kf // User Search
kf // User Search
Jan 14, 2003, 12:25pm
Well, from the pictures you can see that they are using some particle
features in their graphic engine (can be seen eg. at the jetpacks
blast), which will then require a DirectX7 capable graphic card - those
are Geforce 2+ and Radeon 7000+ (for Dx8 it would be GF3+, I think).
In AW, you have as a fallback the software emulation, something they
obviously do not have in There, thus the Dx7 capable cards as a minimum.
However, even the recent onboard chips (which is, btw, the vast majority
of graphic equipment that is sold in the USA) will fulfill Dx7
requirements - how fast it is then, is another question, though...
Whether you have now 800MHz or 733MHz is more or less an academical
question - differences are too small to make a noticeable difference, as
a rule of thumb, a human notices only a double CPU speed as "definitely
faster" (wheras the mainboard settings and drivers alone can make a
bigger difference than CPUs of double/half speed). I'd rather made a
difference in processor architecture, eg. "required Pentium3/500+ /
Celeron xxx+), which would be a more sophisticated and senseful
selection when it comes eg. to SSE/2 processor capabilities or caching
speed and technology.
But anyway - with these requirements, There will neither target the mass
market (which does not have such an equipment) nor the gamers (which
will smile about these requirements and demand a better, actual,
technology), and the number of people in between won't make up the
150,000 customers they need (an amazingly high number, btw, almost
higher than any VR community that has existed yet, but, given the
graphics, it is quite (sub)standard).
The project aims, with no doubt, at ecommerce, and there has not been a
single product yet who even came near a break-even following such an
concept. Potential buyers do not bother to start their computer to go
shopping, neither will they want to pay 10$/month as an entrance fee to
a shop. Funny is their intonation of "women", because they state a well
known fact (for many years, there has been research about it even years
ago already) as a new finding; in ALL interaction-oriented chat worlds,
you will find more women than men, and in ALL competition-oriented
worlds, you will find more men than women - and nevertheless, both types
do not attract the other gender in more than marginal numbers. IMO, a
classic marketing attempt to blow sand into investors eyes.
I had been invited to There many months ago, and the proposal by then
was even more and more open ecommerce oriented; I personally do not like
this (when I want to buy something, I go into a shop, but not into a VR
world where I cannot look close at and touch an article) and so it did
not raise my interest at all. Thinking more about it, there was also a
project of Randy Farmer once which pursued the same goal - I guess some
of those VR projects have started before the ecommerce bubble bursted
and only come now, after years, up with what they were working on. They
will tinker their original ideas to match the current market more, but
basically, these are all still old ideas and won't survive a significant
amount of time in this form.
[View Quote]count dracula wrote:
> I tried to sign up also, but it seemed the minimum was 800Mhz ( which it
> told me after I had applied). I do not understand why it simply could not
> state it somewhere in the beginning so I would not have bothered filling in
> the form.
> CarolAnn seems to have double the minimum required, so that should be
> enough.
> Furthemore I think beta testers SHOULD be avarage people with not the
> fastest and best computers. Enormous lag and slowness IS a bug in any
> programm. A bug that people seem to ignore, assuming everyone has 2,4 GHz.
> Any programm should run smoothly on the minimum requirements. Any programm
> having 800 Mhz as minimum cannot reach the mass market in many years,
> especially if it is slow and buggy upto 1,8Ghz(?) and even support only a
> few 3d cards.
> It is kind of sad that programm makers makes programs that use more and more
> resources, instead of focusing on making the programms good and effective.
> In a few years a normal minimum requirement for games will probably be 3Ghz,
> so all those who next year spend 3000$/? on a new computer will need a new
> one again.
> Drac, stuck with my 333Mhz P II, ATI-Antique.
> zeo toxion <zeo at activeworlds.com> kirjoitti
> viestissä:3e23630b$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> at public release. I guess it's
> You also won't have to worry about the
> actual bugs in the software.
> news:3e2353b1$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> received
> minimum
> 2
> newest...but I
Apr 9, 2003, 7:57pm
[View Quote]
On the other hand, AW is most likely playing "catch up" with newer start
ups like Plastic Planet and Cyboria who have recently sailed past the AW
browser in technology and features - many of which are from the AW
Wishlist and were incorporated where AW did not.
I agree. Cyboria, for example demonstrate their forseeing future vison,
extraordinary efforts and innovative technology on their website:
Cyboria has closed. The project was fun while it lasted but the costs to
create the software more than twice exceeded what the software was
bringing in. I may release the source code so that the venture may
continue under some type of open source project. Check back later for my
decision on this matter.
My personal opinion is that all 3D VR Applications are going under. The
only survivors that will lead the market are http://www.there.com and
I personally will be using both of the above mentioned sites and have
been beta testing both for a while now. Once you see what these systems
have to offer, you will probably agree with my opinion of how they are
going to take over the markets completely.
So much more is available in these new software packages. The market is
in for big changes.
To those that supported Cyboria, I am grateful. Once we review the
source code for the possibility of an Open Source release, we may put
the main server back
online, with all original citizenships still intact.
Cyboria Development Team
Apr 5, 2003, 8:43pm
According to the public domain registry records, the domain name
aw-europe.com is registered since February 2003 to:
Emmanuel Gruijs
Fazantenkamp 280
3607 Maarssen
NL / Netherlands
emmanuel at emmanuelgruijs.com
By following the links on the website, we learn that he is the director
and also the owner of the domain
Typing in http://aw-europe.com (slightly misconfigured...) leads you to
the hosting company.
