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The Game

Feb 20, 2004, 9:33am
lol. Everyone should just block her and make her feel like a social outcast,
than maybe she'll STFU. She seems to be the one starting all the problems.
If she'd stop posting all her nonsense garbage maybe there'd be some peace
and quiet. Notice how well the newsgroups were doing (flamewise) before she
posted. She must be attention craving or psychotic and doesn't know when to
stop, one or the other. If she's crazy than I feel sorry for her, but if
she's only posting because she's bored and needs attention (she has no
friends?) than these posts are just really un-called for.

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The Game

Feb 21, 2004, 3:47pm
>(comma spliced sentance)

Sentence o.O

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The Game

Feb 21, 2004, 3:59pm
[View Quote] First of all, many of us are young adults and we act better than you
"mature" people. TheLady is an adult making random completely idiotic posts.
I don't flame everyone I see, I almost never flame people. All TheLady is
posting about is the bad in AW, why not post about the good. She's
constantly being negative and if she is always looking at the "bad side" of
Active Worlds I can understand why she's not having a good time. Anyone here
know what a pessimist is? Sure maybe her life sucks, but she doesn't have to
waste her time in ActiveWorlds ruining everyone elses experience. The reason
people don't like her is she just won't STFU. Ok, so her first post no-one
really cared about, than she came up with the 50 other posts and after about
the 5th we GOT THE FREAKING PICTURE! She doesn't need to recap how horrible
Active Worlds is for her every 5 freakin days! I have a life outside of
Active Worlds, AW is just something I do to when I'm home occasionally.

> If this makes
> no semse, then I can understand why, the education of the children today
> is abhorrent at worst, and learining about no readin or writing or
> arithametic like when I was a little girl.

Maybe you should go back to a modern school where we have modern language
being taught. I'll correct your sentence for you so that you don't have to.
Than I would like you to try and tell us what it means in MODERN ENGLISH.

*If this makes no sense, then I can understand why the education of the
children today is abhorrent (Abhorrent?
http://m-w.com/cgi-bin/dictionary?book=Dictionary&va=abhors read this and
learn what words mean before you use them.) at worst, and are not learning
about reading, writing, or arithametic like when I was a little girl.

>You all have lives, yet pick
> on others because you feel you are superior to them and have no remorse
> in it.

I don't at all pick on others because it makes me feel better. TheLady is a
big exception though, all she does is wine and wine and wine and wine and
wine and wine and wine and wine and wine and wine and wine and wine and wine
and wine and wine and wine and wine and wine and wine and wine and wine.
Annoying? Definately. I had 'remorse' up untill the twentieth post, and than
it all just dissappeared.

>Someday you'll get older, and have a life, maybe, and someone
> will step on your parade and then you'll understand it. but till then,
> you'll probably bash me for this post too,
>but that has always been,
> since you all have no loves to actually live but here.

So you're saying you're better because you're older than us? Aren't you
supposed to be at work supporting your children? You're the type of person
that is ruining it for the rest of us. I know all the younger people are
here to have a good time and when you come around posting your biased
pessimistic views it just makes the situation worse. You adults
that spend twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week on the computer (ON
ACTIVEWORLDS? Don't you have anything BETTER to do than play games on the
computer!?) (People whos have jobs involved with computers I understand
{Xelag, Imagine, TZ}. You guys are exceptions hehe) are the ones with no

Notice that a lot of other people are all making the best out of their
experience. I'm sure everyone has had problems to deal with, and you don't
see any of them posting in the newsgroups. Keep your
problems to yourself or you'll just create more problems. Unless you're
talking to the police for some felony or sexual assault than STOP posting
useless garbage to the news groups. What the hell can we possibly do to help
with your situation!?

Sorry for being so harsh ^_^. Have a nice day.

The Game

Feb 22, 2004, 1:49am
Anytime. I was referring to TheLady though mostly.

She keeps posting about how she is "abused" in Active Worlds. If you don't
like AW than get the heck off otherwise buy your own world and keep yourself
occupied, or block everyone lol. She's the only person that for every
problem she needs to tell someone or post on the newsgroups. "My Dog died."
What is she expecting, a free citizenship because her dog died? I'm sure
some people said they feel sorry for her... the other ones are just idiots,
and most of us know they're idiots and ignore them. Apparently some others
of us don't ;) *points to TheLady*

> Ok understood, but to this date I am personally being attacked because
> of one persons shallow view of the world today.

