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brant // User SearchCy Award winning paintball bot to be released as freewareMar 18, 2001, 5:57pm
That feature's already supported, jbell - you can enable avatar
teleportation or disable it at your discretion. Cy Award winning paintball bot to be released as freewareMar 18, 2001, 10:26pm
You sound as if you wanted me to release it a long time ago - lol. I would
have, but I just didn't have enough time to debug it - maybe having an experienced programmer testing wouldn't be such a bad idea? Cy Award winning paintball bot to be released as freewareMar 25, 2001, 11:15am
LOL - more things to add and bugs to fix - see my latest post in reply
to brandon's post above. Cy Award winning paintball bot to be released as freewareMar 25, 2001, 11:16am
Actually, that percentage thing is in my bot too - I disabled the menu
item because it doesn't work yet with teams - more bugs without time to fix. Vote Bot on 25, 2001, 11:14am
I wish I had the time to release it. Unfortunately, I've had to
concentrate on AWTeen more and more recently, and have had to put these programs (I have seven from gatekeeping bots to the paintball bot to the vote bot that I had wanted to release) on the back burner to be continued during the summer. All of the programs are finished, just not polished or debugged, so if anyone would like to help out by debugging them, let me know. Brant please contact me!!!Jun 21, 2003, 3:22pm
My E-Mail address is listed on my site at, or just
use the address in this post :) -Brant [View Quote] Visual Basic 6 SDK?Jun 22, 2003, 4:17pm
Clarification: The Ultimate Paintball Bot will never use the DLL, becuase
it was programmed originally in 1999 when Grimm made OCXs. It would be far too extensive to reprogram the application for the DLL version. Demeter, however, was programmed originally by Grimble, who used the DLL version, which was released just before Demeter's release. -Brant [View Quote] Visual Basic 6 SDK?Jun 26, 2003, 10:28am
20 minutes! The problem is that the DLL works completely differently than
the OCX in terms of multiple bots. You can't just use an array of DLL "controls." If Ultimate Paintball only used one bot, then it wouldn't be that much of a problem. -Brant [View Quote] Visual Basic 6 SDK?Jul 1, 2003, 5:35pm
Hmmm, I'll have to try that - still a LOT of work to update, but it might be
faster than writing an updated OCX as I described above :) -Brant [View Quote] VB 3.4 sdkJul 1, 2003, 5:34pm
That's a good idea - I'll have to write an OCX of this build to be used by
legacy programs - it will probably save myself and others a lot of time :) -Brant [View Quote] For Brant : Seeding AnywhereDec 10, 2003, 1:04am
I would have responded to this earlier, but unfortunately I spent sixteen hours over the past two days finishing four assignments, one of which was, strangely enough, as KAH predicted, attempting to create a basic rule-based game playing AI robot in PROLOG. As to the code, Grimble is such a neat programmer that there's so many functions and sub-functions in that code that it wouldn't make any sense to you if I copied just that one routine. -Brant [View Quote] Shoemaker Village Ultimate Paintball 2.21Apr 11, 2001, 9:19pm
I'd like to announce the open beta release of the 2000 Cy-Award winning
Ultimate Paintball, located at The application had been in a closed beta format for several months. Please note that at the current time, the program (as it is a beta version) may contain bugs, and should be tested only by experienced users. More importantly, the help files for this program were written on June 13, 2000 and are badly in need of being updated. As I must concentrate on the Gulakon RPG, the fixing of bugs in this and other programs, and the reconstruction of AWTeen, I have little time to devote to this important task. Therefore, I hope that someone who has a good background in English as well as a little technical knowledge will contact me and volunteer to write these help files. The task would only take a few hours, and would be greatly appreciated by myself and others who have downloaded the program. Some of the features in version 2.21 include: -Support for up to 255 worlds simultaneously with synchronized statistics -Grenades and frenzy powerups, with the option to set a certain number of each type of powerup or disable either completely -Teleport or eject users when shot, and set the teleport location to wherever you choose, or eject users with a 2.2 browser while teleporting 3.1 users -Add and remove bots dynamically, even in the same world -Specify up to 15 bosses who can use special commands to control the bot in-world -Keep statistics of kills, deaths, and kill-to-death ratios, as well as individual standings -Enable team warfare, and keep statistics of teams, including kills, deaths, and ratios, as well as team standings -Create and join teams at will, and leave then when required -Set specific times to start and end a match, and count down until a match ends -Enable a phone bot to talk between worlds in the network, or disable it whenever needed -Eject bots on the playing field and prevent cheating with built-in features if necessary -Eject cheaters or troublemakers from all worlds in one click -Create a bad words list to keep chat clean -Create and clean up skull objects in one or all worlds -Specify the grenade, frenzy, and skull objects -View all of the current players and their scores instantly on the console or by whispering "score", "deaths", or "ratios" to the bots -Save and load different bot, scoring, and team configurations quickly and easily -Never download the zip file again and upgrade instantly with the Shoemaker Village Upgrade Utility Shoemaker Village Ultimate Paintball 2.21Apr 12, 2001, 12:40pm
