sw chris // User Search
sw chris // User Search
Apr 25, 2005, 6:17am
He's right, you know. You were fine in the sw city thread but here you're
off-base. A newsgroup isn't a chat room, although it certainly acts like it
sometimes. It's meant to share ideas and discuss issues, not to just chat.
In that sense, useless clutter like this post is discouraged. And hey, now
you know, so you won't do it in the future. :)
[View Quote]"Tony M" <"> wrote in message news:426c5d95$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> This is not a chatroom. This is a forum. Go into Active Worlds for a
> chatroom.
> On 4/24/2005 10:06 PM, Alin.Steglinski wrote:
Apr 26, 2005, 4:13pm
You're one to talk. Is there a shred of civility left in shrivelled frame
of yours, old man? Or shall we just call you Grampa Grumps?
[View Quote]"Gnu32" <simplaza at simplaza.net> wrote in message
news:426cff17$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Who was the the stupid one again?
> Alin, the NG's are active, with your spamming anyway
> SW Chris wrote:
May 3, 2005, 9:06pm
Whatever happened to just ignoring people? -_-
[View Quote]"Jaguar Hahn" <jaguarhahn at gmail.com> wrote in message
news:4277ea85$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Wrong. It's 3.6 you dimwit and it DOES have new features.
> ".Alin.Steglinski" <Alin.Steglinski at comcast> wrote in message
> news:4276d577$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
May 6, 2005, 2:48am
I'm looking for some urls to some active television stations. Assuming
there are any, of course. :) I need four of them, and if you guys know of
any, please post their urls here. Thanks!
May 12, 2005, 5:35pm
The terminology of a "television station" is used because that's what it
most closely resembles. No more. No less.
[View Quote]"sweets" <stylecanin at videotron.ca> wrote in message
news:42839930$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
>I am right, you are right....it is pictures...but they flow in constant
>motion which is called cinema or television....get real....that is not
>Television....that is a photo album....
> all that aside, you being picky that is, you DO know what I mean. This is
> a cheap, very cheap and useless, imitation.
> sweets
> "Outsider" <outsider at yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:42837af7$2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
May 13, 2005, 5:19am
If you feel that you can afford to host a streaming media server for us and
buy all the equipment and build the sets for us to make a quality
production, then feel free to start your own, not to mention world hosting
fees. None of us have that kind of money to throw around. Otherwise, as
they say in all of the video production websites that I hang out at, "Do it
yourself and then we'll be impressed. Theory will get you nowhere if you
don't apply it. And nobody will apply it for you."
[View Quote]"sweets" <stylecanin at videotron.ca> wrote in message
news:4283cb5c$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> yeah I do expect the best....and know it could be better...much
> better....even an amateur like me can see this.
> this 'method' is over 6 years old...animated strips, flash player
> material. this is not 'new' or even interesting.
> you may take it as complaints, but maybe you should take it as
> constructive critisism. Which critisism can cause new ideas to form. Maybe
> this time a good idea. Anyone out there get a twinge of an idea? I hope so
> I wish you all luck with your TV's (grunts) and hope in the future someone
> can see the logic of my complaints and ideas and give us what we do expect
> in AW....something exciting, new and groundbreaking
> sweets
> "Gnu32" <simplaza at simplaza.net> wrote in message
> news:4283b424$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
May 7, 2005, 12:24am
That's so ingenious I wish I would have thought of it.
BTW, if you're going to pitch this to AWI, you need to call them so they
know you're serious. Any bozo can e-mail them so your proposal will most
likely get lost in the sludge.
I totally support this, especially if it were in Global mode. Genious.
[View Quote]"goober king" <gooberking at gkstudios.net> wrote in message
news:427bfc70$2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> For those of you who don't spend any time at GZ, this probably doesn't
> affect you, but humor me for a while:
> For those of you who don't know me, my name is Goober King, and I hate
> PeaceKeepers (PKs). If they were to all jump into a huge terrain hole and
> never be seen again, I would be the happiest man on the planet. I have
> hated them since the day Razzle conceived the idea all those years ago. I
> have always seen them as a threat to individual free speech and the
> community as a whole, and they have never ceased in proving me right.