Since the prices for the universes and worlds are about the same as AW,
I would consider this to be an offical universe, especially since they
AW-Europe is official distributor for Activeworlds in Europe.
(needs to be "a" distributor, since there is no exclusive one)
The funny thing is that despite the name "europe" in the name, the
website is in dutch, english and french only, skipping the major
language in Europe (german), and, (looking at western europe only), at
least 2 important others (italian, spanish/portugese).
[View Quote]strike rapier wrote:
> Hmm upon closer inspection this site looks slightly out of it..
> It says how they provide a free SDK kit.. hence, is this An AWI universe?
> The emails are to the domain, not the activeworlds.com 1 so Id guess that
> means its not AWI.
> There is no support etc pages that are enabled or created...
> So seriously what the hell is the deal with this universe, appart from the
> absolutly pathetic attempts to make it seem european by using that lame
> little Euro symbol for an E trick who in gods name is running the thing?
> - Mark
> "r i c h a r d" <richard.lazenby1 at ntlworld.com> wrote in message
> news:3e8ed8a1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Apr 15, 2003, 12:45pm
This has been reported in the beta newsgroup (eg. by Katherine) a couple
of times already. As well as CD does not work reliably (or at all) when
one is not standing on a horizontal ground.
[View Quote]ubermonkey wrote:
> (Thanks Bowen. Maybe you or someone else on beta could pass this one along
> as well?)
> I've noticed that sliding causes a massive drop in framerate that was not
> present in 3.3. This suggests that the sliding mechanism is somehow wasting
> system resources in large quantities. Also, the sliding behavior is much
> less 'smooth' than in 3.3 (bouncing back and forth much like pre-3.4 uphill
> slants did)
> This performance drop might be in the collision detection itself? Regular,
> non-sliding collisions also seem to be a large performance drop.
> Impressions are from AW at 80m vis ~30fps while not sliding/colliding.
Apr 15, 2003, 9:18pm
Uninstall and install again, but make sure to run the autoconfiguration
on your connection when you start first.
429 is an "unable to connect" error, either because your internet
connection does not work, is overloaded (eg. when you run a file sharing
program and it takes up all available connection slots) or the AW
program is incorrectly configured (eg. when you need a proxy server and
have to configured it or vice versa).
[View Quote]rocambole wrote:
> After having installed the new public beta I am unable to log on - I get an
> error message with reason 429 no matter which configuration I try.
> I have both installed it on top of 3.3 and from scratch with the same
> disappointing result.
> Now I have reinstalled version 3.3 and once again I am able to visit my
> favourite places.
> Rocambole of Mandalay
Apr 16, 2003, 10:23am
[View Quote]tengel wrote:
> kf, he have done that many times, and when he reinstall 3.3 it connects
> again.
> This only happend to his 3.4 version.
> "kf" <none at junk.mail> wrote in message news:3E9C8540.250B at junk.mail...
> an
May 7, 2003, 5:25pm
3000 is the right one in a default setting <g>.
Works fine with various dsl lines here, btw. :-)
[View Quote]panther1403 wrote:
> DSL makes no difference. i have DSL and can send fine when i open up the
> ports on my router. i just open up port 2000-9999 to make sure i got the
> right one =P
> "ananas" <vha at oct31.de> wrote in message news:3EB95855.3772D6FA at oct31.de...
> aol
May 7, 2003, 8:36pm
Behind a firewall, only one (1) computer will work with the default
setting, for additonal ones, you must enable a different port on the
router and also in the aw program (as in the example, eg. port=877)
[View Quote]tengel wrote:
> I did try to help him, and, when his Ordenery PC have no problem with this,
> only the laptop, it can't be the router.
> He did turn of the firewall as well, with no luck, and he does not run
> firewalls at the laptop at the moment eighter ( not installed ).
> his [transfer] part in aworld is correct as well.
> Tengel
> "kf" <none at junk.mail> wrote in message news:3EB95DB5.1851 at junk.mail...
> news:3EB95855.3772D6FA at oct31.de...
> and
> send
May 7, 2003, 8:37pm
Works for me both on T-DSL and with QSC.
[View Quote]ananas wrote:
> DSL seems to make a difference. Several people with DSL
> cannot send but receive files.
> I am not connected through any router, switch, firewall or
> whatever. My connect request for file transfer arrives on
> the receivers side, Andras checked it with a paket monitor,
> but the receiver does not reply.
> This shows that it is not a port specific problem.
> It is not hardware specific either. I use a DSL modem card
> and have T-DSL (german Telecom DSL, slightly different from
> standard ADSL), Count Dracula from Finland has an external
> DSL modem and a network card I think. Both is asynchronous DSL.
> We tested it in a universe that allows 2.2 and had the same
> problem, it is a very old bug.
> Changing the max. MTU size didn't fix the problem.
> My guess : it is a timing problem.
> panther1403 wrote:
May 7, 2003, 8:51pm
Hmm, maybe one of the development team can say if the trigger connection
is coming in via another port (similar to DirectPlay8 where you need
effectively 2 different ports forwarded)?
[View Quote]tengel wrote:
> he did try 877 as he have allready told, with no luck, and I have no longer
> any idea why it wont work
> and at the router port 877 was open he said.
> "kf" <none at junk.mail> wrote in message news:3EB98A57.2A8B at junk.mail...
> this,
> the
> the
> msn
> can't
May 7, 2003, 8:39pm
Did you try to set a different receiving directory? In many cases I had
this until I manually selected a different (non-root) directory. No idea
why it happens, but AW does not like root directories and also
occasionally not ones that worked just the day before fine.
