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GZ protect code [vb]

Feb 3, 2001, 4:51pm
Customs Aide ejects them, I think XelaGot is world-owner friendly and
doesn't allow bots in that radius, it won't login, dunno tho :)

[View Quote]

restricting bot space

Dec 14, 2000, 5:33pm
Depends :) Are you programming it ? If so, try to do an IF function,
however, I am new to programming, so ask Agent1, Ima Genius, HamFon, Byte
Me, ect.. :) They might know :)

[View Quote]


Aug 24, 2001, 7:21pm
Well, good free hosts are and if you want a good pay-host, is one of the best, and are both hosted by
it, and both pages load fast for me.
Young Phalpha

[View Quote] [View Quote] > geocities suxx for website specialy if your serving zip files from one
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Public Speaker rights in Bots

Aug 22, 2001, 9:10pm
All PS does is if there are over 50 people in a area, the PS will always be
heard as long as its 200 meters within the avatar, as described in the help
files. :)

Young Phalpha

[View Quote]

Public Speaker rights in Bots

Aug 24, 2001, 6:59am
Because if there were over 50 people in an area, like the Cy Awards event for example, you'd be
lagged horribly due to avatar change events and things being sent. But a PS can't hear over 50
people though, the server just broadcasts it to everyone, I don't know what would happen if
everyone had PS, though.
- Young Phalpha
[View Quote] [View Quote]

Public Speaker rights in Bots

Aug 24, 2001, 7:04pm
Out loud conversations or whispers? I was told by HamFon you can't see whispers without a
cracked world server.
Young Phalpha

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Sorry everyone...

Sep 3, 2001, 2:48am
uhh, you mean the difference of 150-300 milliseconds or so is that much? :)
Young Phalpha

[View Quote] [View Quote]

Sorry everyone...

Sep 3, 2001, 11:59pm
that's odd, I have a 56k, hmmm... :/
Young Phalpha

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Wanted: 2.2 SDK

Sep 3, 2001, 2:57am
*cough* that 2.2 uniserver with that license check removed.. :)
Young Phalpha

[View Quote] -Agent1

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Wanted: 2.2 SDK

Sep 4, 2001, 12:04am
well, there is one since I've been offered one, but who wants a 2.2 universe? I can't stand to
be in 2.2 for a minute...
Young Phalpha

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Wanted: 2.2 SDK

Sep 4, 2001, 12:10am
uhhh, Roland makes sure the SDK has complete and full backwards compatibility, because how would
the current 2.2 browser work in the 3.1 universe? I believe you can't login a 3.x browser into a
2.2 universe, but you can login a 3.x SDK to one...
Young Phalpha

[View Quote] -Joe

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Delphi SDK Helpful Update

Sep 23, 2001, 5:48pm
hmmm, I find it alittle weird, why have it login during the name or change positions during
certain things only? Why not have Bot.Login or something?
Or better yet! Bot.Login(name, owner, pass, application), and Bot.Position(x,y,z,yaw), hope this
can turn into a big project :)
[View Quote] This is a sample program using it:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
Bot: TBot;
Bot := TBot.Create;
Bot.PassWord := 'poodles';
Bot.CitizenID := 999888;
Bot.Name := 'Bottie';
Bot.World := 'AWTeen';
Bot.X := 900;
Bot.Z := 9;
Bot.Y := 900;
Bot.Say('Hello, I''m an eaxample');
Bot.Say('I''ll move now to 2S 2E');
Bot.X := 2000;
Bot.Y := 2000;

Delphi SDK Helpful Update

Sep 23, 2001, 7:49pm
excellent :) When will super easy multiple instance support be in it? :)

[View Quote]

Delphi SDK Helpful Update

Sep 23, 2001, 7:53pm
oh, and btw, another update you should do in it as well is don't have it include the akAWAPI,
just add it in manually into your file, although it will be bigger and more confusing, oh well

[View Quote] This is a sample program using it:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
Bot: TBot;
Bot := TBot.Create;
Bot.PassWord := 'poodles';
Bot.CitizenID := 999888;
Bot.Name := 'Bottie';
Bot.World := 'AWTeen';
Bot.X := 900;
Bot.Z := 9;
Bot.Y := 900;
Bot.Say('Hello, I''m an eaxample');
Bot.Say('I''ll move now to 2S 2E');
Bot.X := 2000;
Bot.Y := 2000;

Error 1403

Sep 27, 2001, 4:14pm
hmmm Brant runs Xitami I think, ask him....

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Error 1403

Sep 27, 2001, 7:39pm
Does it really matter? Some "techy" people don't read the other NG's...

[View Quote] -Agent1

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Sample C++ Bot

Oct 2, 2001, 6:08pm
Well assuming he's trying to learn the SDK, HamBot is a over packed example...