> Just the latest example: A tourist with an Aussie accent a mile wide
> wanders into GZ and starts asking questions, which I happily answer for
> him. I even regale him with the benefits of being a citizen, being a good
> AW doobie, and have him nearly convinced to register. Suddenly, out of
> nowhere, the PK on duty starts whispering to him, repeatedly reminding him
> about guidelines, claiming he had broken them and was being disruptive.
> After the tourist asked numerous times exactly what rule he had broken and
> not getting a satisfactory answer, the tourist promptly exclaimed that he
> doesn't want to register in a place that "is so anal" and disappears,
> effectively robbing AWI of another potential customer. And what was his
> supposedly disruptive act, you may ask? Naming himself "Ted Bundy".
> Now, having said all that, I can understand why Razzle organized them in
> the first place. There needs to be some semblance of authority in a place
> such as this, otherwise you wind up with anarchy, which I'm sure AWI has
> no desire of seeing in its public worlds. However, there is a fine line
> between maintaining order and creating disorder, and some PeaceKeepers,
> through their vast incompetence, have shown that they have no qualms with
> crossing that line whatsoever.
> So how are we to solve this problem? Some say that if you don't like it,
> go somewhere else. Unfortunately, AW folks are creatures of habit, and
> telling them to vacate a place they've idled in for years just because
> some hotshot with bolds is causing a ruckus doesn't tend to sit well with
> them. As a DJ for AWRadio, I must go where the people are, and as a result
> of these tendencies, that place is, and always will be, GZ.
> Instead, I have a modest proposal for the PK brass. Since getting rid of
> the PK organization as a whole is out of the question, as well as keeping
> things the way they are, some middle ground must be found. That middle
> ground can be found in the form of the PK bot.
> For those who may not be aware, when a PK goes on duty, they bring a bot
> along with them to record chat and perform various other security
> functions. My proposal involves changing a feature of this bot that will
> not only make the PKs lives easier, but also for the rest of us who have
> to put up with them.
> Currently, the bot has a feature that notifies a PK whenever a watchword
> is said in chat, such as "hacking". I propose changing this feature so
> that it only searches for one phrase, such as "PK Help". When someone says
> this phrase, or whispers it to the bot, the bot application running on the
> PK's local machine will fire off an alert message that will pop up in the
> PK's face, showing who said the magic words and where they are located.
> This allows the PK to then teleport to the location in question and settle
> whatever dispute the person may have. It could even theoretically be
> expanded to global status, so that if someone says it anywhere in the
> world, the PK could come to the rescue.
> This feature provides several obvious benefits. First, it allows the PK
> free reign to do whatever they want without wasting time idling in GZ. I
> can't tell you how many times I've seen things happen at GZ that should
> require a PK's attention, only to discover he/she was idling because they
> were web surfing or watching TV. Secondly, it gives the rest of us a
> reprieve from the more conservative PKs oppressive interpretations of the
> guidelines, and allows us to converse in peace. Thirdly, it allows for
> self-policing. One thing that some PKs can't seem to understand is that
> most of us are big boys and girls and can take care of ourselves with Mute
> and Blocking Telegrams. This system will allow us to handle tamer
> situations ourselves, and reserving the PK's effort for more pressing
> circumstances. It's a win-win!
> So please, let me know what you think of this idea. I'll be sending it off
> to the PKs in about a week, so feel free to poke holes in it. I figure if
> there's enough support for it, I'll also send it off to AWI and see if
> they can do anything to help implement this idea.
> We now return you to your regularly scheduled newsgroup.
> --
> Goober King
> The man with a plan
> http://www.gkstudios.net
May 7, 2005, 3:26am
And worse...
What if it was a customer who was looking for some telecommunications
solution for his business? Think of how many thousands of dollars that one
PK could have cost the company, just because an Australian happened to have
the same name as an American serial killer who's been dead for fifteen
Let's be reasonable here. Odds are, that didn't happen. But it could have.
A little cultural awareness here might help.
