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kf // User SearchTerrain with VB sdk - any example?Nov 11, 2002, 1:30am
Is there any example on how to query, store and save terrain data using
the VB sdk? The method is different from the one described in the C sdk, but no examples are supplied, just the list of variables in the readme file. Now, before trying to figure it out myself by trial and error, my question: Is there anybody who managed to get it working already - and if yes, would you mind to give an example on it? Any help/hint is much appreciated! :-) v447Dec 4, 2002, 12:18am
- The minimum movement up and down appears to be unchanged, at least
there is no noticeable difference for me. - Movement has become _extremely_ slow in most areas, the slowdown has at least a factor of 5-10. I didn't find out the reason yet, but it probably has either to do with collision detection or with rendering distant items. When I walk it, is 70% of the time at speed x, 20% of the time at speed x/2 (nearly standing still) and 10% of the time at speed x*y (where x*y is the normal speed in v446. - The same applies to moving up and down, though to a lesser degree. - "Sliding" along a vertical wall and standing on a vertical floor only works in one direction (here: S->N) normally, in the other direction it only works at an almost parallel angle. - Pressing the (unassigned) CTRL key alone left me move sideways (to the left) also down, when in the air - while shift+arrow key let me also move sideways, but slower to the left and much slower to the right. - When moving, touching the floor is noticeable (the rendering stops for a moment and then speeds up again, also the movement speed for a tenth of a second) - The update process crashes the update program client v447, DirectX T&L, Ti4400, P3/1000 v447Dec 4, 2002, 12:33am
[View Quote]
Ack :-(
This posting was supposed to go into the beta group - can maybe someone please move it over there or delete it here - I will post it again into the beta group? Grimmsoft AW SDK OCX 3.4Apr 15, 2003, 3:17pm
Grimmsoft AW SDK OCX 3.4Apr 15, 2003, 3:41pm
global mode issues: re-loginJun 11, 2003, 11:57am
Normally, when a bot is disconnected (eg. line is disconnected), he will
automatically reconnect when it is possible again. However... I noticed, that with bots in global mode, they often (or always?) log back in normal (non-global) mode. The documentation does not say whether this is the intended behaviour or not, but it appears to me that, on/after each disconnect, the wisest decision is to destroy the instance and log the bot back in manually. sdk issues / GLOBAL MODEJun 11, 2003, 12:00pm
Maybe it is a good idea to collect all the oddities of the current sdk,
(especially in global mode) - so the developers will have it easier to look up the bugs. :-) With no doubt, the sdk is an integral part of the AW environment and deserves a high level of attention as well. Additional Tourist Avatars by Bot????Jul 1, 2003, 5:36pm
Actually, even the browser do not see changes all the time:
Make an application in which a click on an avatar will change this avatar type and call in 2-3 friends to click on each other. What happens now is that sometimes, you can see the change, sometimes not, sometimes the bot sees it, sometimes not, sometimes one or another avatar cannot see it unless they leave the world and re-enter, etc. The process is totally unreliable since the effects are random at best <g>. [View Quote] No click events (new world server)Jun 28, 2003, 6:03pm
There seems to be some problem with the actual world server in
combination with older (3.3) sdk versions. When in global mode, it is quite easy and reliable to get an object_click event in small worlds (eg. 10NSWE), while in bigger worlds, it is almost impossible to get such an event at all, even not when the avatar clicking and the application monitoring are the only two instances in the world. Clicking on an object 10, 20 and more times often yields but 1 click_event raised, often none at all. The avatar in question is, though, recognized fine via avatar_add, avatar_change and avatar_delete on every occasion. Logging the application out and in, logging the avatar out and in, even using a different dsl line or computer all make no difference and result in the same no-event. Same for different time periods of raising sdk_wait. Whether it is 1000 or 100 miliseconds all make no difference. Is this a global incompatibility of world server 3.4 with sdk 3.3 - or just a bug? No click events (new world server)Jun 28, 2003, 6:17pm
Happens both with Object_click and _select, with or without global mode
and with or without a previous object enumeration. [View Quote] No click events (new world server)Jun 28, 2003, 6:32pm
The problem has, in fact, to do with the global mode. When I place the
application at 0N 0W, I get item_click events up to 20 cells away from it, beyond that is a pure matter of luck. HOWEVER, and this is where the fun starts... when I place the application at 25N, I do NOT get events from 20 cells around this position, but reliably, again, only withinthe 20 cells from 0N 0W, while even right next to the application location, click events are not much likely to be recived (a matter of luck, as I said <g>). [View Quote] No click events (new world server)Jun 28, 2003, 8:28pm
No, idea, there is no 3.4 for VB yet <eg>.
