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per avatar action disabling

Nov 19, 2003, 8:29am
IMO such a concept will be added with V 4.0

[View Quote]

Event AwObjectCollide

Jun 7, 2004, 3:13pm
Hmm, but what about when only collisions on items that are flagged are
reported? Eg. in a command like "report bump" which would then, when
bumped, propagate this bump to the world server.

[View Quote]

Multiple Citizens

Dec 6, 2004, 3:31pm
Or Xelasworld <g>

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SDK Developers : Pissed Off

Jun 18, 2006, 9:46pm
Yes, I agree that losing more than half the area that you could see
before isn't the best of ideas.

It actually would be down to 1/4 (or 25%) only when x and z are cut in
half. :-)

SDK Developers : Pissed Off

Jun 19, 2006, 8:42pm
Sorry, you are right, I misunderstood the problem. :-)

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SDK Developers : Pissed Off

Jun 20, 2006, 8:53pm
A remarkeable good decision!!!

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What to look for in a video card?

Jul 5, 2002, 8:01am
[View Quote] > also other questions of other persons...

It solely depends on what you want to do with it. I just ran an
extensive test with AW, using 3 computers and 5 video cards.

As a result, I can say that there is but little difference at all
between GF2 Pro and GF Ti 4600, in some cases even not noticeable at
all. In this regard, I consider the GF Ti 4xxx a waste of money when it
is ONLY used for AW, you then better go for a GF Mx 400 for around $99
or get a good deal on the (discontinued) GF 2 Pro when still available.

Memory is only an issue when you are in the habit of running games that
require anitialiasing and/or using high resolutions (eg. 1600*1200).
When you want the card to just run AW in let's say 1024*768 and with no
antialiasing (which is in fact not even needed and can be switched off),
then a card with 32 MB does fine already and 64 MB is already more than
you need (all GF2 Pro/3/4 have at least 64MB anyway). There is no
reasonable way that 128 MB can be used in AW at all.

BTW, I ran also a test on a notebook P3/1000 with a 4 (four) MB ATI
Mobility graphic card in it, and it worked almost as fast as a P3/1000
desktop machine with a GeForce card (no kidding). In this regard, the
memory amount is much less important than the internal memory management
and access speed. Graphic cards that are tailored and optimized, as most
cards today (2001/2002) are, will all perform well _in_AW_, no matter
how much memory they have.

The difference between TI4200 and TI4600 are the clock speeds (and in
some cases the RAM access speed). I tried all clock speeds up to 4600
overclocked by 10% and found little if any difference at all when it
comes to the practical effect on AW, in this regard, I consider
4200-4600 absolutely equal in AW-performance.

Finally, the impact of computers. I took a P3/667 as a 100% base and
then scored on a P3/1000 = 169% and on an Athlon XP 2000 = 238% (all in
software rendering mode to eliminate the influence of the graphic card).
Now, with a graphic card every computer gained considerably speed,

ATI Expert 200 32MB = 30%-90% (no Dx8 improvement)
TNT2/64 64 MB = 30%-90% (no Dx8 improvement)
GF2 MX = 260%-480% (Dx 8)
GF2 Pro = 310%-440% (Dx8)
GF 4 at 400 = 450%-930%

Please note that these figures are basing on software rendering and are
relative to the base speed of the computer used - it just shows a range
of improvements and you will most likely find YOUR gain somewhere in the
middle of this range.

There is another interesting thing I found: Sometimes, the Athlon 2000
is way faster than the Pentium 1000, while sometimes, the Pentium is
faster, sometimes, the GF4 speeds up the Pentium more than the Athlon
and sometimes it is vice versa, so, as a general resumee...

there is _NO_GENERAL_RULE which computer type or speed and graphic card
type and speed to use best _with_AW_, the only thing that one can
definitely say is that faster computer are mostly faster than slower
ones and faster graphic cards are mostly faster than slower ones <lol>.

