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Delete Cache Within Browser

Mar 19, 2005, 3:48pm
We've been asking for at least an avatars.dat delete or auto-refresh for
ages :o/ If aw can d/l the av dat why can't it force a d/l of a new version?
Can't imagine why that would be a hard thing to do? I mean if ya replaced
your av dat surely you'd like that to take effect for all instead of either
a world refresh which forces all files to be refreshed (why? for just one
file change?) or you have to instruct everyone that has been there before
(over and over) to delete their av dat, close aw and reopen and then return.
What a chore that is...



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Delete Cache Within Browser

Mar 20, 2005, 5:28pm
It is? Not that I've noticed :o/ Nor anyone else that comes to our av world.
I don't see any mention of auto-refresh of avatars.dat on that page either?



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Delete Cache Within Browser

Mar 20, 2005, 11:52pm
Sorry, av dat thing isn't fixed for me or anyone else that I'm aware of :o/



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Delete Cache Within Browser

Mar 21, 2005, 7:18pm
Right now I'm just using a .bat file, works good ... was just commenting
that the apparent noted fix regarding auto refresh of av dat isn't working
that I'm aware of.



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Multipath, diffrent method

Apr 8, 2005, 1:50am
Might the problem be in the <snip>/ (backslash) ... either the others don't
have it, or they all should maybe have it?



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Multipath, diffrent method

Apr 11, 2005, 5:45am
Strike what script are you referring to, can you post a sample or email it
to me? I'd like to multipath a couple of my worlds with megapath and aw,
etc. Thanks :o}



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Avatars.dat loads everytime you enter world.

Apr 9, 2005, 11:57am
It should be independent of the world object *refresh* update, which for
most worlds is set to 10080. I update my avs almost daily since I started
making avs so I need refresh every time someone logs on as suggested ...
otherwise it's manually done per individual or set world refresh to 0 or
something small which means they have to reload alot more than avs :o/



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Avatars.dat loads everytime you enter world.

Apr 9, 2005, 6:46pm
Unfortunately that option is a pita for most people, especially those on
dialup who don't want to keep loading the world every time they come in,
it's a real turn off. If aw would just check av dat date and if changed d/l
the newest one that would be the best option I think.



Avatars.dat loads everytime you enter world.

Jun 16, 2005, 8:21pm
Yep that's what I'm trying to convey. Object refresh forces everyone to
refresh any and all objects / textures / sounds / etc that have changed (but
to do that the browser has to check everything around you) ... this IS a
great feature in itself ... but those on dialup hate it, especially in the
more intensely built worlds.

But in worlds that update avs often, especially intensely built worlds, it's
not feasable to have the world on constant refresh. Being av makers we
update any one of our three worlds usually daily, and even several times in
a day! Can you imagine refreshing all near objects several times a day???

What I've requested is that the avatars.dat file be auto refresh itself,
where it alone is checked and updated according to VRT time. This way if you
have more than one CT, and you are all over the world in RL, the av dat will
be updated according to VRT time and not your local time which likely is
different for many CTs in any given world. I'd hate to have my partner
update the list one minute and then I the next, but she's three hours ahead
of me ... confusion? LOL ... VRT is the way to go there. I suppose that
would entail the browser converting the file from your local time to VRT
before it d/l it?

Maybe even make it a menu function in World Features, *Auto Refresh Avatars
(VRT)* checked is yes, unchecked is no. Either way av updates are often in
my three worlds also and world refresh is a bear ... I actually hate using
it since the only thing that really changes alot is my avs. Trying to
explain to tourists or new folks *where their av dat is for my 3 world(s)*
and *how to delete it* is no fun either.

We need to invite the programmers to come hang out with us in our worlds and
leave world on refresh LOL, won't take long before they see the pains. Me
thinks maybe they're use to AW worlds that seldom change? I sure hope they
consider this problem, I'm sure they are genious' and can remedy it without
a hitch!

One other suggestion I have is that rather than overwrite the older av dat,
make it avatars.old and d/l a fresh one called avatars.dat from the op
.... this way *IF* the world owner or CT made mistakes in their updating of
the av dat there will be a backup (.old) in the cache for them to go back to
if needed! I usually back mine up on my op before I u/l the new one but
sometimes we mess up none the less ... renaming the old and d/l a new would


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Outdated webpages...

Apr 17, 2005, 7:45pm
I wish AW would update outdated webpages like the *Special AVs* (see recent
posts in bots newsgroup).

I also noticed the pages are quite outdated elsewhere. For instance the
search pages. I even emailed RW about having my world added for any search
that is *tourist* (from the search tab) but guess what, it's still not
showing. Perhaps not his fault but something I've not done that I should?
I've added tourist and a few other keywords to my keywords in my World /
Features but still my world isn't showing when entering tourist (among other
keywords) in the Search box. I've even added some of the keywords into my
world's IM and still I don't show under those in Search box :o/ Whatz up
with that???

