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Re: Come on, this is getting ridiculous.

Jun 15, 2004, 10:25pm
Yeah I think you should both delete your hard drives.

P.S. I'm american.
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Re: Come on, this is getting ridiculous.

Jun 15, 2004, 10:32pm
(That was at Sharon and Kathryn)

There's no attack going on. Open your minds and realise there are other
countries in this world besides america that use the internet and when you
think about it the majority of other countries don't conform to our
standards.. Stop complaining and have fun or just block him if you don't
like him so much. Don't fill up our newsgroups with the useless flames and
BS. We don't need TheLady x3.

[View Quote] understood
> it
> and
> I
> not
> beyond
> in.
> cultures
> time,
> where
> argumentative
> I'm
> children
> my
> think
> widespread
> the

Re: Come on, this is getting ridiculous.

Jun 16, 2004, 12:42am
yes, meant sharon. I saw your post and reading it, thought it was talking to
xelag. It's ~23:00 here...


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Re: Come on, this is getting ridiculous.

Jun 16, 2004, 3:57pm
Where did he say that his country is better than the US?

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Re: Come on, this is getting ridiculous.

Jun 17, 2004, 2:36pm

These newsgroups are getting worse and worse every hour that they sit here
un-moderated. Maybe we should start up n activeworlds forum instead.

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Re: Come on, this is getting ridiculous.

Jun 17, 2004, 2:45pm
Get a life.

This is the internet. I would not reccomend saying anything is better than
anything else unless you specifically state "In my opinion" or if you want
to be shot. Stop trying to accuse people of anything unless they actually do
it. I do not see a sentence in anyones post that precisely states that
America is bad.

You seem extremely paranoid. Maybe you should see a psychologist and get off
of Active Worlds for a little bit.

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Re: ENZO please delete this thread.

Jun 17, 2004, 10:47pm

I think she's trying to start something with you alex. :O

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Re: Come on, this is getting ridiculous.

Jun 17, 2004, 10:50pm
Yeah I was going to say the first thing we need to do before any of this is
create an international standard of currency...

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Apathy Might have set in in AW Support

Jun 22, 2004, 8:44am

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Delete the whole NG, as they're only abusing it anyways

Jun 23, 2004, 5:57pm
Really? Is he really trying to get it shut down? I couldn't tell from the
subject line in his post.

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To much power in the hands of perverts

Jun 27, 2004, 3:08pm


"3. Promoting or providing instructional information about illegal
activities. Promoting physical harm or injury against any group or
individual, or promoting any act of cruelty to animals. This includes, but
is not limited to, the following activities: Providing instructions on how
to assemble bombs, grenades and other weapons. "

[View Quote]

To much power in the hands of perverts

Jun 28, 2004, 12:28am
I meant that they'll be shut down soon because of all the ranting heh. It
seems to be the quickest way of dealing with this crap.

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To much power in the hands of perverts

Jun 28, 2004, 10:13pm
"Promoting physical harm or injury against any group or invidvidual, or
promoting any act of cruelty to animals."

Based upon the strong feelings I've seen about them and the 'idea' of Gor I
doubt they take it as virtual reality. Gor is a way of life from what I've
seen and you should not be promoting slavery, rape, abuse, or sex in a
public area. Whether or not your world is rated R or X and ages are asked
there must be better ways of protecting the children. If you want to partake
in Gor than by all means -- if you're an adult whip out your credit card and
prove it (no need to even pay money). It would seem to me the point of Gor
is not very clear and if in fact it is just role playing than you are still
subjecting children to the ideas of Gor and the Gorean 'Culture'.

Listen I'm not hear to bitch about the Gor's but there must be better
protection for the children's sake. I can't tell you how many times when I
first got into AW I hit the Gor worlds and just went around the age 18
questions from the bot. I was young and wanted to know what I was missing
but WOAH way TMI. You cannot blame it on my parents for not monitoring me it
is easy enough to get around any blocks put up client side. Server side
blocks however are nearly impossible to get around. With Xelag's new MYSQL
addition to the xelagot you can put up one database for the Gor's with age
verification via credit card in which all of the bots from each Gor world
can access to see whether or not a user has been validated or not. You don't
need to pay anything to get validated, make it free or a dollar or whatever.
It'll help support your world and will keep a majority of the kids out.