I don't have a problem with you. Pesonally I think what was posted about you
was wrong heh, but I wasn't reffering to anything about that.

The Game

Feb 23, 2004, 5:46pm
Look what TheLady started this time X'D

Capture The Flag

Feb 22, 2004, 2:51pm
Fett's CTF is the best lol. It's paintball but much better. at War was never
even competition... Unfortunately no-one ever came to Lugia =\. I suggest
everyone takes a visit to Heruna to check it out ;).

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Feb 28, 2004, 12:29am
PHP or no?

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Mar 7, 2004, 10:58am

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Solar system's 10th planet confirmed

Mar 22, 2004, 12:35am
So than I guess that means all of the asteroids in the asteroid belt are
planets as well...

There are certain characteristics a planet has to fullfill to be considered
a planet ;P

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Solar system's 10th planet confirmed

Mar 22, 2004, 9:28am
Orbit is already a determining factor lol. A planet must be in a regular
orbit to be considered a planet hehe, there are other requirements as well
hence why all the asteroids are not considered planets.

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Solar system's 10th planet confirmed

Mar 22, 2004, 5:49pm

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Solar system's 10th planet confirmed

Mar 23, 2004, 9:43am
Maybe you haven't got to the astronomy part in your school? Other than that
I look up stuff about astronomy often heh.

Encyclopedia Article fromEncarta


Planet, any major celestial body that orbits a star and does not emit
visible light of its own but instead shines by reflected light. Smaller
bodies that also orbit a star and are not satellites of a planet are called
asteroids or planetoids. In the solar system, there are nine planets:
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.
Planets that orbit stars other than the Sun are collectively called
extrasolar planets. Some extrasolar planets are nearly large enough to
become stars themselves. Such borderline planets are called brown dwarfs.:

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Solar system's 10th planet confirmed

Mar 23, 2004, 6:43pm
It doesn't say large planets are classified as stars, it says they nearly
were stars...

"Brown Dwarf- celestial object intermediate in mass between small known
stars and large planets."

A Brown Dwarf is not considered a star...

What encarta stated is what is generally accepted by the scientific
population. (i.e. scientists from all over the world.)

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Solar system's 10th planet confirmed

Mar 23, 2004, 8:33pm
We're not talking about physics, that's a different topic completely...

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Solar system's 10th planet confirmed

Mar 24, 2004, 1:32am
Everything is a collection of smaller objects... and I see your point, but
we're not talking about a group of asteroids sitting together being a
planet. We're talking about a "major celestial body" (i.e. not made of more
than one) that "orbits a star" and is not a sattelite of another planet.
Scientists don't classify us (humans) by the subatomic particles that make
us up do they... Atoms might be classified by subatomic particles, but
that's just how they are classified, we're talking things that are
reflecting light that are not stars -- I don't see any asteroids reflecting
visible light of their own. Don't you think the asteroid belt would be
rather bright?

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Solar system's 10th planet confirmed

Mar 24, 2004, 9:25am

Star- a self-luminous gaseous celestial body of great mass which produces
energy by means of nuclear fusion reactions, whose shape is usually
spheroidal, and whose size may be as small as the earth or larger than the
earth's orbit

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Solar system's 10th planet confirmed

Mar 24, 2004, 7:29pm
You were asking about asteroids and I replied reflect.

I said stars are self luminous.

">I don't see any asteroids reflecting
> visible light of their own. Don't you think the asteroid belt would be
> rather bright?

Did you mean reflecting light or emitting light? If they didn't
reflect, they wouldn't even be visible. Nothing says asteroids can't
emit their own light (I'm sure they do).. but what's the limit to the
amount of light they can emit before it's classified as a star?"

What I said answering your question about reflecting, and what a star's
requirements are:


Star- a self-luminous gaseous celestial body of great mass which produces
energy by means of nuclear fusion reactions, whose shape is usually
spheroidal, and whose size may be as small as the earth or larger than the
earth's orbit

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Solar system's 10th planet confirmed

Mar 24, 2004, 7:30pm
BTW it has to be visible light that they are reflecting.

