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Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 27, 2002, 11:28pm
Well, unless you have any proof that a law exists to find out the location of someone is public,
show me, my hospital would simply say "are you on a need to know basis?". Of course they would
be more willing to tell you his presence if you asked at the lobby entrance than over the phone.

- YP

[View Quote] --Bowen--

[View Quote]

Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 27, 2002, 11:59pm
An installation is different a product. Laws protect business and consumers, not just the
consumer. If you lose money in any way, something was not done right. If the consumer loses
money because he does not wish to have your product or service after you vested money in it, you
could give them a refund minus the planning and hardware research funds. Most laws don't go that
specific, that's why they have judges and courts.

- YP

[View Quote] and I never said anything about a law degree..... nor any "age shit" just plainly stated that
perhaps there were a few people in here with a little more business experience than you, who
be a bit more knowledgeable...... I personally DO own my own business..... and have been doing
for a number of years now..... I install telecom systems for my current employer and also as a
endeavour....... I'm also a licensed electrician and one of the senior employees of my
does that NOT give me more experience in business ?

You're taking this a bit too personally....... I'm not trying to insult you, just explaining my
points of view...... which COME from experience......


Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 28, 2002, 12:03am
Then again, you never worked at every hospital and health center, or have you?

- YP

[View Quote] I speak from experience...... Thats what I saw every day for three years

Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 28, 2002, 12:19am
Well, I asked my dad about what Filmkr said, and he said he was given a form with that very
option. So I must say, you were wrong, good day :)

- YP

[View Quote] JB

Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 28, 2002, 12:36am
If you show me an actual law on a site that is that specific, show me, and I'll believe it if
the website appears to be a reputable place for information

- YP

[View Quote] Anyways, I really dont want to drag this on anymore..... you have your opinions, regardless
facts I attempt to present you...... And you have every right TO your opinions...... Thats the
great part of a free society :O)


Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 28, 2002, 12:53am
You don't have to be a minority to be victim of a hate crime. Where were you when Johnny B
insulted more than just Filmkr's intelligence? I guess it's alright for people on your side of
this debate?

- YP

[View Quote] That's certainly your right. He has every right to voice his opinion. Just
like you do.

> As for FACTS... In the United States of America, when you check into any
private hospital there is a
> form they immediately offer you to sign asking if you would like your
hospital stay to remain
> confidential. They explain that signing the form would even prohibit your
own family from finding out
> you were there. Privacy is still an option in the U.S. Why you may ask?
To keep idiot slime balls
> from bothering patients could be one reason *S*

Oh yeah? Maybe you never were actually there? There's always that

> Again... might I suggest an education??

Well, might I suggest a better personality? You're always complaining when
people bitch about you and they're void of education. But when you do it to
them, you're "smarter" then they are.

> Stop wasting everyone's time filling this news group with your false tales
and continuing HATE CRIME
> based gossip attacks.

Hate crime, hahahahaha. That was ALMOST funny. You're not a minority, this
isn't a hate crime. Come to NY, I'll show you a real hate crime.

> GET A LIFE DUDE!!! Your credibility is as worthless as your lacking
intellect as you have shown well
> throughout four news groups now.

Your credibility is fading everytime you insult someone and their
intellgence. Did anyone seem to point out that he's from Texas? No offense
to other Texans, but people from that area do have a reputation to being..
"redneck" like. This is a generalization too, but Filmkr, you are coming
off as an arrogant person at this moment with your "I'm better then thou"


Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 28, 2002, 1:11am
nope, a hate crime is a crime against a social group, if not tell me differently with proof :)

- YP

[View Quote] But I assume Lars is white from his photographs, and since I'm white, it's
not a hate crime. At least none from me. It's just my opinions on him that
he dislikes. He spouts false information when he sees that (such as it
being a hate crime.. false information).


[View Quote]

Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 28, 2002, 2:26am
Show me the laws, I have not said "The law says..." anywhere in my posts, because I know laws
don't get specific enough for this kind of situation, there are laws protecting both business
and consumer, it would not be fair to just protect the consumer. She may be able to get her
avatars, and that's it.

- YP

[View Quote] Glitter

[View Quote]

Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 28, 2002, 2:38am
Reply to things in post below...

[View Quote] > However, two of the important facts are:
> 1. Never refused a refund.

then send her one NOW << He pointed her to the 30 day policy, whether it exists or not, it is
what he did, so his option is only number 2

> 2. Never refused delivery of avatars.

or do this as requested in your contract with her. << she cancelled, remember?

simple ... you have one of these choices or you are Fraudulent. You've
chosen to do niether ... the fall out you see here is your own fault ... add
that to all the other awful things that occured in those logs that have been
posted and its no wonder people have been questioning your character ... you
brought all this on yourself. << The only people who've questioned his character is the people
on ambi's side of the debate, the ones who are not going to current fact and proof and only

My advice ... refund her and post an apology, then offer to step down from
the committee ... only way to start earning back your credibility from your
detractors << If he steped down from the committee, he would only have let you guys get the best
of him. The community voted him in, he would be letting the community down.


