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Help us rally to bring our sky back

Jul 31, 2005, 2:58am
Ya see, Color, I like that you like certain aspects of it. And I agree that
it wasn't quite perfect. My vote still goes to the new one, however. I
loved it because it was more realistic than the other one, flaws and all.

The main point here is that the people who do not want any change, for
either spite of not getting a new GZ or because they want to see Alphaworld
turned into a museum... these guys, the vast majority of them, are not
considering what the builders in alphaworld want. They are not considering
the end results that lie outside of their comfort zones. You're a builder.
We want to know what you like and don't like about Alphaworld. Awesome
post, Color.

And the goal of this letter-writing campaign is to get the changes the
majority of builders in Alphaworld want implemented. But primarily, it's to
let AWI know that "Hey, please don't be afraid of us. We want to work with
you to make the world better. We don't want to complain about it. Give us
a chance to work with you, because we want to help improve _your_ product."

And that, my friends, is THE message that this campaign is designed to send
to AWI. Instead of complaints, compliments. Instead of sundering, healing.
So that a dialogue between AWI and us consumers can open up. Right now
AWI's locked in their ivory tower. And believe me, none of us, AWI
included, wants AWI to be locked up in that ivory tower.


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Help us rally to bring our sky back

Aug 3, 2005, 5:21pm
Settle down, Dis. :)

I think replacing such builds is a little extreme. But our past should
never hold anyone back. That just makes AW sound so much like a grudge,
hehe. :P Yet, well, people who want to could do what I do... build around
the superstructure of the historical builds and make them a little bit more
aesthetically pleasing.


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Help us rally to bring our sky back

Aug 5, 2005, 5:58pm
No that was Stacee. ;)


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Alphaworld Ground Object [HTML]

Aug 2, 2005, 1:46am
Hence the sky campaign....

sky.swcity.net. :D


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Free Activeworlds PR!

Aug 3, 2005, 5:25pm
How long are they doing this for? If possible I'd like to wait till after
the reunion because it'll make for a better story. :D


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GSK's movie for the AWEC festival

Aug 3, 2005, 5:29pm

This is what you all need to use when critiquing someone else's creative
work. Usually along with the parts you didn't like, you'd include some
suggestions on how to make it better along with an overview of the parts you
did like. GSK is likely first starting out into the worlds of video
capture and editing. So give him a break. He ain't gonna be the next
Spielberg on his first outing.

I too want a copy of GSK's work so telegram me if you have it.

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Aug 4, 2005, 1:39pm
Actually.... it is. It's just difficult to do. I am a recovering
homosexual. SURPRISE!!!! :D Your worldview paradigm has just been
shattered. ;)


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Aug 4, 2005, 1:41pm
Wow I didn't even reply and yet you marginalized me. ;_;

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Aug 4, 2005, 1:51pm
Crackpot? Unhealthy? My home, this is!!! :( Strange how you still
believe this even though you've been seeing me change right within your


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Aug 5, 2005, 5:46pm
Nobody's choice.

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Aug 5, 2005, 6:00pm
And yet the fact that I am coming out of it in no way implicates moral value
being assigned to homosexuality. It simply means it's possible. Deal with


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Spyder now Tourist enabled

Aug 8, 2005, 12:22am
For some reason I don't think what Josh and Spyder had in mind was exactly
what AWI had in mind when they wrote that. :P


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CY Update

Aug 10, 2005, 5:30pm
While I appreciate the work you've done in the past, if you take anything on
again it's going to be because you want to. And it looks like you want the
CYs to rest in peace. So there's really no point in getting back up in the
saddle of a dead horse is there? :)


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Personal avatars

Aug 10, 2005, 8:21pm
Didn't they try that experiment in Second Life? Look where it got them. A
"lady of the night" reputation.