[View Quote]"Heretik" <Heretik at blueyonder.co.uk> wrote in message
news:427c25a9 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Yeah, I see what your sayin Goober- Ive seen tourists wiht names like Jack
> the Ripper before and nothing was ever said to them, come on boys n girls,
> where will the absurdity end?
> Aw is a nice place full of nice people -there are people wiht names which
> I may not totally agree wiht- but as long as they arnt too in your face-
> then there is no problem surely- I dont see how TedBundy is an offensive
> name- a very loose interpretation of the "rules" in my mind.
> From what I gather everyone there were actually telling the PK in question
> that they were not offended.
> I am British and I would not be offened by someone called Jack the Ripper-
> its absurd to be offened in this day and age...
> How do these people actually survive in the real world???? I would be
> interested to know... Its laughable...
> Or do they not want to be remineded of reality when they use the internet
> to escape maybe?
> Interesting- people use AW for many reasons- but fantasy and reality have
> to be both taken into account for its users, some peolpe seem to have a
> better grasp and understanding of what reality is here I have dound- what
> it means to be in VR...
> How seriously to take it and what actually is offensive...
> These are the interesting times we live in, so get wise to it and be aware
> of life is my thought.. Progress...
> Aw is full of nice people and has always promoted a good community of like
> minded nice people- but in this case it sounds like it has been mishandled
> big time.
> I would suggest anyone offened by the name Ted Bundy should cover
> themselves in cotton wool and hide in a box.
> They will be safe there and then they no need bother the rest of us.
> No offense like lol
> Wake up and smell the coffee.
> What about that dude called Please Nuke USA???
> Sort it out!!!!!!
> Maybe the codes of conduct should be reviwed to get wiht the times in
> respect to the PK rules...
> They just lost a customer as far as I can tell and that sucks....
> Just my 2 cents.
> Cheers,
> The Heretik
> "SW Comit" <sam at usamedia.tv> wrote in message
> news:427c06c7 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
May 7, 2005, 11:19pm
It makes no sense because you misunderstand. That's okay. Here's how it
The bot doesn't monitor any chat, nor does it record it or send it back to
the PK. It only listens for the phrase "PK Help", and when it's said
anywhere in, say, alphaworld, it notifies the PK who said it and where that
person is currently located. The PK can then teleport there at his or her
leisure. (it could optionally also telegram or notify the person who said
the phrase that a pk will appear in the area shortly).
The phrase should be hard-coded into the bot to prevent tampering by PKs who
would perhaps like a bit more control.
[View Quote]"CoLor" <mensa at execpc.com> wrote in message
news:427D54E4.446652B4 at execpc.com...
> Let's see..... You are complaining about 'Censorship' of chat in the AW
> gz,
> then suggest to fix it, they place a bot to censor ALL of AW chat. I fail
> to
> see the sense in that. Peacekeepers moniter the AW gz, which is a public
> place & is appropriate. There is no reason to place censorship throughout
> the
> AW world. As a citizen I would greatly object to any sort of monitoring of
> my
> private conversations in the world of AW. If I were in the entrance, AWgz,
> I
> would agree to the guidelines for that place, but in the rest of the world
> AW, I expect no BIG BROTHER watching over my chat. While Im not an addict
> to
> profanity, I should be free to express myself in whatever manner I choose,
> while in private conversations with friends in AW or discuss any
> controversial topic if I so choose. With my limited income, I do NOT pay
> the
> HIGH rate of citizen membership to have myself censored and monitered in
> my
> private chat. As for the public areas, AWgz or AWGate, these areas should
> maintain a proper pleasant atmosphere for the public arriving and getting
> to
> know the AW program to encourage membership registration. But there should
> not be any censorship beyond these points.
> Pamela
> CoLor
> goober king wrote:
May 8, 2005, 6:38am
If someone needed a PK, they would gram the PK. Couldn't have said it
better myself. Perhaps you see Goober's point after all.
[View Quote]"Kathryn Delanuit" <me at me.com> wrote in message
news:427d8bbc at server1.Activeworlds.com...