If anyone in AWI is reading I'd like my world Aeon to appear when the
following keywords are entered into the search box in the Search tab ...

avatar, avatars, chat, fantasy, friendly, g-rated, tourist, tourists

Also I'd like my world description (IM) to show up when my world is listed
as it does with others' worlds showing in the Search tab please! Thanks ...



Avatars ...

Apr 26, 2005, 3:45am
It would be nice if aw could separate avs by type, in particular, categories
that are set by world owner specific to usage. Like...

- tourists (only two, like aw stipulates) at the top
- bots (as many as the list can hold, this way when you change any avs below
the bots are not affected)
- citizen guests (as many as the list can hold and still allow for the
- citizen privates / world members or staff / PSs / CTs (as many as the list
can hold)
- specials would no longer be necessary, or perhaps move them under tourist
for bot use (so that changes in any avs below that don't affect the bot's

The list would be a drop down menu listing categories such as above, the
user would only see the categories that applied to them thus they couldn't
wear avs they are not suppose to wear. If a user hasn't the rank they can
see the higher rank avs if worn but they can't see them on the list and they
can't wear them. Like a tourist would only see tourist avs on the list (as
the do now). Citizens not a member or staff of a world would see the tourist
& citizen / guest avs. World staff (PSs / CTs / Owners) would see all all
the avs on the list. Bot avs don't necessarily have to even be on the list
but if they are they can be viewed by anyone the world owner allows. Now I
mean the avs can still be seen, what is hidden is categories that don't
apply to particular visitors of the world. If they can't see the avs on the
list they can't wear them but will be able to see them if others are wearing

It would also be nice to be able to wear your own avs in any world should
that world choose to allow that. I would suggest if AWI is implementing this
as we speak, that you would allow this in awgate because the more avatar
diversity there the more people might be enticed to pay the reg fee. As long
as we can still pw our avs they should be as *secure* as ever.

And I still have the pet peeve about autodumping / autorefreshing the
avatars.dat file rather than forcing a whole world refresh :o} Have the
browser check the avatars.dat file and if it's been updated since it checked
last (the date is older than today) it does a backup copy of the old (it's
important to backup the old rather than delete it!) and then it downloads
the new ... before you even enter the world you are visiting! This seems
like a simple idea to me but then I'm not a programmer LOL



New Avatars for AlphaWorld

May 4, 2005, 10:18pm
We can keep the old but also add the new, and why stop at AWGZ? I'd love to
see AWGate, which is the first world all newcomers see, have newer and nicer
avs :o}


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Jun 1, 2005, 4:36am
One has to wonder why we're all on 3.6 (567) if there's already a 4.1? I can
see alpha or beta testing it but that's alot of versions off from what we
currently have isn't it??? Shouldn't we be on 4.0 if 4.1 is in alpha/beta?
What's in 3.7, 3.8, 3.9 and 4.0 ... not to mention all the subbuilds of
those like 568, 569, 570 ... heck we'll never see 4.1 at this rate LOL


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Jun 10, 2005, 8:53pm


Cam position...

Jun 16, 2005, 8:18pm
It would be nice if the cam position was at the head not at any point higher
than the head :o/ If you have a winged avatar you are viewing from near the
top of the wings rather than the av's head LOL ... not sure why that is,
anyone care to enlighten me?


Cam position...

Jun 17, 2005, 12:10am
No not yer av hun, my angel I just did LOL, her wings arc up over her head
which changes the cam view :o/ Hugzzz


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LNH's Wish...

Nov 1, 2005, 3:13am
I wish I were in beta 4.1 LOL nooooooo that's not what this post is spose to
be about ... ummmm ...

I wish you could STOP world d/l after a crash/refresh. The reason for a Stop
button would be the same as any web browser, to stop d/l if you wish. For
instance, I'm currently and painfully on dialup :o/ When the browser crashes
and I re-login to aw I'm forced to red/l all over again, now that might be
necessary if I couldn't see anything at all but I can see everything so why
the forced refresh d/l? I'd like to be able to stop that if I want to!

Lady NightHawk

LNH's Wish...

Nov 1, 2005, 4:47am
why only aw? and can I d/l it somewhere? I currently use .bat files to dump
my avatar.dat files when ever I make changes in my worlds, it's alot easier
than trying to find them each time ... sure wish they'd do an auto dump an
that file :o/


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Bounce world...

Nov 20, 2005, 8:01pm
It would be nice to have a *bounce world* right at the top of the list, that
is alwasy closed but usuable for bouncing ... this would be helpful in that
we'd know where the world is (at the top ... say it's called .Bounce.
note periods before and after) and that it's used exclusively for bouncing
thus needs no objects or GZ, etc. It would save us from *looking for a
closed world* for one thing and also from bouncing off of private worlds in
which if you use that world too often it's thought you are trying to
*invade* :o/

As it is now I bounce offa aw3d worlds that are closed but I hafta scroll
down the list to find them. It would be nice to have such a world right at
the top and for that sole purpose!

Hugzzz if you can get that done chrispeg :o}


Bounce world...