(on holiday and posting via dial up(yuk) so cant reply as quick as before)

> As for more facts... the hysterical and libelous comments from the
> person are so far from the truth. Further facts are that the person has
> the avatars she had ordered and approved of their texturing and added
> with exception of one avatar . She claims nothing was ever done. Another
> is that the person sends such vulgar e-mails, no one would care to read
> trash. In other newsgroups she has claimed so many other excuses and if I
> recall, stated she would never even accept them if sent to her. So you
> we are on top of this as best we can be here...
> We would hope she would let a judge hear this... that would allow us a
> suit for all the slander and libel as well as the intentional interference
> business relations of our customers among other things.
> We also hope that the BBB would become involved so that we could reply to
> and that they could then explain the facts of life to the person. As it is
> the person has violated licensing rights by sharing the avatars with other
> worlds. Therefore we are owed licensing fees for those avatars she
> unlawfully.
> So there ia always a bigger picture... the full picture is so simple...
> order many items... she received the majority of her order, in the process
> "freaked" out over a five minute ejection and then took continual bad
> from people who are not worthy of clear unbiased thoughts. She has not
> rational ever since. Therefore we cannot do anything at this point until a
> rational third party becomes "legally" involved. That is something I can
> hope happens soon.
> Peace, health & healing to all...
> InSaNiTy & Filmkr
[View Quote]

Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 28, 2002, 2:41am
Maybe so, but the example itself is off, services and products are not similar. I think Bob's
Birdhouses was as easy of an example as you could get.

- YP

[View Quote] Glitter

(on holiday and posting via dial up(yuk) so cant reply as quick as before)

[View Quote]

Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 28, 2002, 2:47am
Good lord, do you not get it? I have posted about 20 times to you, show me a freaking website
with these laws on them! This involves showing me the same text that you looked off of, I don't
believe I could put it more simple than that.

- YP

[View Quote] [View Quote]

Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 28, 2002, 2:48am
Just show me the same site you learned off of, I don't think you called a place regarding US
laws, would have cost lots of money long distance :)

- YP

[View Quote] Glitter

(on holiday and posting via dial up(yuk) so cant reply as quick as before)

[View Quote]

Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 28, 2002, 2:58am
Perhaps if you read the post Rashal had made, many of these do fall under the hate post

- YP

[View Quote] Glitter

(on holiday and posting via dial up(yuk) so cant reply as quick as before)

[View Quote]

Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 28, 2002, 10:47am
I meant out of all the posts in this thread, and a/some thread(s) in worldbuilders as well

- YP

[View Quote] Mr Smiths first name could be Richard
Someone might 'hate' Mr Smith
The people using the statement could be doing so in mately jest

I think you get the point ... just because Mr Smith does not like what he is
reading does not mean its intent is a hate crime. The key phrase here is
"context toward intent" ;-)


(on holiday and posting via dial up(yuk) so cant reply as quick as before)

[View Quote]

Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 28, 2002, 10:50am
possible, but maybe she might be able to remember some numbers assiociated with such laws?

- YP

[View Quote] --Bowen--

[View Quote]

Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 28, 2002, 10:51am
well she capitalized "she" so she must have said it knowingly, maybe it means S. E. Anderson? :)

- YP

[View Quote] --Bowen--

[View Quote]

Oberserver Mode Aka new Mode for AWCom to spy on us.

Jun 28, 2002, 12:26am
Where did you find this? It would seem pretty hard to implement to me :)

- YP

[View Quote] Found this on a 3.3 info website. AWCom could now spy on us without our
knowledge. This means invasion of privacy.

Oberserver Mode Aka new Mode for AWCom to spy on us.

Jun 28, 2002, 12:56am
I think he means global mode, except it can be used by any world caretaker...

- YP

[View Quote] Found site somehow. But where did Cyberwolfman find the info on observer

Oberserver Mode Aka new Mode for AWCom to spy on us.

Jun 28, 2002, 1:16am
you can do all that in global mode :) Because you don't need to call aw_state_change(), your
avatar is never shown

[View Quote] [View Quote]

Oberserver Mode Aka new Mode for AWCom to spy on us.

Jun 28, 2002, 2:29am
Well, it must be global mode because he listed all features except global mode, but listed
observer mode, so that should perhaps settle it :)

[View Quote] Just a few opinions about his site and opinions on it:

this person, well...he seems to find all these bugs and yet thinks AW will
telepathicly find them all or something. The beta testers dont catch
everything so if you find a bug you don't just sit there and complain.
They'll most likely fix it if they know about it. He doesn't seem to realize
that every new version is going to have bugs and will not be the smoothest
running application. It seems to be worse thats becuase with new features
brings new bugs. Although they SHOULD have been fixed in beta, maybe we need
more testers?

I dont think he reads the beta page either. He takes general terms like "seq
fix" and thinks that it means all problems with seqs are all fixed when in
fact only one problem with sews was fixed.

He cant just say my world he has to say my world, ThisIsIt every time which
is really anoying heh, but what the hey its his site.

He thinks that putting your contact list on the uniserver means theyre
snooping into it. theyre going to want to know who your
contacts are....seesh. He also does not trust AW management at all and
thinks they look at your credit card number and who you have on your contact

He has a thing about Gor and thinks aw should stop them becuase in his
opinion they are wrong. And i never hear anyone talking about adult topics
in aw worlds, which is really impossible through regular chat anyway. And he
doesnt like PKs becuase they eject you if you talk about gors or "try to
speak out against them" *cough* riiiight.. I can tell he knows no truth of
Gor and just thinks that people are controlling and talking about adult
things with little children. There is an age limit and theres nothing to
force here either, you log out of you dont like it. And just becuase he gets
into a fight with a few gor person he immediatly stereotypes all gors that
way. I doubt he treated them with respect in the first place becuase of his
believes against them so why should they to him which is problem why they
are so hostile in the first place. He also says gor worlds are breaking the
law because the role-play killing. HA! So that would mean playing practicly
any game out there would be murder also since it involves killing peoples
characters. come ON...

So thats it >:)

A message from Zeo Toxion

[View Quote]

Changing World Attributes Bug

Jul 4, 2002, 11:50am
Because Andras uses a DSL line I think and AW has a extremely fast connection to the internet :)

- YP

[View Quote] (these boards are much faster than the AWTeen one, why?)