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SW City: Revolution video

Aug 23, 2005, 1:43pm
During the Boston reunion I released a promotional video for SW City.
Linked below are the newest versions that fix some typographical and
mathematical errors. :) Download now!

http://www.swcity.net/movies/Revolution_Web.wmv 26 MB
http://www.swcity.net/movies/Revolution_web_lo.wmv 7 MB

SW City: Revolution video

Aug 23, 2005, 4:07pm
It's all from AW. The deLorean getting struck by lightning and going back
in time was a bluescreen element though. That's really the only effect that
was made up. The plane landing is real.


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SW City: Revolution video

Aug 23, 2005, 9:27pm
Actually most of the movements were looped or were perspective tricks. Such
as in the plane shot, it was the runway moving backward, not the plane
moving forward.


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SW City: Revolution video

Aug 25, 2005, 6:33pm
This video wasn't possible with this software four years ago.

SW Chris

SW City: Revolution video

Sep 11, 2005, 9:42pm
The shot list, containing coordinates to every place showcased in the video
is online!


SW City Real Estate

Aug 28, 2005, 2:08am
SW City Real Estate is your resource for aquiring land in SW City to build
your own personal creations. We pride ourselves on our fast and efficient
service. Our primary facility is located in the southwest corner of the SW
City ground zero, located at AW 2217.41S 3609.82E. SW Chris is the operator
of the facility, so if you have any questions, telegram him.

To find property, visit our real estate office at SW City GZ. It serves as
a teleport center to all the land that is open for public building in SW
City. Be sure to read through the instructions and guidelines located on
the ground floor to familiarize yourself with how we distribute property.
Once you've done that, head upstairs and browse around. Currently there are
lots available just off the Castle Pines 18-hole golf course and in Forest
Oaks, James River's newest public building area.

SW City Real Estate: AW 2224.73S 3605.02E 0.05a 15

Photo of the office: http://www.swcity.net/pics/forumpics/realestate.jpg

SW City Real Estate

Aug 28, 2005, 9:49pm
The only currency is your ability to build. You don't have to be a
Michaelangelo to build in every area, but in Castle Pines you need to be at
a certain level of skill. no zbuffering, good sense of architecture, etc.
My other area in James River isn't so strict, however.


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Alphaworld Enhanced 1.1 released

Aug 29, 2005, 3:44pm
All you have to do is run the install file and forget about it. There's
nothing special you need to do to set it up.


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Alphaworld Enhanced 1.1 released

Aug 30, 2005, 4:15pm
It's a jpg. Yes it's safe.


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Hurricane Katrina Disater

Sep 2, 2005, 1:39am
If you could tell me via telegram who advertised AWE and where it can be
found, we will take care of this matter. I can assure you that we didn't
know about it.

SW Chris

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What happened at Boston?

Sep 9, 2005, 5:02pm
You should post all that on the forum on the awreunion.com website so we
have a record of it. :P

Anyways, to Lioness,

All I will say is that there are two sides to every story, and the AWI visit
is no exception. I don't blame them for what they did, because given all
the details that I know about it (and there aren't that many), I would have
done the same thing.

Telegram if you've got questions. I can show you only some of the
information as to why my reasoning is this way, but I will not post any here
for fear of starting another flame war. And, I really don't care if anyone
believes it or not. There's no reason to. It's in the past. But anyway,

We'll see what we can cook up for 2006. A "multi-iternary" is definitely
one of the things that we want to do. And of course, _everyone_ is welcome.
Even the staff.


What happened at Boston?

Sep 13, 2005, 3:39pm
There are also a bunch at GZ on Protagonist's stage. Left side of the movie


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What happened at Boston?

Sep 14, 2005, 7:46pm
Send the urls to the pictures in question in a private e-mail and i'll be
happy to point them out to you. :)


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Virus Warning

Sep 16, 2005, 10:47pm
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dead server

Sep 29, 2005, 6:39pm
We've used godaddy for our domain, but have hasweb for our hosting and we
love it. Great bandwidth options. However, I think we might switch over to
AWLife.net when it's time to renew.


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Oct 7, 2005, 2:43am
Where's the third?


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