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kf // User SearchEverythings changed and should work but 1 minor problem that I need help with please:)Aug 31, 2003, 1:56pm
I have a special RAM disc program running which creates a RD of
unlimited size which only uses as much space as the files in it. In the configuration, I can state which folders will be automatically copied into the ram disk at startup. Unlike "normal" ram disks, it is not an extra drive, but consists only of the folders I want. So to speak, the ram disk acts like the normal folders, only everything that changed in it will be gone when the computer is rebooted or switched off and the "original" content of the folders will stay forever the same on the HD. One of the most useful programs I ever had. :-) [View Quote] Everythings changed and should work but 1 minor problem that I need help with please:)Aug 31, 2003, 2:02pm
I have my page drive and also the TMP (as well as SET TEMP!) redirected
to a "junk" partition. The advantage is that I can delete/format this partition without pardon at any time <g>, even when windows should forget it <g>. However, some programs will even then create an absolute path c:\windows\tmp by disregarding the registry, so you still need tmp and temp in the c directory also (those two I have added to my ram disk), however, I didn't have any large file in them yet, those incidents probably only happen from old programs or "small programmer programs". [View Quote] crashSep 15, 2003, 7:22am
There is also a general crash problem which I (and many others)
experience all the time, no matter whether other avatars are present or not. This type of crash also results in a page fault error. [View Quote] 3.4 Users?Oct 7, 2003, 3:23pm
Well, it is funny - this 495 release is in AW available to beta testers
only, although it was promised to be made available as a general release in order to fix the serious "enable fly/pass-through in each world" bug. I was not aware it was not publicly available - so probably only all the beta testers are running it, since they got it served as an automatic update many weeks ago already. [View Quote] Temporary Closure of ProximaOct 7, 2003, 3:29pm
As a matter of fact, you can skip the "built timestamp" when saving,
then loading objects, and create a world with all objects missing the build date <g>, I have not tried yet to leave out the owner (should default to 0 then) or object name. You can delete such invalid items also in a text editor (make a propdump and delete all lines starting with "0 " (which would be owner 0 then) - for those who do not have a bot who can check automatically. In the server logfile, you can see who uploaded the wrong objects and ask them to improve their upload program. :-) [View Quote] Something's not right!Oct 31, 2003, 6:17am
You can limit your _maximum_ visibility by using a fixed setting from
the "Visibility" menu (not "float", but like 20m, 40m, etc.). In this case, only items withing the visibility range will be downloaded. The maximum visibility must be set new every time you enter a world, since it will automatically always reset to "Float". Setting to "Float" means that the maximum visibility using the minimum frame rate (as set in options:settng:performance) is being used, and this can be, depending on the environment you are standing in, up to 200m. The "minimum visibility" (options:settings:performance) and the mininum visibility (server setting) is the range that you will see under each circumstance - the bigger of these two settings is applied to each individual person. So, to download the smallest possible amount of items, you need to set the minimum visibility to 30m (client and server) and the maximum visibility to 30m as well (as soon as you enter a world). The "refresh rate" in the world settings determine (in minutes) how often items are checked if they are still actual or have changed. This check downloads not the actual item, but only the time stamp and only if the time stamp indicate that the item has changed since the last check, an actual download takes place. A senseful setting for the refresh rate is 10080 (1 week) or multiples thereof. [View Quote] Something's not right!Nov 3, 2003, 2:09pm
10080 minutes = 1 week (7 days * 24 hours * 60 minutes)
Even when the backup is older than (refresh time), an update check is not only much faster, but also will not require any downloads. [View Quote] Saddam Hussein Confirmed CaptureDec 14, 2003, 3:09pm
Not really all of the world - there are ca. 20 other dictators who also
mistreat their people (one of them even eats them), right in this minute, they only do not oppose the USA (Hussein did also not 20 years ago when he was happily supported by them _DESPITE_ the by then already known killing of his own people) and do not have rich resources of gas and oil. What I am really wondering, though, is, who will be blamed now for further attacks? Is it now the hour to pull out of the box again Osama, the feet-sick Mountain Wizz? :-) [View Quote] (3.1) Move/Rotate Command enhancement (With examples)Apr 3, 2003, 7:17pm
