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ferruccio // User Search
ferruccio // User SearchHappy Easter!Apr 14, 2004, 2:47am
So, whenever I mention something that could be improved in AW, it's called
whining? Let's all just say nothing then, and if anything bad happens, let's not mention it, because someone might consider it whining! Unlike from what I've heard about Eep, I don't senselessly flame people. I make suggestions of how things could be improved. If you consider that whining, then I can consider your post talking about my "whining" whining as well, so, stop yer whining! :P [View Quote] What's coming with 4.0?Apr 14, 2004, 4:31am
I've heard a lot of people mentioning the development of 4.0, but none of
that has actually come from the AWI staff. Are there any official reports on what 4.0 is going to have? What's coming with 4.0?Apr 15, 2004, 4:37am
Remember, none of this is official. I won't believe anything I hear unless
it's from some reliable sources, not "I heard from someone that..." Anyway, isn't it good business to advertise an upcoming "great" version of active worlds? That could attract more users, and could get them to subscribe, in hopes that this new version will be the best thing in the world. That's what got me to subscribe to active worlds from another universe, in anticipation of 3.3 [View Quote] New AlphaWorld GZApr 15, 2004, 5:35am
*votes for a new GZ* I mean come on.. users aren't exactly attracted to the
current crap you see surrounding GZ. If the AW amish want to keep the old ways, let them all chat in AWGZ world. New AlphaWorld GZApr 16, 2004, 6:16am
We mean the p32750/500/T world called AW, starfleet :P You haven't been on
the ball recently lol [View Quote] Total Time Online stoped?Apr 17, 2004, 5:14am
Yeah this is weird. It stopped for me too.
[View Quote] Total Time Online stoped?Apr 17, 2004, 5:16am
Oh wait, this isn't weird. It's never counted. You just have to re-login for
it to update. [View Quote] Cy Awards Voting Open!Apr 18, 2004, 6:01am
I agree with comit. There's no way to know that people have already cheated
on numerous occasions. [View Quote] Whats your total online time?Apr 22, 2004, 4:53am
I have 300 some days.. maybe mid 300s, forgot exactly, but I'm too lazy to
open AW to see. Help on file extensionApr 22, 2004, 10:03pm
I just use winRAR. Anytime I click on a .pk3, the winRAR detects it as a
zip file, and opens it. Lower AW's rating back to PGApr 28, 2004, 9:54pm
Many ignorant people don't understand why joining someone in Alpha World
won't work, and they don't realize that it's because the world exceeds their maximum rating. Since Alpha World *is* the main world in Active Worlds, it would be logical that the default maximum rating in the browser upon installation should be set to "PG-13." That's the hard way, so I just suggest lowering Alpha World's rating back to PG. Do you agree? Starby SolutionsMay 6, 2004, 9:38pm
not doubled, they increased 350%, and now AW is relatively less fun than it
was in 2001. But, AWI feels that the real $$ are in private worlds, not a community. Were is JP?May 6, 2004, 5:11am
Has anyone *ever* seen JP wandering around AW, or talking with the users, or
even posting in the NGs? If so, when? Were is JP?May 11, 2004, 5:15am
[View Quote]
What's so funny about a simple smiley? I'd like to see JP come out in
public and talk with the citizens. I wonder when the last time that has happened was. Cy Awards VRTV CoverageMay 16, 2004, 11:02pm
Considering the lack of people in active worlds as it is, I doubt they will
need to spill out into the parks you made :-) I doubt there will even be enough people to fill up the maximum user limit of the world :-) Cy Awards VRTV CoverageMay 18, 2004, 8:44pm
I have a question about the coords you posted. What is embassy park? As
far as I can see, it's just a field of grass surrounded by ancient builds with expired picture URLs. Cy Awards VRTV CoverageMay 18, 2004, 8:48pm
I am also wondering where these names came from. Who named it embassy park?
I don't see any signs anywhere that call it embassy park. Re: CY Results?May 26, 2004, 7:58pm
Yeah, the invasion was so horrible considering the torture the citizens of
Iraq have been saved from. I pity the one who can only blame the U.S. for how horrible it is, without seeing the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis who have been killed by their own government (in the most brutal ways too, such as being fed into a tree shredder in public to set an example, or dunked in vats of acid). Despite all the money poured into the way, or how you may question the "evil" of the U.S. government, you must admit, good is coming out of this. Question for JP and ENZOJun 2, 2004, 7:49am
It looks like AWI is having the last laugh as of tonight. The CY statues in
Alpha World no longer load for me and many others. (unless you already have them on your cache) disadvantage to 3.5..Jun 2, 2004, 1:32am
One of the problems I have with 3.5 is that I have no idea whether, when I
come back from being afk, someone joined or not. in 3.4, it would display requests in the chat window so you could find out who wanted to join. CY statues in AW no longer loadJun 2, 2004, 6:08am
You might need to clear your cache just to make sure that it isn't loading
for you either. I have three people here right now standing where a CY statue should be, and all there is is a black triangle in its place. Come on, this is getting ridiculous.Jun 10, 2004, 8:46pm
Alpha World has been down for days now. And they call this "routine
maintenance"?? Let's get real, here. The last time Alpha World has been down for this long was years ago. They should tell us what is taking so long. Come on, this is getting ridiculous.Jun 10, 2004, 8:58pm
You need to close a world to backup a propdump? It shouldn't take days to
back up Alpha World's propdump if you do it through the world server. Even if it does, would this imply that they haven't backed up the propdump in a matter of years. :P [View Quote] Come on, this is getting ridiculous.Jun 10, 2004, 9:04pm
Sadly, I wouldn't be surprised. :P
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