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There Turns Off Road to Nowhere

Aug 31, 2004, 3:22pm
Nice one Enzo ;P

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Aug 31, 2004, 12:08am
I'm in F.I.R.S.T (http://www.usfirst.org/) club in my high school.

(Robot Competitions -- cool shit)

sounds cool but dunno what I could help with.=\

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Aug 31, 2004, 12:37am
Yep =)

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Somewhat proof of 9/11 was somewhat lies, the FBI lies, and Bush lies..

Sep 1, 2004, 1:24am
That's pretty cool. Looks more like a missile to me. As for the glass
though, it's all bulletproof shit there...

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Somewhat proof of 9/11 was somewhat lies, the FBI lies, and Bush lies..

Sep 3, 2004, 6:15pm
My guess is the plane was shot down by our own military. The missile was so
that no-one would think we shot it down. Way before a plane flies over a
military owned property it must inform them in written flight plans -- their
exact course. The plane was probably heading towards the pentagon and was
shot down. Maybe they shot another missile AT the pentagon as a cover up and
evacuated that wing before it was fired. Who knows. Just a theory. Seems
possible to. :)

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Somewhat proof of 9/11 was somewhat lies, the FBI lies, and Bush lies..

Sep 3, 2004, 6:15pm
Err well than again that leaves us to wonder where the hell the plane is...

(Sorry for double-post)

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Somewhat proof of 9/11 was somewhat lies, the FBI lies, and Bush lies..

Sep 4, 2004, 10:19am
Well the first two planes no-one had any idea were going into the WTCs...
but the other ones they could have done something about.

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Somewhat proof of 9/11 was somewhat lies, the FBI lies, and Bush lies..

Sep 4, 2004, 3:47pm
Most of the time when someone takes over a plane they don't go crashing them
into buildings...

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Sep 1, 2004, 11:13am
Gmail invites. Beta test for Google... 1 gig inbox.

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Problem with AW regarding huge links..

Sep 5, 2004, 11:40pm
That was an old bug in AW too o_O

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Problem with AW regarding huge links..

Sep 7, 2004, 8:42am
Who the hell expected monster links like that though...

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Can't Remember

Sep 6, 2004, 2:56pm
What's that program that takes all things inside a folder and outputs a list
of their filenames to a text file?



Can't Remember

Sep 6, 2004, 5:36pm
Thanks tony and Alpha :)

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Can't Remember

Sep 6, 2004, 7:15pm
Actually I could use a thumbnail prog lol...

Glad you thought of it. rofl

Thanks bit!

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Can't Remember

Sep 6, 2004, 10:52pm
Can someone compile it for me. I don't have all that crap installed that you
need to compile it.



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Can't Remember

Sep 7, 2004, 8:41am
Not sure I have perl installed... at _ at

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Advertisement for website host.

Sep 6, 2004, 7:37pm
Just wanted to show you all a really good website host figured some of you
might be interested. I do realise I shouldn't be doing this but their deal
is so good they look like they're going out of buisness. I've been using
this place for a year or two now, no outages and the admins are good. It's
like $4 a month for 2 gigs of space, unlimited MySQL, 60 gigs of bandwidth,


Sorry for doing this but I really like the host and I don't know what I'd do
without them lol...

Advertisement for website host.

Sep 8, 2004, 8:08pm


Q. Are there any other general restrictions?

A. In general we do not allow sites whose primary purpose is file downloads
or transfer. We must have this restriction to ensure that all users receive
fast, dependable service. Transfer only sites put an undue burden on our

Q. You say that transfer is unmetered, but is there any limit to the amount
I can use?

A. Though we do not have any pre-set limits, you will receive warnings if
your site begins to use over 25 GB of bandwidth/month. If you use more than
this occasionally that is fine. There is never an extra fee for bandwidth
overages. Our policies are different from a lot of other hosts who place
strict limits on accounts. We have been hosting sites for over five years
with our current policies and have not had problems. We feel that our lack
of a pre-set limit is a good compromise between hosts that have strict
bandwidth limits/fees and hosts that have no limits at all. Hosts that claim
to have no limits at all are simply lying or are very new to the hosting
business. So called "unlimited" hosting does not work in the long term.

We feel that our approach is much better. It allows our clients to not worry
about overage fees but also know that their site will always be fast.

Note : sites hosting illegal files, porn, warez, file archives or other
"download-only" sites are not accepted.

We also reserve the right to ask any site to leave that is under the
bandwidth limits but is putting a heavy load on the servers. The bottom line
is this : we monitor our servers carefully. It is very important that every
client has a fast, responsive website. If your scripts are causing resource
problems (too much CPU or Disk I/O usage for example) we may have to ask you
to leave. This is seldom a problem but we do want to make sure we are
upfront about this.

The main point of our "un-metered" policy is to allow us to have a friendly
service where you do not need to always be worried about incurring extra
fees by going over pre-set limits. "

[View Quote]

Advertisement for website host.

Sep 8, 2004, 8:08pm

Q. You say "un-metered" POP3 accounts. How many can I really have?

A. A general limit would be 100 to 150. The main limits are that you can not
for instance set up a service where anybody on the net can get a free POP3
through you, etc. The goal of the un-metered POP3's is to allow you to set
up however many are needed for your company, group, etc. Like most of our
other offerings, we do not want to place any hard limits on the number of
POP3's that you may create. However we do ask that you keep your demands
within reason. Also keep in mind the number of messages that each account
will be receiving each day. For example, 150 POP3's that only receive a few
messages a day would be acceptable while 150 POP3's that each receive
thousands of messages a day would not.


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Advertisement for website host.

Sep 9, 2004, 9:21pm
Of course than you see ace-host's offer... The special...

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An indispensable commodity :) - PG-13

Sep 7, 2004, 10:22pm
Are you inferring that we're all a bunch of asses?

lol, interesting stuff to read Xelag :P

(j/k about the inference part)

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Windows 2003 Server Help Please?:)

Sep 9, 2004, 1:03am
Or your ISP. My ISP blocks port 80 inbound...

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Windows 2003 Server Help Please?:)

Sep 9, 2004, 1:04am
BTW which brand router?

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Free .info Domains for some reason Genuine.

Sep 9, 2004, 8:52am
I find that it's one year though which would make me think that they will
bring in maybe a thousand users on the free thing, and than next year they
will make them pay for the domain. Sounds like a gimmic at _ at

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Letter to President Enzo

Sep 14, 2004, 12:31am
Just as an analogy kind of:

I am a lifetime cit in There (who could give up the opportunity lol). There
has voice chat but to tell you the truth, a majority of users do not use it
at all. I have it and I almost never use it... and neither do any of my
friends who have it enabled as well...\


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Interesting discovery....

Sep 16, 2004, 1:16pm
Yeah it is...

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Instant Messaging Goes Graphical

Sep 17, 2004, 12:16pm
If I remember correctly from that article There made one of the programs. I
was going to post this yesterday but I figured no-one would really care that
much lol...

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Sep 19, 2004, 8:11pm
I got two right also W00T!

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Sep 22, 2004, 8:58am
Doesn't mac have an internet explorer of it's own though?

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Someone's theory on the .. well just look at it.

Sep 25, 2004, 11:10pm
Well I guess you're wrong. Seeing as I produced the hurricane.

I'm not insane. 8D

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