[View Quote]

Discrimination towards the Gor culture

Dec 13, 2000, 9:23pm
A few gor people come in to AWBingo3. They were discriminated by a few
people harshly. All the Gor culture did was greet other Gor members using,
Tal, Master, Slave, ect. I am not Gor but I think its wrong to discriminate
them as a whole for doing just that. I will include a script of my time
being in the world :)

[BingoBot]: Ball number 3 is B-4
Geena: nope.. gonna mute you
[BingoBot]: Ball number 4 is N-37
SweetSuzie: oh hell someone started an argument over gor people saying
greetings master etc
Myssie: Cool! Geena muted me for having free speech! Yipeeeeeeee
Bella: hey Myssie come out of hiding so i can mute you
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: whATS WITH THE CAPS
Dranak: woman, if you don't want to hear it, LEAVE
S.t.u.d: eject: someone
[BingoBot]: Ball number 5 is B-8
Myssie: Go for it Bella
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: lol i did it
DarKur Wolfe: LonesomeDove respect is a two way street we want to play Bingo
you want to play bingo we want to talk among our friend about what we want
you want to talk to your friends about what you want let agree to leave it
that way
SweetSuzie: called
Young Phalpha: (to SweetSuzie) ok... and their blaming you for starting it
when you didn't?
micheIe: thinks ignore works great
DarKur Wolfe: called
S.t.u.d: called
Dranak: called
[BingoBot]: Ball number 6 is G-50
Myssie: I'll just keep coming back! lol
Geena: haven't muted you yet Myssie but your comments are not free speech
but is to incite a riot
myna Wolfe r: called
Lonesome D0ve: I dont have to leave... no matter what world I go to there is
some gorean Freak there
pheenix TG: freak?
[BingoBot]: Ball number 7 is N-45
SweetSuzie: I never said a word LOL and was told to shutup and that I was
SweetSuzie: LOLOL
ElinoR: called
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: ooooooo
Dranak: awwww *pats shoulder for the little girl*
myna Wolfe r: yes pheenix we have wied hair doos lol
SweetSuzie: and that no woman knows the meaning of respect
[BingoBot]: Ball number 8 is O-71
Red Hot: brb Ppl have fun this game .
micheIe: well if it wasn't for the goreans, active world may of died by
Etheus: Hello :)
micheIe: =)
DarKur Wolfe: called
SweetSuzie: and that all women should shut up
Bella: hi Etheues
Myssie: Ya know Geena! You totally misunderstand me! *sigh* I'm NOT a
predjudice person but .......oh forget it
[BingoBot]: Ball number 9 is G-53
Lonesome D0ve: I doubt that michele
pheenix TG: ~bites her tongue really hard~
micheIe: you can tell me pheenix
micheIe: grin
HoneyDukes: if you want to go to gorean world go there and leave us normal
people to play bingo
[BingoBot]: Ball number 10 is O-63
Bella: ouch must hurt
micheIe: will deliver it
Dranak: don't doubt it, there are more Gor worlds than any other kind....
Lonesome D0ve: oh your master say you can do that pheenix?
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: can u people drop the subject and talk about something
DarKur Wolfe: HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
myna Wolfe r: look at this didn't we drop it long ago?
Son of Sass: I bit into a Reese's stick a minute ago pheenix :o)
[BingoBot]: Ball number 11 is I-19
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: can u people drop the subject and talk about something
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: can u people drop the subject and talk about something
Geena: Lonesome? are you also ANGEL 01?
[BingoBot]: Ball number 12 is I-29
myna Wolfe r: called
maldoror: i agree halacy
Lonesome D0ve: no I am this name and this name only
Dranak: called
S.t.u.d: called
Young Phalpha: Can't we just drop this arguement? Start a new subject? If
there will be hate towards Gor people for just that reason then we have a
serious problem :(
Bella: yes nice weather been rainly here
[BingoBot]: Ball number 13 is G-54
Lonesome D0ve: I dont change my name at all
Neo SailorSaturn: score
Myssie: H.a.l.a.c.ySport: can u people drop the subject and talk about
something else...Yeah when the gor talk in here ceases!
DarKur Wolfe: we are all Normal we all have desires some of us are just
afraid to explore those desires that does not make us sick evil or
disgusting we are just far more open minded
Geena: then my apologies to ANGEL because that is not her style :o)
S.t.u.d: how is the weather
[BingoBot]: Ball number 14 is N-42
S.t.u.d: it is raining here
HoneyDukes: LOL stud
Bella: i here that bush might get in the white house
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: myssie u dont have to copy it doh u can just answer me not
mimic me
HoneyDukes: raining here too
maldoror: gorean lifers ? normal...?
[BingoBot]: Ball number 15 is O-64
DarKur Wolfe: its snowing here Stud
myna Wolfe r: Al gore is withdrawing
Lonesome D0ve: well it must show aw that they need to do something about it
then huh Young Phalpha
DarKur Wolfe: pretty darn cold too
micheIe: called
S.t.u.d: who has snow
S.t.u.d: lets see hands
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: i am going to have snow
Bella: yes that what i have heard as well
[BingoBot]: Ball number 16 is B-14
myna Wolfe r: called
Jynx: *raises hand*
SweetSuzie: not me Stud
Roo: <-----wishes for snow
SweetSuzie: too damn hot for snow
The Black Tarn: llll/ < has snow
Chanty: 3 feets of snow on the ground here
DarKur Wolfe: *raises a hand*
SweetSuzie: called
Myssie: Halicy I copied it so others knew what I was answering! Duh! lol
DarKur Wolfe: 3 feet here
S.t.u.d: wishes for snow here to
[BingoBot]: Ball number 17 is I-20
Young Phalpha: Lonesome: If anyone should do anything about it should be us
rather than AW :) AW can't stop hate but we can :)
Chanty: is sooooo COLD!
Operator: You have a telegram.
pheenix TG: Lonesomedove.. pheenix wishes you a warm bed.
Chanty: snow=cold=cold
[BingoBot]: Ball number 18 is B-13
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: oh i am sorry explain that the next time u right doh....
thats my word