Such a scripting engine as Enzo suggests exists already in some other
VRs, I think, in fact that something like that would be needed. However, the question is if it should be implemented with a command, on a seperate "scripting" engine or via an enhanced sdk (personally, I favour the last option and at the same time revise and improve some of the existing commmands). The most important thing is IMHO a dedicated rights administration, eg. to be able to give certain citizens certain rights (eg. fly, enhanced commands, etc.) rather than rights depending on global flags. [View Quote] AWLD independent director vote results?Jul 14, 2002, 7:57am
[View Quote]
Must have been a long time since you visited Europe last <g>... AWLD independent director vote results?Jul 15, 2002, 7:41am
[View Quote]
well, at least with time and date, it is an easy thing - the 24-hour
clock is not a national "specialty", but plain and simple _the_ (only) international ISO standard for time measurment. The same is true for the date, btw, only here, the Americans AND most European countries rather use their own (church-tower-view) system; the correct date has this form: yyyy(-)mm(-)dd. In fact, in the USA, the 24 hour format is called "military" time, since the military (not necessarily of the USA), as an international operating entity, saw the need to use an easy, not confusing and uncomplicated (sic) time system, even more in multinational operations. Their system actually adds an additional letter for the time zone, so a military time would be correctly spelled for example: 13:00a, 22:00z, 03:00b, etc. For the history, the 24 hour system was "invented" by Europeans. To be exact, it was the Egyptians who used a decimal system for the day and a duodecimal system at night (plus 2 hours dawn) - this was later replaced by the Greek by a complete 24 hour system (with influence from the Babylonian measurment system, from which also the hexagesimal (base 60, for seconds and minutes) system derived). People on the streets in Europe (of which the UK is only a very small part, geographic-, population-, and business-wise), do in fact use a 12 hour system, from obvious reasons: Most dates in daily life target within the same day or in a day time where it is obvious which part if the 24 hour clock has to be applied ("I see see you tomorrow morning, at 9"), ("We meet tonight, at 10"). In all official and in almost all commercial documents and announcements though, the 24 hour format is used, as well with business dates, etc - as a notation that is most economic and least error prone (they have to learn to use the correct ISO date notation still though, see above...). :-) gestures for special avatarsJul 24, 2002, 3:48pm
I read it in some earlier thread in the forum that gestures are now
possible for special avatars (#250-255). However, every attempt to add ordinary gesture definitions in the avatars.dat file just results in additional avatars (who have then then names special1, ... ) <g>. Is there anybody who succeeded in adding gestures to special avatars yet, and if yes, is there a sample of such a definition somewhere available? :-) TIA, KF Oh dear - another release that will be very bad for AW...Dec 11, 2002, 4:33pm
Nope, have to disagree - game engines are developed especially for this
useage and AW will _never_ be able to compete with that, the same way that game engines will never be able to compete with the typical AW features (eg. the very detailled graphics possible, interactive commands, etc.). Each type of application has its focus and strength and can only include elements of other types up to a certan degree, but not be the same. The same way as you wouldn't use a truck for car racing, an avid gamer would not use AW to play a game, or some game to build sophisticated environments - becoming a game and even target a game audience will make AW contours unsharp, not succeed and end up as a deadlock with the probable descent of AW altogether. However, there are various types of games, and when we talk about a specific tpye the epic RPG type games, where high speed and shooting do not play much of a role and where competiton is rather marginal, then the aw engine could well be used for that. However, what we would use for that as developments are not the 10th new view, the 20th speed upgrade and the 30th method to press a key for the same result, but well-thought interaction mechanisms but for the network (uni-world-client) and the bilateral world-client and client-client interaction (eg. enhanced scripting, enhanced account and avatar control, enhanced feature control (rights(options!), enhanced sdk functions and