However, this is more of a general problem, as Xelag noted before already on another occasion, some applications are supposed to run with different versions of a world server and at least the main events are expected to be consistant through the versions - and if not, at least some note in the sdk would be helpful. This is definitely not a sdk issue, but a world server issue - since the very same applications run fine with the old (3.3) world servers. IMO there are some more world server problems as well, I heard eg. about the CT rights not to be respected properly, and personally, I experience some strange behaviour of ratings settings when world parameters are changed in some cases (I am still investigating that, some world simply set the rating themselves to a different value...) and two other issues that also appear buggy to me, I also managed already twice to crash the world server out of the blue from the browser - so I hope there will be soon a world server update in which this problem here could be addressed as well. :-) [View Quote] No click events (new world server)Jun 29, 2003, 1:24pm
With the new sdk version 32 (3.4), the problem of no-events outside the
inner 20NSWE cells does NOT occur, interestingly. I will investigate that a bit further <g>. [View Quote] No click events (new world server)Jul 5, 2003, 7:32pm
I have to revise what I wrote a few days ago.
An object click farther away than ca. 23-24 cells from a bot position is still NOT noticed at all by a sdk application using sdk v32 (VB) and world server v56 (Linux). It works fine for the first couple of minutes after starting the application, but then, after a while, only the object clicks near to the bot location (in this case, it was 23 cells) raise an event anymore. In fact, when I make a copy of the object and place one within the zone and one just a few cm away outside the zone, then one object reports every time while the other object reports, after a short while, never anymore. The position of the clicker is of no matter here, it works when the clicker is inside or outside the above mentioned distance from the bot, only the object position determines whether or not the click event will be recognised. Restarting the world server etc. does not solve this problem, only constantly restarting the application will do. This problem appplies so far ONLY to the object click (left mouse) event, avatar click events are raised and chat events also (there are sometimes problems with certain session numbers, but it might be related to the application). [View Quote] No click events (new world server)Jul 10, 2003, 5:22am
After more testing, it seems that the reliable click detection distance
is in the wrost case no more than just 12 cells away from the bot location, which let me think that, although being in global mode, the normal property perception range (up to 12 cells from the bot location = 1 zone) must have to do with this problem. To remind again how this problem manifests: From a certain distance to the bot location on, item clicks are not properly propagated to the sdk anymore, meaning that in the best case, only some (and only for a limited time span) and in the worst case, no item click event at all is being raised, while eg. the avatar click event is correctly reported in any distance (so the application is logged in and working correctly). [View Quote] No click events (new world server)Jul 10, 2003, 10:07pm
I experience this generally with global bots. I did not try many
combinations of worlds and settings yet, but it certainly happens in worlds bigger than 20 NSWE and with terrain and water (latest world server, latest sdk). Re-starting the world or doing complete dumps and reloads won't change it, just sometimes, shortly after login, it works in rare cases, but after a while, all item click events beyond ca. 12 cells from the bots location stop. This started with the 3.4 world server - on the 3.3 world server, it worked fine in the same world and with the same application (thus, a 3.3 sdk in a 3.4 world shows the same incorrect behvaiour). [View Quote] No click events (new world server)Jul 11, 2003, 6:18am
Yes, it is a visible one - why would this be a problem? According to the
sdk documentation, the event raises independent of the bot visibility. However, maybe I missed some earlier discussion about this issue; unfortunately, all older discussions have disappeared from the newsgroups, so I was not able to check those anymore. :( [View Quote] No click events (new world server)Jul 11, 2003, 6:28am
On second thought - it worked always fine with the 3.3 world server and