Telegram from Alphanumeric, sent just now:
Sorry, I was AFK lol

pheenix TG: called
Bella: just been to the outback of a australia can send some out there
like snow they welcome it
Lonesome D0ve: they should put a limit on how many of Gor worlds are allowed
S.t.u.d: cold and rain , might be ice later
[BingoBot]: Ball number 19 is I-21
SweetSuzie: <---has never seen snow
myna Wolfe r: and loose money never!
S.t.u.d: called
micheIe: oh MIstress Bella bet that was awesome
ElinoR: called
[BingoBot]: Ball number 20 is N-36
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: where u live sweet u never seen snow??????
Geena: is growing weary of the flaming and logging chat for authorities to
Roo: I take my kids to the snow each year Suzie
Dranak: called
Myssie: Listen! I don't HATE the gor people! I HATE what it stands for! I
also HATE that gor took 2 of my BEST friends away from me! *sigh* it just
hurts is all!
Chanty: never??
Young Phalpha: Lonesome: Thats not an answer... AW would be in trouble with
the law for it...
Son of Sass: called
[BingoBot]: Ball number 21 is G-57
Lonesome D0ve: That is exactly the crap that is so annoying michele and I
know that was just to try and pi§§ poeple off... its not very bright
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: they take friends alway?
[BingoBot]: Ball number 22 is N-44
SweetSuzie: I live in Australia, in queensland ...never snows here
myna Wolfe r: called
DarKur Wolfe: Myssie i am sorry for your loss maybe you should start moving
on and not look on it any more
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: lol
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: ok
SweetSuzie: called
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: i see
Neo SailorSaturn: called
[BingoBot]: Ball number 23 is O-74
Mondo: called
pheenix TG: called
Young Phalpha: I have no problems with Gor people, I respect what it stand
for as it is their culture and we can still live ours :)
DarKur Wolfe: seeing as the number has gone up from 1 to 2
Bella: i live in nsw never snows there ethier
SweetSuzie: called
[BingoBot]: Ball number 24 is I-17
Son of Sass: resign
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: gor a hole new like culture or something
myna Wolfe r: bingo
[BingoBot]: myna Wolfe r has called a BINGO - let's go check it out
Roo: Suzie,,, if u get the chance go to Mt Buffalo in Vic... it's great
pheenix TG: wtg
[BingoBot]: We have a WINNER! myna Wolfe r has a valid BINGO :-) Any other
BINGO claims?
The Black Tarn: well done
Dranak: wtg girl *S*
Neo SailorSaturn: called
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: is gore like a whole new culture
myna Wolfe r: thank you
Jynx: wtg myna!!
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: wtf
Bella: whoohoo way to go sis
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: wtg
Lonesome D0ve: Gorean ways are a cheap way of getting easy Cyber pure and
magz: congrats
Roo: wtg
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: lol wrong one
myna Wolfe r: weeeeeeeeeeeeee
Myssie: Wolfe! I'm just hurting very much right now! My friend who just
joined gor, her and I have been best friends for over 2 years and did
everything together! I just miss her is all!
[BingoBot]: Say (or whisper) SCORE to see current standings. This series of
games is currently led by EZRA
SweetSuzie: congrats myna
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: wtg my bad i did f instead of g
maldoror: not only halacy
Dranak: dove if you only knew how wrong you are.....
[BingoBot]: In a few moments, we will begin a new game of BINGO :-)
Bella: hugs myna
myna Wolfe r: why should you seperate yourself from her then?
[BingoBot]: This is game 9 in a series of 10 games, playing for the prize,
"Prize2: A e-mail address"
Lonesome D0ve: oh yes you win myna and hand over your winnings to your
Master as your not allowed to own anything either
Young Phalpha: AW is brought together with many different culture... AW has
done it for almost 6 years just because another different culture comes why
can't we continue?
[BingoBot]: To select a bingo card, click on the PLAYER strip at the top of
a **VACANT** card, and I will make a new card for you.
Young Phalpha: culture=cultures :)
myna Wolfe r: if she is your best friend then a lifestyle can't or
shouldn't break you apart
Dranak: scpre
Dranak: score
Roo: do u think Flagg will open a nother bingo?
[BingoBot]: To find out more about how to play Bingo, whisper RULES to me.
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: resign
maldoror: an underculture, you mean
King Tex: Yes Roo .... he said he will open another one later
Young Phalpha: No, not an underculture...
Roo: cooliesssssss..
[BingoBot]: For more information, whisper HELP to me :-)
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: phatness
Roo: means we get to play longer,,,hahahahha
micheIe: brb
Dranak: dove, ask your slef this, whether or not you agree to our
lifestyle, could you survive? I think not
SweetSuzie: *sigh* you won't get them to change their mind hun, both groups
are pigheaded and ego-centric
Lonesome D0ve: I have nothing against new cultures young but I will not put
up with there crap being shoved into the faces of others who do not want to
see or listern to it...... They need not flaunt there gorean ways out side
gorean worlds
micheIe: cooking dinner =)
micheIe: hehehe
Dranak: self
maldoror: the same roots as a certain nazi culture
maldoror: the 3 K
[BingoBot]: OK... here we go. Clear your cards. We are playing 'Bingo'.
Be sure to mark your FREE SPACE! :-)
Myssie: Ok D0ve! Time to drop it g/f!
[BingoBot]: Ball number 1 is N-45
Bella: takes hearing aid out dont listen any more play the game
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: lol
i aint done yet tho
S.t.u.d: what are you cooking chele
[BingoBot]: Ball number 2 is B-7
Young Phalpha: (to SweetSuzie) I'm tired of listening too it... I can
atleast try :)
[BingoBot]: Ball number 3 is I-20
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: quiet
Son of Sass: I wish you a Merry Christmas, I wish you a Merry Christmas, I
wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! *hugs all*
Bella: called
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: lol
SweetSuzie: LOL well be like me and say nothing and stil get abused LOL
Jynx: awww :o)
[BingoBot]: Ball number 4 is I-17
Lonesome D0ve: Thanks SoS
Roo: Hiyas SoS
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: thanks sos
Son of Sass: :o)
Young Phalpha: Lone, I didn't understand :(
myna Wolfe r: called
Bella: bye sassy you to have a merry chirstmas
Neo SailorSaturn: 0/4
Bunny2000: Hi ya everyone
[BingoBot]: Ball number 5 is G-50
Lonesome D0ve: what young you didn't understand?
AlphaBit Phalpha: Hi everyomne!:)
Jynx: hi BIt :o)
Son of Sass: Hi Bit
Young Phalpha: Hey Bit :)
Bunny2000: any cars
Mondo: called
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: christams aint for another 12 days
King Tex: {{{{{{{ Bit }}}}}}}}}}
Dranak: called
[BingoBot]: Ball number 6 is B-2
Roo: Hiya
AlphaBit Phalpha: Hi Jynx and SoS:)....huggggs;)
Young Phalpha: Just try to repeat you you said alittle better :)
pheenix TG: score
SweetSuzie: called
Jynx: *hugs Bit*
AlphaBit Phalpha: ((((((TEX baby!)))))))))
S.t.u.d: score
myna Wolfe r: called
[BingoBot]: Ball number 7 is B-1
pheenix TG: called
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: called
mosq: * runs from all people offering hugs*
Bunny2000: CARDS?
AlphaBit Phalpha: ok...whats the argument about Yo?:)
S.t.u.d: hello mosq
[BingoBot]: Ball number 8 is G-57
mosq: hey s.t,u,d
King Tex: pro's and con's of GOR worlds
S.t.u.d: hugs
mosq: lol, a typo
Young Phalpha: Gor culture againist people how hate it...
S.t.u.d: lol
Jaux Quest: 'lo all!
Son of Sass: Silent Night....Holy Night...All is calm...and my Bingo is
right...ON!!! :o)
ArcileShadowstar: resign
Young Phalpha: how=who
[BingoBot]: Ball number 9 is O-65
Young Phalpha: :)
AlphaBit Phalpha: People...please listen up........
pheenix TG: called
Roo: lol
Jaux Quest: score
Neo SailorSaturn: 2tg
SweetSuzie: lol SoS
[BingoBot]: Ball number 10 is I-22
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: lol
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: lol
AlphaBit Phalpha: Everyone in this Universe has dieeferent beliefs and
Itsme: called
Young Phalpha: (to SweetSuzie) With alittle help I have a better chance :)
myna Wolfe r: called
Myssie: ahhhhhhhhhhh *holds face and yells* STOP THE PRESSES!! LET ME CATCH
UP HERE!!! lol
Ceasa: i think my card is bugged.. hehe I dont have one of these
Lonesome D0ve: I dont mind other cultures at all... what I hate are those
that force there beliefs on others... and those that do not respect other
people enough not to use there beliefs when they have been told that they
are not liked or not welcome
Jaux Quest: empty cards?
[BingoBot]: Ball number 11 is I-21
ElinoR: called
DarKur Wolfe: called
Mousty: çalled
Mousty: called
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: called
myna Wolfe r: called
AlphaBit Phalpha: Please accept thos as just different beliefs and values
mosq: called
Dranak: you should practice what you preach
Young Phalpha: How exactly to they force belief on others?
S.t.u.d: called
[BingoBot]: Ball number 12 is O-69
mosq: OOPS
mosq: bingo
Myssie: Anyone that whispered to me hang on! TRYING to get caught up
[BingoBot]: mosq has called a BINGO - let's go check it out
Geena: wonders who died and left Lonesome D0ve in charge :o)
[BingoBot]: We have a WINNER! mosq has a valid BINGO :-) Any other BINGO
myna Wolfe r: wtg!
Jynx: wtg mosq~~
AlphaBit Phalpha: If we were all the same it would be a preeeety boring
Jaux Quest: any open cards?
magz: congrats
The Black Tarn: well done
DarKur Wolfe: called
Ceasa: lol i didnt get one number!
S.t.u.d: wtg mosq
Dranak: called
Geena: wtg
mosq: *bows*
Mondo: argh, that was quick
myna Wolfe r: *waves to Lynx*
Young Phalpha: And I don't believe they don't have respect for other
cultures :)
[BingoBot]: Say (or whisper) SCORE to see current standings. This series of
games is currently led by EZRA
AlphaBit Phalpha: I myself go to Gor on occassion to visit friends:)
Lynx Knight: im here muwahahahahaha
Bella: congrton mosq
Jaux Quest: AHHHH No open cards
mosq: score
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: jingle bells........jingle bells.....jingle all the way
pheenix TG: greetings
[BingoBot]: In a few moments, we will begin a new game of BINGO :-)
Son of Sass: The mute option works greatfor those of you who wish not to
listen to someone...therefore their beliefs are not forced upon you :o)
[BingoBot]: This is game 10 in a series of 10 games, playing for the prize,
"Prize2: A e-mail address"
myna Wolfe r: score
Lynx Knight: waves to all his friends
The Black Tarn: Well spoken, Alpha (and the only avatar needed would be Cy)
[BingoBot]: To select a bingo card, click on the PLAYER strip at the top of
a **VACANT** card, and I will make a new card for you.
Lonesome D0ve: well I for one dont need to see ll the Master servant crap
that goes on in Gorean worlds in the reg worlds.... if I wanted that I would
be gorean
The Black Tarn: Tal Lynx
Neo SailorSaturn: score
AlphaBit Phalpha: Yes The Black Tarn....LOL
Lynx Knight: Tal Black Tarn
DarKur Wolfe: Tal Lynx
Jaux Quest: score
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: and
send me mail
Lynx Knight: Tal Friend DarKur
Young Phalpha: I'm not gorean but I do have friends that are and they have
respect for me :)
[BingoBot]: To find out more about how to play Bingo, whisper RULES to me.
AlphaBit Phalpha: Lonesome have YOU ever gone to a Gor world and chatted?
Jaux Quest: Good Luck everyone!
Jynx: you too JQ!!
Dranak: show some respect dove, if you don't like it fine, but quit
knocking it, as you don't know what your talking about
mosq: lol
SweetSuzie: can you please take this debate elsewhere I just wanna play
[BingoBot]: For more information, whisper HELP to me :-)
Lonesome D0ve: No I dont need to as I get enough of it in other non gorean
Jaux Quest: I can't go into a Gor world, im only 11
Dranak: Tal Lynx knight
mosq: U LYER!
mosq: j/k
Lynx Knight: Tal Dranak