[View Quote]ananas wrote:
> The request goes out, when the receiver says "y" it opens the file
> select boy, but then the sender gets :
> File transfer aborted (unable to write data)
> at once, directly after clicking the send button, no delay at all.
> The receiver gets
> File transfer aborted (unable to read data)
> This is definitely not a firewall problem.
> binarybud wrote:
May 7, 2003, 8:49pm
Also try these programs when you think it is a registry settings
problem, both have proven to be quite useful. :-)
[View Quote]kf wrote:
> Did you try to set a different receiving directory? In many cases I had
> this until I manually selected a different (non-root) directory. No idea
> why it happens, but AW does not like root directories and also
> occasionally not ones that worked just the day before fine.
> ananas wrote:
Jul 5, 2003, 1:48pm
The citizen name is not part of the stored information, only the citizen
number. :-)
[View Quote]alphabit phalpha wrote:
> Yeah and with a name like AlphaBit Phalpha I get VERY few items in a
> cell...should have named me "a"....:)
> --
> Swim away old friend.... thanks for the memories:)
> "starfleet" <Starfleet at Command.com> wrote in message
> news:3f06baca$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> description box and
> sign
Jul 21, 2003, 4:21am
Actually, since the issue was brought up, it is, in fact, a question
which information may and can be logged and stored and which not.
The USA has low privacy and data protection laws, however, the case is
different for countries of the EU on one hand and individual countries
in Europe with even more sophisticated laws on the other hand.
For Germany, for example, I would classify all broadcasting of private
conversation (which is even private conversation held in public places)
WITHOUT the consent of the people speaking, a violation of existing
laws, also the storage of information that can be connected to an
individuum (eg. visitors logfiles with IP number etc.).
If the people give their explicite permission (not implicite by using
the software alone), it would be allowed, though.
So, at least for universe and world owners located in specific
countries, it might be a good idea to inform their visitors that
conversations and dates/times/lengths of visits are publicly broadcasted
and stored - or to refrain from such attempts in general.
[View Quote]xelag wrote:
> Not quite, ma'am.
> I do agree with you that privacy should be respected. But if you use
> the Active Worlds software, you know you have no option on this. Take
> it or leave it, I'd say.
> Active Worlds now has quite a few features that could upset you. It
> is not tailored to you or me. If you do not wish to be submitted to
> features you do not like, create your own world, regulate its
> properties, and stick to it: this is the safest way. If you explore
> other worlds, I'm afraid you will be submitted to other rules. It's
> up to you to chosse which worlds you wish to visit.
> Alex
> On 20 Jul 2003 16:39:11 -0400, "the lady" <thelady263414 at hotmail.com>
> wrote:
Jul 21, 2003, 1:15pm
Active Worlds is a privately owned company, Also it is a company set in
the US. As long as the software itself isn't breaking any of the US
internet laws then its pretty much anything goes, Country laws don't
apply to the software itself, and what goes on in it :)
I am afraid not so - and I do not mean the countries who claim
legislative even when an offer is _accessible_ in this country (eg. to
block certain IP numbers for their citizens or pursue offending
foreigners when they should enter the country).
The world _owners_ are _not_ a part of the AW company (except for AW
owned worlds).
The world owners only use the AW universe server to bring their own
offer online (like you use a provider to get online yourself) - in such
cases, for the world owners, the laws of the country, in which they
live, apply.
[View Quote]mod wrote:
> Active Worlds is a privately owned company, Also it is a company set in the
> US. As long as the software itself isn't breaking any of the US internet
> laws then its pretty much anything goes, Country laws don't apply to the
> software itself, and what goes on in it :)
> I just find it funny how The Lady comes and try's to change the most stupid
> small things, and things that are fine. I know when I ran my world some
> crazy things with chat and names went on in there, most people seemed to
> welcome the chat manipulation, and those who didn't left. Simple as that. If
> I am paying $100 for a world and decide to let you in, you should at least
> have the courtesy to not try and change the way that I do things :) BTW the
> AW browser is very encrypted, and that's why you can go to bed at night and
> sleep knowing some little hacker isn't going to imitate your account (well
> about 95% of the time :P). Anyways, just my two cents on the matter :)
> -Cheers
> Mod
> "kf" <none at junk.mail> wrote in message news:3F1B84F1.1490 at junk.mail...
> and
> visitors
> welcome
> explanation on
> throughout
> are
> visiting
Jul 21, 2003, 1:30pm
It would now be different, when we would consider AW to be a private
"club" where only members have access - however, it is not since
everybody who wants it can become a member as soon as he paid the
membership fee.
The problem lies here in the detail - whether it is an publicly
accessible offer or not.
A DIFFERENT thing are, for example, "private" worlds, where access is
granted on a case by case base (eg. available only for certain citizen
numbers) - but even there the condition would be that you inform people
right away about the broadcast and storage of personal data (eg. talks).
When they agree and become a "member" of this world, it is ok - when
they not agree, they would have to be rejected as a "member". Some
countries will here require an explicite, not implicite agreement.
Countries with high privacy and personal rights barriers in this regard
are a couple of European countries, so this does not apply, in this
general meaning, to world located (means: owned and/or operated) in
other countries.
This all is probably an academical discussion and the chance of any
lawsuits is quite minimal, but to be on the "safe" side, inform your
visitors about any recordings or storages - using a bot to simply
transform words without storing them and without broadcasting them to
_another_ world (where people who are not actual members of _this_
world) would not be a problem in this regard, though.