>I have seen the PKs bring xel's into gz. Xels are quite capable of seeing
>and logging chat. If PKs gained the ability to log in global there's
>nothing to stop them from using those privs to do the same thing and
>logging their own xel's in as well as a 'pk bot'. Color is 100% right in
>what she said. Very well said, Color. Doing this would be completely
>unnecessary anyways, if someone needed a pk, they would gram the PK, there
>is no need for PKs to go rushing around to places outside of the monitored
>gz area when they were not asked to do so and no complaint was made, just
>because a bot picked up a 'forbidden' word. But anyways, it will never
>happen, a global bot would require CT rights, and E N Z O has always very
>closely guarded who he gives lets have access to those privs, only a couple
>people have that, and he's made it clear that the PKs would not be getting
>those kinds of privs. Also, Alphaworld's a bit big to be running a bot
>like that in trying to monitor and censor *all* the chat in the entire
>world, nearly 43 billion square meters, I don't think most pk's computers
>could handle that.
> SW Chris wrote:
May 8, 2005, 6:39am
The bot would also not need to be run on the PK's machine, but could simply
be a server that the PK logs into.
[View Quote]"Kathryn Delanuit" <me at me.com> wrote in message
news:427d8bbc at server1.Activeworlds.com...
>I have seen the PKs bring xel's into gz. Xels are quite capable of seeing
>and logging chat. If PKs gained the ability to log in global there's
>nothing to stop them from using those privs to do the same thing and
>logging their own xel's in as well as a 'pk bot'. Color is 100% right in
>what she said. Very well said, Color. Doing this would be completely
>unnecessary anyways, if someone needed a pk, they would gram the PK, there
>is no need for PKs to go rushing around to places outside of the monitored
>gz area when they were not asked to do so and no complaint was made, just
>because a bot picked up a 'forbidden' word. But anyways, it will never
>happen, a global bot would require CT rights, and E N Z O has always very
>closely guarded who he gives lets have access to those privs, only a couple
>people have that, and he's made it clear that the PKs would not be getting
>those kinds of privs. Also, Alphaworld's a bit big to be running a bot
>like that in trying to monitor and censor *all* the chat in the entire
>world, nearly 43 billion square meters, I don't think most pk's computers
>could handle that.
> SW Chris wrote:
May 9, 2005, 1:55am
Please, let's not fight. We both want the best for Active Worlds, so let us
all continue these discussions in a spirit of peace. Let us not take sides.
Let us discuss this under the banner of users who want the best for AW.
Now, to be honest, I think Goober's proposal is fair. And while I don't
share his belief that the PKs should be disbanded outright, it is a noble
gesture toward compromise, don't you think so? That doesn't mean of course
that we can't fiddle around with the details, though, so the PKs don't feel
constrained and the regular users have the freedom they want.
[View Quote]"Kathryn Delanuit" <me at me.com> wrote in message
news:427e2cea$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> hehe, I'm always doing that, finding typos after I click send, even when I
> proofread first, I wish there was some way to edit posts on ng's like you
> can elsewhere :)
> ORB wrote:
May 9, 2005, 4:58pm
Hear hear. Let's remember the old times, but let's make the best of what we
got and try to make it better. Even if it wasn't what we were expecting.
Coming to the reunion in Boston, Fac?
May 12, 2005, 5:37pm
What? Someone from AWI? You have to call them up and talk to them in
person (and get past the phone screener) so they know you're really
interested. Being qualified is a different matter. Hope you're that too.
[View Quote]"Equin0x" <xenoph at optusnet.com.au> wrote in message
news:42831580$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
>I am waiting for someone to assign me some community task.
> I've got quite the expierence, with the AW software and computer-tech
> itself.
> I've also helped out with many other universes.
> "SWE" <swe at swehli.com> wrote in message
> news:428228af at server1.Activeworlds.com...
May 28, 2005, 4:41pm
But we can rebuild it. We're not expecting a sudden miracle here.
[View Quote]"TheMask" <ricky at whaletech.net> wrote in message
news:4297cf8e$2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> SW Comit wrote:
> As much as you and anyone else wants it to come back, there's little at
> this moment unless AW takes something magical out of it's hat.
May 28, 2005, 4:43pm
Windows Media Encoder can't capture the video though. The movie maker is
decent for editing though.