Young Phalpha: Well, Lonesome, different cultures greet differently :)
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: Gor:::::what does it stand
pheenix TG: ~sighs~
mosq: j/k
AlphaBit Phalpha: Then you speak from IGNORANCE Lonsome:)
Roo: t-shirts are next for u and one for me...hahahhahahaha
[BingoBot]: OK... here we go. Clear your cards. We are playing 'Bingo'.
Be sure to mark your FREE SPACE! :-)
[BingoBot]: Ball number 1 is N-32
Jaux Quest: I just want to know what the [CENSORED] Gor is...
Geena: would hate to think that if I greeted others with Hola that I would
be flamed :o)
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: and
send me mail
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: and
send me mail
AlphaBit Phalpha: How can you ever possibly judge by rumors only????????????
[BingoBot]: Ball number 2 is N-42
Young Phalpha: Jaux: Its a culture :)
mosq: oh reeper, drop the whole thing
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: 3tg
AlphaBit Phalpha: Geeeze!
SweetSuzie: called
MoonBeam: score
mosq: called
Myssie: <--------has decided to drop the issue of gor
[BingoBot]: Ball number 3 is O-64
myna Wolfe r: called
SweetSuzie: sheesh will you three please take it elsewhere
Jaux Quest: Ahhh..a descriptive *rolls eyes*
Reeper: :o)
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: what does gor stand for????
SweetSuzie: called
The Black Tarn: < follows Myssie's example.
Reeper: called
Jaux Quest: gore wahahah
ElinoR: called
[BingoBot]: Ball number 4 is I-19
mosq: G- one - On - Rat
DoLL PartS: called
Reeper: score
mosq: i think
AlphaBit Phalpha: It's prejudicies like yours Lonesome that make the hate
and crime flourich in this world....sad piece of crap prejudies are:(
mosq: lol
Young Phalpha: Ask a Gor person and they can tell you :)
Myssie: Thanks Tarn
[BingoBot]: Ball number 5 is O-72
Lonesome D0ve: I dont care about the Tal's and greetings stuff its the
Master and slave stuff that you people carry on in the nongorean worlds that
Annoys me the most.. I dont see why a child should have to see that sort of
thing. it doesn't teach them anything iu
Myssie: It's not worth the stress is all
Geena: *setting clock* this usually only lasts for an hour or so in Bingo
each Wednesday
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: 3tg2w
The Black Tarn: agreed
Reeper: this is a bad card
[BingoBot]: Ball number 6 is B-12
AlphaBit Phalpha: I gotta leave folks.......ignorance repulses me:(
mosq: and a bad web page
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: 3tg2w
Reeper: O well
Jaux Quest: Me got very bad card
Young Phalpha: Well, we carry on our cultures elsewhere too...
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: 3tg3w
Lynx Knight: sheesh
AlphaBit Phalpha: Have fun and good luck!:)...huggggs:)
Geena: cya later Bit *hugs*
mosq: OMG
[BingoBot]: Ball number 7 is G-48
mosq: 5tg 5w
Dranak: they are not cybering, so what's the big deal?
Mondo: called
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: 2tg
Young Phalpha: Like in Spanish to look around... or in Germ at n so I can talk
to alot of my friends... :)
[BingoBot]: Ball number 8 is N-35
DarKur Wolfe: Back in the 16 hundreds Employees to nobles would call them
Master Mistress or other
S.t.u.d: wow i got one
DarKur Wolfe: so i cannot see your problem there
Son of Sass: I've got the whole my pants, I've got the wholewide my pants :o) *chuckles*
Young Phalpha: True DarKur :)
Mousty: called
mosq: G2g
[BingoBot]: Ball number 9 is O-68
maldoror: to discover the
culture of gorean lifers
DarKur Wolfe: called
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: and
send me mail
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: and
send me mail
Roo: dang..isn't that uncomfortable SoS??
The Black Tarn: You'd like to believe that, SoS :)
Jaux Quest: I summon the power of fire to help my card...oh wait thats from
Capn Planet not Jonny Quest...Ok *summons his Quest Catamaran*
[BingoBot]: Ball number 10 is O-69
pheenix TG: called
Son of Sass: lol
SweetSuzie: called
Jaux Quest: I've been watching way too much cartoon network
[BingoBot]: Ball number 11 is N-40
Jaux Quest: called
Lynx Knight: brb
DarKur Wolfe: called
Dranak: called
Reeper: man where are the good numbers
[BingoBot]: Ball number 12 is O-70
myna Wolfe r: called
Son of Sass: SERENITY NOW!!!!!!!!
Son of Sass: SERENITY NOW!!!!!!!!
Son of Sass: SERENITY NOW!!!!!!!!
Jaux Quest: my card stinks
Neo SailorSaturn: lol
ElinoR: :-)
Reeper: I only have 4 more to go
The Black Tarn: Ha !
[BingoBot]: Ball number 13 is O-61
Reeper: thats Dandy
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: 2tg
Young Phalpha: Also, I think Gor people have some of the best object design
skills :)
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: and
send me mail
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: and
send me mail
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: and
send me mail
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: and
send me mail
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: lol
S.t.u.d: called
Myssie: STOP SPAMMING Halacy! at
[BingoBot]: Ball number 14 is O-65
Sniper101: hey
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: sowie
SweetSuzie: will you please stop flooding halacy
SweetSuzie: called
Sniper101: score
Jynx: hi Snipe :)
[BingoBot]: Ball number 15 is N-38
myna Wolfe r: called
W00DY: called
Ceasa: bingo
[BingoBot]: Ceasa has called a BINGO - let's go check it out
Lonesome D0ve: anyone can do that if they wanted to sit down and learn young
[BingoBot]: We have a WINNER! Ceasa has a valid BINGO :-) Any other BINGO
Ceasa: lol woohoo
The Black Tarn: Well done
Jaux Quest: wtg ceasa
Reeper: WTG
Ceasa: thats a first
Jaux Quest: score
Roo: wtg
Jynx: wtg Ceasa!!
Jaux Quest: whahahah tie game
DarKur Wolfe: myna Come we are invited to a Party
Dranak: score
Jaux Quest: wait nm
Myssie: <----------has a headache now! lol
Ceasa: hehe
[BingoBot]: That was the last game of the series - Prize2: A e-mail address was won by EZRA
[BingoBot]: We will start another series of games for another prize after we