Ultimatively, the world owner must decide him/her/themselves what to do
(and what to risk), as with every guestbook or chat room also - this is
not really a typical AW problem. :-)
[View Quote]kf wrote:
> Active Worlds is a privately owned company, Also it is a company set in
> the US. As long as the software itself isn't breaking any of the US
> internet laws then its pretty much anything goes, Country laws don't
> apply to the software itself, and what goes on in it :)
> <<<
> I am afraid not so - and I do not mean the countries who claim
> legislative even when an offer is _accessible_ in this country (eg. to
> block certain IP numbers for their citizens or pursue offending
> foreigners when they should enter the country).
> The world _owners_ are _not_ a part of the AW company (except for AW
> owned worlds).
> The world owners only use the AW universe server to bring their own
> offer online (like you use a provider to get online yourself) - in such
> cases, for the world owners, the laws of the country, in which they
> live, apply.
> mod wrote:
Jul 21, 2003, 4:32pm
Whois info for, twisted-inc.com:
133 N. Wisconsin St
Berlin, WI 54923
Domain name: TWISTED-INC.COM
Administrative Contact:
Szatkowski, Lynn ardingcay at msn.com
133 N. Wisconsin St
Berlin, WI 54923
Technical Contact:
Manager, Domains support at netfirms.com
5255 Yonge St
Toronto, ON M2N 6P4
+1.4166612100 Fax: +1.4166610700
Registration Service Provider:
Netfirms, Inc., support at netfirms.com
This company may be contacted for domain login/passwords,
DNS/Nameserver changes, and general domain support questions.
[View Quote]themask wrote:
> I also want to point out, the domain itself doenst have a index.html, and
> the whois on the domain, and shows me a timeout.. though i DNS'ed it and got
> this..
> * Looking up twisted-inc.com
> -
> * Resolved twisted-inc.com to
> -
> * Looking up
> -
> * Resolved to w.netfirms.com
> heh.. seems like its another stupid thing.
Jul 22, 2003, 6:44pm
It is not needed to log telegrams to see who sent when a telegram to
whom, and that is all what needed to be checked. :-)
[View Quote]builderz wrote:
> That's right, they don't have a little birdie in their ear that says
> "turn telegram logging on or off at X time," but they have the ability
> to turn logging on or off for ALL users anytime they wish. So if they
> wanted to stop logging right now, they could. If they wanted to start it
> up again tomorrow at 3:33 AM ET, they could. If they don't want to
> change anything the way it is right now, they can do that too. Hope
> that's clear now.
> Builderz
> http://www.3dhost.net
> abb e norm wrote:
Jul 25, 2003, 8:43pm
Even with 9.0a, the gesture buttons flickered when the world attributes
changed (you see it better when you change them every 5 seconds for
example), it might be something that needs to be addressed with the next
browser version.
[View Quote]pc hamster wrote:
> Hi everyone:
> I just ran Windows Update yesterday and noticed there was a new version of
> DirectX out (DirectX 9 Beta) and I now notice that the 3D Graphics pane in
> the AW browser "flickers" every so often (this is especially true when I add
> property and close the Object Properties box). The DirectX version I have
> is 9.0b (4.09.0000.0002).
> DXDiag doesn't detect anything wrong.
> Anyone have any ideas? Anyone else notice this too or is it just me?
> Cheers for now :-)
> PC Hamster
> Mayor - City Of Hamsterville
> Hamster Ground Zero Area - AW 5000N 272E
> pchamster at comcast.net
> Denver, Colorado (my REAL city :-))
> P.S.: This is with all three video modes too.
> ---
> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
> Version: 6.0.502 / Virus Database: 300 - Release Date: 7/19/2003
Aug 27, 2003, 2:05pm
Current Time: Wednesday, 27-Aug-2003 17:57:47 CEST
Server uptime: 277 days 7 hours 46 minutes 6 seconds
[View Quote]bowen wrote:
> joeman wrote:
> My server's record is 44 days and it's a 233 MHz machine. Trust me,
> nothing's going to happen to a faster machine.
> --
> --Bowen--
> http://bowen.homelinux.com/sys/
> Linux is a godly OS, that's an understatement.
Aug 27, 2003, 4:14pm
Actually, it is a celeron 900 with 256 RAM only, runs smtp/pop, dns and
http. In former years I had also P200 and P266 with 64 and 128 MB, which
usually ran without reboot until I had to replace some hardware part
[View Quote]bowen wrote:
> kf wrote:
> What's the speed of the processor and how much ram? :P
> --
> --Bowen--
> http://bowen.homelinux.com/sys/
> Linux is a godly OS, that's an understatement.
Aug 28, 2003, 10:49am
Not bad at all :-)
[View Quote]bowen wrote:
> kf wrote:
> Mine's still lower. :P Check the link in my sig. ;)
> --
> --Bowen--
> http://bowen.homelinux.com/sys/
> Linux is a godly OS, that's an understatement.
Oct 7, 2003, 3:29pm
As a matter of fact, you can skip the "built timestamp" when saving,
then loading objects, and create a world with all objects missing the
build date <g>, I have not tried yet to leave out the owner (should
default to 0 then) or object name.
You can delete such invalid items also in a text editor (make a propdump
and delete all lines starting with "0 " (which would be owner 0 then) -
for those who do not have a bot who can check automatically.
In the server logfile, you can see who uploaded the wrong objects and
ask them to improve their upload program. :-)
[View Quote]ubermonkey wrote:
> I'd just like to let everyone know that these issues have been dealt with,
> and Proxima is once again open to the public.