such. Unfortunately, I still have the impression that AW is trying to run behind a bus that has departed and tries to catch up with features of application types that have been developed especially for this type, rather than concentrating on other types where a leading and innovative role can still be obtained. LindenLabs is not offering something really new, btw, and will go most probably the same way that other more or less famous developments or "innovative" ideas went - right into the orcus. The pretend alone that their application is the FIRST or only of this type (which is wrong in multiple ways) shows either a deliberate dishonesty or a complete ignorance/incompetence, both will be deadly for a successful business, which requires in the end the constant interaction with the customers (other than games that are sold and done). The key for a successful virtual world has also nothing to do with edge-cutting graphics, there are quite some reasons why products like Habitat2 (Japan) and GlassCity (Korea) had been, in relation to the needed developement, administration and the offered quality, extremely successful. Let's also face that the market for 3d virtual worlds is not growing - not at all and especially not in the western countries. It will grow in other regions, though, that are currently neither targetted nor recognized by any company I am aware of, and it is very likely that the "next" successful virtual world won't rise in the classic internet countries. [View Quote] Oh dear - another release that will be very bad for AW...Dec 11, 2002, 4:42pm
I admire the quality and depthness of your speech and vocabulary - you
are quite a respectful advocate for this cause. :-) [View Quote] Oh dear - another release that will be very bad for AW...Dec 11, 2002, 8:32pm
I was not referring to Sims Online. This one is, in my eyes, not a game,
but rather a comic style community - like WorldsAway, with 1000s of users (since 1995). The Sims fascination does not come from the game type (or other, similar had the same success), its idea or graphics, but simply from the fact that it takes on one hand advantage of a long tradition (the "Sims" game family) and on the other hand consequently double targets the market of a successful product. AW does neither have a tradition of a game family, nor a standalone product that had been successful before. Even whan AW was doing EXACTLY the same thing that Sim is doing, it would fail (the same way as other, even better rpgs had and will have a problem compared to UO, which had a similar tradition and marketing approach). No, AW must concentrate on something own, using its own strength and advantages rather than wasting development and financial resources by, see my previous post, trying to catch a bus that has long departed. [View Quote] Oh dear - another release that will be very bad for AW...Dec 12, 2002, 6:38am
we do not divide months into 2 either like 12th bm of March and 12th em
of March (24th of March). <<< ROFL! Don't give them ideas. :-) [View Quote] Oh dear - another release that will be very bad for AW...Dec 12, 2002, 7:01pm
Guys this is an interesting thread
<<< Please contribute then by discussing the issues and suggestions that me and others brought up here. :-) [View Quote] Oh dear - another release that will be very bad for AW...Dec 19, 2002, 2:46am
[View Quote]
This might be the case for later releases, but currently, I do not see it, frankly. There are lots and lots of improvements that could be made to the existing state that would enable a variatey of new game and simulation ideas and implementations and not even need to touch the basic program experiences. In short words, a more concise and granular control of a world and the commands in it. I just mention here additional switches for existing commands and, of course, the per-avatar configuration of world rights and features- Especially the latter one was on Rolands wish list for a long time but had always been postponed by the order of management. Still today, there is no chance to allow bird avatars to fly while human avatars need to walk, still today, it is impossible to grant more than 36 citzens any specific right (and disallowing is even completely impossible). Of course, rights cannot be seen in the client, they do not add any graphic or sound effect, all they would do is to add more control, make games and simulations better and allow yet unused implementations - but something that not everybody can see right away might not be good enough for an "upgrade". The WWW once made a huge mis-step in thinking that the more colorful and bouncing a website became, the more "valeuable" it would become as well, but really, it just managed to hid more the view on the real content and the real "value" that could be found. Likewise, graphics is not all in AW, because graphics is thing you look at a couple of times, and then you know well and look for other challenges, like playing a game, simulating situations and so on. Let me point out again, that, not without any reason, there are 2d environments out there, and even pure text style (eg. rpg games) ones that have still a lot of participants, and if graphic was the only God, this certainly had not happened. So - what I am asking for, is a decent balance in new feature implements that address BOTH the desire for eyecatchers and the desire to use the already existing features and options more close, more granular and to a higher extent. Mentioning the sdk - how many programmers are out there, in all universes and worlds together, how really take advantage of all what the sdk offers? 