Solar system's 10th planet confirmed

Apr 15, 2004, 11:40pm
Sorry for bringing up an old topic but there's news out that says Sedna is
too small to be a planet hehe

"Pictures of the newly discovered planetoid Sedna show it moonless, spinning
alone some 8 billion miles from Earth.

Sedna, though, still might have a moon that was hiding somewhere or too dark
to be photographed by the Hubble Space Telescope, said the object's

At 800 to 1,000 miles in diameter, Sedna is too small to qualify as a
planet. It is only about three-fourths the size of Pluto, its closest
neighbor. Objects that size should complete one rotation in a matter of
hours, but observations so far show it takes Sedna 20 to 40 days, possibly
due to the drag of a moon, the discoverer said."

From: http://wired.com/news/technology/0,1282,63072,00.html?tw=wn_tophead_7

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Community Alert

Mar 16, 2004, 6:02pm
AWProxy allows you to change your computer ID...

A day is good, a day is better

Mar 18, 2004, 9:29am
Whose god, yours or mine?

[View Quote]
> God is my guide, he is my Light
> God is with me day and night
> God keeps me safe and secure
> God will be here that is for sure.
> Bless those who are less fortunate
> Help those who have more be kind
> to those who are not.


Mar 18, 2004, 5:50pm
I think Brock hosts for free?

"IceFlare Digital Hosting, or IceFlare Hosting Services, serving the
ActiveWorlds Community with fine hosting services since 1998.

We are glad to mention that our services will soon be expanding, thanks to
new server capabilities we will soon aquire.


ActiveWorlds Hosting:
World Hosting - Free, Any Size, Any User Amount
Object Path Hosting
- Home to the IceFlare ULTIMATE OBJECT PATH
-- Comes with the ability to upload your OWN objects and OWN textures
without fear of them being overwritten by other customers.
--- This is coming soon only to IceFlare World Hosting Customers.

Website Hosting:
In the future we hope to offer sub-domains on many of our domains, and
domain hosting. We shall keep you updated.

About IceFlare Network:
IceFlare Network is a online services network providing services to all of
the internet's users. Founded by Brock, we have been providing fine services
to the internet since 1998. We are a non-profit business that believes
firmly in free expression over the internet, therefor we offer services,
that SHOULD be free, FOR free.


For more details contact the IceFlare Administration Team:
admin at iceflare.net

Founder/Owner IceFlare Network


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Mar 30, 2004, 5:46pm
That's old... like... really old...

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Microsoft sues active worlds

Apr 2, 2004, 12:51am
What if he gives you a billion dollars instead?

I mean come on, that's like pocket change for him...

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Xelagot 3.500 available

Apr 5, 2004, 6:01pm
You have a lot of good stuff too and you keep it up to date o_O

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Xelagot 3.501 available

Apr 14, 2004, 9:39am
Read up...

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is this a virus

Apr 12, 2004, 1:48am
Don't open any attachments, it could also mean that YOU are infected with a
virus. (Most scan for any e-mail addresses in cache or anywhere on your
computer -- even if you never e-mailed them it could be in a temporary
file.) I suggest you do a virus scan with a free scanner or update your
software and scan your PC.

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What's coming with 4.0?

Apr 15, 2004, 6:04pm
Well considering most people are retiring from AW because of boredom, maybe
it will be worth it to stay a little longer if they knew from an official
source that new cool stuff is coming. This relates back to the PR post in
the wishlist again lol... AW needs some good PR. I'd even be willing to do
it for free and I'm sure many other people would be as well.

The real question is how buggy will 4.0 be, and when will it be out *if*
they're doing such a major overhaul...

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funny banner for cy award :)

Apr 14, 2004, 11:54pm
Change choise in "make your choise" to choice and voter in "Voter for your
favorites" to vote. I realise you don't speak english hehe, all the rest is
good however :)

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funny banner for cy award :)

Apr 15, 2004, 6:06pm
*Doh* it still says "voter for your favorites" lol it should be "Vote for
your favorites"

Maybe we can get Xelag to translate for us lol?

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