The ONLY THREE THINGS written in stone are:

- Faster processors are faster in software rendering mode
- DirectX7 video mode is faster than software rendering mode, when a
suitable graphic card is used
- DirectX8 mode is faster than DirectX7 mode, when a suitable graphic
card is used

For those who think about upgrading their computer system only for
_AW_use_, I suggest this:

- less than 64MB RAM: upgrade to 128MB or 256MB, higher values have no
real effect in AW.
- P3/300 and below: upgrade motherboard (AGP slot!) and processor (any
- Pentium, Celeron, Duron, K7, Athlon at 350-1000: when you have an AGP
slot and an old graphic card: get a new graphic card, when you do not
have an AGP slot: get a new mainboard with AGP slot and a new graphic
- Pentium, Celeron, Duron, Athlon 1000+ with a GeForce 2+ graphic card:_
No upgrade at all needed!

Finally, the whole article is basing on the useage _in_AW_, when you
want to use your computer mainly to watch or cut movies or play shooter
games, then you will want to look for a card AND computer system that is
specialized/optimized for your needs, eg. for video work, you want to
look for a Radeon or Matrox graphic card and probably a P4 cpu, and for
shooter games, for a high speed GeForce4 graphic card in combination
with one of the latest Athlon/P4 releases.


What to look for in a video card?

Jul 5, 2002, 9:59am
[View Quote] I do, but comparison is hardly possible, since the environment is
changing all the time due to building and other changes.

I tested 3 different spots in 3 different worlds (objects all from the
same object path and physical server) with no avatars in sight,
visibility fixed to 100m and within a short time frame via the same
connection, so that they are absolutely comparable to each other, but as
said above, could most probably not be reproduced today anymore.

As an excerpt, here a few data:

P3/ 667, SOFT, 3.1 - 2.9 - 5.3
P3/1000, SOFT, 5.0 - 6.0 - 8.1
AT/2000, SOFT, 7.8 - 7.7 - 11.4

P3 GF4400 Dx7, 17.8 - 22.4 - 21.7
AT GF4400 Dx7, 19.3 - 16.0 - 27.0

P3 GF4400 Dx8, 45.3 - 62.1 - 44.9
AT GF4400 Dx8, 53.6 - 65.6 - 60.5

AT GF2Pro Dx7, 16.8 - 15.2 - 26.4
AT GF2Pro Dx8, 32.2 - 40.9 - 61.2

AT ATI32 Dx7, 11.5 - 11.5 - 21.2
AT TNT64 Dx7, 9.9 - 9.4 - 16.5

Framerate differences of 5-10 are quite random and when you log in a
couple of times, you will most likely see framerates to be sometimes
higher and sometimes lower for no obvious reason.

In this regard, I would consider a "clearly visible framerate
improvement of 10 frames" to be just an urban legend, even small tweaks
on a computer can already yield such results.

In addition, it seems that the performance of graphic cards follow also
some randomness, when eg. a GeForce speeds up one computer type by 50%
than another in one spot, but not in another (or, in other words,
framerate improvements depends even on an actual environment and cannot
be generalized.

The living, dynamic, AW is, other than many static games not suited for
purely technical comparisions or "show me yours, I'll show you mine
(framerate)" plays. :-)



Jul 14, 2002, 7:59am
[View Quote] only the big one (what about making one with a long tail, btw)... the
little one only says "Hubi", as do the females <g> :-)

Nvidia drivers

Dec 1, 2002, 2:43pm
>and i updated a few days ago to the 40. something
> nvidia drivers , i crashed so bad that i couldnt even start windows >anymore , so i downgraded to 30.82 again , and those run perfect . >update to directX

Yup, I tried the same on the day the new driver came out, experienced
the same, suffered the same and did the same <g>.

Nvidia drivers

Dec 1, 2002, 2:47pm
I run 30.82 - solid as a rock on all my machines with different hardware
(eg. Pentium, Athlon) and graphic cards (TNT, GF2Mx, GF2Pro, GF4ti)

[View Quote]

Nvidia drivers

Dec 1, 2002, 3:57pm


[View Quote] > windows
> to
> about
> you

Nvidia drivers

Dec 1, 2002, 6:23pm
You can still:

- check mainboard drivers (eg. agp, miniport, 4in1, etc.), maybe they
became corrupted or disabled somehow
- check bios settings (eg. ram refresh, agp settings), as above
- run dxdiag.exe and look what errors come up, if any
- re-install MSIE which updates the system files
- play with the graphic card settings (submenu DirectX, eg.
antialisaing, graphic card RAM, clock speed)

DirectDraw (part of DX7) is also included in the Dx8 distribution and
actually requires a lot less ressources than D3D8, maybe a part of the
installation got corrupted.
There is, btw, also an "inofficial" (not presented on the DirectX
homepage) DirectX 8.2 available, which you might want to check out also
(just search with google for it), but note the warning:

This release of DirectX is not recommended for general installation. You
should only consider installing this release if you have an online
gaming problem that has been identified as being fixed with DirectX 8.2.
This version of DirectX can replace all previous released versions of

[View Quote]

illegal universe - MAKING A PROFIT OUT OF IT!

