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avatar type sdk bug

Dec 11, 2003, 7:13pm
No, this is not correct, because the state_change is the command that
causes the server to turn the avatar back to the log-in avatar type.

So, when you set the avatar type BEFORE, then it will turn the avatar
type, but the state_change immediately changes it back.

When you set it before, btw, you do not need to issue avatar_set to make
it work, but nevertheless, in every circumstance, state_change switches
it back.

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avatar type sdk bug

Dec 12, 2003, 7:36am
Meanwhile I have solved the problem. In order to work, this command
sequence must be followed:

1) avatar_set to avatar type desired
....move to another position
2) state_change
3) avatar_set to avatar type desired

Any other combination or order of commands will not work. In fact, these
3 commands are the only ones used in the subroutine, and in the whole
program is no other state_change used - so there is no possible error

This is most likely not the "intended" behaviour, especially due its
redundancy, not to speak about the significant additional traffic that
is caused by this on every move.

When you skip step 1, then the avatar will rapidly switch between the
intended avatar type and the avatar type that was used when the bot
FIRST entered THIS world server.

When you skip the (normally not needed) step 3, the state_change event
will set the avatar back until the next state_change, and this is
particular odd since it would mean that any state_change, even when
issued by another sdk (eg. the browser) to the server, might affect the
bot avatar type as well.

Another explanation could be that calling aw_wait(0) without a callback
happens too fast to let the application/server execute internally the
change event or that the state_change somehow is executed faster (do the
sdk messages have a priority value?). But then again, when I double step
1 (eg. 1-1-2), the result is the same as when I used (1-2) only.

But anyway, the above described is the definite workaround when using
the VB wrapper.

avatar type sdk bug

Dec 12, 2003, 8:07am
Things can be so easy sometimes and there is not even a workaround

When you simply do NOT use the avatar_set command and switch the avatar
type instead ONLY with the state_change command (using my_type and
my_gesture), everything works fine.

So please skip my previous posting, there is no workaround needed, just
do not use avatar_set on your OWN avatar.

I have been mislead by the assumption that avatar_set can *also* be used
to switch your own avatar, but in thise case the sdk sentence "Set a
***users*** avatar and gesture" has to be taken literally - although it
also works with the own one, but then only using the lengthy workaround
I have described earlier.

Resumee: Lots of excitement for nothing, my apologies!


Reason 29 ?¿?

Feb 28, 2004, 5:35am
Does anybody know what reason 29 is? It comes up when trying to retrieve
a forgotten password by email.

Reason 29 ?¿?

Feb 28, 2004, 5:54am
Answer: It happens when there is no mail template available on the
uniserver (probably has some other reasons too, but that is one of
them). :-)

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Event AwObjectCollide

Jun 7, 2004, 3:13pm
Hmm, but what about when only collisions on items that are flagged are
reported? Eg. in a command like "report bump" which would then, when
bumped, propagate this bump to the world server.

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Standards on register price?

Jul 14, 2004, 10:01am
There is, of course, also an ISO norm for this, it is the 31-0 as of
1992. It applies to all technical documents (when you write privately,
you can, naturally, as well use eg. the assyrian stone carving symbols
or Roman digits):

The decimal seperator is the COMMA and has to be used in all ISO
documents. However, in _english_language_ texts, it is also ALLOWED to
use the POINT (unless they are english ISO documents).
It is, BTW, NOT allowed to start a digit with the decimal character, so
values like .5 or ,5 are incorrect (correct is 0.5 or 0,5).

The thousands seperator, however, is neither comma nor point nor upper
comma (as in Switzerland for example), but a SPACE, eg. as in 123 456

In this regard, threemillion fourhundredthousand twohundredtwentyseven
and 87/100 would be written as:

ISO international = 3 400 227,87
non-ISO english language = 3 400 227.87

FOUR digit years, page references and such shall be written without
seperators, eg. 2004-07-14 or Page 1234.


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New World - Now Hiring Lead Programmer(s)!

Oct 30, 2005, 11:03pm
You really find there programmers, I mean professionals, who do it for a
living, who work for 20.00$/hour? You live in India? :-)

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Jun 11, 2006, 7:57pm
It has always been that way. You need to first read out the attributes,
then change them and then send them again.

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SDK Developers : Pissed Off

Jun 18, 2006, 9:46pm
Yes, I agree that losing more than half the area that you could see
before isn't the best of ideas.

It actually would be down to 1/4 (or 25%) only when x and z are cut in
half. :-)

SDK Developers : Pissed Off

Jun 19, 2006, 8:42pm
Sorry, you are right, I misunderstood the problem. :-)

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SDK Developers : Pissed Off

Jun 20, 2006, 8:53pm
A remarkeable good decision!!!

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Correct connection port 4.1?

Aug 6, 2006, 8:12pm
Angle's internal representation is 1/10th of a degree (0 - 3600)

Hmm - in certain cases, the sdk also accepts (or requires?) 0 - +-1800

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Terrain with VB - any examples?