10? And 10 is a quite high number already. But now, let's compare this to the number of world owners who control their world by using the tools they are provided with by the client only - how many are those? 2000? 3000? 5000 over a period of 3 years,or even more? In this regard, your argument with the sdk is not a substantial one. Right, all those new things COULD be controlled by sdk appplications, but ARE they, in reality? No, they are not - most worlds, and "most" is here a term for a significant higher number, are controlled with the world features and rights dialogue and using the building commands that can be applied. You certainly can now say that most new features could be accessed via the features dialogue as well, and this is correct, but only in a numeric, not a qualitative and practical way (eg. something simple as a day/night transition, where there could be an option for it in the world features rather than manually manipulating 20 and more parameters every couple of minutes). I could, in fact, go on for hours and pages here and bring hundreds of examples, but I think you understand my point here. :-) Oh dear - another release that will be very bad for AW...Dec 19, 2002, 5:03pm
As far as your example... it already is possible in NewAW.
<<< That is not the point. The point was rather: Can the normal, average, world owner control and use all those features WITHOUT being a programmer or having somebody write a specifically customized program for him? I am fully aware about the possibilities, they are more than can be experienced in NewAW, even already without a modified world server. :-) The question is, though, how effective and stabile external plug-in applications can be, see also some discussions about sdk issues here - in this regard, a world server upgrade would be in fact, a much appreciated matter. However, my point here was also a different one: it was the order, focus and form of improvement and changes, not the fact or nessecity itself, which I do not negate at all. Oh dear - another release that will be very bad for AW...Dec 20, 2002, 1:11am
I agree, the limit imposed by 63 textures (0-62) make it hard to develop
realistic landscapes for various environments and seasons including pathes, etc. However, the textures are encoded in one value together with the orientation (rotation) of a terrain cell - it is sort of "there will never ever be the need for more than 640kB main memory" approach and I doubt that we will see a change here soon, since it means to alter the code for the whole terrain implementation (in which it would be a good idea then to alter the 1 terrain/10m limit also <g>). [View Quote] Oh dear - another release that will be very bad for AW...Dec 20, 2002, 3:17pm
Running a day/night change has nothing to do with a game (which is AW
not anyway), but with environment. And the environment can, in many cases, not be controlled to a good non-static extent, rights management (which also has nothing to do with games) is only possible to a little degree in both regards quantity and quality. The need to be a programmer and even more, to have access to a permanently running machine on which the bot applications are run is not a necessary part of an application - there are already examples that simple environments and interactions can be scripted server-side and with an easy to learn language (without compilers, sdks and server access). [View Quote] A Discussion Regarding new 3.4 Movement Changes. And stuff.Dec 17, 2002, 8:54pm
> You can start panicking once 3.4
> is released to the public. :) Once it released it is too late to discuss it <g> A Discussion Regarding new 3.4 Movement Changes. And stuff.Dec 18, 2002, 4:33am
The new system was made with the intention of making avatar walking more realistic. <<< However, as I have outlined in my posts, since the speed and perception is directly related to the computer equipment, now more than ever, this idea can't be obtained anyway. Regarding the "scale", it is correct that the speed is too high in comparision to the size scale - however, the scale is unbalanced anyway in that most items available are oversized (in relation to the size of many items, the current ((v419)) speed becomes absolutely normal again). There is also a collision with the cell (or, in other words, 10m based) architecture, if you want to build "realistic" environments that match the realistic speed, the building limit is too small respectively allows not enough granularity. [View Quote] A Discussion Regarding new 3.4 Movement Changes. And stuff.Dec 18, 2002, 1:21pm