take a short break. Back in 120 seconds! CYa then :-)
Jaux Quest: woo ezra!!
Jynx: congrats EZR!
Young Phalpha: Lonesome, can you just drop the hatred to Gor people?
Jynx: *EZRA
magz: congrats!
The Black Tarn: Be well, Darkur Wolfe.
Roo: wtg
DarKur Wolfe: Be well Black Tarn
myna Wolfe r: see ya'll later!
pheenix TG: bye myna
SweetSuzie: byee myna
The Black Tarn: ::nods::
Lonesome D0ve: I will stop talking about it yes but me stop hating what they
do and say in nongorean worlds NEVER
Roo: byes
DarKur Wolfe: Be well Brothers and Sisters of Gor and all the fine kajira
and kajiru
Geena: out of character for me but *Shut the f*** up Daphne/Lonesome D0ve
pheenix TG: when exactly Lonesome..
Dranak: I wish you well DarKur
Lonesome D0ve: I am not Daphne
Geena: yeah right
Dranak: I wish you ewll myna
Dranak: well even
Jaux Quest: *Some people think AW is one big RPG...those people need
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: score
DarKur Wolfe: resign
Geena: resign
[BingoBot]: In a few moments, we will begin a new game of BINGO :-)
Geena: outta here
[BingoBot]: This is game 1 in a series of 10 games, playing for the prize,
"Prize3: A "Activeworlds Bingo Addicts Anonymous" t-shirt"
SweetSuzie: byeee Geena
[BingoBot]: To select a bingo card, click on the PLAYER strip at the top of
a **VACANT** card, and I will make a new card for you.
myna Wolfe r: eeeee to stay or not to stay
[BingoBot]: To find out more about how to play Bingo, whisper RULES to me.
micheIe: yuck
Jaux Quest: I live in activeworlds cuz the real world sux ;-) *How true*
micheIe: i want the six month extended membership
magz: Roo ... i dunno if we qualify for this one .... you have to be an
addict to win it / :
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: hmm'
Young Phalpha: Lonesome, what could I do to make you stop hating Gor people?
If you want, I can help you :) Bet I could find a Gor person that you could
find yourself being friends with :)
Roo: hehehehe
maldoror: want it too michele
[BingoBot]: For more information, whisper HELP to me :-)
Roo: think we should close bingo and just u and I play the next two
Roo: lol
Dranak: she probably is friends with a Gorean, and doesn't know it *S*
magz: lol (:
Lonesome D0ve: If they kept all the Gor beliefs and the Master servant stuff
in the Gor worlds yeah I probably could
[BingoBot]: OK... here we go. Clear your cards. We are playing 'Bingo'.
Be sure to mark your FREE SPACE! :-)
Roo: lol but then u prolly win both
[BingoBot]: Ball number 1 is O-75
King Tex: YP ...I think LD's complaint is that some of them carry their
Gorean culture into non-GOR worlds
Roo: hahahaha
Young Phalpha: Maybe Dranak :) The Gor culture it quite large :)
Lynx Knight: still going on about it sheesh
[BingoBot]: Ball number 2 is N-36
micheIe: yawns and puts some morei diots on ignore
Lynx Knight: lol
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: brb
Lonesome D0ve: that is it exactly King Tex.. I dont think Kids who dont
understand it should have to see it
Young Phalpha: KT, don't we bring our culture into other culture worlds?
Red Hot: back
[BingoBot]: Ball number 3 is B-1
Son of Sass: resign
Jaux Quest: So is the paintball culture :)
[BingoBot]: Ball number 4 is I-22
Red Hot: later SoS
The Black Tarn: Be well, Friend
Jaux Quest: cya SoS
Son of Sass: what?
ElinoR: called
[BingoBot]: Ball number 5 is N-35
Son of Sass: I'm not going anywhere
Avery: thank you sos
SweetSuzie: called
Young Phalpha: Lonesome, they never shown nudity or porn or stuff like
that... no cussing... how can a kid be harmed from that?
Jaux Quest: O
King Tex: in subtle ways ....yes ...but we don't call each other Master or
expect others to be submissive
Son of Sass: <---switching cards with a friend ;o)
Roo: *sigh* but SoS I need some luck for this t-shirt
[BingoBot]: Ball number 6 is N-31
pheenix TG: called
S.t.u.d: called
micheIe: ok
micheIe: yawns
[BingoBot]: Ball number 7 is I-24
Red Hot: you said resignSos .
Son of Sass: won your game for the year a couple of days ago LOL
Roo: lol
Lonesome D0ve: excuse me?? I have seen there SOFT porn in other worldsthat
is where I found out about it all....
Young Phalpha: As long as they don't bring parts of their culture that they
know shouldn't belong in a G/PG world, then what it the harm?
Roo: but but but
[BingoBot]: Ball number 8 is I-29
Son of Sass: no...I said DESIGN! i'm redecorating my home LOL
Jynx: lol
[BingoBot]: Ball number 9 is B-14
IcyKool: called
Roo: did u get that new aprtment?
[BingoBot]: Ball number 10 is G-53
Son of Sass: waiting tohear...there were 3 other groups of people who wanted
it too
Red Hot: Oh lol well when you get to my age you wont be able to see well
like me hehewhe
pheenix TG: called
Roo: ack,,well they can wait,,lol
[BingoBot]: Ball number 11 is N-41
Son of Sass: *crosses fingers*
DoLL PartS: called
S.t.u.d: called
Jaux Quest: My card shtinks
[BingoBot]: Ball number 12 is B-7
micheIe: hides behind Master LYnx
IcyKool: scores
IcyKool: score
[BingoBot]: Ball number 13 is I-28
Jaux Quest: Later peeps
[BingoBot]: Ball number 14 is N-45
SweetSuzie: byeee Jaux
Lynx Knight: peace
Roo: byes
Lonesome D0ve: later Jaux
Jaux Quest: *poofers*
Jynx: bye JQ
[BingoBot]: Ball number 15 is N-42
ElinoR: called
Dranak: called
Lynx Knight: looks for the lil one
[BingoBot]: Ball number 16 is O-67
Red Hot: called
S.t.u.d: called
[BingoBot]: Ball number 17 is B-4
[BingoBot]: Ball number 18 is G-58
[BingoBot]: Ball number 19 is O-61
King Tex: Add 1 to that please Bot
[BingoBot]: Ball number 20 is B-3
pheenix TG: called
micheIe: wishes bingo bot would let her win just once
micheIe: sighs
micheIe: called
[BingoBot]: Ball number 21 is G-59
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: i have a sore throat oh man
S.t.u.d: called
maldoror: couillon ce bot !
Mondo: called
[BingoBot]: Ball number 22 is N-44
H.a.l.a.c.ySport: gunk in my mouth err\
SweetSuzie: called
Operator: You have a telegram.
Son of Sass: called
[BingoBot]: Ball number 23 is B-8
Red Hot: score
Dranak: 1tg 2 ways
Operator: You have a telegram.
[BingoBot]: Ball number 24 is I-18

