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Hey any one know where I can get some Ai programs?

Mar 13, 2000, 2:15pm
Take a look at It's probably one of the best
sources on the net for bots of all sorts.

Hey any one know where I can get some Ai programs?

Mar 13, 2000, 2:20pm
Oh, you'll probably find the most
interesting section.

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Using Borland C++Bulder 5

Oct 25, 2001, 9:13pm
Could someone explain to me how to set up the SDK, preferably the static
version, in C++Builder 5, please? I'm getting lots of errors related to the
SDK while compiling. Thanks.


Using Borland C++Bulder 5

Oct 27, 2001, 11:53pm
Thanks. The program compiles now. One problem solved; forty-three million to

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Vanishing Instances

Oct 31, 2001, 4:57am
I'm programming a bot that has four instances; one in each quadrant of a
40x40 world. Trouble is, some of the instances vanish from the world,
sometimes just as soon as they enter. Always the last create/logged in
instance will stay in the world. AW_WORLD_DISCONNECT event is not triggered
when the other instances leave.

Anyone have any bright ideas what may be wrong? You help is much
appreciated. I'm programming in Borland C++, by the way.


Vanishing Instances

Nov 1, 2001, 4:25pm
That seems to have done it. I already has a timer set at 500ms calling
aw_wait(0), but I guess that wasn't right, even if I think that's what XelaG
said he did.
Now I have a timer at 100ms calling aw_wait(10), I'll fiddle with these
numbers a bit to see what happens. I suppose that main reason for the
problem was calling aw_wait(0), instead of something bigger than 0?
Anyway, thanks for the help. Moving right along...


"andras" <andras at> wrote...

Ananas is correct. Drag a TTimer to your form, set ti time period to 100 ms
and within it's timer routine call aw_wait(1)

void __fastcall TForm1::Timer1Timer(TObject *Sender)
if (BotIsRunning) aw_wait(1); // just have 100 msec polling with 1 ms wait
// do other stuff in every 100 ms


Worldserver(?) bug with global mode + invisible bots

Jun 9, 2002, 5:28am
Happens to me with a Xelagot on server version 41, in global mode. So-and-so
exits at ?.
Got a whole bunch in a row too, right after the other, yesterday.

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Worldserver(?) bug with global mode + invisible bots

Jun 9, 2002, 5:28am
Oh, and the bot was visible, not invisible.

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Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
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Version: 6.0.370 / Virus Database: 205 - Release Date: 6/6/02

Worldserver(?) bug with global mode + invisible bots

Jun 9, 2002, 5:43am
Stupid thing put the messages in the wrong order, opposite of what I sent
them. Heh.

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Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
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Version: 6.0.370 / Virus Database: 205 - Release Date: 6/6/02

Worldserver(?) bug with global mode + invisible bots

Jun 17, 2002, 2:26am
Err, sorry. I didn't mean your bot. I was refering to the newsgroup. I
posted two messages and they showed up backwards. Sorted by date, I guess.
One post was an amendment to the other.

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Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
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Version: 6.0.370 / Virus Database: 205 - Release Date: 6/5/02

Converting a Co-ord String to API Usable

Jul 17, 2002, 4:22pm
I'm using Borland C++Builder. I have VERY limited knowledge of C++, although
I have programming experience in other languages. I am taking a crash
course, learn-as-you-go method and making a bot.

I want the Co-ords for the bot's position to be entered as the usual 10n 5w
10a 90, but the SDK needs that separated. I know how to do the simple math
to multiply those numbers to what the SDK needs, but what I dunno how to do
is to split that up, know if it should be north or south, and whatever.
Could anyone help me out?


aw_event_set() and Form Classes

Aug 26, 2002, 6:23pm
I got my previous question about converting co-ords all worked out, thanks
to everyone;s help and lots of trial and error. Now I have another beginner
question. I'm using Borland C++ Builder 6.

Is there a way to get the handler for an event to point to a function that's
part of a form, as in leading to...
void TMainWindow::AW_AvatarAdd(void)
instead of one outside of the form's class, like
void AW_AvatarAdd(void)

If I point an event to a handler that's part of the form, I get the
following errors on compile...
[C++ Error] Main.cpp(110): E2034 Cannot convert 'void (* (_closure )())()'
to 'void (*)()'
[C++ Error] Main.cpp(110): E2342 Type mismatch in parameter 'handler'
(wanted 'void (*)()', got 'void')

It's not too terrible having it outside, but then it does not show up in
ClassExplorer and I have to put MainWindow-> in front of most things. I'd
rather not if I don;t have to.