Feb 20, 2003, 8:18am
Is it not exactly "making profit", but a "rip-off". :-)

[View Quote]

illegal universe - MAKING A PROFIT OUT OF IT!

Feb 20, 2003, 1:49pm
Not yet - I just supplied aw with some information though, since I
really hate such obvious rip-off attempts (payment only by PayPal, no
refunds, no address, etc.).
The installation program is, btw, a non-distributeable trial edition and
the program itself (aw 3.1) was just hacked enough to change the
copyright information and icon. The message file, though, seems to point
to an email address of a service that is not related to this whole

The connection appears to be a private dsl connection, the download page
is located on the same IP and working, only the uniserver is not running
(school is not out yet?) - and the other server with the webpages is
hosted in Germany. The guys name is Michael Peters, according to website
and program (if that says anything to anybody, I never came across him).

[View Quote]

illegal universe - MAKING A PROFIT OUT OF IT!

Feb 20, 2003, 2:06pm
You want to have first a close look at the program exe file (and the
rest of the distribution) and then post. :-)

[View Quote]

illegal universe - MAKING A PROFIT OUT OF IT!

Feb 20, 2003, 5:46pm
I talked about a "close look", which proofs within 2 minutes already
that a copy is a copy (especially in this case, where the genius cracker
obviously lacked the knowledge what and where to crack in the first
place <bg>) - but nevermind, be assured that I knew what I was talking
about. :-)

However, for your information, just two small excerpts from compiled-in
dialogues of the program (here reduced to the text information only), of
course, there are many more and sophisticated proofs, these are just two
most obvious:

"Unable to contact Active Worlds. Please try again later. If this
problem persists, contact support at activeworlds.com for assistance."


"Active Worlds Immigration and Registration"

Sounds familiar? :-)

But, of course:

"LegalCopyright", "Copyright © 2002-2003 Da-Genius Studios"

There is no further comment needed. :-)

[View Quote]

XP and AW

Mar 7, 2003, 11:27am
In the practical performance on a Geforce card it lies ca. between Dx7
and Dx8.

[View Quote]

Re: American Support

Mar 6, 2003, 7:13pm
Obviously since Bush is being patient and actually going through the UN,
he cares about the results.

He does nothing at all like that - he only had not deployed all soldiers
and military equipment yet <g>. The gorvernment said often enough that
there will be war under every circumstance, whether Hussein complies or
not, that the USA will do what they like, no matter what the UN or NATO
or any other country says.

But there is no need to defend Bush - he decided on a war and he stands
by it, the same way as millions of people stand by their opinion that
peace is a better way of communication than war, and their sheer number
in protests, letters and anti-war actions show that not everybody, not
even the majority of people are warmongers - not in Europe, not in
Arabia and not in the USA. :-)

[View Quote]

Re: American Support

Mar 6, 2003, 7:15pm
A lot of culture will be destroyed by bombs? Sure, if you're the
Taliban. But I think Rumsfeld is a little more concerned about hitting
military targets than Budha statues. You're speaking from hearsay.
Stick to the facts. Not the What-ifs.

[ ] You got an excellent knowledge about religion in Iraq
[X] You can spell Taliban correctly

Re: American Support

Mar 6, 2003, 8:32pm
Propaganda is always a nice thing:

Actually, I have proof that Jesus is alive, and Mohammed also.
Of course, I cannot reveal this information to the public to protect my
sources and the two buddies. :-)

[View Quote]

Re: American Support

Mar 6, 2003, 8:36pm
There're no Buddhists in Iraq? Surely it's not the official religion of
Iraq but he should get half credit.