Nov 12, 2002, 4:24pm
Is there any example on how to query, store and save terrain data using
the VB sdk? The method is different from the one described in the C sdk,
but no examples are supplied, just the list of variables in the readme

Now, before trying to figure it out myself by trial and error, my
question: Is there anybody who managed to get it working already - and
if yes, would you mind to give an example on it?

Any help/hint is much appreciated! :-)

Terrain with VB - any examples?

Nov 12, 2002, 6:34pm
[View Quote] Just the simple subroutines or even some description will do already -
it would save me quite some time; I wish there would be at least any
documentation on it. :-)


Terrain with VB - any examples?

Nov 13, 2002, 8:04am
The COM dll - the ocx doesn't have the terrain included.

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Interested in comments

Jul 15, 2003, 2:27pm
Moving the sun only takes to change the light source settings (which a
proper weather bot should have done in 3.3 already).

Using the 3.4 features will not make the sky looking more natural, btw.
For example, the 3.4 clouds do not reach the horizont (but in a skybox,
they would), the most important thing is, however, the inability of
color changes near the sun itself or the different lighting conditions
for clouds (which will not allow for real impressive sunrises/sunsets) -
so, apart from the moving clouds feature, which can be added to a
regular skybox sky as well, for the most natural looking skies, I
recommend rather a skybox set (eg. with 20-30 frames for a complete
day/night change (hint: use at least a 512*512 resolution for each
skybox side).

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World stops running

Aug 8, 2003, 3:33pm
I only changed, manually and several times, multiple world attributes in
a world with 15 people in it and the world server crashed. :-(

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sdk issues

Nov 12, 2003, 9:17am
Is there any circumstance under which an avatar_change event would
report the session number, but not the avatar name (the session number
is correct, instead of a name I get an empty string)?

I have this happening for a bot - with an additional oddity: When he
changes avatar type or gesture, it is reported by an avatar_change, but
when he moves, there is no avatar_change event at all for him received
(the state_change is issued and the the browser gets the change event,
since I can see him moving, just the sdk gets nothing).

In the course of this, the bot also changes all of a sudden by itself
type and gesture as soon as he starts moving (and no events for any of
those at all are received by the sdk).

sdk issues

Nov 22, 2003, 11:06pm
yes, indeed, in global mode

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Bot to Protect Private Avs

Apr 17, 2005, 10:56am
Nope, that is outdated - though it still works, too.

You now add a special avatar like any normal one, only you do not use
the keyword "avatar", but "special" (the end is in both cases
The only restrictions remaining are that there cannot be more than 5
special avatars and they have automatically assigned the AIDs 251-255.

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Bot to Protect Private Avs

Apr 18, 2005, 5:40am
Like I said, they are in all regards like regular avatars EXCEPT they do
not start with "avatar" keyword, but with "special" instead. :-)

I have no idea where you can add them, I add them myself for the sake of
clarity always at the end of the avatars.dat file.

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SDK Developers : Pissed Off

Jun 18, 2006, 9:46pm
Yes, I agree that losing more than half the area that you could see
before isn't the best of ideas.

It actually would be down to 1/4 (or 25%) only when x and z are cut in
half. :-)

SDK Developers : Pissed Off

Jun 19, 2006, 8:42pm
Sorry, you are right, I misunderstood the problem. :-)

[View Quote]

SDK Developers : Pissed Off

Jun 20, 2006, 8:53pm
A remarkeable good decision!!!

[View Quote]

(3.1) Move/Rotate Command enhancement (With examples)

Apr 3, 2003, 7:17pm
Such a scripting engine as Enzo suggests exists already in some other
VRs, I think, in fact that something like that would be needed.

However, the question is if it should be implemented with a command, on
a seperate "scripting" engine or via an enhanced sdk (personally, I
favour the last option and at the same time revise and improve some of
the existing commmands).

The most important thing is IMHO a dedicated rights administration, eg.
to be able to give certain citizens certain rights (eg. fly, enhanced
commands, etc.) rather than rights depending on global flags.

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Re: suggestion: contact list popup menu

Aug 8, 2003, 3:30pm
Actually, I wonder how it went in here at all, it was intended to go
into another newsgroup (and I saw it showing up there on my computer


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Bug? Falling Through Seams/Cracks

Nov 16, 2003, 8:30am
Yes, this is a frequently reported bug that AW does not seem to be able
to reproduce. If you find any pattern in it, please submit a report to

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Bug? Can't Click On Avatar

Nov 16, 2003, 8:34am
A known problem is that you cannot always click on objects/avatars when
your own position is near (eg. using the bird avatar) or below the
terrain surface. It also seems to happen when the terrain surface is
below 0m and you are below or on the same hight as the object.

I believe this one is fixed in the next browser version.

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bug or intentional ground object quirk

Nov 16, 2003, 8:29am
The horizontal positions do not play a role, only the vertical one,
so a first line like this would work well, too (this vertex also does
not need to be included in any polygon or have any UV value):

Vertex -32.000 0 20.000

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