Discrimination towards the Gor culture

Dec 17, 2000, 6:56pm
Eep, don't make fun of people :) Some of us use to many smiles, so hush
about that. Very imature of you to post that, really.
[View Quote]

Discrimination towards the Gor culture

Dec 17, 2000, 7:02pm
From reading, its more like medieval times, NOT
sexual thrills, nor a cheap way to Cyber.

Discrimination towards the Gor culture

Dec 17, 2000, 7:03pm, My bad, sorry :)
[View Quote]

AW 3.1 Beta FAQ uploaded

Jan 13, 2001, 3:11am :)
Thanks goes to myrth for the site :)

AW 3.1 Beta FAQ uploaded

Jan 13, 2001, 3:24am
moved to :)
[View Quote]

About My Capitals

Feb 26, 2002, 11:20pm
Sometimes when you goto the NG's they scroll up unnoticed, and they might think the messages are
new.. happened to me - but I usually check the scroll bar :)

[View Quote]

Random Thought of the Week #1

Feb 5, 2001, 4:50pm
Programming is much harder than non-programmers think it is, Chris, I've
been learning for about a year now, and I still can't do alot of the stuff I
hoped I would when I started. And Roland is a better programmer than you
think most likely :)

[View Quote]

er, not quote, Roland...

Feb 26, 2001, 3:27pm
Uhhh... Eep, I think I sent a good size kindly email to Roland with like
7-10 thinks that should be updated that he forgot. So don't think you can
notice things other people can't. :)

- YP

[View Quote]

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