Thanks for your help,
PercipientI got my previous question about converting co-ords all worked
out, thanks to everyone;s help and lots of trial and error. Now I have
another beginner question. I'm using Borland C++ Builder 6.

Is there a way to get the handler for an event to point to a function that's
part of a form, as in leading to...
void TMainWindow::AW_AvatarAdd(void)
instead of one outside of the form's class, like
void AW_AvatarAdd(void)

If I point an event to a handler that's part of the form, I get the
following errors on compile...
[C++ Error] Main.cpp(110): E2034 Cannot convert 'void (* (_closure )())()'
to 'void (*)()'
[C++ Error] Main.cpp(110): E2342 Type mismatch in parameter 'handler'
(wanted 'void (*)()', got 'void')

It's not too terrible having it outside, but then it does not show up in
ClassExplorer and I have to put MainWindow-> in front of most things. I'd
rather not if I don;t have to.

Thanks for your help,

Know a Little Math?

Jan 22, 2003, 6:29pm
I am in need of two formulae. One to convert the directional light
source's x, y, z vector into spherical (azimuth and elevation) numbers.
The other formula is the reverse.

My math skills are a bit... lacking, so could you please give me
step-by-step instructions, preferably. Thanks.

I'm using C++, if someone has a code snippet to share. I could also
probably read a snippet in other programming languages as well, if need

Thank you for your help,

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Version: 6.0.443 / Virus Database: 248 - Release Date: 01/10/2003


Jan 29, 2003, 6:11am
My method is to keep the difference between the local time and VRT in a
variable, then add it to the current local time whenever VRT is needed.

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Version: 6.0.445 / Virus Database: 250 - Release Date: 01/22/2003


Jan 30, 2003, 8:17am
Pardon my lack of clarity. Yes, I meant get VRT from the Uniserver,

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Version: 6.0.445 / Virus Database: 250 - Release Date: 01/21/2003

Sync'ing with VRT

Jul 24, 2003, 4:48pm
GMT has no DST, as far as I know. It's always constant, as is VRT. As I
recall, VRT is two hours behind GMT.

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Sync'ing with VRT

Jul 24, 2003, 4:50pm
If that's so, how come I have to subtract six hours (five during DST) off of
VRT to get my local time (Pacific)? Is my Pacific time that badly off
because it's Canadian Pacific time?

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Unused RCs

Mar 31, 2004, 8:33pm
I know the SDK returns RCs not mentioned in the SDK documentation, such as
Winsock errors. What range or codes would be safe for my function to return
for custom errors, pertaining only to my app?

At the moment I am using -1 on down for a few, but want to double-check this
is safe, and won't raise unexpected results, where my bot treats an RC as
one meaning, when the SDK is trying to tell the bot something else.


Worldserver(?) bug with global mode + invisible bots

Jun 9, 2002, 5:28am
Happens to me with a Xelagot on server version 41, in global mode. So-and-so
exits at ?.
Got a whole bunch in a row too, right after the other, yesterday.

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Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.370 / Virus Database: 205 - Release Date: 6/6/02

Worldserver(?) bug with global mode + invisible bots

Jun 9, 2002, 5:28am
Oh, and the bot was visible, not invisible.

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Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.370 / Virus Database: 205 - Release Date: 6/6/02

Worldserver(?) bug with global mode + invisible bots

Jun 9, 2002, 5:43am
Stupid thing put the messages in the wrong order, opposite of what I sent
them. Heh.

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Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.370 / Virus Database: 205 - Release Date: 6/6/02

Worldserver(?) bug with global mode + invisible bots

Jun 17, 2002, 2:26am
Err, sorry. I didn't mean your bot. I was refering to the newsgroup. I
posted two messages and they showed up backwards. Sorted by date, I guess.
One post was an amendment to the other.

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Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.370 / Virus Database: 205 - Release Date: 6/5/02

<no subject>

Aug 30, 2002, 5:48pm
At least it's unlikely anyone will complain about taking up too much
bandwidth with that.


Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.384 / Virus Database: 216 - Release Date: 8/21/02

Lowering A Lot of Terrain, Including Outside World Build Bounds

Oct 13, 2002, 6:31am
My world is supposed ot be an island, and I want to use terrain for it.
I also want terrain as the ocean floor, spreading for a long way out past
the island's shore before it pops back up to the default 0 altitude (that
looks bad for an island that's supposed to be in the middle of nowhere). My
world is a P-40 and the island will use all that. Now I'm a bit picky about
wanting 0 altitude to be sea level, meaning the ocean floor would be below
that, about fifty meters at it's deepest. Does anyone know of a bot and how
to make that bot lower all my terain out to about maybe 150 cells from
ground zero, or would be willing to make such a bot for me? The texture
would be the default 0 and the default orientation; just the elevation needs
to be adjusted.