No, there aren't - and in Afghanistan are none either, except maybe a
few tourists or a handful converts. <g>

Any other things, you do not know about these countries? :-)

[View Quote]

Re: American Support

Mar 6, 2003, 8:40pm
Oh, of course there is - it starts with easy things like language, and
arts of all kinds. :-)

[View Quote]

Re: American Support

Mar 6, 2003, 9:23pm
Yes, Islam is the national religion (although Iraq has nominal freedom
of religion), though there are various shapes of it, mainly Shia and
Sunni Muslims.

If there are any people of other religions, their number is absolutely
insignificant, like I said, literally a handful only - with the
exception of Christs in Iraq - their number is below 5%, but they used
to gain some advantages from political reasons.

See also:

While a precise statistical breakdown is impossible to ascertain because
of likely inaccuracies in the latest census (conducted in 1997),
according to best estimates, 97 percent of the population of 22 million
persons are Muslim. Shi'a Muslims--predominantly Arab, but also
including Turkomen, Faili Kurds, and other groups--constitute a 60 to 65
percent majority. Sunni Muslims make up 32 to 37 percent of the
population (approximately 18 to 20 percent are Sunni Kurds, 12 to 15
percent Sunni Arabs, and the remainder Sunni Turkomen). The remaining
approximately 3 percent of the overall population consist of Christians
(Assyrians, Chaldeans, Roman Catholics, and Armenians), Yazidis,
Mandaeans, and a small number of Jews.

and for Afghanistan:

The overwhelming majority of Afghans (about 99 percent) are Muslims.
About 84 percent of Afghan Muslims are Sunnites and about 15 percent are
Shiites (mostly the Hazaras and Tajiks). Small groups of Hindus, Sikhs,
Parsis, and Jews are scattered in the towns.

[View Quote]

Re: American Support

Mar 7, 2003, 1:10am
Although I do not agree with your examples, I agree with you in the
point of it. If Bush was honest enough to say that he wants to attack
Iraq for economical reasons, for private revenge reasons, for religious
mission reasons, for military and for imperialistic reasons, I would
absolutely not agree with it, but - I could at least develop any respect
for him as an honest and upright man, and as much as I dislike Rumsfeld,
at least he speaks his mind. :-)

But so - I do not even feel the least respect, he rather appears to me
as a bitter, an angry man from some comic book. Honestly. Sadly.

[View Quote]

the fatal OP address.

Mar 12, 2003, 8:33pm
The error says it - it is a disk error on your harddrive. In addition to
normal disk maintenance, scan&defrag, you also can delete the cache
directory to fix it as a last resort.

Distant servers (non-local computer) never send any messages except the
http messages and those messages will never display in an aw program
box, only with errors enabled in brackets in the text box along with
object/texture/sound failure messages.

[View Quote]

the fatal OP address.

Mar 13, 2003, 1:05am
Normally, this happens only (apart from physical hard defects or soft
defects) when you eg. start the program more than once, start it before
it has shut down (ie. disk cache not yet written to disk) or in certain
cases of program termination (ie. switch computer off before disk cache
has been written).

When this happens to more than computer at a time, it is either a very
rare coincidence - or has been caused by some action that forced clients
to crash, eg. world server abnormal termination with crash (should not
happen) or maybe when settings have been changed in the process when
they were written (should also not happen) or some faulty
object/commmand/sequence that caused clients directly to crash when they
get in sight.

In all cases, the disk failure is a result of this crash.

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The Eagle Has Landed

Mar 18, 2003, 3:13pm


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New Universe

Apr 5, 2003, 8:43pm
According to the public domain registry records, the domain name
aw-europe.com is registered since February 2003 to:

Emmanuel Gruijs
Fazantenkamp 280
3607 Maarssen
NL / Netherlands
emmanuel at emmanuelgruijs.com

By following the links on the website, we learn that he is the director


and also the owner of the domain


Typing in http://aw-europe.com (slightly misconfigured...) leads you to
the hosting company.

Since the prices for the universes and worlds are about the same as AW,
I would consider this to be an offical universe, especially since they

AW-Europe is official distributor for Activeworlds in Europe.

(needs to be "a" distributor, since there is no exclusive one)


The funny thing is that despite the name "europe" in the name, the
website is in dutch, english and french only, skipping the major
language in Europe (german), and, (looking at western europe only), at
least 2 important others (italian, spanish/portugese).

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public 3.4 beta

Apr 15, 2003, 6:49pm
No, it is caused by the high acceleration - there is no skid when you
just tip barely on the movement key.

[View Quote]

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