Nov 23, 2005, 4:21am
There is a closed world called erehwoN LOL

*Tengel wins* ... I like his answer best ... thanks all for your input!


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Bounce world...

Jan 31, 2006, 5:30am
Let me know when you make this ... *wants one* LOL


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Bounce world...

Feb 1, 2006, 3:40am
For what it's worth I went the *edit teleports* option to a closed world ...
works great for now. I think 4.1 won't need so much bouncing, or we can hope


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Mega Path needs a Moon

Dec 29, 2005, 5:07am
I don't think he's asking for his own world, he wanted to see a moon in
megapath world, like what he saw elsewhere ... not that he wants a moon in
his world or whereever. At least that's what I thought he said LOL


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Preferred world(s) at login...

Feb 8, 2006, 1:51am
I'd like to be able to have a choice of say ... 3 worlds (that I chose) ...
to log in to before the browser starts up. Be able to choose (perhaps by a
checkmark) at login screen which world I'd like to enter. I have three
worlds, so it would be nice to log into any one of those rather than the
default one (Make this my home). Although at is a nice feature, 1) you will
be logged into that world and only that world and 2) if that world is down
you go nowhere or to awgate and then have to choose another destination,

Just a thought, to be able to pick at login which of say ... three worlds
.... you would like to log into at login time.


Seqs request...

Jun 11, 2006, 12:38am
Is there any way to allow movers to use the seqs in the seq folder rather
than forcing each av to have that seq on it? It would save so much room
without all those buttons if you'd only use particular seqs for movers only.
Like say I want to have all avs in Aeon be able to use rider seqs of varying
types? Rather than having to all all the seqs to each av on the list, can't
we just have all movers get seqs directly from the seq folder? Just a hope


Seqs request...

Jun 13, 2006, 3:29am
I noticed that LOL ... I'm glad it works cause that would be alotta seqs to
add to an av ... although I thought the avs had the seqs in them in SI ...
might have been mistaken tho. Thanks for your reply! BTW, you don't need the or .seq extensions on the movers :o}


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SDK Developers : Pissed Off

Jun 20, 2006, 12:23am
*Waits for the DevTeam to decide to remove the awsdk.license* ... it's a
dang nuisance for bot programmers & users alike ... if someone abuses their
privileges in aw just ban em, don't make us all suffer ... please??? As a
*new programmer* that license has given me more fits with my poor baby bot
than any other single issue! I thank God for Andras, and the other
programmers that help me sort it all out!

Another huge annoyance, is the chs###.tmp files that ZoneAlarm keeps warning
me about ... it now only does it for bot use which I'm sure is somehow
linked to that goofy license!? Every time I start my bot I get the chs file
warning and after a couple of days when I look in ZA there a zillion of
those stupid files in there that I have to delete. Can't you just make one
file, or better yet ... NO FILE?

Thanks for fixing the box issue tho, that rocks, and it is appreciated!

Lady NightHawk

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SDK Developers : Pissed Off

Jun 20, 2006, 3:10am
Thanks for the info Strike ... keep me posted cause I'd like to do that too


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SDK Developers : Pissed Off

Jun 21, 2006, 12:25am
Youuuuuuuu rock! Thank you soooooooooooo much!!! Hugzzz

Lady NightHawk

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World Server request...

Jun 23, 2006, 7:25pm
At some time hopefully in the *near future* can we please have the following
for World Server / Admin:

1) World Servers that can have a primary place to connect from, a secondary
to connect from, perhaps even a third backup place to connect from? An
example here is that sista hosts our three worlds, for whatever reason her
connection poops out (sorry Angel, Star, Dwagon ... I know how you like that
word LOL). So all three of our worlds poof. This is NOT necessary since I
also have a world server. I wasn't here to manually reconnect. It would be
nice if we could tell the world server software that hers is the primary
connection BUT IF that connection is lost, go to the secondary connection
(mine), and possibly even a backup. Is that too much to ask? Perhaps
identify priority of server coonections by the CT's IPs ... I know, not all
world server's may be on a static IP but for those that are it's better than
no worlds at all. You have it so it can autoconnect ... if you tell it you
can connect *from here*, or *from there*, that would be so much better. I
was able to restart all three worlds once I got home but if you can do what
I suggest then there'd be alot less need for manual startups. Had I not have
had a server here I'd of had to wait for her server to reconnect. You could
even get fancy and if my backup server isn't online the program could find
my IP and start it LOL.

2) Windows rather than MS_Dos for world server? It just looks so old LOL Or
at least allow that window to minimize in the system tray ... it's annoying
to have it stickin out there where I don't wanna see it.

3) Admin ... why not have the admin screen at least offer to do dumps
automatically before closing, or periodically? Why is everything manual
considering the technology and abilities of today's computers? I'd suggest
having the dumps done daily or weekly *automatically*, renaming them and
saving them to the main folder like: aeonprop062306.txt, aeonat062306.txt,
aeonelev062306.txt; sistaavsprop062306.txt and so on. That way the previous
isn't overwritten by the current save. Having the world name and date in
each saved file is a good idea too!


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