sdk, so when there is a problem, it must have been introduced with the 3.4 server version or the 3.4 sdk version. The problem with chat sometimes not being received from certain sessions, occured, however, already in the 3.3 version. It has never been a real problem for me, so I did not investigate this further - I just noticed that some (not many) sessions, after a while, all of a sudden and from no noticeable reason stop reporting chat to the sdk in global mode (a non-global bot does not have this problem). [View Quote] No click events (new world server)Jul 11, 2003, 6:48am
I tried now running the very same application without propagating the
status (invisible bot) and without using global mode: Bot is at 6N, object to be clicked is on 19N. 1) When using an invisible bot, the problem stays the same, the click event is first only rarely and after a short time not at all anymore raised, but when the object is moved to 17N, it works reliably every time. 2) When NOT using global mode, the click event is raised reliably every time (provided the object stays within the perception range of the bot, so it works eg. fine at 19N). Therefore, the problem is definitely related to the global event state, but I am not able to find out any further condition that could cause the problem. [View Quote] No click events (new world server)Jul 11, 2003, 4:13pm
This is very unlikely, because,
a) it stopped working reliably in the moment when I changed the WORLD server from 3.3 to 3.4 with no change to code or wrapper altogether. b) It works sometimes, but the event raising becomes morer and more rare until it finally does not raise at all, while all other events, like avatar click etc. keep working reliably. c) It works fine as soon as I set global mode to OFF I assume there must be another factor, maybe some combination of world options, which breaks it. [View Quote] No click events (new world server)Jul 11, 2003, 6:33pm
I did now some extensive testing and...
the very same application works well in some worlds, works less good in others and in a third group, it is very unreliable (all those worlds on the same world server). Even when using the same world settings, it behaves different in different worlds. Within these worlds, the behaviour is consistent, though - eg. leaving and coming back or stopping/starting the world will result in the very same behaviour as before. There seems to be some general pattern though: The slower the response on an object click event, the more likely it will, sooner or later, not raise an event at all. I conclude that this is a world server issue, since the same application yields on the same world server in worlds with same settings different results. It might have to do with how and where objects are stored and looked up in the database and an object lookup takes up a very short time or a long time (and when it takes a long time, some sort of event discard or timeout takes place which subsequently then not propagates the event). In worlds with an unreliable propagation, the "safe zone" is not centered around the bot or the ground zero, but the "safe" rectangle can be shifted into one direction (eg. you get reliable results up to 11N, but down to 20S), which points also to an object-related reason. The reason is definitely not the global mode itself and not the wrapper or sdk either, since, like said above, in some worlds it works well, in some less good and in others very unreliable (outside the "safe zone"). Changing the aw_wait value does not make a difference in all that, btw. What I did not try yet is to set up a seperate world server and put the "unreliable" worlds into it - if it is working then, it was a matter of world server load situation either for the event queue or the object storage lookup. [View Quote] No click events (new world server)Jul 11, 2003, 8:48pm
No click events (new world server)Jul 11, 2003, 9:32pm
I used Xelagot 3.419 for a cross check now (script:
avatar_object_click.txt) - with exactly the SAME results. In fact, when running both applications at once, both see the same events raised and the same events not raised. [View Quote] No click events (new world server)Jul 11, 2003, 10:23pm
1) I have set up a seperate world server only for one world and loaded