As an extra incentive, I will host a world or bot without charge for anyone
who is willing to donate their time toward creating these help files. E-mail awteen at 3.5 SDKJan 29, 2004, 11:45pm
3.5 SDKFeb 7, 2004, 1:10pm
Well, the huge limitation here, and the reason why I won't be using the
toolbar, is that there's no way to trigger the SDK_Event command by mapping it to a key. If that were possible, FPS games could be programmed without the limitation of only being able to click on avatars and objects. In my opinion, this would be a huge achievement. -Brant [View Quote] Coordinates FunctionFeb 9, 2004, 6:41pm
That's why I removed that module from the website :) This is great that
everyone's going open source so people won't keep relying on my code alone so heavily - when it's open source, you can fix it :) The following function is the one that I've actually been using recently. However, your function seems to have fewer lines, but such a function is used so infrequently that it's probably not worth comparing the two, as long as they work correctly. Of course, you can't test this function, because the Location class is not yet available (someday I'll get around to that, as soon as I'm finished with wasting hours implementing microinstructions on 1983 MIPS machines). Still, I'd be interested if anyone feels like comparing the two and seeing if one has some unforseen error that could cause problems down the line :) -Brant ----------------------------------- Public Function coordinates(ByVal stringToProcess As String) As Location Dim returnValue as New Location(0,0,0,0,0,0) Dim parts(3) As String, counter As Byte, position As Double, coordinateMeasure As Integer Dim northWest As Boolean returnValue.Tilt = 0.0 returnValue.Roll = 0.0 'These values are irrelevant for avatar locations parts = Split(stringToProcess) 'Split string by spaces For counter = 0 To parts.GetUpperBound(0) parts(counter) = parts(counter).ToLower() Next position = InStr(parts(0), "s") northWest = (position = 0.0) If northWest Then position = InStr(parts(0), "n") coordinateMeasure = CDbl(Left(parts(0), position)) * 1000 returnValue.Z = IIf(northWest, -coordinateMeasure, coordinateMeasure) position = InStr(parts(1), "e") northWest = (position = 0.0) If northWest Then position = InStr(parts(1), "w") coordinateMeasure = CDbl(Left(parts(1), position)) * 1000 returnValue.X = IIf(northWest, -coordinateMeasure, coordinateMeasure) If parts.GetUpperBound(0) < 2 Then returnValue.YAW = 0.0 returnValue.Y = 0.0 coordinates = returnValue Exit Function End If position = InStr(parts(2), "a") If position = 0 Then returnValue.YAW = CDbl(parts(2)) coordinates = returnValue Exit Function End If returnValue.Y = cDbl(Left(parts(2), position)) * 1000 If parts.GetUpperBound(0) < 3 Then returnValue.YAW = 0.0 coordinates = returnValue Exit Function End If returnValue.YAW = cDbl(parts(3)) coordinates = returnValue End Function ----------------------------- Coordinates FunctionFeb 9, 2004, 9:05pm
Another thing about this code that may or may not be a problem is that it
uses the Val() function. I myself made the mistake of using that function extensively in programs up until recently. The problem with that function is that it won't pay attention to internationalization. In some countries, the decimal point is replaced with a comma, so that in those countries "975,5n 975,5e 0.5a 0" would register an error with the Val() function. This problem can be fixed by using conversion functions such as CInt() or CSng(). -Brant [View Quote] sdk_event registryFeb 9, 2004, 7:21pm
Hi all,
After looking through the documentation on the 3.5 toolbar functions at, it seems to me that there's an opportunity here to set a standard for using sdk_event commands before the SDK is released and bot developers begin developing toolbars. If you're not sure what this command is, be sure to check up on the documentation. The event specifies a "message id," upon which a bot performs a specific function. The id is any number between 0 and 2^15-1. You can probably start to see the problem: everybody who develops a bot that wants to use a toolbar will use message id's 0, 1, 2, etc. That works fine for toolbars put out by the developers themselves, but what if someone is starting a new world that wants to run a ChatRelayBot at the same time as a Magsbot? If both assign an important function to id_number zero, then when the ChatRelayBot is commanded, the Magsbot will perform an unrelated action. Imagine trying to change your chat color when the Magsbot interprets your button click as a command to delete your house! This problem can be easily solved by someone maintaining a simple registry for sdk_event "message id's. " I doubt that any time soon AW's bot developers will find a way to assign commands to all 32767 id's, so for the time being, each command can be assigned a unique id. For example, a Xelagot could use sdk_event message_id's 0 to 15, while a paintball bot could use message_id's 16 to 25, and so on. This registry could be maintained on a simple HTML page where each bot is listed along with its assigned "id range." If the coordinator of this list is thourough enough, then toolbar developers can simply look at that page and incorporate the commands they would like to use in their new toolbars. Perhaps a set of "standard" actions could also be assigned a "reserved" set of id's; for example, id 200 could be reserved as a "teleport user to GZ" command for all bots that want to support it. Note that the goal here wouldn't be enforcement of these id's - if someone wants to run a bot that's non-compliant in his or her world, then that's his or her business to explain to users that "standard" toolbars wouldn't work correctly in that world. Perhaps someone (or a group of people) would be interested in taking up this project? Newbie Bot Programming - can't "see" bot; get 439Apr 2, 2004, 12:54am