[View Quote] --

Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X

[View Quote]


Oct 4, 2001, 6:34pm
try this code...

void handle_avatar_chat (void)
char* chatmsg;
char reply[256];
char* temp;
int speakerSN;

chatmsg = aw_string (AW_CHAT_MESSAGE); // removed a unneeded '/' from here
speakerSN = aw_int (AW_CHAT_SESSION);

temp = _T("hi");

if (stricmp(chatmsg, temp)) { // If you have Delphi you can use equal signs, but this is C++ :)
sprintf (reply,"Hello %s", speakerSN);
aw_say (reply);

[View Quote] void handle_avatar_chat (void)
char* chatmsg;
char reply[256];
char* temp;
int speakerSN;

chatmsg = aw_string (AW_CHAT_MESSAGE);/
speakerSN = aw_int (AW_CHAT_SESSION);

temp = _T("hi");

if (chatmsg == temp) {
sprintf (reply,"Hello %s", speakerSN);
aw_say (reply);

TrekkerX - CEO


Oct 4, 2001, 8:18pm
well I did forget that one %s thing :) Anyways, _T is for Unicode compatibility, if you plan on
using it on your computer, no need for it (if you use Windows 9x that is), and all chat messages
and replys should be initialized to 256 bytes (or 255?)...

[View Quote] [View Quote] _T is just a macro that is used to convert strings to their Unicode equivalents, isn't it? In
any case, you don't need it. Try using strcpy() or sprintf() (as YP did below) to put the value
into the string. Then again, aren't all of these uninitialized pointers? Anyway...

> if (stricmp(chatmsg, temp)) { // If you have Delphi you can use equal signs, but this is C++
> sprintf (reply,"Hello %s", speakerSN);

speakerSN is an int -- you need to use %d instead of %s.

> aw_say (reply);
> }
> }


Oct 4, 2001, 10:12pm

sprintf(temp, "hello %s", aw_string(AW_AVATAR_NAME)); // AW_AVATAR_NAME is defined during this
event as the person who speaks...

[View Quote] [View Quote] > well I did forget that one %s thing :) Anyways, _T is for Unicode compatibility, if you plan
> using it on your computer, no need for it (if you use Windows 9x that is), and all chat
> and replys should be initialized to 256 bytes (or 255?)...
[View Quote] --
TrekkerX - CEO

VB Error Question

Oct 14, 2001, 12:40am
Its highly evident that your attempting to set a function to something, or is it in an if? I can
tell this without knowing a lick of VB :)

[View Quote] The highlighted code is:

sdk1 <Hightlight> .AwWhisper(PLAYER_ID, WELCOME_MESSAGE_NEWPLAYER) =
</Highlight> True

PLAYER_ID = sdk1.AwAvatarSession (set as Long)
WELCOME_MESSAGE_NEWPLAYER = (a string read from an ini file) (set as String)

- Cozmo Of Cozmo-X
World: A'Dude

VB Error Question

Oct 14, 2001, 1:50am
Well then it does appear your attempting to set a function as if it were a varible...

[View Quote] [View Quote]

Anyone know where I can get updated Win32 libraries/headers?

Oct 14, 2001, 12:36am
I need this because I found that the RichEdit control has auto url detection in the Win32 User
online documentation, this might not be related to the AWSDK but it could be... :)

Anyone know where I can get updated Win32 libraries/headers?

Oct 17, 2001, 8:03pm
Yep, but the declaration of the message is in those files as you might expect, and I don't know
the actual integer for it.. And SendMessage() requires that... :/

[View Quote] -Agent1

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About My Capitals

Feb 26, 2002, 11:20pm
Sometimes when you goto the NG's they scroll up unnoticed, and they might think the messages are
new.. happened to me - but I usually check the scroll bar :)

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Wishlist Bot Commands

Feb 26, 2002, 12:05am
I suggested to Roland he add something like custom right-click menu actions. Like if you right
click someone, a custom item with a caption of "Shoot" would appear. That would help alot with
games in AW :)

[View Quote] Anyway, I think there should be added things to allow the bot to change the
avatar of someone (if CT) to a different avatar, even avatars that are not
shown in the avatars menu! That way if you made a CTF game, you could force
the person's avatar to a guy with a flag so that he could try and run out of
their base with the flag without getting shot.

Also, allow the avatar to force a seq on a certain person. For same types of
reasons but then you could make someone fire their gun when they tried to
shoot you (in paintball).

Also forcing someone's sequence to be kept into one frame or stop in the
middle and begin another one while the avatar stays in the same position
without returning to it's default standing position. That way you could make
an avatar crouch and crawl across the ground.

It should be able to control the speed at which the avatar can move. Or at
the very least, cancel the use of the control button for running for certain

I think AWCom should pay special attention to the games going on in their
software. They don't seem to care about the few gaming worlds and gamers
that play things like paintball. With a more complicated SDK system, these
games could sky-rocket. There's not many places where you can create your
very own FPS, but with a little bit of work on AWCom's part, AcitveWorlds
could be the first to offer that sort of thing.

Wishlist Bot Commands

Feb 26, 2002, 12:39am
Depends on the game, people like RPG's and you can make it have turn-based fighting...

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Wishlist Bot Commands

Feb 26, 2002, 12:50am
Well you can right click to say which weapon to use :) That should be faster than typing it...

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Wishlist Bot Commands

Feb 26, 2002, 1:22am
Right click to choose your weapon to use against someone...

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Wishlist Bot Commands

Feb 26, 2002, 11:24pm
Yeah, too bad it most likely won't :(

[View Quote] Fox Mc Cloud

"dion" <GovDion at> a écrit dans le message news:
3c7b8fd4 at
> right click isn't an SDK command... object selection is but i have that
> turned off in my world, hehe.

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