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To much power in the hands of perverts

Jun 28, 2004, 11:40pm
1) You need a pin #.
- If you leave your CC laying around than you're a dumbass.
- If you're child actually goes and steals your CC to get into the
worlds than he has issues.
- I can't tell you how many times needing a CC has deferred me from
buying shit online.

2) CC # isn't stored.

3) You sue for fraud. You won't give the CC # to them, it will go through a
secure remote site.

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To much power in the hands of perverts

Jun 28, 2004, 11:46pm
I realised that many people don't have CC's, but how many of the people on
AW do you think AREN'T paying with a CC. I can guarantee you a majority of
the people over 18 are paying with one. Even an alternate form of ID. We're
not talking about cheating here we're talking about making it not worth the
kids whiles to even bother going to the world. Why would I spend 20 minutes
to get into a gor world as opposed to just walking in and saying I'm 18.
Also, are the ratings checked server side or client side?

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To much power in the hands of perverts

Jun 28, 2004, 11:55pm
Kinda what I meant. I wouldn't waste the time stealing a CC to get into a
Gor world...

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To much power in the hands of perverts

Jun 29, 2004, 12:39am
If they want it badly enough than have their parents let them in.. I'm
talking about something to keep the lazy kids or kids that go there by
accident out.

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To much power in the hands of perverts

Jun 29, 2004, 12:53am
Yeah well you can't stop them lol... but most kids won't have a problem
going in and saying they're 18...

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*Waves Good Bye to the NG's* (NB)

Jun 27, 2004, 10:59am

Corrupt PK's & AW the Company

Jun 28, 2004, 11:36pm
Ok. :)

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Corrupt PK's & AW the Company

Jun 29, 2004, 12:12am
Does AW not rely on them to do an important job that they would otherwise
have to do themselves AND pay for it?

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Corrupt PK's & AW the Company

Jun 29, 2004, 9:45am
I think he was trying to keep people from flaming you.
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One of the Best Movies I've seen...

Aug 3, 2004, 12:31am
Dunno. I thought it was nice of you to share this with the community. I
mean... what's it doing on national TV? It has nothing to do with the rest
of the world yet it's there. CALL NATO!

[View Quote]

Well... it's somewhat related...

Jul 29, 2004, 7:24pm

Meh! TV

Aug 7, 2004, 11:03am
My word actually...

That'll be 7 cents please...

[View Quote]

This is gay...

Aug 17, 2004, 11:27pm
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New News Re: Fibbles!!!!!

Aug 22, 2004, 12:02am
What's Fibbles?

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There Turns Off Road to Nowhere

Aug 29, 2004, 7:56pm
Well... we can create content. BUT. They must approve it and we must pay for
each copy (of whatever we made) with our money. I don't like There even
though I have a lifetime membership there. Good deal hehe. :P

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There Turns Off Road to Nowhere

Aug 29, 2004, 11:19pm
Same... I've been saving my newbie bucks for cheap deals. I can't afford to
send them REAL money just to wear clothes. It's bad enough you have to pay
but their prices are rediculous! As much as I think AW is outdated I still
think it is the best "do it yourself" program (although I haven't had a
chance to see Second Life yet). Funny how There is going bad already and AW
has taken so many years even though AW is way outdated and There is near top
of the line rofl. Most bugs in There are worse than AW and There altogether
does not impress me... I guess it's a kind of one-sided view but ya know...
I don't feel I'm getting what I pay for in There.

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There Turns Off Road to Nowhere

Aug 30, 2004, 9:38pm
I know. The hoverboats are worth $25 (US...) IRL. That's a major rip!

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