> For anyone who may be interested, I would like to describe the problem we
> were having:
> A number of "blank" objects had appeared in the world, primarily
> concentrated around GZ. These objects had a 0 value for all attributes,
> including owner. Loading a large number of these objects in the browser
> would result in an always-fatal glitch. For the moment, I have solved the
> problem by simply adding a hack to delete any object with an invalid "owner"
> attribute, however I am quite curious how such data could come to exist to
> begin with (my hypothesis is that aw_object_load () allows one to input any
> data, even *bad* data, which can potentially crash the browser... IMO the
> server should be checking for these sorts of potential bad data).
> While I am unable to confirm this, I believe these "invisible objects"
> (which did not even display a missing obj triangle) were also responsible
> for severe performance degradation which has been reported near Proxima GZ
> lately, and request that anyone who had been experiencing such issues
> compare their previous performance with current, and report findings to me
> should there prove to be any change.
> On a related note, Proxima's game controller has just been converted to a
> dynamic memory system, which should result in better overall performance.
> World expansion is the current project goal, and as such a number of new
> weapons, NPCs, turrets, shops, properties, factions, etc. will be appearing
> over the next couple days. Also, look for a detailed manual quite soon.
> -UberMonkey
> "tony m" <tony at homeunix.uni.cc> wrote in message
> news:3f823581$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> and freeze problems around the ground zero building. Our browsers would
> completely grey out the 3D pane and chat history areas, consume 100% CPU,
> and only do this near Proxima's ground zero.
> crash issues. Proxima's game controller is now also experiencing random (and
> bizarre) disconnections from the worldserver, while everybody else seems to
> be fine.
> public until they can be resolved. If any of you can offer advice about this
> type of situation, I would be glad to hear it. I have never experienced such
> problems with ziOn.
Oct 12, 2003, 4:44pm
Being able to steal... does not make the theft ok...
The process of "stealing" requires that the item in question is gone
after the action (in possession of another person), but this certainly
is not the case here.
In this regard, Andras could not have committed any "theft", but has
obtained a so-called "copy", in this case even an identical one.
[View Quote]insanity wrote:
> Sad and morally deprived reply Andras... pertaining to your closing lines...
> I would have expected you to have a higher level of thought process.
> As for your theft and public announcement of the direct copyright infringement...
> Karma... Being able to steal... does not make the theft ok...
> As far as your comment "great stuff indeed" < Very fooish comment...
> All of the images are so greatly reduced their merit as textures for 3D is nil.
> But you have shown this... You have shown that you lack moral fiber... and you.. a competitive world host showing no respect to copyright. I certainly would have nothing
> to do with a host that openly admits to stealing from the web. Hardly would host my private and purchased goods with an admitted thief. Now at least people see where your character is at and what it is.
> So it is true... even from bad things can come good... We are all now better informed *S*
> InSaNiTy
> worldhosting.heartfall.com
> andras wrote:
Oct 13, 2003, 12:34pm
The system logs every single hit to it. Your ISP is required by law to
provide your personal information to us should we request such.
Sorry, but wrong again: in almost all countries, only a court order can
do that - and a court order will only be issued when there is ample
proof for any violation (in many countries, simple log entries alone are
*not* considered to proof anything). Not to speak that a serious
offender would use a mixer/proxy anyway.
As with the lawsuits filed by and on behalf of music companies against
users of KAZAA, we may perhaps file lawsuits upon anyone entering our
ASP server unlawfully and using that illegal entry to harass our company
and/or our customers.
And after that, you declare them terrorists and send airplanes? :-) BTW,
I am sorry to burst your bubble here, but to pursue any copyright
violation, you must be in possession of at least the circulation rights.
Next, simply entering an unprotected website without inflicting damage
does not constitute any crime or even violation in most countries in the
world (copying material does not inflict any damage per se - only for
the holder of the circulation rights).
What RIAA is doing is a different pair of shoes (and has a different
underlying intention) - and it is more than unlikely that they will
succeed in the medium and long term anyway.
Also, what you write about images in a cache is almost nonsense, since
all images used in the AW program are forehand *publicly* accessible
from a website, in fact, they MUST be publicly accessible or they would
not work at all. This how the system works and everybody who uses the AW
program and is aware of that (that it is not *possible* to protect them
and that they *must* be publicly accessible). And this goes double to
artists who will know very well how the system works.
The same is, btw, true for sequences and sounds, for which the system,
in the way it is engineered, does not provide any protection at all and
have, thus, to be considered publicly accessible too.
File by law a copyright form and send each original image to the library
of congress as required by law prior to any publishing!
Nonsense - see my previous post.
How to have FUN
YES! We come closer to the point of everything - FUN is the key here for
by far the most people, not commercialism. It should also be realized
that AW in its current implementation is widely NOT MEANT and generally
NOT SUITED to make money by contributing artwork. Nevertheless it can
work, amongst understandeable people who are willing to reward a good
work, but these conditions cannot be considered to be the pre-condition.
As I have written before, striking with a law club will not help at all,
not because of the uncertain legal situation and not because of the
multinational nature.
But, what I am mainly wondering when reading these posts here is why
people constantly have to assure the others how lawful they are
themselves, how meritful and how successful in their commercial ventures
and how bad the others are, how unlawful, how bad, how unethical and
what else there is - and this seems to be what the newsgroup is for (or
has become?).
As if the community of AW has nothing else to worry about, as if the
people who donate time and money to the community would not have other
objectives, and as if the constant struggle about whose sand tower is
the tallest (there is probably even a world "SandGor" who deals with
this topic...) was the most important thing in the world that can be
discussed here.