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.401 / Virus Database: 226 - Release Date: 10/09/2002

Lowering A Lot of Terrain, Including Outside World Build Bounds

Oct 13, 2002, 6:33am
Pressed the wrong key combo at the wrong time. Forgot to add...

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.

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Version: 6.0.401 / Virus Database: 226 - Release Date: 10/09/2002

Lowering A Lot of Terrain, Including Outside World Build Bounds

Oct 13, 2002, 4:51pm
Yes, I've been fiddling with DEM2RWX. I downloaded Terragen too, so I
could have a bumpy ocean floor. I'm still trying to figure out how to get
the two to work reasonably together. I end up with a waaaayyyy too wildly
bumpy surface that has too much elevation difference between high and low,
in AW, no matter how much I flatten it out in Terragen. All seems to be
above 0 altitude too, even if it's all under 0 in Terragen. ("Level with
ground" is off.)
Also, I can only build out to 100nsew. Is there a way I can grab a
larger piece of the terrain model? There's plenty of it left over outside
the selected part.

Sorry for all my beginner's questions and troubles.

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Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
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Version: 6.0.401 / Virus Database: 226 - Release Date: 10/09/2002

Lowering A Lot of Terrain, Including Outside World Build Bounds

Oct 13, 2002, 7:39pm
I got it well enough for now, thanks. I scaled the terrain down in
Terragen so much it was almost flat there, then I used a Xelagot to lower it
all to where I wanted, and the wall back up to 0 is at 192 cells out on all
I'll redo the ocean floor later, when I have more time. Right now I just
wanted it something half decent. I'm on a schedule here; I need the world
functional for my VR marriage in a little over a month.
Thanks for your help, Andras. Great program you have; I just gotta
figure out how to work it all. :)

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Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.401 / Virus Database: 226 - Release Date: 10/09/2002

Another Bot/Terrain Question

Oct 21, 2002, 7:04pm
I am looking for a bot that can scan a certain section of terrain, save
it and then copy it back again at a future date. Now I'm very specific about
what areas I want to save. I don't want to grab the entire world's terrain,
or a certain page or node. I want to be able to grab from, say, 30n 10w to
30s 20e, and nothing else.
See, I realized, now that I've almost finished my island by hand, that
my ocean floor terrain is too low, so I want to be able to copy and save
the island part, in a bunch of blocks, and then redo the ocean floor, then
put the island back.
Anyone know of a bot that can suit my needs? Thanks for your help,

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.404 / Virus Database: 228 - Release Date: 10/15/2002

Another Bot/Terrain Question

Oct 24, 2002, 4:35pm
A Xelagot can only save, modify, delete, etcetera the entire world's terrain
all at once, unless I am seriously missing something. That's a little bit
too large scale for what I'm looking for.

Yes, I would be very interested in such a bot, as I bet others are/will be
(bonzai has already expressed interest in a post in this thread). I was
considering writing one myself, but I don't have the time to do it, with my
programming inexperience. I'm on a rather tight schedule on this project, as
I described in an earlier thread I started.

"kah" <kah at> wrote...
| Yeah, I believe Xelagot can do it as part of it's terrain features. If it
| hasn't I could write such a bot though (Percipient, mail me if

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.406 / Virus Database: 229 - Release Date: 10/21/2002

Need a Little Help With Some Terminology

Dec 2, 2002, 7:21am
The bot I'm making is compatible with any universe using AW technology,
mostly by letting the domain and port be user settable. My settings dialog
is broken into sections, one of them being for setting login citizen number,
privilege password, destination world, etcetera. I'm wondering what to title
that section. Has to be something short. I want to be more specific than
"Login" because there may be sections for other types of login, such as FTP.
I hesitate to title it "AW Login" because I'm then specified a certain
universe, and am starting to sound exclusive. "Uni/World Login" might do,
but I am wondering if anyone could provide any other suggestions.

Thanks for any help,
Percipient.The bot I'm making is compatible with any universe using AW
technology, mostly by letting the domain and port be user settable. My
settings dialog is broken into sections, one of them being for setting login
citizen number, privilege password, destination world, etcetera. I'm
wondering what to title that section. Has to be something short. I want to
be more specific than "Login" because there may be sections for other types
of login, such as FTP. I hesitate to title it "AW Login" because I'm then
specified a certain universe, and am starting to sound exclusive. "Uni/World
Login" might do, but I am wondering if anyone could provide any other

Thanks for any help,

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