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AWCamp Bot Class Info Needed

Aug 5, 2003, 3:08pm
Because VB is sod easy, inefficent crap....

So everyone wants it up till the point they reach enlightenment.

- Mark

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Moving Objects from one world to another

Aug 7, 2003, 3:47pm
Movement is not confined to the same world... Teleport, reload the project
in Xelagot and rebuild it.

- Mark

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Moving Objects from one world to another

Aug 7, 2003, 3:49pm
btw..... GAHHH!!!!

Why did you post EVERYWHERE appart from where your not allowed to post to?!

- Mark

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Chazbot Version 1.0 released

Aug 11, 2003, 4:42pm
Final is only the final... until you start work on service pack 1 the minute

- Mark

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Bot request

Aug 17, 2003, 7:30pm
Yes... he speaks.. yer know what, im hoping that sooner or later Bill sees
your posts and removes your ability to speak :P

- Mark

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Aug 23, 2003, 9:17am
So make the browser only send it when it has a bump command on?

- Mark

Brants Ultimate Pb Bot is attacking me!!!

Aug 19, 2003, 8:24pm

I have a problem, and its a big bloody problem! Brants PB bot is attacking
VB and absolutly everything made from it on my PC! When I try to load up the
VB IDE It loads up 5 instances of the PB bot installer, when I shut down a
debug, it loads up an instance of the PB bot installer, whenever the hell, I
even load a compiled VB executable Ive made... PB bot attacks the exe and
loads up 3 or 4 instances of the installer!!!!

Gahhh I can't get rid of the thing!!! Hey I wouldent mind if it was a decent
program installer but its not! Anyone got any idea how to fix this?

- Mark

Brants Ultimate Pb Bot is attacking me!!!

Aug 20, 2003, 3:18pm
I already have... LOL

*Looks at SRUtilities, SRVotebot script, SRPaintball bot*

- Mark

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Brants Ultimate Pb Bot is attacking me!!!

Aug 22, 2003, 5:33pm
Erm, Visual Studio.NET is just perky.. as for VB6 it was still dead, I ended
up dredging though the registery, INI files, and finally removing the
shoemakervilagge ID from several binary files before it died.

- mark

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age checking bot

Aug 20, 2003, 3:19pm
Not appropriate anymore... instead you should have a webpage that loads up
in the 3D window as soon as they enter the world where they can read a full
disclaimer and agree or dissagree to it (in which case they leave the

And its legally viable.

- Mark

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age checking bot

Aug 20, 2003, 5:08pm
Do you know someone who knows ASP? Just have them enter a username /
password or just a password to enter it. That way you have extra checks
pretty much covering everything.

- Mark

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age checking bot

Aug 20, 2003, 5:13pm
Appart from biometrical EMF scans, I have yet to see anything secure that
dosent require *something* from regular users.. its just a matter of you
will have to put up with it...

When I log onto a bot network, I have my cit num protected by my cit pw, but
then I also have 3 rediculously sized pw's I have to enter in whispers to
access the most critical parts.

- Mark

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age checking bot

Aug 20, 2003, 5:51pm
True... but more people know ASP or sufficent VB to do ASP directly...

- Mark

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age checking bot

Aug 20, 2003, 6:24pm
use teleport CGI.

- Mark

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age checking bot

Aug 21, 2003, 5:28pm
I doub't that... but which idiots go clicking pif files..

- Mark

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Megabot Beta v1.001 Released

Aug 29, 2003, 8:20pm
*Scratches head* Hardly what you could call a mega bot... with half its
features missing...

- Mark

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Megabot Beta v1.001 Released

Aug 29, 2003, 8:41pm
Try a rename... :) Going for things like Mega just makes people go 'hah!'
or.. .makes me go Hah anyway...

- Mark

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Megabot Beta v1.001 Released

Aug 30, 2003, 8:22am
5MB's is rediculous.... Echelons only 4.5MB and Zeus is only 500kb and
theyre more than paintball and chat could ever be...

- Mark

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Megabot Beta v1.001 Released

Aug 30, 2003, 2:03pm
Yes... and now all things are more suited to CD distribution.. now even to
DVD distribution..

- Mark

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Megabot Beta v1.001 Released

Aug 30, 2003, 3:00pm
7 massive DLLs!?

What the bloody hell are you using in it!?

Freesize.ocx, AMillionThingsAPI.ocx WasteOfSpace.ocx? Followed by every DLL
in the windows resource lib?

- Mark

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Megabot Beta v1.001 Released

Aug 30, 2003, 3:18pm
Of course!

Its how you use it that counts.. but at 5mb you must be using the code in em
pretty shitely.

- Mark

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Megabot Beta v1.001 Released

Aug 30, 2003, 4:26pm
Course... until you have seen the actual source code for the MS stuff you
can't say if its crap or not :)

- Mark

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Megabot Beta v1.001 Released

Aug 30, 2003, 5:05pm
An extremely steep learning curve eh.. well.. if you can't stand the heat...

- Mark

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Megabot Beta v1.001 Released

Aug 30, 2003, 5:06pm
It is quite possibly because I know what I'm talking about from experience
with my own bots... I say.. your in a bad mood Bowen.. did Joeman forget to
feed you?

- Mark

"bowen" <Bowen at> wrote :
> I wonder, why is it everytime the word bot is mentioned you always
> through in your bots in comparison? It's sort of like "I got a new bike
> for christmas." Then you go "Yeah well my bike has 2 wheels and a brake
> for both of them."
> --
> --Bowen--
> Yeah, it's that good.
> (Maybe an AW section in the near future?)

open world to bots?

Sep 5, 2003, 5:18pm
All I can say is this: I would not recommend public bots for private
worlds... bots can be far from controllable...

- Mark

open world to bots?

Sep 5, 2003, 5:48pm
nah.. StrikeDown.exe

- Mark

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open world to bots?

Sep 7, 2003, 8:00pm
Egh.. yes

- Mark

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One click shows all?

Sep 7, 2003, 4:37pm
The current bot theory and development to do such a thing without individual
scripting does not currently exist. Try using Preston and setting up a

- Mark

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One click shows all?

Sep 7, 2003, 7:59pm
You really need to check what you hear from Stefan before thinking you know
everything :)

- Mark

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One click shows all?

Sep 8, 2003, 3:15pm
I was talking bout VLearn world...

- Mark

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