Snagit or FRAPS works best to capture video. Or if you feel really
inventive, use an s-video cable and record your video card's signal directly
to a camcorder to get the highest quality, frames per second, and resolution
possible. >:)
[View Quote]"R i c h a r d" <richard.lazenby1 at ntlworld.com> wrote in message
news:4298844d$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Windows Media Encoder works quite well too
> "Strike Rapier" <markyr at gmail.com> wrote in message
> news:429870ef at server1.Activeworlds.com...
May 30, 2005, 11:31pm
Of course to do any kind of video capture with AW, it is recommended to have
a good video card so you can actually reach 30fps in Active Worlds and still
have a decent level of visibility. Also, if you have two hard drives, have
FRAPS capture to your secondary hard drive so that your first won't gag
under the weight of capturing video and running your computer at the same
time. This also improves performance.
[View Quote]"Heretik" <Heretik1 at tiscali.co.uk> wrote in message
news:429b92ce$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> It might be worth adding that the new FRAPS can do up to 60fps which is
> more than enough resolution to get great results... considering most film
> and footage is played back at 25fps...
> Also when recording in AW its usually a good idea to make sure you set the
> maximun framerate in Aw as high as possible so it runs as smooth as
> possible, I set AW to attempt to keep to 60 fps -which it often exceeds-
> and use FRAPS set to record at 30fps..
> Ive had great results so far...
> "Heretik" <Heretik1 at tiscali.co.uk> wrote in message
> news:429a14d6$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
May 30, 2005, 11:32pm
Have you used it to capture (not encode) video from Active Worlds or from
your desktop screen? I don't think it has that capability.
[View Quote]"R i c h a r d" <richard.lazenby1 at ntlworld.com> wrote in message
news:429b4715$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> What do you mean Media Encoder can't capture the video, it doesn't have to
> stream you know! I use it all the time for encoding video files, making
> video files from various hardware sources and desktop sources. Streaming
> is only part of it!
Jun 1, 2005, 6:52pm
That too, would help I bet. But I was more concerned about your hard drive
heads and how they have to go back and forth to read and write data than
that IDE bus speed.
[View Quote]"Outsider" <outsider at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:429c8f65$2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> SW Chris wrote:
> I'd probably have to be on a different IDE channel to make any difference
> to the AW Cache. Most people share the same channel for a second hard
> drive.
Jun 1, 2005, 7:00pm
Please remember that the suggestion of a universal chat channel is not
intended as a _replacement_ for the local chat area we have, but as a
_supplement_ to it.
[View Quote]"maki" <maki at awmaki.com> wrote in message
news:429d1147$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
>I don't think I'd care for this idea. I see your point with new users, but
>if any user can just hop onto a big single chat pool, where's the fun of
>exploring the universe and only talking in the location you're at?
> Maki
> "syntax" <syn at swcity.net> wrote in message
> news:429bc77f at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jun 1, 2005, 7:01pm
You would need chat moderators.
[View Quote]"Strike Rapier" <markyr at gmail.com> wrote in message
news:429dfc11$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> "SW Comit" <sam at usamedia.tv> wrote in message
> news:429df596$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Are you SURE thats a good idea?.... think 'all' organisations and
> communities.
> --
> - Mark Randall
> http://zetech.swehli.com
Jun 14, 2005, 11:43pm
Should be relatively easy to set up...
[View Quote]"goober king" <gooberking at gkstudios.net> wrote in message
news:42ad6ec9$2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Not really. An AW wiki would allow people to add ideas to the building
> guides, or allow other SW City folks to contribute to the SW City Lore
> entries. Sounds like a good idea to me!
> SW Comit wrote:
> --
> Goober King
> Wiki wiki wah wah
> http://www.gkstudios.net
Jun 14, 2005, 11:45pm
No it wasn't a Wiki, it was just an entry in wikipedia.
Anyways I've always been a fan of pmwiki. Anyone can edit it if they have
the password, or you can let anyone edit it and it saves backups of the page
so if someone vandals it you can just restore the previous page and ban the
ip that vandaled it.