Everybody is whining that the AW community is detoriating, yet almost
everybody gladly goes the extra mile to hit another member. What about
concentrating all powers to induce improvement, to change things and
make them better? And THEN, AFTER that is achieved, there will be a lake
big and vital enough that everybody can catch all the fish he wants even
without picking on the "competition" or "dear neighbour".
But as I see it, quite a few people are not able or willing to think or
act beyond the next door neighbour and immediately engage in close range
combat whenever another person comes into view.
I think it is a shame, and sadly, there is a lot of truth in the words
of another group member who claimed that the threads here do have an
extraordinary entertainment value.
[View Quote]insanity wrote:
> First let me start off saying that I am outraged by the deliberate attacks and what
> appear to be actual "hate crimes" against myself, my company and our patrons. A
> false campaign of hate which is clear in the newsgroup has be waged against us for
> over a year now.
> The FACTUAL information is this. Our user texture galleries are PRIVATE. There is
> clear notice that it is illegal for anyone to enter that ASP server without
> permission. It is not a web html server but a private program system. Our world
> owners clearly know what they have purchased and what they have not. This is a
> courtesy to the world owners of the licensed items and their builders designed to
> aide them in their use of the AW software. These people have purchased the rights to
> use the items and textures in their worlds. I am quite sickened by the panic and
> attacks I have received. No one has ever used one of your models on our systems
> illegally ever! You and others know well that AW provides your textures in
> everyone's cache! We do not offer out the images. We offer a gallery so that users
> can observe names and therefore use the AW software the way it is meant! WE HELP
> I am sick of the jealousy and HATE! "RENTED PATH" is such a FALSE header. Please
> pull your head out of the sand! 99.9% of users "RENT" their path space! In FACT...
> 100% of users are on "RENTED" services from their ISP's! Even the ISP's "Rent" the
> bandwidth throughput from backbone providers. http://worldhosting.heartfall.com set
> up the system years ago to allow users a chance to enjoy owning a world without the
> hassles of learning to be a computer geek! We do this so that people can have
> FUN!!! Not to be wrongfully attacked by people running amuck in panic and fear due
> to their own ignorance of facts! Users pay less than 7 pennies per day to have
> access to our huge and original path systems! ALL private models have been
> protected for users and we have NEVER had a single loss of data! Our galleries are a
> "PRIVATE" program server provided solely to our world owners who have lawfully
> purchased the license to use the AW software and the models in their lawful
> possession. I will no tolerate abuses against them! Realize that by your entering
> the site you are deliberately and knowingly violating the law by entering a system
> clearly posted as private and ordering you to exit! The system logs every single
> hit to it. Your ISP is required by law to provide your personal information to us
> should we request such. As with the lawsuits filed by and on behalf of music
> companies against users of KAZAA, we may perhaps file lawsuits upon anyone entering
> our ASP server unlawfully and using that illegal entry to harass our company and/or
> our customers. We PROTECT the rights of our lawful users to the best of our
> abilities! Their license purchases give them the rights to use their items as they
> wish within their worlds!
> Until you and other people make demands on AW to stop placing your images in open
> cache, all images will be made available to aide the builders in their lawfully
> creative ways. I say this because for us to be forced to harm our user base would
> be discriminating and punishing them alone while you do knowingly allow all to
> receive copies of all images into cache! I do not see the artists complaining to
> the software company, AW, for allowing a cache image gallery on every computer!
> Therefore you best cease harassing our company! We are doing nothing wrong,
> unethical, illegal, or infringing upon copyright laws whatsoever! We are simply
> aiding our lawful users their right to have access to the filenames they paid for!
> NOW if people wish to start making claims then let me suggest a bit of intellectual
> advice to the novices who feel they can create their own laws. 1. Become a
> professional. 2. Learn how to uniquely prefix filenames so that computers can
> filter. Too many ignorant people believing computers should be hand picked through.
> They are "computers" they compute... they are automated systems. People are being
> so "unrealistic" in their expectations its become absurd. 3. File by law a copyright
> form and send each original image to the library of congress as required by law
> prior to any publishing! Wake up and realize that posting to the web is an act of
> "publication" 4. Seek legal advice and education about the law. Do not try and make
> it up as you go. 5. Do not threaten unless you have legal grounds or you may find
> your home and assets at risk quickly! If you demand that we remove the images you
> best have used due diligence to demand that the software company not allow the "art"
> gallery on every copy of their browser. When you create works KNOWING that your
> images are for "USE" within worlds, do not cry when they are being displayed to
> facilitate that "USE"
> NOW, if you can show me how any law is being violated by our showing our users the
> images that they paid to use so that they can lawfully use them. AND, you can
> provide lawful proof that you have legally created the images using fully licensed
> systems and software. AND, you can provide proof that the copyrights are indeed
> actually your's and not a compilation of work or alteration of someone else's
> work(s), THEN we will consider honoring your request which ultimately will harm the
> users who have paid you to use them.
> The WCOL Textures galleries are there for lawful users. We are not the first to have
> galleries to facilitate our users. We will not be the last. We are not offering the
> images to anyone!. We have spent considerable time and money to insure that ALL
> property is protected. We have used our "BEST EFFORTS" to protect ALL artists works.
> WE ask that you not be narrow minded in you thought process and that you NOT follow
> the campaign of HATE and Discrimination so clearly set forth by the mob of a few!
> You will find that you will NOT be able to show any evidence whatsoever that even
> one single image has ever been wrongfully used. Unless deliberately done now, after
> the fact, in an attempt to harm our company or our users.