Wasn't there a bot that was adapted by HamFon or so in the late 90s that
used ELIZA to attempt to hold a conversation with a user? I wonder where that bot went.... -Brant [View Quote] Timestamp VBApr 9, 2004, 5:12pm
Visual Basic's "Date" class has a concept of "Ticks," where it counts the
number of 100 nanosecond increments since something like January 1, 0001 CE - even before the gregorian calendar was in use. I'm sure that by dividing by the appropriate number to convert from nanoseconds to seconds and by subtracting the value for January 1, 1970 you could write a class that inherits from the Date class and provides a conversion function to SDK/C++ format. Take a look at It's the more difficult way to do things, but you only have to write it once, and then you use it over and over... [View Quote] Many bots now open sourceJan 4, 2005, 12:53am
Since many of my bots are becoming outdated, I have decided to release the entire codebase for everything that's listed on (and for some things that aren't). The following bots will now be under the GPL: -Ultimate Paintball -Demeter -Vote Bot -Activeworlds Utility -AWTeen Inauguration Day slideshow producer -Thor -Thor 2 (sun position calculator and time of day portion) -AW SDK Functions 2.bas and bot classes Some of the more minor projects will also be made available eventually. Tony M is handling the conversion and is in the process of setting up a code management system, so direct any questions to him. Hopefully some bot programmers will jump onboard and help to improve these projects. Keep watching here for an announcement once Tony M makes the code available! -Brant Has anyone made a publicly realeased Banbot??Apr 16, 2001, 11:07am
Someone made a bingobot that was running in NewYork about two weeks ago. I
believe her name is Xena, and she's selling it for $100. [View Quote] scavenger hunt bot scriptApr 17, 2001, 10:41pm
I get hundreds of telegrams per day saying things like "yes", "?", "lol",
"it's here", "when is it?", etc. - do what I did with awteen - post a message saying that telegrams won't be accepted anymore, and then only reply to people over E-mails (that have the ENTIRE question included) - it's worked for me, lol. [View Quote] Attention VB ProgrammersApr 22, 2001, 12:07am
I taught myself VB, and never read a single book, and I hope that I
don't produce trash... Shoemaker Village Vote Bot 1.10Apr 22, 2001, 12:15am
I'm pleased to announce that the Shoemaker Village Vote Bot is now
available for those who were asking about the date of its re-release. The bug in the code had originated from the use of the AwAvatarName attribute in the Chat event, and as most know the AwAvatarName attribute isn't updated in the Chat event, so the program looked up the citizen number of the wrong name and thought that that person had voted already. The re-released bot is available at To solve the problem, I created two in-depth avatar classes, which allow a programmer to keep a session list of all avatars in a scene (with all their attributes) with three lines of code (in the avadd, avchange, and avdelete functions), in addition to automating commonly used functions (searching the list, teleporing and ejecting users, etc). I plan to release these classes and some modules that have functions that parse location strings for the coordinates, look up error codes with intelligent messages, make a worlds list like in the AW browser, etc. They should be available on the site within two days (as soon as I write the help files) for those VB programmers looking to get a head start on their projects. Shoemaker Village Vote Bot 1.10Apr 23, 2001, 5:59pm
I fixed the citnum bug myself by eliminating the problematic citizen
number lookups and writing a class to make future development easier. bingobot and awgames botsMay 4, 2001, 5:48pm
I made a similar post to one of the other newsgroups: Commie and Xena
have developed a BingoBot, which after inquiry they said they would be selling for $100 per license. Contact them if you're interested. How do you make a textbok automatically scroll down?May 11, 2001, 11:38pm
If perchance, Tony didn't get you the code, it's pretty simple. Just
say something like: Text1.SelStart = Len(Text1.Text) The SelStart property sets the starting point of the selected text in the text box, or the cursor position if no text is selected. The code above moves the cursor to the last letter of the text box. Newbies:May 12, 2001, 2:20pm
The best (and cheapest) book is the MSDN library that comes with VB.
I was able to teach myself VB simply by following the tutorial in the help files. I would suggest that those who are looking for a way to learn VB quickly take a look at the help files there - they're very useful. |