
Sync'ing with VRT (Sdk)

Sync'ing with VRT // Sdk

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Jul 21, 2003, 8:14am
Hey all,

I'm working on Nox 3.4 and I'm a bit stuck. When the bot starts it needs to
sync with VRT time to resume the cycle. In Nox 3.3 I used modTimeZone.bas
and some code from Grimble to calculate the time difference between local
and Unvierse Time on login but the code was buggy and the VRT time was
missed calculated on many machines.

I need a good solid way of calculating the VRT time accurately that will not
behave differently on different machines and OS's.

Does anyone have a good reliable way of doing this and a bit of code they
can help me out with?




Jul 21, 2003, 12:57pm
There are 2 functions to get the time, one is
localtime, the other gmtime. As gmtime and VRT
are in a fixed relation you can also easily
calculate the difference between VRT and local
time (if needed) - but maybe you will not even
need the local time at all and can just use the

I'm not familiar with VB but that's how it works
in C and as those C functions are based on kernel
functions I'm quite sure it can work just the
same in VB.

(The NG server seems to have eaten the first posting
attempt, sorry if it appears twice now)

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Jul 21, 2003, 1:36pm
VB can, via Windows API call, also get the GMT and the settings for the
local time zone (which you need to calculate the actual time difference
between VRT(=GMT-3) and the local time).

Another, very easy, method would be to have people put in the time
difference to GMT into the ini file of the application and then work
internally only with GMT-3 +- x

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Jul 21, 2003, 3:34pm
DST flag should not be forgotten.

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Jul 21, 2003, 8:35pm
Or just make the bot auto-calculate time difference.

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strike rapier

Jul 23, 2003, 6:20pm
lol... no comment

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Jul 24, 2003, 3:28am
well i don't know but i can tell u this vrt time is nothing but United
States' pacific time


Jul 24, 2003, 4:46am

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Jul 24, 2003, 4:49am
[View Quote] He's about 5 hours the wrong way... :O?


No of SETI units returned: 44
Processing time: 36 days, 0 hours.
(Total hours: 864)


Jul 24, 2003, 10:14am
"mr.visualbasic" <ssbroly135 at> wrote in news:3f1f6e76

> well i don't know but i can tell u this vrt time is nothing but United
> States' pacific time

Actually, it's a timezone somewhere in the Atlantic. It's supposed to be a
compromise between US and european time (I doubt AW has a lot of customers
in the rest of the world, except Australia perhaps).



Jul 24, 2003, 1:53pm
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Jul 24, 2003, 4:48pm
GMT has no DST, as far as I know. It's always constant, as is VRT. As I
recall, VRT is two hours behind GMT.

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Jul 24, 2003, 4:50pm
If that's so, how come I have to subtract six hours (five during DST) off of
VRT to get my local time (Pacific)? Is my Pacific time that badly off
because it's Canadian Pacific time?

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Jul 24, 2003, 5:33pm
It is not an AW invention, afaik. they have choosen the time
zone with the lowest inhabitants count.

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Jul 24, 2003, 10:48pm
"percipient" <percipient at {spamthis}> wrote in
news:3f202a64 at

> If that's so, how come I have to subtract six hours (five during DST)
> off of VRT to get my local time (Pacific)? Is my Pacific time that
> badly off because it's Canadian Pacific time?

Because it's wrong :-)) See the other replies.


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