> Please people... AW is dying a fast death because of all the bickering and hateful
> acts put forth by the user base populating and publishing their hate in these
> newsgroups and amongst the software universe. Heartfall Productions has worked hard
> for many years to make building easier for users. Many of whom have died of cancer,
> but enjoyed our easy access to world ownership and building for their enjoyment in
> their last days! We are here to help! We are here for 365 day immediate support! We
> are here so that people can EnJoY* during a day an age when suffering is so great in
> the world.
> I ask that the people of this virtual place think... learn... and educate their
> minds and open their hearts! I ask that they stop following mob rule... that they
> think before they attack, or condemn out of ignorance and fear! You will not be
> hurting me... you are simply hurting the users, grandmothers, handicap persons,
> children, foreign country citizens, everyone of all walks of life... who came here
> and paid their license fees to EnJoY. They do not deserve the abuses... They
> deserve what they pay for!
> If you have a gripe... complain to Bill Gates for making temp folders on the
> software. For the immediate pop up "save as" icons over images. Complain to AW for
> their ART cache. Complain to people like Andras who wrote in these news groups how
> to convert RAS to JPG. If you LOOK and EDUCATE your minds and read.. you will see
> historical record where I have fought against people posting how to steal. I was a
> special guest speaker at the CY Awards a few years back.. my topic.. "Copyrights" on
> the internet. How to protect your work and what you are NOT allowed to do. Yet most
> of you steal an image, redo it and claim it is yours anyway.
> I am not your enemy! I am a person who gives 100% of myself to others and have all
> my life! I have worked hard to make AW a better place... fighting a loosing battle
> too! Because of the few who lurk here in the newsgroups and around in worlds...
> bashing and attacking and teaching people how to steal! I educate all our users on
> how to be SAFE. How to PROTECT their property. How to have FUN and AVOID the Bad
> People here that deliberately lurk to harm users. Every single world owner we
> service can tell you that I have spent time with each, personally, giving them tips
> on how to safely manage their worlds. I have spent considerable hours and days,
> months with programmers like Roland seeking fixes to cure theft issues like the
> open cache! I encouraged him to re-do the seqs methods so that they could be better
> designed and protected. The designs abilities to seqs and re-writes are here now..
> sadly I was informed that the cache protection was not authorized by the
> leadership. So ASK AW to protect your work! It is their software that allows the
> cache thefts!
> NOW, That being said... IF designers wish us to block their "PROVEN" copyrighted
> materials... and BLOCK their buyer's & respective builder's access to seeing the
> image names... THEN, those designers MUST use unique prefixed filenames and submit
> in writing, via U.S. Mail, a list along with a signed affidavit swearing to the fact
> that they are the sole owner of legal copyright. Upon receipt of that signed
> affidavit, we gladly remove any images they have claim to from the galleries and
> place notice on the gallery site that all images from that designer are not
> available at the designers demand, regardless of the impact that has to the
> licensees' and their builders. That will allow ALL parties to be aware of the
> reasons why their access has changed. That will also allow buyers to beware of whom
> will cause their world building creative experiences to be restricted and/or
> diminished. Personally I believe that is a mistake. I do not believe that buyers
> would want to purchase from designers who try and RULE how they operate their
> PRIVATELY owned, bought and paid for worlds. Heartfall hosts more than $30,000.00 of
> privately owned licensed AW materials. We have proudly done so without a single loss
> of that data for many years. Why designers are in a panic now based on a false
> posting... and wish to harm their buying public is beyond me... Perhaps it is all
> out of fear and rage created by a few mob leaders.. wishing to harm.. rather than
> awaken to logic and reason.
> ALL Affidavits must be mailed via U.S. Mail, signed and notarized. We require
> mailing via the U.S. Postal service for the protection and laws provided for under
> "mail fraud" guidelines. We hope that this will limited any such requests to only
> legitimate claims and therefore reduce the risks to our users from being wrongfully
> discriminated against. Discrimination is a very serious offense and act which
> violates the individual freedoms or persons. We will use our best efforts to fight
> discriminations of any kind which can harm any person. This is all meant to aide the
> protection of actual copyright owners as well as the legal licensee's rights.
> Any designer who wishes to have further discussion in this matter is welcome to
> phone us directly. If they have limited financial resources and reside in the United
> States they may contact us and provide a phone number to reach them at. I will
> gladly phone them personally at my expense to help them better understand the
> logistics, laws and reasons we provide such thorough care and protection as best we
> can. Our contact information is clearly available, published on our web site at
> http://www.heartfall.com
> I would also like to WARN buyers to beware of purchasing from any web site that does
> not clearly offer you adequate forms of contact such as: A:) mailing address B:)
> phone numbers to contact the company you are about to do business with. Specially if
> you are purchasing using a credit card. This is internet commerce safety -101. ALSO
> beware of purchasing on the Internet, any produce that does not clearly state it's
> license of use and fails to list it's sales and return policies. Protect yourself!
> Be a wise and informed consumer. Demand professionalism in return for your monies!
> ALL legit business will gladly provide you with this information in an easy to
> locate page.
> Let's try and make this virtual environment a better place for all! Let's band
> together and rid ourselves of the HATE mongers, bigots, racists and cyber terrorists
> that lurk around here! Let's show support to those working hard to protect user!
> Let's NOT follow behind the mob of narrow minded hate!
> I wish you all well... I sincerely hope that this has enlightened the readers and
> done some good for the betterment of all.
> Peace, health & healing....