build 443 had been released as scheduled,
everything would have been ready the beginning of December, during the prime holiday season. There probably would have been many people who, amazed with the clouds and water that used to work perfectly in 3.4, would have purchased a world for their brother/son/friends for Christmas. <<< Right!!!!!!!! DirectX 9Dec 20, 2002, 3:36pm
Dx9.0 became publicly available today in its final version (consumer,
the sdk is not yet available). After testing it for some while, I do not see any positive or negative effects compared to Dx8.1 using a GF4TI card, both the DD7 and DD8 implementations work well. It seems subjectively (?) to increase the performance of the old "Dx8" mode in client version 419 with and without terrain, though. As a first resumee, an upgrade is probably only needed when Dx8.1 had problems - or in a few months, when the first Dx9 games will come out who take advantage of some of the new internal features (namely shader language, bigger pixel and vertex shaders, improved color calculation for texture overlays, and some smaller changes and improvements, eg. in DP, DM and DS). The release identifies as 4.09.0000.0900 with a copyright date of 2003 (<g>). ThereJan 10, 2003, 11:22am
One of them is a person who was one the "Oracles" (Jeff Douglas, also
known as "Oracle Vaz"" in Worldsaway ( once. See also this report on CNN about I spare any comments :-) [View Quote] more ThereJan 13, 2003, 6:40pm
Here is more information about there: especially: When I look at those graphics, I start to wonder why here is a discussion in the newsgroup at all about them <g>. Moreover, when I read things like (taken from The company has a two-pronged approach to revenue: an undetermined monthly membership fee and revenue from the sale of goods and services within the game, such as Nike shoes and Levi Strauss jeans. Already, it is recruiting for an ``online sports activity coordinator'' and an ``online fashion activity coordinator,'' people who the company said must be experienced online users with a knack for making new members feel welcome. Players will be able to use virtual funds called ``Therebucks,'' which they can earn in various ways or purchase directly via credit card, to buy clothes and other accessories for their avatars. Among the company's investors are 3DO Co. (Nasdaq:THDO) founder Trip Hawkins, CNET Networks Inc. (Nasdaq:CNET) co-founders Halsey Minor and Shelby Bonnie, DoubleClick Inc. (Nasdaq:DCLK) Chief Executive Kevin Ryan and Wired magazine founder Louis Rosetto. The company's board of directors includes Levi Strauss & Co. Chief Executive Phil Marineau and Jim White, general partner of venture capital firm Sutter Hill Ventures. <<< This didn't work in the past, it won't work now, but THERE... more ThereJan 13, 2003, 6:46pm
.... is is quite hard to take this serious at all
( when reading marketing bubbles like ... "Levi Strauss & Co. has long used the Internet to reach consumers in innovative and compelling ways. There's immersive communications environment uniquely brings to life two benefits of the Internet that consumers value most: communication and community," said Patrice Varni, Director of Digital Business at Levi Strauss & Co. "When There wanted its members to be able to wear Levi's jeans, we were excited to participate. There provides a compelling new way for consumers to interact with the Levi's brand. We thought it was a great fit for debuting our new Levi's Type 1(TM) Jeans -- a bold new take on jeans in a breakthrough online community." In addition to its relationships with leading consumer product companies, There, Inc. is announcing a partnership with ATI, Inc., the leading retail seller of computer graphics cards. ATI will bundle There with its industry-leading Radeon graphics cards, and will partner with There, Inc. to upgrade computer labs at schools. "There is bringing advanced graphics to the mass market, which will introduce consumers to the power of ATI's innovations in a powerful way," said Dave Orton, CEO of ATI, Inc. "We're impressed with the visual quality the There team has achieved on relatively low-end hardware, and look forward to collaborating on ever more realistic versions of There." <<< [View Quote] more ThereJan 13, 2003, 6:49pm
PS: "There" must be doing something right. It's the number one topic in the AW news groups. The next year or two will bring some interesting competition for 3D-VR users. <<< |