[View Quote]"Jim1" <JimMoore2 at Cox.net> wrote in message
news:42af5871$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> "TheMask" <ricky at whaletech.net> wrote in message
> news:42add8de$2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I had the same problem. Get one of those compressed air cans at Radio
> Shack and blast the crumbs out from under the keys.
> I thought someone in one of these AW newsgroups already started an
> AW-specific Wiki not long ago.
> Sorry I lost the link. Please repost!
> Jim1
Jul 11, 2005, 6:04am
Finally there is someone who shares my view of the situation. :)
[View Quote]"JerMe" <JerMe at nc.rr.com> wrote in message
news:42ce8546$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Just for the record, I wasn't really trying to stick up for you at all...
> I'm not really interested in if what they have to say is true or not....
> For all I know every word on that site might be correct....
> My point was that whoever created that site has a major lack of
> self-respect, a lack of respect for others, and *way* too much free time.
> Here they are trying to say you are a wacko, but yet they seem to be
> obsessed with you and are acting more like stalkers who are just out to
> smear your name. Not very believable either way if you ask me....
> If you want to warn your friends about someone you believe is dangerous,
> the way to do it is *not* stalking the person and setting up a site with
> whatever info you find dedicated to bashing the person. That's just really
> necessary and pointless.
> -J
> Seiya wrote:
Jul 11, 2005, 6:06am
I would say, and speaking objectively here, that if you haven't
intentionally hurt someone before, then you're perfectly right to be so
[View Quote]"ORB" <SharonClarke at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:42cfe6c0 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> It's not helping anyone you moron. *sighs* What you do is negative even
> though your initial attempts may have seemed positive to some innocent
> victims... it was all a front under multiple veils. You show your true
> self no matter how you mince your thoughts.
Jul 23, 2005, 11:30pm
I like mud. :)
SW Chris
[View Quote]"XelaG" <xelag at digitalspace.com> wrote in message
news:4cr5e19fglplu04mdost1hhg0e5dbuq5e0 at 4ax.com...
> If I am not mistaken, the first incarnations of CY were done with the
> panel system. That was before my time (1999). By popular demand, this
> was changed to a popular vote, as is now. If you try to change it
> back, you'll be treading old muddy terrain and will have to remake
> history :)
> On 23 Jul 2005 20:59:44 -0400, "Strike Rapier" <markyr at gmail.com>
> wrote:
Jul 24, 2005, 2:22am
Sounds good, though I'd rather have a moving image than just four or five
static screenshots. That would make it more of a hybrid between People's
Choice and the Oscars
[View Quote]"Strike Rapier" <markyr at gmail.com> wrote in message
news:42e2f430 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Personally I prefer to mininuke the mud and just walk over the radioactive
> ash.
> Im not sure what I think to this idea in general, I do however think that
> a major benefit would be that 3 other people would get some kind of
> recognition for their efforts, even if they do not win.
> I think it would be more fair if say 5 people took the final vote, people
> who I pretty much knew were not going to discriminate or show favouritism
> towards individuals.
> Also had the idea of showing the 4 screenshots on the main stage, and then
> calling up the actual person when announced. (Have a media team for a
> reason ;))
> --
> - Mark Randall
> http://zetech.swehli.com
> "SW Chris" <chrisw10 at gmail.com> wrote in message
> news:42e2ef29 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jul 25, 2005, 2:38am
you sure that's the right link? It wouldn't load for me.
[View Quote]"pelican" <stout2 at verizon.net> wrote in message
news:42e4647e$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> http://pelican.frobozz.ws/website/phonebook.asp
Jul 27, 2005, 4:07am
And we are just hearing about it. Yay.
[View Quote]"Strike Rapier" <markyr at gmail.com> wrote in message
news:42e70a81 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Its been about for a few months =\
> --
> - Mark Randall
> http://zetech.swehli.com
> "SW Comit" <sam at usamedia.tv> wrote in message
> news:42e705c6 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jul 30, 2005, 5:24pm
I'd love to be in beta, period. After beta testing Star Wars Galaxies, how
hard can it be? ;)
[View Quote]"C P" <chris101d at comcast.net> wrote in message
news:42eba8d3$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> TheMask wrote:
> what rick told me
> heh id love to be n beta again