> Lars Wyka aka InSaNiTy
> http://worldhosting.heartfall.com
> insanity wrote:
Oct 13, 2003, 3:24pm
You fail to be aware of U.S. law.
Which, apart from considerations of this specific ruling, does not help
when the person in question does not live in the USA (for example,
requests from Verizon to turn over data from an ISP in Germany was not
even considered by the court due to lack of evidence) - or is using a
mixer or out-of-state proxy.
As for copyrights.. It is a U.S. Laws which is adopted throughout
treaties through all free nations.
Fact is, that the USA respected the international treaties as one of the
last countries - the USA joined the Berner Treaty (const. 1886) eg. in
the year 1989.
I think the U.S. is showing the world it has no limits in reaching out
to defend American's rights.
Fact is, that more and more independent countries refuse these
(imperialistic) attempts to impose views of an own law system on other
countries. In the medium run already the USA will either have to stand
singled out or find a common sense with other nations (which is what
international treaties are for anyway).
Wisdom dictates not to steal
Wisdom says also: it is not stealing, but a copyright infringement.
Attempts to shift opinion in a particular direction by words of
obfuscation or newspeak may have a big tradition, but doesn't make a
wrong case right.
Oct 13, 2003, 3:35pm
I bet next thing will be singing in the shower; soon neigbours will
report you to the musiccops, and if you have not paid the fees for the
songs you have sung, you will do time in jail
I hope you are careful in the public now already, since Big Brothers
eyes portrait you good enough to read your lips, do not dare to even
speak rhymes or other text pieces that are protected <g>.
And for music - over here, there are already large groups of people who
have stopped buying either protected or all music in an act of protest -
the music industry just shot herself in the foot and will not see
revenues considerably raising again. Apart from all other reasons,
people simply have less money to spend (only the wages of managers, but
not the ones of workers raised in the past years, but a manager will not
buy as many CDs as 200 workers, although he earns the same), and, even
more important, spend their money on much more different things than 10
or 20 years ago (eg. portable phones, internet access, branded
mainstream articles).
Oct 13, 2003, 3:39pm
Umm - you are aware, that the USA has them already (latest example: the
challenge of MS about the IExplorer link-start capability)? And, who,
you think, started the initiative to introduce these patents in the EU?
[View Quote]bowen wrote:
> stefan aka joker wrote:
> Certainly not anywhere near as bad as European Union laws. Software
> patents, good job Europe. Good thing it was squashed.
> --
> --Bowen--
> http://bowen.homelinux.com
> I know you want to join my army.
Oct 13, 2003, 3:40pm
You are right - I will pull myself right now out of the discussion swamp
and rather enjoy it speechless. :-)
[View Quote]shalimar. wrote:
> When oh when will this beast of an argument lay down and be still?!! A few
> months back, I recall an innocent well meaning post about free sprites
> turning into a never ending free for all that produced enough threads to
> make a 4 piece suit. Heeeeeeeeeeere we go again!
> Paul made his complaint. Lars had his rebuttal. Paul had his redirect. Now
> here we are 3 days and countless threads later reading the same crap in caps
> no less!
> Meanwhile, genuine questions, people who really need assistance and real
> honest to goodness news posts get outweighed and overlooked due to all the
> "hogging" for soap box sermonizers!
> I personally will immediately delete without reading anything further about
> copyright arguments. The subject is exhausted as am I! May we move on
> PLEASE !!!!!
Oct 18, 2003, 3:20pm
I am sorry that I cannot help here and hope that you find support
from some AW community members in your area! I only can assure you
that I have no doubt in that what you reported is correct. I lift my
(virtual) hat before such an amount of kindness and expressed humanity!
I am, personally, fully aware that, what happened, is not typical for
the American police system - however, when I turn on the TV here, it is
very likely, that, when reports about the USA police are shown, an
incident like this will be in the report - and make it, for people over
here, rather a "typical" incident.
On one of my visits in the USA, I experienced myself that (at least the
officers who came after me) act first and ask then - making the educated
and "objective" assumption that this here is a rare exception, a bit
questionable <g>.
I hope that, after all, you will experience justice!
[View Quote]technozeus wrote:
> Sorry I'm not there to help people in AW lately as much as I used to be, and that I don't say much in there. ActiveWorlds isn't the only place that I spend time trying to help people. It is much safer than the world off-line, but it's only one place and there are people asking for my help in other places also. I started spending less time in AW helping people, because of the fighting that went on some time back. I have stayed out of the newsgroups except to help with conception and testing o
> Unfortunately, no matter how many war zones a person tries to avoid, there are always more. Now I am having to defend myself against accusations, and so far without legal representation. The traveling is more than I can afford, and people in the part of Chicago that I'm having to defend myself in seem to be under the impression that nice people can't exist.
> To the people who don't know me well enough to say one way or another for certain what kind of person I am but want to offer help anyway, I would just like to say... thanks for being the kind of person who would do such a thing.
> If anyone who really feels they know me well would like to act as a character whitness for me, to prove that I really do exist, I would very much appreciate it. I don't think the courts will pay much attention to any statements that aren't made in person at the trial, but any effort at all would be much appreciated. I'm not asking for help... but in this case I'm also not turning it down.
> The comment I posted to that article about being jailed for being too helpful on October 17th gives details about when and where I have to be in court. I know some people are really upset with me for not helping more than I have lately, but the world we live in has made doing so very difficult.
> TechnoZeus
> "light form" <Light_Form at hotmail.com> wrote in message news:3f91555b at server1.Activeworlds.com...