not come to Active Worlds in search of playmoney. They would
love, though, to be able to get some real money discounts for helping make
AW a more enjoyable place.

Just out of curiosity (sp?)

Apr 8, 2004, 2:58am
Alpha World needs an active event staff like AWTeen. I don't see why AWI
won't allow that.

Final Nominations Posted

Apr 8, 2004, 2:55am
I'm listed under a write-in category, but when you teleport there, I've made
nothing there. I don't know who nominated me for something I haven't even
built near :P might want to remove that, though I already listed that in my
email correction X,x

test please

Apr 9, 2004, 8:02am
I give you an A-

Is this possible?

Apr 9, 2004, 7:55am
After what I saw during the SW City bash, 30 or so people downloading cells
packed with info, which made it take forever (10 minutes +) to load an area,
a thought crossed my mind.

Is this possible?
"Let's raise prices 350%. That will lower the number of people coming here,
and we'll still maintain a steady income. The fewer number of people will
allow us to downgrade servers, saving money"

Could it be that AWI downgraded the servers, and now it just would be
impossible for them to handle the number of people we used to have in 2001?

Is this possible?

Apr 10, 2004, 9:28am
AW used to handle over 100 people on average in Alpha World. Just get 30
people all loading medium density cells in SW City, and all hell breaks
loose (uber long load times) that lasted until everyone finally left the
party. I really think AW downgraded their servers. What else would explain

Is this possible?

Apr 11, 2004, 6:14am
Well, that's a really bad sign if AW does not have the bandwidth to prepare
for any potential increase in users. Could this be why they make absolutely
no effort in advertising? Maybe AWI doesn't *want* AW to have as many users
as they used to be, which, if you ask me, means that they don't *want* AW to
be as fun as it used to be. Even though more features are nice, it's the
*people* that make AW fun.
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Floating tabs window stuck closed..

Apr 10, 2004, 7:21am
My floating tabs window just spontaniously got stuck closed.. I can't expand
it at all. just the "tabs" title bar appears when I view my tabs. Make it
an option to enable or disable floating tabs!

Happy Easter!

Apr 13, 2004, 7:00am
Bah at you NG types, stop bitching over something so petty =P

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