the non-working world fresh from dumps I just made: It still did not work 2) Then I used an especially brutal attempt by using the complete attributes set from another (working) world and implanted it into this world - and ... Now it worked! Every single object click event is raised , which turns my attention now to the world attributes, since it seems that there must be some setting in there which prevents the object click event from being raised properly. To countercheck on this first, 3) I removed the "wrong" attributes set and re-loaded the original one from the dump (same as in in the first try) and now it kept working, which means the attributes are not responsible. 4) Fourth try then - I used again the original world server and deleted the world from the server, then reloaded: not working, then, as in #3, loaded attributes from another world - now sometimes not working, also very slow, then reloaded original attributes and it did not work anymore. The world server load at this time was, BTW, 2 idling citizens, 6 idling bots and 14 worlds with a combined 90,000 objects and P-80 size. Out of that, this non-responsive world has ca. 4,000 objects in a P30 size. 5) Finally I ran again the seperate world server: works ========================= Conclusion: There is an issue with the world server, namely with the object lookup/storage, which causes the world server even by a low load (the above numbers I do not consider to be a "load") to become temporarily unresponsive to object click events. It might, as well, be a problem with the world ID number (in this case: 74), maybe high IDs in a world server are less responsive than lower ones A few weeks back, I asked about experiences or limitations with world server loads, since I suspected by then already that there are load/response issues, though I did not get any response. It might be a good idea, when there are no recommendations, to keep the numbers of worlds in a world server (this goes to the Linux version, with which I tested it) low, probably around 10 running worlds altogether (unless the number of stopped worlds also plays a role in this). -------- Possible workarounds: - Using seperate world servers (can be on the same physical machine even) to reduce the load (probably coming either from the sheer world number/ID or from object numbers around 100,000). - Using object clicks only in a safe zone of ca. 12 cells around GZ [View Quote] No click events (new world server)Jul 11, 2003, 10:27pm
See my previous post for various checks, the world server build used it
the latest: 56 (happend with 55 before as well, did not happen with 43) in the Linux version. I do not bother to try all this with a windows version as well, but it would be interesting to know how the OS versions differ, especially when it comes to load issues. [View Quote] Sync'ing with VRTJul 21, 2003, 1:36pm
VB can, via Windows API call, also get the GMT and the settings for the
local time zone (which you need to calculate the actual time difference between VRT(=GMT-3) and the local time). Another, very easy, method would be to have people put in the time difference to GMT into the ini file of the application and then work internally only with GMT-3 +- x [View Quote] per avatar action disablingNov 19, 2003, 8:29am
old Global Mode bugDec 3, 2003, 5:27pm
Although your investigation is correct, and short disconnects cause,
indeed, all sorts of problems, it is not the whole of this problem. The missing avatar name issue happens as well when a connection had not timed out either by the universe or the world, and the same is true for bots changing their avatar type unmotivated. As for the chat, I had already circumstances in which chat of certain persons was not received anymore, even when they did not time out - they simply, after a while, stop reporting to the sdk. The whole sdk issue appears to require a basic overhaul of the affected mechanisms, unfortunately, there is none - NONE - response whatsoever to the reported problems from the side of AW. The problem is that a good number of sdk applications cannot be trusted anymore and become simply unuseable for environments that rely on them, and this is not exactly a "minor" flaw. Furthermore, the constant ignorance of the existing problems is not satisfactory at all. [View Quote] avatar type sdk bugDec 11, 2003, 5:56pm
Yes, I agree, this is a bug - unless a bot is, by the developers,
supposed to keep the avatar with which he logged into the universe. Even with the workaround, which I use also, I see the avatar switching back and forth between the type the server sets and the type I force him back into - and this happens although I issue the command right away: Result = sdk.aw_state_change Result = sdk.aw_int_set(AW_AVATAR_TYPE, mytype) Result = sdk.aw_int_set(AW_AVATAR_GESTURE, 0) Result = sdk.aw_avatar_set(mysession) In this regard, even when the programmer provides type and gesture on each state_change (which is, btw, a huge unnecessary server load, eg. when multiple bots are moving) - it will not work correctly, so this cannot be a non-feature, but only a bug. Actually, when you set another gesture than 0, the gesture will start again and not continue - this might look quite funny in certain circumstances <g>. [View Quote] |